St Antony’s College, University of Oxford, 30 November – 1 December 2012. Conference: "Russian Orientalism to Soviet Iranology: The Persian-speaking World and Its History through Russian Eyes".
Program at
Abu Dhabi , New York University in Abu Dhabi, 3-4 December 2012. Colloque: "Boom Cities: Urban Development in the Arabian Peninsula".
Cities in the Arabian Peninsula are at the intersection of global energy markets, local and regional politics, international investment, religious networks, and labor migrations. This conference convenes international specialists of urban studies to map the latest evolutions in the field.
Paris, 6.12. 2012. Colloque La guerre d'Algérie, une guerre comme les autres ?
Jeudi 6 décembre 2012 | Pensée | Colloque | Paris (75005)
Parce que la guerre d’Algérie n’a été officiellement reconnue telle que tardivement, en 1999, elle est souvent appelée, encore aujourd’hui, la « guerre sans nom ». En France, on en fait l’emblème d’un consensus du silence, des tabous de l’histoire, du refoulé de la pensée, de la création, de la mémoire. Et pourtant, bien avant le « saut quantitatif » impulsé dans les années 1990 par l’ouverture partielle des archives publiques de la guerre et, à partir des années 2000, les premiers travaux systématiques sur les pratiques de torture en Algérie, les productions de tous ordres sur le sujet sont massives. Davantage que d’un déficit de désignation, cette guerre semble avoir souffert de l’abondance de ses appellations concurrentes. En outre, sa perception a été brouillée par la réminiscence d’autres conflits, dont les représentations sont venues se télescoper à ses réalités propres ou, en aval, par son instrumentalisation au profit de nouveaux affrontements.. .
15.1.2013. Internacionalização da ciência e internacionalismo científico
Mardi 15 janvier 2013 | Histoire | Appel à contribution | Evora (7000-554)
Este II Encontro HetSci tem como principal objectivo o estudo historiográfico dos fenómenos modernos da internacionalização científica num período lato e heterogéneo, compreendendo as suas especificidades, evocando abordagens de carácter diverso, desde a epistemológica, à dos processos de criação científica ou de institucionalização cultural, agentes e políticas que contribuíram para a sua promoção e/ou constrangimento durante as diferentes conjunturas históricas dos séculos XIX e XX.
Speyer, Germany, 18-20 March 2013. 12th International Conference of MEEA: "The Arab Spring and MENA Economies: Quo Vadis?".
The main topics will focus on several fields of economic research related to the ongoing transition process in the Middle East and North Africa, the influences on the MENA economies and their relations with the economies of the European Union. However, any research related with the MENA region, EU-MENA relations, or country specific cases are all welcome. Contributions by PhD students are encouraged to foster research among young professionals.
Deadline for abstract 15 December 2012.
University of Cyprus, Nicosia, April or May 2013. One-day International Workshop: "Islam in Cyprus (1878-2012)".
The intention of this workshop is to bring together researchers on “Islam in Cyprus” from different disciplines in order to trace the related historical, political, societal and religious transformation throughout the last 150 years and to shed light on the current situation.
In the context of this workshop, Islam is used as an umbrella term for Muslim communities, Islamic institutions and forms of religious practice related to Islam. Islam in Cyprus is a most complex topic which has been almost neglected in research, particularly in Religious Studies. During the last 150 years Islam was / still is - the ‘state religion’, although the Muslim community was a numerical minority; - the religion of a minority under colonial rule, and - the umbrella term for a diversity of communities and individuals with different ethnic and social backgrounds.
Deadline for abstract 30 November 2012. Funding will be available on a limited scale. For further information contact Dr Béatrice Hendrich and Prof Martin Strohmeier, Department of Turkish and Middle Eastern Studies (, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Email:
Προσωπικά μας εντυπωσιάζει ο τίτλος σε συνδυασμό με τα έτη 1878-2012 (ελένη κονδύλη)…
Al-Khoei Foundation, London, 13 April 2013. Third Annual Conference of the Centre for Academic Shi'a Studies: "Sectarianism in the Contemporary Middle East: Religious and Political Discourses"
CASS welcomes scholars and specialists to submit proposals that deal with any of the following conference themes: 1. Citizenship & Sectarian Identity in the Modern Middle East; 2. Modern Islamist Movements: Pan-Islamism & Sectarian Belonging; 3. Sunni-Shia Coexistence: Positive and Negative Encounters; 4. Religious Discourse and Sectarian Tensions; 5. Sunni & Shia Literature: Portrayals of the Other; 6. Muslims and Sectarian Jurisprudence: Between Theory & Practice; 7. Religious Education: Between Preaching & Teaching; 8. Sectarianism and New Media: Roots, Rhetoric & Discourse; 9. Sectarian Violence: Political Manipulation or Religious Conflict?.
The closing date for proposals is 31 December 2012. Information
Arab Media Centre, University of Westminster, 26 April 2013. International Conference: “New Media, New Politics? (Post-)Revolutions in Theory and Practice”
Deadline for abstracts 10 December 2012.
Further information
Muenster, 23.-27. September 2013. 20th International Congress of the German Middle East Studies Association (DAVO). The International Congress of DAVO in 2013 will take place under the umbrella of the 32nd German Oriental Studies Conference ("Deutscher Orientalistentag").
Deadline for abstracts of papers and panels is 31 March 2013.
For further information and registration form see
Faculty Position (Assistant Professorship or above) at the Department of Arabic Language and Culture, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan
The employment begins 1 August 2013. Qualifications: 1. PhD. in Arabic Linguistics or Culture, Teaching Arabic as a Second Language, Middle Eastern, or Islamic Studies. 2. Ability to conduct classes in English. 3. Teaching experience preferred but not necessary.
Deadline for application 1 March 2013. Information (click on "English")
Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor of Art History, Zayed University, Abu Dhabi Campus
The College of Arts and Creative Enterprises seeks qualified candidates to teach in the discipline of Art History with appointment starting February 2013. Applications are welcome from arts and culture specialists of the MENASA region (Middle East, North Africa and South Asia). Candidates with expertise in the area of Culture and Heritage of the Gulf Region, Islamic Art and Architecture, or Middle Eastern Art or related fields are preferred. Experience in Curating or Museum Studies are considered assets.
Successful candidates will fully meet the expectations for the position, which include a Ph.D. in Art History, Cultural Studies, Near Eastern Studies or Middle Eastern Studies with a concentration in visual culture, and a desire to teach within a university setting. Previous teaching experience at the college level is an asset.
Please visit our web site and click on ‘Employment’ to be directed to the recruitment website. Review of applications will begin in November and continue until the position has been filled.
Faculty, Middle Eastern History and Islamic World, Salem State University
Department of History at Salem State University invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor position in Middle Eastern History and Islamic World, beginning September 2013. Teaching and research specializations are open to any period and field, excluding Ottoman history. The search committee seeks applicants with strong teaching potential and promising scholarship. Teaching responsibilities include undergraduate and graduate area courses, as well as teaching in the university's core curriculum. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to develop a variety of regional and topics courses.
Deadline for application 1 December 2012. Information
Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Study of Iran and the Persianate World, Princeton University, New Jersey
Initial appointment is for one year with the possibility of renewal for an additional year based on continued funding and satisfactory performance. Applicants must have the Ph.D. by September 1, 2013. Discipline is open, but the focus of research should concern Iran and/or the broader Persianate world. However, the fellow is expected to devote the bulk of his or her time to research and publication, and to broadening his or her knowledge of the Middle East. Competitive salary plus benefits. The appointee will have a small research fund.
Deadline for application 5 January 2013. Information
Assistant Professor of History, Modern Middle East, Athens, University of Georgia
The tenure-track position entails teaching an introductory survey and upper division undergraduate and graduate courses in the subject. Candidates must have a PhD in History at the time of appointment and demonstrate a strong commitment to teaching and research in modern Middle Eastern history. Starting August 2013.
The review of applications will begin on 15 November 2012 and continue until the position is filled. Website:
Woolf Institute Visiting Fellowship 2014, Cambridge, UK
The Woolf Institute, which specializes in the study of relations between Jews, Christians and Muslims from a multidisciplinary perspective, invites applications for its annual visiting fellowship.The Fellowship, tenable for a two to three month period that overlaps one of the Cambridge terms 2014.
The successful candidate will be expected to be involved in a project of academic research, public education or of the arts in an area relevant to the Institute's work. The Fellow will be asked to present their work at a symposium on the subject of their project proposal.
There is no stipend attached to the Fellowships, but Fellows will be entitled to free accommodation in Cambridge and round-trip travel from their country to Cambridge. The Fellowship is available for a postdoctoral scholar of any academic rank, a policymaker or analyst in a relevant area of work, or an artist (writer, painter, photographer, etc.
The deadline for the submission of applications is 18 January 2013. Information
New School of Mamlūk Studies, University of Chicago, First Conference in Venice 2014
The School of Mamlūk Studies (SMS) is administered by the Universities of Chicago (Ill., USA), Liège (Belgium), and Venice (Italy), respectively represented by Marlis Saleh, Frédéric Bauden, and Antonella Ghersetti.
The mission of SMS is to provide a scholarly forum for a holistic approach to Mamluk studies, and to foster and promote a greater awareness of the Mamluk sultanate (1250–1517). It aims to offer a forum for interdisciplinary debate focused on the Mamluk period in all its historical and cultural dimensions in order to increase, address, investigate, and exchange information and knowledge relevant to Mamluk studies in the broadest meaning of the term. Conceived as a meeting for scholars and graduate students working on any of the many aspects of the Mamluk empire, without neglecting its contacts with other regions, SMS offers to everyone working in the field of Mamluk studies the opportunity to attend annual conferences organized in turn by each of the three collaborating institutions
The first annual SMS conference is planned for 2014 in Venice. A call for papers will go out in 2013. The organisers welcome your comments and invite your participation in this exciting new project.
Winter Edition of the Media Arabic Webclass (Advanced Level): Intensive Training of Speaking and Listening Comprehension Skills in January and February 2013
The Munich Institute of Near and Middle Eastern Studies offers an intensive course to meet the needs of PhD students, scholars, diplomats, lawyers, etc. with a sound theoretical knowledge of Standard Arabic, but no time to follow conventional language training. In this webclass, we will improve your listening comprehension of TV report and talk shows.
For further information please refer to our website or contact Mr. Daniel Falk (
Appel à candidatures pour rejoindre le comité éditorial de la revue INITIO Lundi 7 janvier 2013 | Éducation | Informations diverses
INITIO, revue sur l’éducation et la vie au travail, est une revue scientifique créée par et pour les étudiants aux cycles supérieurs. Au cours de l’année, le comité éditorial souhaite accueillir de nouveaux membres au sein de son équipe. L’objectif est de diversifier les compétences, les domaines d’expertise ainsi que les appartenances institutionnelles des membres du comité, afin d’assurer le renouvellement constant de la revue. Il est aussi question de poursuivre la mission fondamentale d’INITIO, soit initier des étudiants des cycles supérieurs aux rudiments du processus d’édition scientifique.
Program at
Abu Dhabi , New York University in Abu Dhabi, 3-4 December 2012. Colloque: "Boom Cities: Urban Development in the Arabian Peninsula".
Cities in the Arabian Peninsula are at the intersection of global energy markets, local and regional politics, international investment, religious networks, and labor migrations. This conference convenes international specialists of urban studies to map the latest evolutions in the field.
Paris, 6.12. 2012. Colloque La guerre d'Algérie, une guerre comme les autres ?
Jeudi 6 décembre 2012 | Pensée | Colloque | Paris (75005)
Parce que la guerre d’Algérie n’a été officiellement reconnue telle que tardivement, en 1999, elle est souvent appelée, encore aujourd’hui, la « guerre sans nom ». En France, on en fait l’emblème d’un consensus du silence, des tabous de l’histoire, du refoulé de la pensée, de la création, de la mémoire. Et pourtant, bien avant le « saut quantitatif » impulsé dans les années 1990 par l’ouverture partielle des archives publiques de la guerre et, à partir des années 2000, les premiers travaux systématiques sur les pratiques de torture en Algérie, les productions de tous ordres sur le sujet sont massives. Davantage que d’un déficit de désignation, cette guerre semble avoir souffert de l’abondance de ses appellations concurrentes. En outre, sa perception a été brouillée par la réminiscence d’autres conflits, dont les représentations sont venues se télescoper à ses réalités propres ou, en aval, par son instrumentalisation au profit de nouveaux affrontements.. .
15.1.2013. Internacionalização da ciência e internacionalismo científico
Mardi 15 janvier 2013 | Histoire | Appel à contribution | Evora (7000-554)
Este II Encontro HetSci tem como principal objectivo o estudo historiográfico dos fenómenos modernos da internacionalização científica num período lato e heterogéneo, compreendendo as suas especificidades, evocando abordagens de carácter diverso, desde a epistemológica, à dos processos de criação científica ou de institucionalização cultural, agentes e políticas que contribuíram para a sua promoção e/ou constrangimento durante as diferentes conjunturas históricas dos séculos XIX e XX.
Speyer, Germany, 18-20 March 2013. 12th International Conference of MEEA: "The Arab Spring and MENA Economies: Quo Vadis?".
The main topics will focus on several fields of economic research related to the ongoing transition process in the Middle East and North Africa, the influences on the MENA economies and their relations with the economies of the European Union. However, any research related with the MENA region, EU-MENA relations, or country specific cases are all welcome. Contributions by PhD students are encouraged to foster research among young professionals.
Deadline for abstract 15 December 2012.
University of Cyprus, Nicosia, April or May 2013. One-day International Workshop: "Islam in Cyprus (1878-2012)".
The intention of this workshop is to bring together researchers on “Islam in Cyprus” from different disciplines in order to trace the related historical, political, societal and religious transformation throughout the last 150 years and to shed light on the current situation.
In the context of this workshop, Islam is used as an umbrella term for Muslim communities, Islamic institutions and forms of religious practice related to Islam. Islam in Cyprus is a most complex topic which has been almost neglected in research, particularly in Religious Studies. During the last 150 years Islam was / still is - the ‘state religion’, although the Muslim community was a numerical minority; - the religion of a minority under colonial rule, and - the umbrella term for a diversity of communities and individuals with different ethnic and social backgrounds.
Deadline for abstract 30 November 2012. Funding will be available on a limited scale. For further information contact Dr Béatrice Hendrich and Prof Martin Strohmeier, Department of Turkish and Middle Eastern Studies (, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Email:
Προσωπικά μας εντυπωσιάζει ο τίτλος σε συνδυασμό με τα έτη 1878-2012 (ελένη κονδύλη)…
Al-Khoei Foundation, London, 13 April 2013. Third Annual Conference of the Centre for Academic Shi'a Studies: "Sectarianism in the Contemporary Middle East: Religious and Political Discourses"
CASS welcomes scholars and specialists to submit proposals that deal with any of the following conference themes: 1. Citizenship & Sectarian Identity in the Modern Middle East; 2. Modern Islamist Movements: Pan-Islamism & Sectarian Belonging; 3. Sunni-Shia Coexistence: Positive and Negative Encounters; 4. Religious Discourse and Sectarian Tensions; 5. Sunni & Shia Literature: Portrayals of the Other; 6. Muslims and Sectarian Jurisprudence: Between Theory & Practice; 7. Religious Education: Between Preaching & Teaching; 8. Sectarianism and New Media: Roots, Rhetoric & Discourse; 9. Sectarian Violence: Political Manipulation or Religious Conflict?.
The closing date for proposals is 31 December 2012. Information
Arab Media Centre, University of Westminster, 26 April 2013. International Conference: “New Media, New Politics? (Post-)Revolutions in Theory and Practice”
Deadline for abstracts 10 December 2012.
Further information
Muenster, 23.-27. September 2013. 20th International Congress of the German Middle East Studies Association (DAVO). The International Congress of DAVO in 2013 will take place under the umbrella of the 32nd German Oriental Studies Conference ("Deutscher Orientalistentag").
Deadline for abstracts of papers and panels is 31 March 2013.
For further information and registration form see
Faculty Position (Assistant Professorship or above) at the Department of Arabic Language and Culture, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan
The employment begins 1 August 2013. Qualifications: 1. PhD. in Arabic Linguistics or Culture, Teaching Arabic as a Second Language, Middle Eastern, or Islamic Studies. 2. Ability to conduct classes in English. 3. Teaching experience preferred but not necessary.
Deadline for application 1 March 2013. Information (click on "English")
Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor of Art History, Zayed University, Abu Dhabi Campus
The College of Arts and Creative Enterprises seeks qualified candidates to teach in the discipline of Art History with appointment starting February 2013. Applications are welcome from arts and culture specialists of the MENASA region (Middle East, North Africa and South Asia). Candidates with expertise in the area of Culture and Heritage of the Gulf Region, Islamic Art and Architecture, or Middle Eastern Art or related fields are preferred. Experience in Curating or Museum Studies are considered assets.
Successful candidates will fully meet the expectations for the position, which include a Ph.D. in Art History, Cultural Studies, Near Eastern Studies or Middle Eastern Studies with a concentration in visual culture, and a desire to teach within a university setting. Previous teaching experience at the college level is an asset.
Please visit our web site and click on ‘Employment’ to be directed to the recruitment website. Review of applications will begin in November and continue until the position has been filled.
Faculty, Middle Eastern History and Islamic World, Salem State University
Department of History at Salem State University invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor position in Middle Eastern History and Islamic World, beginning September 2013. Teaching and research specializations are open to any period and field, excluding Ottoman history. The search committee seeks applicants with strong teaching potential and promising scholarship. Teaching responsibilities include undergraduate and graduate area courses, as well as teaching in the university's core curriculum. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to develop a variety of regional and topics courses.
Deadline for application 1 December 2012. Information
Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Study of Iran and the Persianate World, Princeton University, New Jersey
Initial appointment is for one year with the possibility of renewal for an additional year based on continued funding and satisfactory performance. Applicants must have the Ph.D. by September 1, 2013. Discipline is open, but the focus of research should concern Iran and/or the broader Persianate world. However, the fellow is expected to devote the bulk of his or her time to research and publication, and to broadening his or her knowledge of the Middle East. Competitive salary plus benefits. The appointee will have a small research fund.
Deadline for application 5 January 2013. Information
Assistant Professor of History, Modern Middle East, Athens, University of Georgia
The tenure-track position entails teaching an introductory survey and upper division undergraduate and graduate courses in the subject. Candidates must have a PhD in History at the time of appointment and demonstrate a strong commitment to teaching and research in modern Middle Eastern history. Starting August 2013.
The review of applications will begin on 15 November 2012 and continue until the position is filled. Website:
Woolf Institute Visiting Fellowship 2014, Cambridge, UK
The Woolf Institute, which specializes in the study of relations between Jews, Christians and Muslims from a multidisciplinary perspective, invites applications for its annual visiting fellowship.The Fellowship, tenable for a two to three month period that overlaps one of the Cambridge terms 2014.
The successful candidate will be expected to be involved in a project of academic research, public education or of the arts in an area relevant to the Institute's work. The Fellow will be asked to present their work at a symposium on the subject of their project proposal.
There is no stipend attached to the Fellowships, but Fellows will be entitled to free accommodation in Cambridge and round-trip travel from their country to Cambridge. The Fellowship is available for a postdoctoral scholar of any academic rank, a policymaker or analyst in a relevant area of work, or an artist (writer, painter, photographer, etc.
The deadline for the submission of applications is 18 January 2013. Information
New School of Mamlūk Studies, University of Chicago, First Conference in Venice 2014
The School of Mamlūk Studies (SMS) is administered by the Universities of Chicago (Ill., USA), Liège (Belgium), and Venice (Italy), respectively represented by Marlis Saleh, Frédéric Bauden, and Antonella Ghersetti.
The mission of SMS is to provide a scholarly forum for a holistic approach to Mamluk studies, and to foster and promote a greater awareness of the Mamluk sultanate (1250–1517). It aims to offer a forum for interdisciplinary debate focused on the Mamluk period in all its historical and cultural dimensions in order to increase, address, investigate, and exchange information and knowledge relevant to Mamluk studies in the broadest meaning of the term. Conceived as a meeting for scholars and graduate students working on any of the many aspects of the Mamluk empire, without neglecting its contacts with other regions, SMS offers to everyone working in the field of Mamluk studies the opportunity to attend annual conferences organized in turn by each of the three collaborating institutions
The first annual SMS conference is planned for 2014 in Venice. A call for papers will go out in 2013. The organisers welcome your comments and invite your participation in this exciting new project.
Winter Edition of the Media Arabic Webclass (Advanced Level): Intensive Training of Speaking and Listening Comprehension Skills in January and February 2013
The Munich Institute of Near and Middle Eastern Studies offers an intensive course to meet the needs of PhD students, scholars, diplomats, lawyers, etc. with a sound theoretical knowledge of Standard Arabic, but no time to follow conventional language training. In this webclass, we will improve your listening comprehension of TV report and talk shows.
For further information please refer to our website or contact Mr. Daniel Falk (
Appel à candidatures pour rejoindre le comité éditorial de la revue INITIO Lundi 7 janvier 2013 | Éducation | Informations diverses
INITIO, revue sur l’éducation et la vie au travail, est une revue scientifique créée par et pour les étudiants aux cycles supérieurs. Au cours de l’année, le comité éditorial souhaite accueillir de nouveaux membres au sein de son équipe. L’objectif est de diversifier les compétences, les domaines d’expertise ainsi que les appartenances institutionnelles des membres du comité, afin d’assurer le renouvellement constant de la revue. Il est aussi question de poursuivre la mission fondamentale d’INITIO, soit initier des étudiants des cycles supérieurs aux rudiments du processus d’édition scientifique.