lundi 28 janvier 2019

ελληνικός μεσαιωνικός κόσμος και γνώση. Το Κοράνι στα ελληνικά. πρώτη παγκοσμίως μετάφραση του ιερού κειμένου του Ισλάμ

Preliminary Considerations on the Corpus Coranicum Christianum: The Qur’ān in Translation – A Survey of the State of the Art | December 5 – 7, 2018, Berlin

The Corpus Coranicum project requires little introduction to the readers of this blog. Its emerging daughter project, hosted by the FU Berlin, Corpus Coranicum Christianum, developed out of the doctoral research conducted by Manolis Ulbricht, co-supervised by Angelika Neuwirth, on the early Greek translation of the Qurʾān preserved in Nicetas of Byzantium’s Refutation of the Qurʾān (c.870). At present, the long-term goal of this interdisciplinary project is to study qurʾānic translations from the seventh century to the early modern period, in the principal ‘Christian’ languages, i.e. Greek, Syriac, and Latin, comparatively, and to make these texts available online through a synoptic digital edition. The aim of this initial workshop was three-fold: (i) to bring together scholars from various disciplines working on qurʾānic translations; (ii) to establish a methodological framework for a future digital database and a comparative analysis for translation techniques; and (iii) to explore avenues for further collaboration.
The scope of the sources included in this preliminary workshop was intentionally broad, ranging from full translations to quotations, or mere allusions to the qurʾānic text. As most source material is available in Latin, the Corpus Coranum Latinum made up the most prominent part of the programme, with three panels. In a first panel devoted to the earliest sources, the translations by Robert of Ketton and Mark of Toledo were assessed with regards to the issue of the readership (Nàdia Petrus Pons) and the presence of scientific vocabulary (Julian Yolles). In addition, the qurʾānic quotations included in twelfth- and thirteenth-century Latin translations of Arabic scientific treatises were examined (Charles Burnett). A second panel examined the sources through which Latin Christians read the Qurʾān, with papers on the Latin glosses in Latin and Arabic Qurʾāns (José Martínez Gázquez), Robert of Ketton’s use of Ṭabarī’s tafsīr (J. L. Alexis Rivera Luque), and the question of the character of Ramon Marti’s Islamic sources (Görge K. Hasselhoff). The focus of the third panel was on early modern Qurʾān translations, with papers on the sixteenth-century translation by Egidio da Viterbo (Katarzyna K. Starczewska), the seventeenth-century translation and commentary by the Jesuit, Ignazio Lomellini (Paul Shore), and the recently discovered 1632 translation by Johann Zechendorff (Reinhold F. Glei). Finally, a presentation of the ERC-funded project on the Qurʾān in European cultural history, which will commence soon, should also be mentioned here (Jan Loop).
The single panel of Greek Qurʾān translations covered both the first appearances of the Qurʾān in Byzantium, as well as the late Byzantine Period. The former period was addressed with papers on the linguistic character of the eighth – ninth-century Greek translation, especially its non-classical vocabulary (Erich Trapp), and the historical background of Muslim-Byzantine rivalry behind its emergence (Jakub Sypiański). The late period involved papers appraising the knowledge of the Qurʾān and Islam by Gregory Palamas (Evangelos Katafylis) and John VI Cantacuzene (Marco Fanelli)
Papers on the Corpus Coranicum Syriacum, the language least represented at this workshop, were presented on the qurʾānic quotations in the Arabic disputation of Abū Qurra with the Caliph al-Maʾmūn, which were compared with those contained in the Garshuni version of the Legend of Sergius Baḥīrā (Yousef Kouriyhe), and on the double/triple occurences of qurʾānic verses in Dionysius Bar Ṣalībī’s Disputation against the Arabs (Alexander M. Schilling).
A special panel on the interdisciplinary nature of the overall project and its implications was entitled Corpus Coranicum Christianum – A Digitalized Trial Version. It consisted of papers on the Greek translation preserved by Nicetas of Byzantium (Manolis Ulbricht), the Syriac excerpts from the Qurʾān in Dionysius Bar Ṣalībī’s Disputation against the Arabs (Bert Jacobs), and the Latin translation by the seventeenth-century Fransiscan Germanus de Silesia (Ulisse Cecini). Prior to the workshop, these three scholars had agreed to provide micro-editions of selected common passages (Q 3:42-7; 90:1-4; 112), which were digitally processed in an online interactive edition by Joel Kalvesmaki (see The trial session continued with a presentation on the make-up and functions of this tool (Joel Kalvesmaki), and concluded with a brief comparison of the translation techniques applied to the selected materials.
Besides the work on the sources themselves, the workshop gave special attention to the use of digital humanities in the study of qurʾānic translations. This included an introductory workshop on the goals and techniques of the DH (Nadine Arndt, Oliver Pohl), as well as presentations on the Paleocoran Project (Oliver Pohl), the interactive digital edition of the New Testament (Holger Strutwolf), Ediarum (Nadine Arndt), and the valence of TEI for editing synoptic editions (Joel Kalvesmaki).
The proceedings of this first Corpus Coranicum Christianum workshop are planned for publication. A second workshop will be held in the near future.
Bert Jacobs, KU Leuven
© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2019. All rights reserved.

Un féminisme musulman.

Un féminisme musulman. Et pourquoi pas ? Malika Hamidi, L’Aube, 2017, 178 p., 20 €.

Février 2019

Voici un livre qui en surprendra plus d’un, car féminisme et islam passent, de nos jours, pour contradictoires. L’auteure rappelle que le Coran a été édicté 

dans et contre 

une société particulièrement patriarcale. 

πώς είμαστε σίγουροι ότι η κοινωνία ήταν εντελώς πατριαρχική όταν δεν έχουμε παρά ελάχιστα στοιχεία προϊσλαμικών πηγών (και γιατί άραγε;)
σ'αυτά τα ελάχιστα στοιχεία έχουμε αγαλματίδια με θεότητες θηλυκού γένους
έχουμε ποιήτριες της προϊσλαμικής εποχής
έχουμε μαρτυρίες όπου η γυναίκα ήταν κριτής σε ποιητικούς διαγωνισμούς.
το θέμα μητριαρχία/πατριαρχία/φαλλοκρατία είναι τεράστιο βέβαια. 

Les premiers temps de l’islam soutenaient une vision égalitaire des sexes, 

Κοράνι, σούρα 4, Οι Γυναίκες

11. Ο ΑΛΛΑΧ σας διατάζει όσον
αφορά (τη μοιρασιά της κληρονομιάς) στα
παιδιά σας. Για το αρσενικό ένα μερίδιο
ίσο με το μερίδιο δύο θηλυκών. Και αν
τα κορίτσια είναι πάνω από δύο, θα
μοιράσουν τα δύο τρίτα της κληρονομιάς
που άφησε. Αν όμως είναι μια κληρονόμος
θα πάρει το μισό μερίδιο. Και για τους
γονείς για καθένα από τους δύο, το ένα
έκτο από ό,τι άφησε, αν έχει αφήσει το
παιδί. Αν όμως δεν έχει το παιδί και τον
κληρονομούν οι γονείς του τότε η μητέρα
του θα πάρει ένα τρίτο. Αν έχει αδέλφια
τότε το μερίδιο της μητέρας θα είναι το
ένα έκτο.

avant qu’un mouvement réactionnaire reprenne le dessus.

Contrairement à la Bible,

ας είμαστε προσεκτικοί σε ένα θέμα: όταν μελετάμε κάτι, δεν μπορούμε να πετάμε στο κεφάλι του αναγνώστη κάτι που δεν έχουμε μελετήσει. η αντίθεση όντως μπορεί να ενθαρρύνει προς μια κατεύθυνση, να τονίσει δλδ μία θέση, αλλά καλά θα κάνουμε να μελετάμε τη θέση, ποια είναι, μόνη της. συγκριτική μελέτη δε σημαίνει 'μελετάω το ένα και πετάω στο κεφάλι του αναγνώστη ως επιχείρημα το άλλο'.

 le Coran ne rend pas Ève coupable de l’expulsion du jardin d’Éden et ne fait pas de la femme un sous-produit de l’homme.

ωστόσο διερωτώμαι σε ποιον απευθύνεται το Κοράνι όταν εξηγεί με πνεύμα δικαιοσύνης τι οφείλει να κάνει ο αναγνώστης ή ακροατής του για τα ορφανά τις γυναίκες και τους διανοητικά αναπήρους.

1. Ω! Άνθρωποι! Σε6αστείτε το Κύριό
σας, που σας δημιούργησε από μια και
μόνο ψυχή (Αδάμ), κι απ' αυτή έπλασε τη
σύντροφό της (Εύα) κι απ' αυτούς τους
δύο σκόρπισε - σαν σπόρους - αμέτρητους
άντρες και γυναίκες. Ν α σέβεστε τον
ΑΛΛΑΧ, που τ' όνομα Του αναφέρεται
στ' αμοιβαία σας δίκαια αιτήματα, και
σεβαστείτε τη συγγένεια μεταξύ σας. Γιατί
ο ΑΛΛΑΧ πάντοτε αγρυπνεi πάνω σας.
2. Και να διατηρείτε την περιουσία
των ορφανών. Και να μην
αντικατασταίνετε τα άχρηστα (δικά σας)
πράγματα, με τα δικά τους καλά, και να
μην καταβροχθίζετε τις περιουσίες τους -
ανακατεύοντάς τες με τις δικές σας
περιουσίες. Γιατί αυτό είναι μεγάλη
3. Κι αν φοβάστε ν' αδικήσετε τις
ορφανές (σε περίπτωση γάμου) τα ορφανά,
τότε να παντρεύεστε άλλες δύο ή τρεις ή
τέσσερις γυναίκες της εκλογής σας. Κι αν
όμως φοβάστε ακόμη μήπως τις αδικήσετε
τότε, να παντρεύεστε μόνο μία, ή όποιες
έχετε αιχμάλωτες κι αυτό για να σας
προφυλάξει απ' το να φερθείτε άδικα.
4. Και να δίνετε στις γυναίκες - που
παντρεύεστε - τη νόμιμη προίκα τους για
χάρισμά τους. Αν όμως, θεληματικά σας
επιστρέψουν μέρος της, τότε πάρτε το,
κι απολαύστε το με ενάρετη ευδιαθεσία.
5. Στους αδύνατους διανοητικά να μην
μεταβιβάζετε την περιουσία σας που ο
ΑΛΛΑΧ σας έχει εμπιστευθεί για να
συντηρείστε. Εξασφαλίστε τους όμως
τροφή, και ντύστε τους, 

 L’érudit du 8 siècle Ibn Hajar « cite plus de quinze cents femmes, dont de nombreuses juristes et savantes ».

δόξα τω θεώ! αν είναι λοιπόν έτσι τον 8ο αιώνα, και υπάρχουν τόσες γυναίκες λόγιες, αυτό βέβαια σημαίνει δύο πράγματα: αν αληθεύει αυτό (και γιατί να μην αληθεύει;), τότε ή 
- η κοινωνία ήταν έτσι από πριν, άρα όχι φαλλοκρατική και εντελώς πατριαρχική όπως αναφέρεται παραπάνω, ή 
- το Κοράνι μέσα σε λιγότερο από έναν αιώνα (αφού η διδασκαλία του Προφήτη του Ισλάμ άρχισε περί το 610, τελείωσε με το θάνατό του το 632 και το Κοράνι αναφέρεται ότι αποτυπώθηκε γραπτά περί τα μέσα του 7ου αιώνα) αποτυπώνει μια διδασκαλία με ανδροκρατική αντίληψη, και έτσι κάποιοι οδηγούν την κοινωνία σε αντιδραστικές καταστάσεις, όπως αναφέρει ο σχολιαστής του βιβλίου ("avant qu’un mouvement réactionnaire reprenne le dessus".)

Ignaz Goldziher, islamologue, décrit 

« de nombreux exemples de femmes ascètes, saintes, fondatrices de congrégations religieuses féminines, directrices d’hôpitaux et formatrices en sciences religieuses ».

αλοίμονο αν στα αγιολογικά κείμενα της ανατολικής Μεσογείου αυτό δεν ήταν φανερό: ότι η ευσέβεια μοιραζόταν στους ανθρώπους ισότιμα, έτσι έχουμε και στην χριστιανική και στην ισλαμική αντίληψη ρόλο της γυναίκας πολύτιμο στην κοινωνική προσφορά της. δείτε και συναξάρια.

Constatant que depuis une vingtaine d’années, on voit des femmes et des hommes militer contre les discriminations et violences faites aux femmes tout en se réclamant de l’islam, l’auteure veut renouer avec l’esprit des origines et sollicite donc « une théologie de la libération au sein de l’islam » et un « féminisme antiraciste et anticapitaliste ». Dans cette perspective, Malika Hamidi puise dans la pensée de féministes musulmanes d’aujourd’hui.

Rédigé dans un langage simple, l’ouvrage soutient notamment que l’islam et le port du foulard peuvent être des leviers d’émancipation féminine. On regrettera peut-être que l’auteure – qui évoque aussi la laïcité – n’en ait pas précisé le sens légal en France. Alors que celle-ci est souvent perçue comme un devoir de neutralité religieuse du citoyen, la loi du 9 décembre 1905 concernant la séparation des Églises et de l’État n’impose rien au citoyen (ni à l’élève), mais proclame au contraire sa liberté de conscience et de culte. L’obligation de neutralité religieuse est réservée à la puissance publique.

dimanche 27 janvier 2019

EURAMES Info Service 04/2019


1.    International Conference: "The Pillars of Rule. The Writ of Dynasties and Nation-States in the Middle East and South Asia". University of Zurich, 31 January – 1 February 2019

2.    International Conference: "The Middle East: Thinking about and beyond Security and Stability", American University of Beirut, 7-8 February 2019

3.    Conference: "Key Concepts  in Interreligious Discourses: The Concept of Person and the Concept of Sexuality in Judaism, Christianity and Islam", University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, 13-15 February 2019

4.    Workshop on “The Genealogy of Security in the Arab Region”, Beirut, 9-10 April 2019 for Special Issue of “Beirut School of Critical Security Studies”

5.    5th Annual Conference on Shi`I Studies, Islamic College, London, 27-28 April 2019

6.    Annual Middle East History and Theory Conference: "Migration, Diaspora, and Movement of Peoples", University of Chicago, 3-5 May 2019

7.    Conference: "China and the Middle East and North Africa", Shanghai University, 17-18 May 2019

8.    Sixth Annual International Conference on Social Sciences: “Migration in Morocco and Beyond:

9.    Workshop on "Youth Politics in the Middle East", Amman, 19-20 June 2019

10.  6th International Conference on "Eurasian Politics & Society" Lisbon, Portugal, 4-5 July 2019

11.  Seminar for Arabian Studies, University of Leiden, 11-13 July 2019

12.  Biennial Conference of the International Qur'anic Studies Association: "Reading the Qur’an in the Context of Empire", University of New England, Tangier, 25-26 July 2019

13.  International Conference: "World Literature (Including Arabic etc.) and the Global South", University of Sydney, Australia, 23-25 August 2019

14.  Panel on “Negotiating Islam and Racial Logics in Global Africana Contexts" at the Conference of the American Academy of Religion, San Jose, California, November 2019

15.  Panel on "Islam and Capitalism in Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia" for EuroSEAS Conference, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 10-13 September 2019

16.  Panel: "Beyond Islamic Art: New Approaches to the Material Culture of the Middle East", during the MESA Meeting in New Orleans, 14-17 November 2019


17.  PhD Student in Political Science for Research on "The  Exchange  of  Secret Service  Knowledge  between  Germany  and  the  Arab  Middle  East  1960-2010”, Leibnitz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin

18.  PhD Research Fellowship on "Biopolitics in the Middle East", Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, University of Oslo

19.  Postdoctoral Research Fellowship on "Epidemics in the Middle East", Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, University of Oslo

20.  Postdoctoral Fellowship on the Economics of Conflict at the "International Crisis Group" and “Empirical Studies of Conflict Project”, Washington, DC

21.  Visiting Assistant Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures in Arabic, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA

22.  Mellon Assistant Professor of Jewish Studies and Women's and Gender Studies, Vanderbilt University, Nashville

23.  Full-time Faculty Position in Arabic Language and Culture, National Chengchi University in Taipei

24.  Dean of the College of Sciences, University of Sharjah, UAE


25.  International Politics Summer School (Focus Middle East and North Africa), St Antony's College, Oxford, 4-17 August 2019

26.  Two AUC Summer Courses for Islamic Studies in Cairo for Graduate and Advanced Undergraduate Students

27.  Articles on "Early Egyptian/Coptic Christianity" for Double Issue of "The Journal of Religious and Theological Information" (Taylor & Francis/Routledge)

28.  Articles on "Making Faces: Art & Intersectionality in Iraqi Kurdistan" for "The Journal of Intersectionality"

29.  Research Articles, Review Articles and Book Reviews on the Middle East for Special Issue of "Turkish Journal of History"

30.  Articles on Book Project "Migration in Africa and Beyond: Text and Contexts"

31.  NGOabroad: Volunteers for Aid Programs in the Middle East or North Africa


If you want to distribute an announcement via DAVO-Info-Service (about 1300 recipients) and EURAMES Info Service (more than 6000 recipients, only English and French announcements), please apply the usual format of the text with no more than 50 words and no attachment. Please send only the most important information to and refer to further details with a link to the respective website or an email address.

Best regards,

Guenter Meyer
Centre for Research on the Arab World (CERAW), University of Mainz, in cooperation with the University of Sharjah/UAE



1.    International Conference: "The Pillars of Rule. The Writ of Dynasties and Nation-States in the Middle East and South Asia". University of Zurich, 31 January – 1 February 2019

State and dynastic power are transformed in different ways. These include key moments of political transition such as during independence struggles, national referendums, or when new monarchs claim their new crown. In this conference, participants will interrogate the social and political implications of these shifting balances of power across both the Middle East and South Asia.

See program at


2.    International Conference: "The Middle East: Thinking about and beyond Security and Stability", American University of Beirut, 7-8 February 2019

See program at


3.    Conference: "Key Concepts  in Interreligious Discourses: The Concept of Person and the Concept of Sexuality in Judaism, Christianity and Islam", University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, 13-15 February 2019

See program at


4.    Workshop on “The Genealogy of Security in the Arab Region”, Beirut, 9-10 April 2019 for Special Issue of “Beirut School of Critical Security Studies

What kind of social groups or communities exist today and how do they produce forms of security or stability in light of these political dynamics? How are imaginaries such as Arab nationalist, Islamists, ‘Ottomanists’, various secular nationalist, socialists and others still shaping the community? Etc. Submissions are welcome in Arabic, English and French.

Deadline for abstracts: 22 February 2019. Information: Contact Bashir Saade


5.    5th Annual Conference on Shi`I Studies, Islamic College, London, 27-28 April 2019

This conference will provide a broad platform for scholars in Shi`I studies to share their latest research. Papers are welcome on any aspect of Shi`i studies.

Deadline for abstracts:  3 February 2019. Information:


6.    Annual Middle East History and Theory Conference: "Migration, Diaspora, and Movement of Peoples", University of Chicago, 3-5 May 2019

The theme is intentionally broad to accommodate for scholarship on a plethora of topics and time periods. Examples include: forced and voluntary movements, labor and economic phenomena, diaspora studies, human rights, and more.


7.    Conference: "China and the Middle East and North Africa", Shanghai University, 17-18 May 2019

We invite submissions on the following and related topics: Political Economy of the Middle East; Nationalism and Nation-State; Political Parties; Environmental Issues; Social Movements; etc.

Deadline for abstracts: 15 April 2019. Information:


8.    Sixth Annual International Conference on Social Sciences: “Migration in Morocco and Beyond: From Local to Global Dynamics”, Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane, Morocco, 25-26 May 2019

The organizers invite papers that address every aspect of migration. Conference presentations can be delivered in Arabic, French or English.

Deadline for abstracts: 15 February 2019. Information:


9.    Workshop on "Youth Politics in the Middle East", Amman, 19-20 June 2019

This workshop aims to move beyond simplistic descriptions of youth in the Middle East in favor of richer scholarship that takes young people seriously as social actors, and explores how their cultural, educational, economic, and local experiences intersect with politics and political struggle. Papers will be published as an issue of the open access POMEPS Studies series.

Deadline for proposals: 15 February 2019. Information:


10.  6th International Conference on "Eurasian Politics & Society" Lisbon, Portugal, 4-5 July 2019

Themes include: Turkey in Eurasia, Turkic Countries, Geopolitics of Eurasia, Islamic Movements in Eurasia, Migration in Eurasia, Terrorism and Eurasia, etc.

Deadline for abstracts: 1 April 2019. Information:


11.  Seminar for Arabian Studies, University of Leiden, 11-13 July 2019

This international forum meets annually for the presentation of the latest academic research in the humanities on the Arabian Peninsula from the earliest times to the present day or, in the case of political and social history, to the end of the Ottoman Empire (1922).

Deadline for abstracts: 28 February 2019. Information:


12.  Biennial Conference of the International Qur'anic Studies Association: "Reading the Qur’an in the Context of Empire", University of New England, Tangier, 25-26 July 2019

The conference will unveil new research on the Qur’an, and create a platform for connecting other religions to Qur’anic studies. Further attention will be paid to the important contribution of North African scholars to the emergence and flourishing of methods in the study of Qur’an, tafsir and translation.

Deadline for abstracts: 30 January 2018. Information:


13.  International Conference: "World Literature (Including Arabic etc.) and the Global South", University of Sydney, Australia, 23-25 August 2019

The conference will bring together writers and academics and will engage with literary production on and from the Global South in their own languages as well as in translation.

Deadline for abstracts: 11 February 2019. Information:


14.  Panel on “Negotiating Islam and Racial Logics in Global Africana Contexts" at the Conference of the American Academy of Religion, San Jose, California, November 2019

This panel asks how religious and racial categories are mutually constituted in translocal Africana Muslim communities influenced by different processes of domination, colonization, and neoliberal reform. Papers are invited on Africana Muslim communities in Europe and the Americas, and Asian and Middle Eastern Muslim communities in Africa.

Deadline for abstracts: 15 February 2019. Information:


15.  Panel on "Islam and Capitalism in Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia" for EuroSEAS Conference, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 10-13 September 2019

This panel invites presentations that deal with the rising Islamic economies in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia and its complex negotiation processes between religious and economic spheres. How are production and consumption of halal products related to one another? What are the interlinkages between the evolvement of spiritual economies and nation state building?

Deadline for abstracts: 15 May 2019. Information:


16.  Panel: "Beyond Islamic Art: New Approaches to the Material Culture of the Middle East", during the MESA Meeting in New Orleans, 14-17 November 2019

In recent years, the disciplines of Islamic and Middle Eastern studies have witnessed a growing interest in material culture. The aim of this panel is to foster exchange between scholars working in this research field and to reflect upon methodological challenges.

Please submit abstracts (300 to 400 words) to by 10 February 2019. Information:



17.  PhD Student in Political Science for Research on "The  Exchange  of  Secret Service  Knowledge  between  Germany  and  the  Arab  Middle  East  1960-2010”, Leibnitz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin

The candidate  will be expected to carry out a comparative study between the East German intelligence  agency and one Arab  intelligence  agency (Iraq,  Egypt,  Yemen  or  Syria),  based on extensive literature study, archival research and interviews in Europe and the US. Highly proficient reading skills in German and Arabic are essential.

Deadline for applications: 15 March 2019. Information:


18.  PhD Research Fellowship on "Biopolitics in the Middle East", Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, University of Oslo

The fellowship is part of the project "The Lifetimes of Epidemics in Europe and the Middle East" which sets out to analyze and understand the different temporalities of epidemics. Qualification requirements:  A Master's degree or equivalent in Middle Eastern studies, medical humanities, cultural history, history of science, historical International Relations or relevant fields.

Deadline for applications: 1 February 2019. Information:


19.  Postdoctoral Research Fellowship on "Epidemics in the Middle East", Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, University of Oslo

The fellowship is part of the project "The Lifetimes of Epidemics in Europe and the Middle East" which sets out to analyze and understand the different temporalities of epidemics. Qualification requirements:  PhD or equivalent academic qualifications in a field relevant to the project; specialisation in language-based Middle Eastern studies; etc.

Deadline for applications: 1 February 2019. Information:


20.  Postdoctoral Fellowship on the Economics of Conflict at the "International Crisis Group" and “Empirical Studies of Conflict Project”, Washington, DC

The fellowship will entail policy research and analysis, and engagement with policymakers and other conflict actors to prevent, resolve or better manage deadly conflict; it also will involve long-term empirical research on the economic and political drivers of conflicts in Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

Deadline for application: 1 February 2019. Information:; contact Assistant Professor Tarek Ghani (


21.  Visiting Assistant Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures in Arabic, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA

For this one-year position we are looking for a professional, skilled language instructor with experience and competence in teaching Modern Standard Arabic and at least one dialect. Master’s degree in Arabic language, literature or culture is required.

Deadline for application: 15 March 2019. Information:


22.  Mellon Assistant Professor of Jewish Studies and Women's and Gender Studies, Vanderbilt University, Nashville

This is a non-tenure-track position with a 3-year appointment. We are seeking a scholar working on women and Judaism in global or transnational contexts from a comparative perspective, in a range of fields including, but not limited to, anthropology, religious studies, and political science.

Review of applications will begin on 15 February 2019. Information:


23.  Full-time Faculty Position in Arabic Language and Culture, National Chengchi University in Taipei

Qualifications: Ph.D. in Arabic Linguistics; Arabic Culture; Computer Science; Information and Communication Technology in Learning; or relevant fields. Specialized writings and publications; research achievements and cross-disciplinary research given high priority. Competence in English-taught courses.

Deadline for applications: 28 February 2019. Information:


24.  Dean of the College of Sciences, University of Sharjah, UAE

The candidate will provide leadership at a critical stage as the college expands its research and academic programs. The new dean is expected to join the college at the beginning of the academic year 2019/2020.

Review of applications will begin on 1 March 2019. Information:



25.  International Politics Summer School (Focus Middle East and North Africa), St Antony's College, Oxford, 4-17 August 2019

This year the focus will be on the international relations of the region, with special attention to recent changes in the structure and dynamics of inter-state politics.  The course is designed for postgraduate students, but will be accessible to upper-level undergraduates and professionals as well. 

Applications will be reviewed on a first come, first served or rolling basis until 15 April 2019. Information:


26.  Two AUC Summer Courses for Islamic Studies in Cairo for Graduate and Advanced Undergraduate Students

The general program (June 16 – July 12) covers Qur’an, Hadith, Islamic Law, and Sufism while the Islamic Law program (July 14 – August 8) covers origins, cases, criminal law, and post-colonial law

Deadline for application: 15 April 2019. Information:


27.  Articles on "Early Egyptian/Coptic Christianity" for Double Issue of "The Journal of Religious and Theological Information" (Taylor & Francis/Routledge)

Papers are invited on (a) Coptic/religious languages and (b) Literature/Bible Translations and other studies.

Deadline for abstracts: 1 March 2019. Contact


28.  Articles on "Making Faces: Art & Intersectionality in Iraqi Kurdistan" for "The Journal of Intersectionality"

We welcome proposals on these topics: Characteristics, applied or formalized styles, popular themes or subjects found in the work of Kurdish artists; feminist perspectives and gendered analyses of or in relation to Kurdish art; accounts or histories of fine arts associations, schools of thought or notable teachers; etc.

Deadline for abstracts: 15 February 2019. Information:


29.  Research Articles, Review Articles and Book Reviews on the Middle East for Special Issue of "Turkish Journal of History"

The guest editor Philipp O. Amour welcomes high quality original on any aspect of History and Middle East.

Deadline for submissions: 31 January 2019. Information:


30.  Articles on Book Project "Migration in Africa and Beyond: Text and Contexts"

This volume proposes a body of interdisciplinary essays which hope to approach migration by engaging its multifarious narratives across cultural, literary, historical and the social sciences’ perspectives. The ultimate projection is to demonstrate that migration is at the centre and is central to twenty-first century inter and inter-group relations as well as development discourses.


31.  NGOabroad: Volunteers for Aid Programs in the Middle East or North Africa

Volunteers are invited to participate in programs in Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, Palestine and Morocco on helping in schools with Syrian refugees, in a micro-finance program, in psycho-social peace building and women’s or youth empowerment; agriculture; or education,  etc. Seasoned professionals and students both needed.

Applications accepted on a rolling basis. Information:
