samedi 20 novembre 2021

EURAMES Info Service 47/2021

 EURAMES Info Service 47/2021


Dear Colleague,


The latest issue of the EURAMES-Info-Service is attached as detailed pdf-document. The headlines of the announcements follow below at the end of this message.


If your colleagues are interested to join this list, they are welcome to contact me.


Best wishes,


Guenter Meyer






1.    Journée d’étude : « La fabrique artistique dans le monde arabe, politiques, professions, circulations », MSH Paris Nord, 22 novembre 2021, 9:00 - 19:30 h CET


2.    ONLINE Lecture: “Female Domestic Labor in Beirut: Reflections on Race and Gender” by Sumayya Kassamali (University of Toronto), Center for Middle East Studies, Brown University, 22 November 2021, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET


3.    ONLINE Discussion Session on “Anthropocene Uncertainty: Imbalances and Transformations” in the Series of the Economic Research Forum (ERF) on “Regional Consultation on the Forthcoming 2021-2022 Human Development Report”, 22 November 2021, 4:00 pm EET


4.    ONLINE Webinar: “The Future of Democracy in Tunisia”, Center for the Study of Islam & Democracy (CSID), Washington DC,  23 November 2021, 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm CET


5.    ONLINE Webinar: “Building New Academic Communities in Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies in the Near East” by Gülşah Şenkol ( Orient-Institut Istanbul), ANAMED, Koç University, 23 November 2021, 6:30 pm TRT


6.    ONLINE Webinar: “Is Poverty Decreasing in Egypt?”, ILO, CEDEJ Environment and Social Policies Seminar Series, 24 November 2021, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm EET


7.    Colloquium: “What Does It Mean to Be Nomadic in the Past, Present and Future?”, National Museum of Natural History, Paris, 25-27 November 2021


8.    ONLINE 6th Annual European Symposium on Turkey: “Turkey and the Mediterranean: Linkages, Connectivities and Ruptures”, Naples, 25-27 November 2021


9.    HYBRID Lecture “The Politics of Arabic Historical Thought: Frames, Discourses and ‘Mamlukisation’ in 9th/15th-Century Syro-Egyptian Historiography” by Prof. Jo Van Steenbergen (Ghent University), Cairo, 28 November 2021, 6:00 pm EET


10.  HYBRID Keynote Lecture of the “Mamlukisation of the Mamluk Sultanate-II' Project” on “The Textuality and Materiality of Historiography: The Hand-written, the Printed and the Digital” by Prof. Konrad Hirschler (University of Hamburg),  AUC Cairo, 29 November 2021, 5:30 pm EET


11.  ONLINE CARPO Research Forum: “Road to World Cup 2022 – Deconstructing the Multidimensional Nature of Sport Politics in the Gulf Monarchies”, Bonn, 30 November 2021, 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm CET 


12.  ONLINE Webinaire : « En quête de statut: Circulations transnationales et vies d’exil des en Égypte » par Pauline Brücker, Atelier Recherche du CEDEJ, Cairo, 30 novembre 2021, 16:00 h EET


13.  ONLINE Book Introduction: “Cleft Capitalism: The Social Origins of Failed Market Making in Egypt”, Amr Adly (American University in Cairo), London Middle East Institute, SOAS, 30 November 2021, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm GMT


14.  HYBRID Conference: “Studying Social Classes in Egypt”, CEDEJ, Cairo, 5 December 2021

15.  ONLINE Conference: “Ties of Kinship and the Early Islamic Empire”, University of Leiden, 6-8 December 2021


16.  ONLINE Lecture: “Ash'arism Encounters Avicennism: Sayf Al-Dīn Al-Āmidī (d. 631/1233) on Creation” by Laura Hassan (University of Oxford), 9 December 2021, Institute for Advanced Studies and Gorgias Press, 12:00 pm ET


17.  HYBRID Roundtable on “Law, Gender & Popular Culture: Representations of Female Legal Professionals in Contemporary Arab Popular Culture”, Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities, NYU Abu Dhabi, 9 December 2021, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm GST


18.  “Third International Conference on Teaching Persian”, University of Cambridge, 13-14 December 2021


19.  ONLINE Conference: “The Madrasah and the Modern Academy: Convergences, Departures and Possibilities for Collaboration”, Markfield Institute of Higher Education (MIHE) and University of Johannesburg, 14-15 December 2021


20.  Forum on “New Approaches toward a Scientific National Narrative for Palestine and Its Region”, Palestine Ministry of Culture, Cairo, 17-19 December 2021


21.  HYBRID Conference: “Digitizing Jerusalem’s Archives: Urban Heritage in the Age of Digital Culture”, Jerusalem, 2-4 January 2022


22.  International Workshop: “The World since World War II (Focus Middle East)”, St Aloysius College, Mangalore, India, 7-9 January 2022


23.  Colloque : « Le Qāḍī Abū Bakr Ibn alʿArabī (m.543/1148) : Parcours, héritage et transmission » à l’occasion du 900e anniversaire de son décès, Centre Jaques-Berque, Rabat, 28 et 29 janvier 2021


24.  Conference: “Jewish History in a Global Context – Telling Transnational Stories”, Australian Association for Jewish Studies, Deakin University, 13-15 February 2022


25.  Conference: “The Coptic Educational Systems and Institutions (11th Century - Present)”, French Institute for Oriental Archaeology (IFAO), Cairo, 17-18 February 2022


26.  Third International Conference of the Association for Literary Urban Studies (ALUS): “Cities Under Stress: Urban Discourses of Crisis, Resilience, Resistance, and Renewal” (Focus on Cities in the Global South, Cairo etc.), University of California, Santa Barbara, 17-19 February 2022


27.  Workshop: “The Politics of Jewish Studies”, Heidelberg Center for Jewish Studies, 2-4 March 2022


28.  28th Annual Conference of the Economic Research Forum (ERF) on “Revisiting Macroeconomic Management in Times of Crisis and Beyond” (in the MENA Region), 8-30 March 2022


29.  Workshop: “Da’wa and Qur’an Translation in the First Decades of the 20th Century”, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, 15-16 March 2022


30.  82nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA), Salt Lake City, 22-25 March  2022


31.  International Conference: “Iraq Twenty Years After the US Invasion: Memory Politics, Governance and Protests”, German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg, 29-31 March 2023


32.  Roundtable Workshop: “The Arab-majority and Muslim-majority Worlds in/and Contemporary Decolonisation Debates”, University of Edinburgh, 5-6 April 2022

33.  Workshop: “Travel, Mobility, and Cultural Conflict in the Middle East and North Africa”, Southeast Regional Middle East and Islamic Studies Society, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, 9-10 April 2022


34.  Conference: “Religious Renewal in Times of Crisis” (Focus Middle East and Islamic History), University of Nebraska Omaha and Tantur Ecumenical Institute, Jerusalem, 25-29 April 2022


35.  ONLINE Symposium: “Reimagining Sephardic Studies: Provocations from Outside the Fold”, Columbia University - UCLA, 1 May 2022


36.  Conference: “Gramsci in the Middle East and North Africa”, London School of Economics, 9-10 May 2022


37.  HYBRID Workshop: “The Making and Unmaking of Identities in the Early Modern Mediterranean”,  European University Institute, Florence, 12-13 May 2022 


38.  Colloque international : « Le pouvoir du rire – rire et pouvoir. Humour, discours et politique (avec un focus spécial sur le monde arabo-islamique) »,  Université de Craiova (Roumanie), INALCO (Paris) et Université de Lyon 2, Craiova, 19-20 mai 2022 


39.  “Tenth Islamic Legal Studies Conference” by the International Society for Islamic Legal Studies (ISILS), Aga Khan University, London, 19-21 May 2022


40.  International Conference: “British White Paper of 1922 on Palestine and the Beginning of the British Mandate – Century Anniversary”, Western Galilee College, Akko, 1-2 June 2022


41.  22nd International Conference of Migration, Focus on “Multicultural Conviviality” and “Education – Social Work – Cultures of Memory”, Université de Luxembourg, Dudelange, 15-17 June 2022


42.  ONLINE “Symposium on Mediterranean Studies”, Auburn University, 17-18 June 2022


43.  Interdisciplinary Conference on “Displacement, Emplacement, and Migration”, Bamberg Graduate School of Literature, Culture, and Media, University of Bamberg, 24-26 June 2022


44.  International Conference: “Oriental Manuscripts in Germany – Collection History Between the Academic Thirst for Knowledge, Antique Trade Across the Globe, and Imperial Claims to Power”, Berlin State Library, 29 June - 1 July 2022


45.  HYBRID Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA) on “Social Justice in Pandemics Times”, Monash University, 5-8 July 2022


46.  Conference: “Red Sea Project X: Red Sea Horizons, Edges and Transitions”, Rethymno, Crete, Greece, 6-9 July 2022


47.  Seminar: “Travelers in Ottoman Lands: The Balkans, Anatolia and Beyond”, Association for the Study of Travel in Egypt and the Near East (ASTENE), University of Sarajevo, 24-26 August 2022


48.  Panels and Papers on “Politics, History, Economics and Society of the Middle East” at the “34th Deutscher Orientalistentag (DOT)” / “28th Congress of the German Middle East Studies Association (DAVO)”, 12-16 September 2022, Freie Universität Berlin


49.  “4th European Convention on Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies (Turkologentag 2023)”, Vienna, 21-23 September 2023




50.  Lecturer in Modern Middle East History since 1750, University of Edinburgh


51.  Middle East Initiative Research Fellowships at Harvard Kennedy School


52.  Keyman Modern Turkish Studies Postdoctoral Fellowship (2 Years), Northwestern University


53.  Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor for Middle Eastern Literature or Film, Johns Hopkins University


54.  Faculty Fellow at the Hagop Kevorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies, New York University





55.  Support for Cooperative Research Projects Conducted Jointly by German and Israeli Scientists, German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development


56.  MENASP-CP GCRF Funding for Research and Knowledge Exchange Projects Related to Security, Social Equality and Social Protection in the MENA Region


57.  Funding of Research on “Security, Society and the State”, Gerda Henkel Stiftung


58.  Various Funding Opportunities for Research in the South Caucasus 2021-2022 by the American Research Institute of the South Caucasus (ARISC) 


59.  Resident Fellowships (Postdoc, 1-12 Months), “RomanIslam Center for Comparative Empire and Transcultural Studies”, University of Hamburg


60.  “Andreas Tietze Memorial Fellowship in Turkish Studies”, Department of Near Eastern Studies,  2022, University of Vienna


61.  Atelier d’écriture doctoral et post-doctoral : « Travaux en cours sur le Maghreb », MMSH d’Aix-en-Provence les 26 janvier et 29 juin 2022


62.  Summer School for Doctoral Students on “The Qur`an in Inter-Christian Polemic”, Nantes, 13-17 June 2022


63.  New Master’s Degree Professional Program: “Contemporary Art in the Arab World, Iran and Turkey (MasCAIT)”, Ca' Foscari University of Venice in Cooperation with the University of Geneva


64.  Articles on “Muslim Responses to COVID-19” for Special Issue of the Journal “Contemporary Islam”


65.  Articles on ““They took to the sea” – Jewish History and Culture in Maritime Perspective(s)” for Special Issue of the Journal PaRDeS


66.  Articles for New Journal “Forum Islamic-Theological Studies (FITS)”, University of Innsbruck


67.  Chapters for Book on “(Re)presentation of Refugees in Media: Local and Global Perspectives”, Edited by Nasir Uddin & Delwar Hossain


68.  New Book Series “Migration, Displacement, and Development” (Rowman & Littlefield)


CONFERENCES / ONLINE EVENTS 1. Journée d’étude : « La fabrique artistique dans le monde arabe, politiques, professions, circulations », MSH Paris Nord, 22 novembre 2021, 9:00 - 19:30 h CET Cette journée se propose de réfléchir à la fabrique artistique (arts visuels, arts du spectacle, arts urbains, cinéma, littérature, théâtre, musique, performances, etc.) dans les sociétés du monde arabe. Information : ____________________________________ 2. ONLINE Lecture: “Female Domestic Labor in Beirut: Reflections on Race and Gender” by Sumayya Kassamali (University of Toronto), Center for Middle East Studies, Brown University, 22 November 2021, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET The speaker`s current project, entitled “Black Beirut”, focuses on the urban afterlife of precarious labor migration as it has created new forms of language, intimacy, and belonging in the city of Beirut. Information and registration: ____________________________________ 3. ONLINE Discussion Session on “Anthropocene Uncertainty: Imbalances and Transformations” in the Series of the Economic Research Forum (ERF) on “Regional Consultation on the Forthcoming 2021-2022 Human Development Report”, 22 November 2021, 4:00 pm EET Through a human development lens, the Report will examine the features of policies and institutions that can be responsive and nimble to advance transformational change while committed to the protection and promotion of human rights. Information and registration: ____________________________________ 4. ONLINE Webinar: “The Future of Democracy in Tunisia”, Center for the Study of Islam & Democracy (CSID), Washington DC, 23 November 2021, 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm CET Can democracy survive the current crisis and coup against its institutions? What are the main demands of the democratic forces in Tunisia? Can there be a united democratic front against the coup in Tunisia? What is the role of the US/EU and the international community in supporting democracy in Tunisia? Information and registration: ____________________________________ 5. ONLINE Webinar: “Building New Academic Communities in Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies in the Near East” by Gülşah Şenkol ( Orient-Institut Istanbul), ANAMED, Koç University, 23 November 2021, 6:30 pm TRT The talk will also introduce a new gender research and networking platform which will promote accessible, innovative scholarship and foster global interaction and cooperation among scholars and institutions engaged in women’s, gender, and sexuality studies across disciplinary lines in the Near East. Information and registration: ____________________________________ 6. ONLINE Webinar: “Is Poverty Decreasing in Egypt?”, ILO, CEDEJ Environment and Social Policies Seminar Series, 24 November 2021, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm EET Information and registration: ____________________________________ 7. Colloquium: “What Does It Mean to Be Nomadic in the Past, Present and Future?”, National Museum of Natural History, Paris, 25-27 November 2021 Nomadism is one of the rare ways of life that can question and link pre-history to current societal and global crises (environmental, health, governmental, economic). How are nomads defined, and defining themselves? Howhave these populations adapted and still adapting to their natural, cultural and political environments? What future can they envision? Information: _______________________________________ 8. ONLINE 6th Annual European Symposium on Turkey: “Turkey and the Mediterranean: Linkages, Connectivities and Ruptures”, Naples, 25-27 November 2021 This Symposium will explore Turkey’s historical, cultural and social as well as (geo-)political dimensions. In what ways does the idea of a geo-cultural space such as the Mediterranean relate to Turkey’s complex modernisation process, the creation of the Turkish nation state and the set of relations with Europe and the Levante? Information: _______________________________________ 9. HYBRID Lecture “The Politics of Arabic Historical Thought: Frames, Discourses and ‘Mamlukisation’ in 9th/15th-Century Syro-Egyptian Historiography” by Prof. Jo Van Steenbergen (Ghent University), Cairo, 28 November 2021, 6:00 pm EET Information and registration: %D9%85%D8%AD%D8%A7%D8%B6%D8%B1%D8%A9-%D8%B9%D8%A7%D9%85%D8%A9/ _______________________________________ 10. HYBRID Keynote Lecture of the “Mamlukisation of the Mamluk Sultanate-II' Project” on “The Textuality and Materiality of Historiography: The Hand-written, the Printed and the Digital” by Prof. Konrad Hirschler (University of Hamburg), AUC Cairo, 29 November 2021, 5:30 pm EET Information and registration: %d9%85%d8%ad%d8%a7%d8%b6%d8%b1%d8%a9- %d8%a7%d9%84%d9%85%d8%aa%d8%ad%d8%af%d8%ab- %d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b1%d8%a6%d9%8a%d8%b3%d9%8a/ _______________________________________ 11. ONLINE CARPO Research Forum: “Road to World Cup 2022 – Deconstructing the Multidimensional Nature of Sport Politics in the Gulf Monarchies”, Bonn, 30 November 2021, 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm CET The Forum wants to shed more light on the multidimensional role sport plays in the Gulf region by highlighting obstacles and grievances but also chances and opportunities of future social and political developments. Themes include sport’s impact on national identifications, culture, women empowerment, lifestyle and activism among others. Information and registration: _______________________________________ 12. ONLINE Webinaire : « En quête de statut: Circulations transnationales et vies d’exil des en Égypte » par Pauline Brücker, Atelier Recherche du CEDEJ, Cairo, 30 novembre 2021, 16:00 h EET Information et inscription : _______________________________________ 13. ONLINE Book Introduction: “Cleft Capitalism: The Social Origins of Failed Market Making in Egypt”, Amr Adly (American University in Cairo), London Middle East Institute, SOAS, 30 November 2021, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm GMT After more than four decades of economic reform, the Egyptian economy still fails to meet popular expectations for inclusive growth, better standards of living, and high-quality employment. While many analysts point to cronyism and corruption, Amr Adly finds the root causes of this stagnation in the underlying social and political conditions of economic development. Information and registration: _______________________________________ 14. HYBRID Conference: “Studying Social Classes in Egypt”, CEDEJ, Cairo, 5 December 2021 The morning session (9am-1pm) will be about “Traditions of Social Class Research”. The afternoon (2-4:30 pm) will host a session around the work and life of Prof. Mona Abaza, sociologist and AUC colleague, who passed away last July. The hosting network includes CEDEJ, OIB, the Sociology Unit of AUC, CARAM of Ghent University, SCM of the University of Halle, and the Department of Social Anthropology of the University of Oslo. Information and registration: _______________________________________ 15. ONLINE Conference: “Ties of Kinship and the Early Islamic Empire”, University of Leiden, 6-8 December 2021 The conference will present the results of research on the social, political, administrative, religious, and economic ties that sustained strategies and mechanics of protection and dependency in the early Islamic empire, contributing to shaping imperial rule under the Umayyads and the Abbasids. Information and registration: _______________________________________ 16. ONLINE Lecture: “Ash'arism Encounters Avicennism: Sayf Al-Dīn Al-Āmidī (d. 631/1233) on Creation” by Laura Hassan (University of Oxford), 9 December 2021, Institute for Advanced Studies and Gorgias Press, 12:00 pm ET Sayf al-Dīn al-Āmidī developed his doctrine of creation at a particularly poignant moment in Islamic intellectual history, in which the traditions of theology (kalām) and Hellenised philosophy (falsafa) were forced into an encounter which would permanently alter the theological landscape. Information and registration: _______________________________________ 17. HYBRID Roundtable on “Law, Gender & Popular Culture: Representations of Female Legal Professionals in Contemporary Arab Popular Culture”, Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities, NYU Abu Dhabi, 9 December 2021, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm GST By bringing together perspectives from legal, media, and literary studies, this hybrid round table will explore and discuss how Arab popular culture (film, television, and literature) imagines gender, law, and women in the legal profession. For further information go to To participate online please register at _______________________________________18. “Third International Conference on Teaching Persian”, University of Cambridge, 13-14 December 2021 This third conference addresses teachers and lecturers of Persian and examines developments and innovations in Persian language and literature teaching and particularly focuses on the importance of using Persian literature and culture in teaching Persian language. Information: _______________________________________ 19. ONLINE Conference: “The Madrasah and the Modern Academy: Convergences, Departures and Possibilities for Collaboration”, Markfield Institute of Higher Education (MIHE) and University of Johannesburg, 14-15 December 2021 Papers are invited which engage with questions surrounding the teaching of Islam in either/both the Madrasah and the University setting: Pedagogical approaches utilized in Madrasah teaching and in the University setting; Navigating faith and criticality in the study/teaching of Islam; Curriculum Developments in the Madrassa and in the Academy; Future of ‘Islamic Education’; Meanings of Collaboration between the Madrasah and the University. Information: %D9%81%D8%A7%DB%8C%D9%84-8.pdf ___________________________________ 20. Forum on “New Approaches toward a Scientific National Narrative for Palestine and Its Region”, Palestine Ministry of Culture, Cairo, 17-19 December 2021 Topics include: re-interpreting excavations reports, epigraphical discoveries, antecedents, anthropological studies; historical depth of popular language and common heritage; place names and “sacred” places; research methods toward a new Palestinian historical school, a unified Palestine history across the depth of millennia; etc. Travel and accommodation costs are covered. Information: ___________________________________ 21. HYBRID Conference: “Digitizing Jerusalem’s Archives: Urban Heritage in the Age of Digital Culture”, Jerusalem, 2-4 January 2022 The conference will focus on three main themes: Cultural heritage in the digital age: Digitizing Jerusalem Archives; Digital heritage and the Historic Urban Landscape Approach; Democratizing/interpreting Jerusalem’s heritage. Information: ___________________________________ 22. International Workshop: “The World since World War II (Focus Middle East)”, St Aloysius College, Mangalore, India, 7-9 January 2022 By the participation of international experts, this workshop will look from various fields at ‘The World since World War II’ aimed at benefiting undergraduate and postgraduate teachers/scholars of Social Sciences and Humanities belonging to the Asian region. This would help the teaching community to enlighten themselves and to form new syllabi and eventually help this knowledge percolate down the student community. Information: %E2%80%98-world-world-war-ii%E2%80%99 _______________________________________ 23. Colloque : « Le Qāḍī Abū Bakr Ibn al‑ʿArabī (m.543/1148) : Parcours, héritage et transmission » à l’occasion du 900e anniversaire de son décès, Centre Jaques-Berque, Rabat, 28 et 29 janvier 2021 Ce colloque international a pour objectif de dresser un bilan de la recherche académique réalisée sur la figure, l’œuvre et la postérité d’un des savants les plus influents de l’Occident Musulman. En effet, depuis près de cent vingt-cinq ans, les nombreux travaux d’édition et études thématiques autour de son œuvre se sont succédé à un rythme effréné, traduisant un fort intérêt des chercheurs pour cette figure riche et complexe du Ve/ XIe siècle. Information : _______________________________________ 24. Conference: “Jewish History in a Global Context – Telling Transnational Stories”, Australian Association for Jewish Studies, Deakin University, 13-15 February 2022 This conference seeks to explore what new ways of approaching Jewish histories might be developed through the intersection between transnational histories and border studies. How have borders interrupted the transnational flow of people, things and ideas? How have material and imaginative borders been overcome? Information: _______________________________________ 25. Conference: “The Coptic Educational Systems and Institutions (11th Century – Present)”, French Institute for Oriental Archaeology (IFAO), Cairo, 17-18 February 2022 Contributions are invited on: Between Islamic and Coptic Institutions: Sources and Approaches; Ways of Transferring Religious and Liturgical Knowledge; Manuscripts Traditions, Copying, Revising, Editing; Sources of Non-Religious Teaching; Modern and Missionary Schools; Charitable Foundations and Their Educational Roles; Current Educational and Research Centers; etc. Deadline for abstracts: 30 November 2021. Information: _______________________________________ 26. Third International Conference of the Association for Literary Urban Studies (ALUS): “Cities Under Stress: Urban Discourses of Crisis, Resilience, Resistance, and Renewal” (Focus on Cities in the Global South, Cairo etc.), University of California, Santa Barbara, 17-19 February 2022 This conference explores the theme of crisis and response as conveyed in cultural representations of urbanity. We welcome contributions that take up any aspect of or perspective on urban crisis and response, working on any period or genre of literature, from any linguistic tradition. Information: _______________________________________ 27. Workshop: “The Politics of Jewish Studies”, Heidelberg Center for Jewish Studies, 2-4 March 2022 Papers are invited on: Politicization of Jewish Studies/Jewish History/Israel Studies; Politics of diversification: Jewish Studies and Middle East Studies/Israel; Studies/Holocaust Studies/Antisemitism Studies etc.; Jewish Studies and majority/minority relations; Jewish Studies and the politics of national memory (museums, memorial centers). Deadline for abstracts: 1 December 2021. Information: _______________________________________ 28. 28th Annual Conference of the Economic Research Forum (ERF) on “Revisiting Macroeconomic Management in Times of Crisis and Beyond” (in the MENA Region), 8-30 March 2022 Invitees are engaged in research on the ERF region (the Arab countries, Iran and Turkey), regardless of their affiliation to ERF. Previously published papers or those accepted for publication may not be submitted. Information: _______________________________________ 29. Workshop: “Da’wa and Qur’an Translation in the First Decades of the 20th Century”, AlbertLudwigs-Universität Freiburg, 15-16 March 2022 We invite submissions of abstracts for a workshop that will deal with the globalisation of Muslim Qur’an translation in the first decades of the 20th century, until the 1960s, against the backdrop of migration and increasing daʿwa activities. Travel costs and accommodation during the conference will be fully funded. Deadline for abstracts: 30 November 2021. Information: _______________________________________ 30. 82nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA), Salt Lake City, 22-25 March 2022 Papers are invited from anthropology, geography, sociology, economics, business, planning, medicine, nursing, law, and more. Information: _______________________________________ 31. International Conference: “Iraq Twenty Years After the US Invasion: Memory Politics, Governance and Protests”, German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg, 29-31 March 2023 The conference will shed new light on the main factors shaping Iraqi politics and society since the US invasion of 2003. It will take stock of the scholarship on Iraq’s modern history, post 2003 transformations and current developments, with a special focus on questions of govern ance, institutions, protest movements, and the politics of memory. Deadline for abstracts: 20 January 2022. Information: _______________________________________ 32. Roundtable Workshop: “The Arab-majority and Muslim-majority Worlds in/and Contemporary Decolonisation Debates”, University of Edinburgh, 5-6 April 2022 This workshop seeks to specifically think through the decolonising movement and an engagement with it from the histories, experiences, perspectives, traditions, and problematics of the Arab-majority and Muslim-majority worlds (broadly defined) as a contribution toward growing decolonial scholarship and movement. Deadline für abstracts: 15 December 2021. Information: _______________________________________ 33. Workshop: “Travel, Mobility, and Cultural Conflict in the Middle East and North Africa”, Southeast Regional Middle East and Islamic Studies Society, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, 9- 10 April 2022 We invite paper proposals from any discipline in the humanities or social sciences that address topics relating to travel and mobility in, to, and from the MENA region in any historical era. Deadline for abstracts: 31 December 2021. Information: _______________________________________ 34. Conference: “Religious Renewal in Times of Crisis” (Focus Middle East and Islamic History), University of Nebraska Omaha and Tantur Ecumenical Institute, Jerusalem, 25-29 April 2022 The scope of this academic event is the study of religious renewal movements and their emergence in times of crisis across the world and history — with a special focus on how they have impacted the three Abrahamic religions and the city of Jerusalem. Deadline for abstracts: 15 December 2021. Information: _______________________________________ 35. ONLINE Symposium: “Reimagining Sephardic Studies: Provocations from Outside the Fold”, Columbia University, UCLA, 1 May 2022 Papers will answer the question: What is the relationship between Sephardic Studies and the emergence of Mizrahi critique in Israel and the Anglophone world? How have scholars invested in Sephardic or Mizrahi Studies related to Palestinian scholarship, and to issues of state violence? How might recent theories of racialization, capitalism, migration, and settler colonialism compel us to reframe the study of Jews in SWANA? Deadline for abstracts: 15 December 2021. Information: _______________________________________ 36. Conference: “Gramsci in the Middle East and North Africa”, London School of Economics, 9- 10 May 2022 Antonio Gramsci has emerged as a popular theorist in work focused on resistance, revolution, popular movements, capitalism, political economy, memory, temporality, transnationalism and internationalism. In the wake of 2011 there is a significant revival in Gramscian perspectives in Middle East Studies. How can his work help us make sense of a moment marked by a significant expansion in resistance and uprising. Information: _______________________________________ 37. HYBRID Workshop: “The Making and Unmaking of Identities in the Early Modern Mediterranean”, European University Institute, Florence, 12-13 May 2022 When and how did people across the Mediterranean defend their identitarian boundaries? When did showing/claiming an identity become a necessity? When did people lose their identity? We anticipate new insights from reconsidering these terms and demanding attention to the concepts of difference and diversity in different political and religious groups. Deadline for abstracts: 15 December 2021. Information: _______________________________________ 38. Colloque international : « Le pouvoir du rire – rire et pouvoir. Humour, discours et politique (avec un focus spécial sur le monde arabo-islamique) », Université de Craiova (Roumanie), INALCO (Paris) et Université de Lyon 2, Craiova, 19-20 mai 2022 Arme fatale contre le cynisme, la sottise, la langue de bois et la censure, l’humour démasque l’arbitraire, brise les idoles et s’attaque aux tabous. Toutes les aires géographiques et culturelles sont concernées (dont bien sûr le monde arabo-islamique). Propositions avant le 1er décembre 2021. Information : _______________________________________ 39. “Tenth Islamic Legal Studies Conference” by the International Society for Islamic Legal Studies (ISILS), Aga Khan University, London, 19-21 May 2022 Abstracts on all aspects of Islamic law, from earliest to most recent times, are welcome. Abstracts should clearly present and contextualise argument, methodology, and sources. Abstracts based on primary sources or fieldwork will be given preference. Information: _______________________________________ 40. International Conference: “British White Paper of 1922 on Palestine and the Beginning of the British Mandate – A Century Anniversary”, Western Galilee College, Akko, 1-2 June 2022 Papers are invited on the topics: British policy towards the Middle East, 1916-1922. The Mandate system in international politics, 1918-1922. The British Mandate in Palestine, 1922-1929. Arab and Jewish reactions to the Churchill White Paper and the Mandate, 1922-1929. British Middle Eastern policy on Trans Jordan and Palestine, 1922-1948. Deadline for abstracts: 28 February 2022. Information:

41. 22nd International Conference of Migration, Focus on “Multicultural Conviviality” and “Education – Social Work – Cultures of Memory”, Université de Luxembourg, Dudelange, 15-17 June 2022 In multiplex migratory movements, new forms of social practices are being developed in order to shape innovative ways of living together. In the context of a postcolonial perspective, these approaches are termed "multicultural conviviality". How can new forms of solidarity be generated and what dynamic processes of individual and social learning are associated therewith. Deadline for abstracts: 15 January 2022. information: _______________________________________ 42. ONLINE “Symposium on Mediterranean Studies”, Auburn University, 17-18 June 2022 The Symposium will focus on the challenges, responses, policies, and long-term impacts women on the shores of the Mediterranean are experiencing. Any historical period of reference is welcome including modern and contemporary times. Deadline for abstracts: 29 November 2021. Information: _______________________________________ 43. Interdisciplinary Conference on “Displacement, Emplacement, and Migration”, Bamberg Graduate School of Literature, Culture, and Media, University of Bamberg, 24-26 June 2022 We are particularly interested in discussions on how different theoretical, analytical, and methodological approaches to the literary, cultural, and socio-political representation of displacement and emplacement shape popular perceptions about migration. Deadline for abstracts: 31 December 2021. Information: _______________________________________ 44. International Conference: “Oriental Manuscripts in Germany – Collection History Between the Academic Thirst for Knowledge, Antique Trade Across the Globe, and Imperial Claims to Power”, Berlin State Library, 29 June – 1 July 2022 We welcome contributions on networks or individual agents of manuscript trade, different forms of manuscript translocation, and on the (virtual) reconstruction of historical collections. Information: %E2%80%93-collection-history-between _______________________________________ 45. HYBRID Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA) on “Social Justice in Pandemics Times”, Monash University, 5-8 July 2022 Papers will focus on Politics, Security and International Relations. The conference will bring together academics, activists, artists, students, practitioners and community members from across disciplines with shared interest in Asia, including Asian communities in Australia and globally. Information: _______________________________________ 46. Conference: “Red Sea Project X: Red Sea Horizons, Edges and Transitions”, Rethymno, Crete, Greece, 6-9 July 2022 Conference themes will include: Lines of sight, shores, and islands in the maritime experience; Archaeology and material culture of forelands, hinterlands, and contact zones; Movement, dependencies, and enslaved lives across geographic and temporal borders; Traditional maritime technologies; the transition from the age of sail to the age of steam; Religion and the sea; etc. Deadline for abstracts: 30 November 2021. Information: _______________________________________ 47. Seminar: “Travelers in Ottoman Lands: The Balkans, Anatolia and Beyond”, Association for the Study of Travel in Egypt and the Near East (ASTENE), University of Sarajevo, 24-26 August 2022 Topics include: Travellers to Bosnia, the Balkans and the wider Ottoman world from other parts of Europe and elsewhere; travellers from the region to other parts of Europe and the Middle East; pilgrims and pilgrimage within the region; artistic and literary representations of the Balkans and other parts of the Ottoman world; the horticultural legacy of the region. Deadline for abstracts: 30 April 2022. Information: _______________________________________ 48. Panels and Papers on “Politics, History, Economics and Society of the Middle East” at the “34th Deutscher Orientalistentag (DOT)” / “28th Congress of the German Middle East Studies Association (DAVO)”, 12-16 September 2022, Freie Universität Berlin This conference will be one of the most important scholarly events in 2022 with more 1000 participants from different disciplines (see list of Sections at Papers and panels are especially invited for the Section on “Politics, History, Society and Economy in the Middle East and North Africa” and beyond, organized by Cilja Harders / André Weißenfels (Freie Universität Berlin) and Sophia Hoffmann (University of Erfurt). You are strongly encouraged to apply with pre-organized panels (4 papers and a chair or three papers and a discussant). Deadline for abstracts of papers and panels for this Section: 31 December 2021. Information: _______________________________________ 49. “4th European Convention on Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies (Turkologentag 2023)”, Vienna, 21-23 September 2023 The conference is orgnanized by the Society for Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies (GTOT) and the Chair of Ottoman and Turkish Studies, University of Vienna. Mind this date. Information: ___________________________________________ POSITIONS 50. Lecturer in Modern Middle East History since 1750, University of Edinburgh Qualification: A PhD or equivalent qualification on any aspect of modern Middle Eastern history. Evidence of expertise in any aspect of modern Middle Eastern history. Portfolio of internationally excellent research. Teaching and assessment experience at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Deadline for applications: 3 December 2021. Information: _______________________________________ 51. Middle East Initiative Research Fellowships at Harvard Kennedy School Offers for one-year fellowships for researchers at the pre-doctoral, post-doctoral, and junior faculty level for research related to Middle Eastern governance and public policy from political scientists, historians, economists, sociologists, and other social scientists. Applications from women, minorities, and citizens of all countries are encouraged. Deadline for applications: 1 December 2021. Information: _______________________________________ 52. Keyman Modern Turkish Studies Postdoctoral Fellowship (2 Years), Northwestern University We welcome applications from early career scholars whose work focuses on non-dominant and underrepresented groups including but not limited to religious, ethnic, and LBGTQ minorities and otherwise marginalized groups. Scholars in all branches of the Social Sciences and Humanities may apply. Deadline for applications: 13 January 2022. Information: _______________________________________ 53. Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor for Middle Eastern Literature or Film, Johns Hopkins University Qualifications: A Ph.D. is required, but we will accept applications from doctoral students expected to fulfill Ph. D degree requirements by 1 July 2022. Deadline for applications: 15 January 2022. Information: _______________________________________ 54. Faculty Fellow at the Hagop Kevorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies, New York University The ideal candidate is an outstanding junior scholar with an in-depth understanding of the modern Middle East, knowledge of at least one Middle Eastern language, a commitment to inclusive pedagogy, and a PhD in one of the following fields: Anthropology, Middle Eastern Studies, Middle Eastern History, Cultural Studies, Politics/Political Economy, Sociology, Urban Studies/Geography, or similar. Deadline for applications: 31 January 2022. Information: ___________________________________________ OTHER INFORMATION 55. Support for Cooperative Research Projects Conducted Jointly by German and Israeli Scientists, German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development Each proposal should include at least one team from each country. GIF projects must involve active collaboration between the teams. Proposals can be submitted in the field of Social Sciences (2022), Life Sciences and Humanities (2023). Deadline for abstracts: 20 November each year. Information: ___________________________________ 56. MENASP-CP GCRF Funding for Research and Knowledge Exchange Projects Related to Security, Social Equality and Social Protection in the MENA Region Application are invited from early-career researchers for either Research Projects between £10,000 - £50,000 from 6-12 months or Applied Intervention and Knowledge Exchange (AIKE) Projects between £5,000 - £15,000 from 3 - 6 months; focus on Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria and Tunisia. Deadline for applicationss: 23 November 2021. Information: ___________________________________ 57. Funding of Research on “Security, Society and the State”, Gerda Henkel Stiftung The research program targets new security-related issues that are prime examples of the post-Cold-War era but have been largely neglected in mainstream research such as "Conflict Resolution between the State and Traditional Actors". The program is intended to encourage junior scholars to pursue unconventional research agendas. Deadline for applications: 29 November 2021. Information: ___________________________________ 58. Various Funding Opportunities for Research in the South Caucasus 2021-2022 by the American Research Institute of the South Caucasus (ARISC) Deadline for applications: 3 December 2021. Information: ___________________________________ 59. Resident Fellowships (Postdoc, 1-12 Months), “RomanIslam Center for Comparative Empire and Transcultural Studies”, University of Hamburg Applicants should be engaged in a research project in any relevant discipline that is related to the Center’s interests in Romanization and Islamication in the period and area in question. The Center also welcomes applications from scholars working on comparative empire and transcultural studies in a broader historical (or contemporary) perspective whose research has a strong focus on theoretical and methodological issues. Deadline for application: 30 November 2021. Information: ___________________________________ 60. “Andreas Tietze Memorial Fellowship in Turkish Studies”, Department of Near Eastern Studies, 2022, University of Vienna The fellowship is open to advanced doctoral candidates and postdoctoral/early-stage researchers studying a specific subject in Turkish studies. We particularly welcome projects that require a (research) stay in Vienna - especially in environmental history, history of technology, digital humanities, consumption history, history of tourism, and cultural heritage. Deadline for application: 31 December 2021. Information:

41. 22nd International Conference of Migration, Focus on “Multicultural Conviviality” and “Education – Social Work – Cultures of Memory”, Université de Luxembourg, Dudelange, 15-17 June 2022 In multiplex migratory movements, new forms of social practices are being developed in order to shape innovative ways of living together. In the context of a postcolonial perspective, these approaches are termed "multicultural conviviality". How can new forms of solidarity be generated and what dynamic processes of individual and social learning are associated therewith. Deadline for abstracts: 15 January 2022. information: _______________________________________ 42. ONLINE “Symposium on Mediterranean Studies”, Auburn University, 17-18 June 2022 The Symposium will focus on the challenges, responses, policies, and long-term impacts women on the shores of the Mediterranean are experiencing. Any historical period of reference is welcome including modern and contemporary times. Deadline for abstracts: 29 November 2021. Information: _______________________________________ 43. Interdisciplinary Conference on “Displacement, Emplacement, and Migration”, Bamberg Graduate School of Literature, Culture, and Media, University of Bamberg, 24-26 June 2022 We are particularly interested in discussions on how different theoretical, analytical, and methodological approaches to the literary, cultural, and socio-political representation of displacement and emplacement shape popular perceptions about migration. Deadline for abstracts: 31 December 2021. Information: _______________________________________ 44. International Conference: “Oriental Manuscripts in Germany – Collection History Between the Academic Thirst for Knowledge, Antique Trade Across the Globe, and Imperial Claims to Power”, Berlin State Library, 29 June – 1 July 2022 We welcome contributions on networks or individual agents of manuscript trade, different forms of manuscript translocation, and on the (virtual) reconstruction of historical collections. Information: %E2%80%93-collection-history-between _______________________________________ 45. HYBRID Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA) on “Social Justice in Pandemics Times”, Monash University, 5-8 July 2022 Papers will focus on Politics, Security and International Relations. The conference will bring together academics, activists, artists, students, practitioners and community members from across disciplines with shared interest in Asia, including Asian communities in Australia and globally. Information: _______________________________________ 46. Conference: “Red Sea Project X: Red Sea Horizons, Edges and Transitions”, Rethymno, Crete, Greece, 6-9 July 2022 Conference themes will include: Lines of sight, shores, and islands in the maritime experience; Archaeology and material culture of forelands, hinterlands, and contact zones; Movement, dependencies, and enslaved lives across geographic and temporal borders; Traditional maritime technologies; the transition from the age of sail to the age of steam; Religion and the sea; etc. Deadline for abstracts: 30 November 2021. Information: _______________________________________ 47. Seminar: “Travelers in Ottoman Lands: The Balkans, Anatolia and Beyond”, Association for the Study of Travel in Egypt and the Near East (ASTENE), University of Sarajevo, 24-26 August 2022 Topics include: Travellers to Bosnia, the Balkans and the wider Ottoman world from other parts of Europe and elsewhere; travellers from the region to other parts of Europe and the Middle East; pilgrims and pilgrimage within the region; artistic and literary representations of the Balkans and other parts of the Ottoman world; the horticultural legacy of the region. Deadline for abstracts: 30 April 2022. Information: _______________________________________ 48. Panels and Papers on “Politics, History, Economics and Society of the Middle East” at the “34th Deutscher Orientalistentag (DOT)” / “28th Congress of the German Middle East Studies Association (DAVO)”, 12-16 September 2022, Freie Universität Berlin This conference will be one of the most important scholarly events in 2022 with more 1000 participants from different disciplines (see list of Sections at Papers and panels are especially invited for the Section on “Politics, History, Society and Economy in the Middle East and North Africa” and beyond, organized by Cilja Harders / André Weißenfels (Freie Universität Berlin) and Sophia Hoffmann (University of Erfurt). You are strongly encouraged to apply with pre-organized panels (4 papers and a chair or three papers and a discussant). Deadline for abstracts of papers and panels for this Section: 31 December 2021. Information: _______________________________________ 49. “4th European Convention on Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies (Turkologentag 2023)”, Vienna, 21-23 September 2023 The conference is orgnanized by the Society for Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies (GTOT) and the Chair of Ottoman and Turkish Studies, University of Vienna. Mind this date. Information: ___________________________________________ POSITIONS 50. Lecturer in Modern Middle East History since 1750, University of Edinburgh Qualification: A PhD or equivalent qualification on any aspect of modern Middle Eastern history. Evidence of expertise in any aspect of modern Middle Eastern history. Portfolio of internationally excellent research. Teaching and assessment experience at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Deadline for applications: 3 December 2021. Information: _______________________________________ 51. Middle East Initiative Research Fellowships at Harvard Kennedy School Offers for one-year fellowships for researchers at the pre-doctoral, post-doctoral, and junior faculty level for research related to Middle Eastern governance and public policy from political scientists, historians, economists, sociologists, and other social scientists. Applications from women, minorities, and citizens of all countries are encouraged. Deadline for applications: 1 December 2021. Information: _______________________________________ 52. Keyman Modern Turkish Studies Postdoctoral Fellowship (2 Years), Northwestern University We welcome applications from early career scholars whose work focuses on non-dominant and underrepresented groups including but not limited to religious, ethnic, and LBGTQ minorities and otherwise marginalized groups. Scholars in all branches of the Social Sciences and Humanities may apply. Deadline for applications: 13 January 2022. Information: _______________________________________ 53. Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor for Middle Eastern Literature or Film, Johns Hopkins University Qualifications: A Ph.D. is required, but we will accept applications from doctoral students expected to fulfill Ph. D degree requirements by 1 July 2022. Deadline for applications: 15 January 2022. Information: _______________________________________ 54. Faculty Fellow at the Hagop Kevorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies, New York University The ideal candidate is an outstanding junior scholar with an in-depth understanding of the modern Middle East, knowledge of at least one Middle Eastern language, a commitment to inclusive pedagogy, and a PhD in one of the following fields: Anthropology, Middle Eastern Studies, Middle Eastern History, Cultural Studies, Politics/Political Economy, Sociology, Urban Studies/Geography, or similar. Deadline for applications: 31 January 2022. Information: ___________________________________________ OTHER INFORMATION 55. Support for Cooperative Research Projects Conducted Jointly by German and Israeli Scientists, German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development Each proposal should include at least one team from each country. GIF projects must involve active collaboration between the teams. Proposals can be submitted in the field of Social Sciences (2022), Life Sciences and Humanities (2023). Deadline for abstracts: 20 November each year. Information: ___________________________________ 56. MENASP-CP GCRF Funding for Research and Knowledge Exchange Projects Related to Security, Social Equality and Social Protection in the MENA Region Application are invited from early-career researchers for either Research Projects between £10,000 - £50,000 from 6-12 months or Applied Intervention and Knowledge Exchange (AIKE) Projects between £5,000 - £15,000 from 3 - 6 months; focus on Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria and Tunisia. Deadline for applicationss: 23 November 2021. Information: ___________________________________ 57. Funding of Research on “Security, Society and the State”, Gerda Henkel Stiftung The research program targets new security-related issues that are prime examples of the post-Cold-War era but have been largely neglected in mainstream research such as "Conflict Resolution between the State and Traditional Actors". The program is intended to encourage junior scholars to pursue unconventional research agendas. Deadline for applications: 29 November 2021. Information: ___________________________________ 58. Various Funding Opportunities for Research in the South Caucasus 2021-2022 by the American Research Institute of the South Caucasus (ARISC) Deadline for applications: 3 December 2021. Information: ___________________________________ 59. Resident Fellowships (Postdoc, 1-12 Months), “RomanIslam Center for Comparative Empire and Transcultural Studies”, University of Hamburg Applicants should be engaged in a research project in any relevant discipline that is related to the Center’s interests in Romanization and Islamication in the period and area in question. The Center also welcomes applications from scholars working on comparative empire and transcultural studies in a broader historical (or contemporary) perspective whose research has a strong focus on theoretical and methodological issues. Deadline for application: 30 November 2021. Information: ___________________________________ 60. “Andreas Tietze Memorial Fellowship in Turkish Studies”, Department of Near Eastern Studies, 2022, University of Vienna The fellowship is open to advanced doctoral candidates and postdoctoral/early-stage researchers studying a specific subject in Turkish studies. We particularly welcome projects that require a (research) stay in Vienna - especially in environmental history, history of technology, digital humanities, consumption history, history of tourism, and cultural heritage. Deadline for application: 31 December 2021. Information:

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