Programm des 21.
DAVO-Kongresses, 25.-27. Sept. 2014 in Köln
Donnerstag / Thursday, 25.
11.00 –
13.00: DAVO Mitgliederversammlung mit Verleihung des DAVO-Dissertationspreises /
General Meeting of DAVO Members,
Presentation of DAVO Dissertation Award
13.00 – 14.00: Mittagspause / Lunch Break
14.00 – 16.00: Panels
A 1)
Psychologies, Politics and Narratives of Trauma: Comparative Perspectives (Part
Chair: Stephan Milich (Köln):
Barbara Hofner (Köln): Perspektiven auf psychische Folgen von
Traumatisierung und Flüchtlingssituation in Jordanien und benachbarten Ländern:
Ein Bericht vom 3. Jordanischen Psychiatriekongress Juni 2014 in Amman
Stephan Milich (Köln): Re-enacting the Unforgettable: Ways of Voicing Trauma
in Contemporary Arabic Literature
Isabel Knoerrich (München): Tunisia´s Political Traumas: Case Study and Classification
A2) Between Neoliberalism and
Revolution: Mapping Current Gentrification in the MENA City
Chair: Yannick
Sudermann (Edinburgh)
Rayya El
Zein (New York): Hip hop and Gentrification: Ramallah’s Rap Scene and
Margraff (Mainz): Neoliberal Urbanization in “Greater Manama”: The Case
of Heritage Preservation in Muharraq
Krijnen / Christiaan De Beukelaer (Ghent): Capital, State and Conflict: The
Various Drivers of Diverse Gentrification Processes in Beirut, Lebanon.
Sudermann (Edinburgh): Debating Gentrification under Neoliberal Authoritarianism
– Evidence from Pre-war Damascus
A3) Moving Ties across the Middle East:
University Students’ Modes of Mobility
Chair: Ala Al-Hamarneh
(Mainz) / Daniele Cantini (Halle)
Ala Al-Hamarneh (Mainz): Students’ Mobility between Forced Migration and Employability
– the Case of the Palestinian and Syrian Students at the University of Sharjah
Manja Stephan-Emmrich (Berlin): Study to Work, Work to Study – Tajik
Students’ Mobility and Networks in the Arab World and Beyond
Daniele Cantini (Halle): South-south Student Mobility;
Egyptian Private Universities in a Highly Mobile Regional Market
Annemarie Profanter (Bozen): Saudi Student Mobility: On the Journey to a Knowledge Economy
A4) Geschichte und Anthropologie im
Chair: Birgit Schäbler (Erfurt) / Discussant: Mara Albrecht (Erfurt)
Anne Lohss (Erfurt): Konfessionalistische Identitäten in libanesischen
Geschichtsbüchern (1932-1990)
Robert Willecke (Erfurt): Lebenswelten, Integration und Identität
eingebürgerter Palästinenser im Libanon (1948 bis heute)
Lennard Schlöffel (Erfurt): Libanesische Wahlen: Zur Geschichte des
Wahlrechts im Libanon
Farah Sadeq (Erfurt): Hisbollah – the New Generation
16.00 – 16.30: Kaffeepause / Coffee
16.30 – 18.00
B1) Psychologies, Politics and Narratives of Trauma:
Comparative Perspectives (Part II)
Chair: Stephan Milich (Köln):
Katharina Kretzschmar (Berlin): Identitäten im Konflikt –
Identitätskonstrukte und Selbstbild palästinensischer und
palästinensisch-israelischer Studierender und Absolventen in Deutschland
Anne Rohrbach (Bremen): „The Empire plays back“: Playback-Theater als
Ausdruck des kulturellen Widerstandes in den besetzten palästinensischen
Swetlana Czerwonnaja (Torun): Die Muslim-Tatarische Krim vor der Realität
der russischen Okkupation 2014
Umwälzungen und Zusammenbruch der staatlichen und gesellschaftlichen Strukturen
in Syrien / Upheaval and Collaps of
Governmental and Social Structures in Syria
Chair: Huda Zein (Köln):
Huda Zein (Köln): Die syrische Gesellschaft im Existenzkampf: Zwischen Widerstand und Zerfall
Abdulhakim Khatib (Frankfurt): Political Instrumentalisation of Islam in
a State Crisis: The Case of Syria
Viola Raheb (Wien):
Schulbuchrevisionen: Spiegelbild der Konfliktparteien in Syrien
B3) Islamwissenschaft / Islamic Studies
Chair: N.N.
Thomas Würtz (Bern): Koranübersetzungen und theologische Fragen
Tahere Matejko (Köln): Āḫūndzādas Werk Maktūbāt im Kontext des qāğārischen
B4) Turkey and the Arab Spring
Chair: Ibrahim Natil (Dublin)
Ayman Talal Yousef (Jenin): The Paradox of Turkish-Israeli
Relations during the Arab Spring: Entanglement of Geostrategic Considerations
and Neoliberal Economic Factors
Ibrahim Natil (Dublin): Turkish International NGOs and
the Arab Spring
Janet Kursawe (Duisburg) / Nora Stein (Hamburg): Agents
of Change? Conceptualizing Contemporary Forms, Demands and Concerns of Women’s
Participation in the Gezi Park Protests in Turkey
B5) Nationalism and Symbolic Politics in Lebanon
Chair: Birgit Schäbler (Erfurt)
Samer El-Karanshawy (Doha): Subverting Two
Marginalities: Jaʿfar al-Muhājir, Lebanese Shīʿīsm and Reinventing ʿĀmilite
Mara Albracht (Erfurt): War of Symbols – Glorification of Violence and War in
Lebanese Political Culture
18.30: Welcome Address
Günter Meyer (Mainz), Sabine
Damir-Geilsdorf (Köln)
Key-Note Speech
Henner Fürtig (Hamburg): Neue
Gestaltungsmächte in Nahost? Regionale
Machtkonstellationen nach dem ‚Arabischen Frühling‘ / New Actors and Power Constellations in the Middle East after the ‘Arab
Spring’ (in German with English translation)
20.00: Empfang /
Freitag / Friday, 26. September
8.30 – 10.30: Panels
C1) Middle East Conflicts: Background and Chances for
Solutions (Part I)
Chair: Fawzy Naji (Hannover)
Fawzy Naji (Hannover): Middle East Peace Process: One
or Two States Solution in the Historic Palestine?
Ali Granmayeh (London): Sectarian Conflicts and
Security Concerns in the Middle East.
Fethi Ahmed (Doha): Corruption as a Hindrance to
Conflicts Resolution and Democracy in the Middle East: A Theoretical Approach
with Reference to Selected Cases from the Arab Spring Countries
Bahareh Khorshidi / Pouriya Parandoush (Teheran): Arab
Uprisings and the Fourth Wave of Democratization
Economic Studies
in the MENA Region
Chair: N.N. (Anja Zorob - angefragt)
David Ramin Jalilvand (Berlin): The Rentier State Approach: A Critique with
Particular Reference to the Case of Iran
Heiko Schuß (Kayseri): Attitudes of Customers towards
Islamic Banks and the Problem of Shariʿa Arbitrage
Steffen Wippel
(Odense): Transsahara Reloaded: Die aktuellen marokkanischen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen
mit dem subsaharischen Afrika
C3) Migration,
Labour and Religion in the Gulf States
Chair: Sabine Damir-Geilsdorf / Michaela Pelican (Köln)
Sabine Damir-Geilsdorf /
Michaela Pelican (Köln): Domestic Workers and the Sponsorship System in the
Arab Gulf States
Tamirace Fakhoury
(Berkeley): Migration Governance in the Arab World: Drivers and
Latifa Mattar (Paris): Naturalization in Bahrain:
Political and Social Implications
Carmella Pfaffenbach / Veronika Deffner (Aachen):
Learning from Oman? The Immigration Society of Muscat between Segmentation and Toleration
C4) Arab Perspectives on Israel (Part I)
Chair: Johannes Becke (Oxford)
Arik Rudnitzky (Tel Aviv): Israel's Arab Minority Discourse
on "a Jewish State"
Johannes Becke (Oxford): Hebrew in Beirut: Studying
Israel in the Last Arab Frontline State
Hebatallah Taha (Oxford): Challenges and Opportunities
in the Field of Israel Studies in Egypt
C5) Transformation of Religious Discourses in the Contemporary Islamic
World (Part I)
Chair: Tim Epkenhans / Johanna Pink (Freiburg)
Johanna Pink (Freiburg): Politikverweigerung
als postislamistisches Paradigma. Die ägyptische Gamāʿa islāmiyya und die
Abkehr von der Gewalt
Elsässer (Kiel): „Let’s talk about sex?“ Die ägyptische Muslimbruderschaft und der Trend zur
islamischen Sexual- und Beziehungsberatung
Karima El
Ouazghari (Frankfurt): An-Nahdha’s Changing Vision of Citizenship: Between Democracy,
Gender and Shariʾa
Braun (Erlangen): Dignity and Deficiency – Intertextual-dialogical Approaches
to the Adam Myth in Contemporary Turkish Theology
10.30 – 11.00:
Kaffeepause / Coffee Break
11.00 – 13.00:
D1) Middle East Conflicts: Background and Chances for
Solutions (Part II)
Chair: Fawzy Naji (Hannover)
Hauke Feickert (Bonn): The New Iraq between
Sovereignty and Iranian Influence
Ecaterina Cepoi (Basel): The Army in Post-Saddam Iraq:
The Failure of a National Institution
Elke Grawert (Bonn): Strategies to Stay in Power. A
Comparison of the Conflict Systems in Syria and Sudan
D2) Issues
of Sustainable Economic Development in Iraq
Chair: Şefik Alp Bahadir (Erlangen) / Discussant: Mohammed Al-Musawi (Baghdad)
Akrem Mohammed Aswed (Dohuk): Confessional
Composition, Government Expenditure and Income Level in Iraqi Governorates
Yelena Bondar (Erlangen): Main
Obstacles to the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Iraq
Manahel Mustafa A. H. Alomar
(Baghdad): Problems of Iraqi Sea Transport at the Ports of Um Quasar and Khor
Saladin O. B. Perababi
(Erbil): The Horizons and Importance of the Marble Industry in the Kurdistan
Region – Iraq (IKR)
D3) Transformationsprozess
im Jemen – Singularität oder Modell? / Transformation
Process in Yemen
Chair: Henner Kirchner (Sana’a)
(Vortragsliste wird noch ergänzt / Papers to be announced)
D4) Arab
Perspectives on Israel (Part II)
Chair: Johannes Becke (Oxford)
Menna Elabideen Abukhadra (Kairo): Modern Hebrew Poetry and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Sarah and
Hagar as a Test
Katherine Maye-Saidi (Köln): The Depiction of the “Palestinian Issue” in
Moroccan Textbooks
D5) Transformation of Religious Discourses in the Contemporary Islamic
World (Part II)
Chair: Tim Epkenhans / Johanna Pink (Freiburg)
Preuschaft (Münster): Religion, Plurality, and Identity: Inner-Islamic
Implications of Saudi “National Dialogue”
Epkenhans (Freiburg): Negotiating Islamic Normativity and Authenticity in
post-Soviet Tajikistan
Yusuf Rahman
(Jakarta): The Transformation of Academic Study of the Qurʾan and Tafsir in Indonesia
13.00 – 14.00
Mittagspause / Lunch Break
14.00 – 16.00:
E1) Middle East Conflicts: Background and Chances for
Solutions (Part III)
Chair: Fawzy Naji (Hannover)
Louise Klann (Boston): Islam in Syria's Civil War.
Patrons, Militants and Religious Rent-seeking
Fawzy Naji (Hannover): Who is Responsible for the Bloodshed
in Syria?
Zeyneb Şahin Mencütek (Izmir): The “Rebirth” of a Dead Organization?
Questioning the Role of the Arab League in the “Arab Uprisings” Process.
E2) Towards Postcolonial Palestine Studies. Cross-Disciplinary
Approaches (Part I)
Chair: Detlev Qintern (Istanbul), Ludwig Watzal (Berlin), Viktoria Waltz (Dortmund)
Detlev Quintern (Istanbul): Gaza in Palestine
Dalila Boualam (Jerusalem): An Ethnografic Investigation of
the Educational and Migratory Trajectories of Palestine's 'Golden Youth'
Sonja Ganseforth (Leipzig): Occupying Spaces in a Japanese Development Project in
Viktoria Waltz (Dortmund): Raumplanung in Palästina/Israel – Mittel der
E3) Jenseits der Tradition: Moderne hermeneutische Ansätze
im islamischen Recht (Teil I) / Beyond
the Tradition: Modern Hermeneutic Approaches in Islamic Law (Part I)
Chair: Benjamin Jokisch (Berlin)
Benjamin Jokisch (Berlin): Hermeneutics in Movement. Innovative Approaches in Modern and Pre-modern Islamic
Salama (Osnabrück): Reform von usul al-fiqh: Notwendigkeit – Tendenzen – Möglichkeiten
Serdar Kurnaz (Frankfurt):
Beachtet wird der allgemeine Wortlaut und
nicht der spezifische Anlass – linguistische Auslegungsmethoden im
Spannungsfeld der Historizität des Korans
E4) Arab Youth: From Engagement to Inclusion?
Chair: Oliver
Schlumberger / Hürcan Aslı Aksoy (Tübingen)
Mirjam Edel (Tübingen) / Maria Josua (Hamburg):
Sequencing Legitimation and Repression Strategies: A Dynamic Perspective on the
Interaction between State Actors and the Youth
Kressen Thyen (Tübingen): The Illusion of Inclusion?
Post-Uprising Policies towards Youth in Egypt and Morocco
Amani El-Naggare (Casablanca): Gender Perspectives on Reform and Political Change
Nadine Sika (Kairo): Youth, Islamism and Political
16.00 – 16.30
Kaffeepause / Coffee Break
16.30 – 18.00
F1) Middle East Conflicts: Background and Chances for
Solutions (Part IV)
Chair: Fawzy Naji (Hannover)
Rieger, René (Exeter): The More Things Change, the
More They Stay the Same: Saudi Arabia and the Arab Spring
Knoerrich, Isabel (München): Qatar and the Maghreb:
What are the Goals of the Small Gulf State?
Niklas Hünseler (Köln): Ägyptens gescheiterte Demokratisierung 2011-2014.
Politische Eliten als Hindernis erfolgreicher Transition?
F2) Towards Postcolonial Palestine Studies.
Cross-Disciplinary Approaches (Part II)
Chair: Detlev Qintern (Istanbul),
Ludwig Watzal (Berlin), Viktoria Waltz
Helmut Krieger (Wien): Staatsformierung, Hilfsindustrie und multiple Krise –
die Zukunft westlicher Entwicklungszusammenarbeit in Palästina
Ivesa Lübben (Marburg): Der Gazakrieg und seine regionalen Implikationen
Ludwig Watzal (Berlin): Ein- oder Zweistaatenlösung – was kann aus dem
Nahost-Konflikt führen?
F3) Jenseits der Tradition: Moderne hermeneutische Ansätze
im islamischen Recht (Teil II) / Beyond the Tradition: Modern
Hermeneutic Approaches in Islamic Law (Part II)
Chair: Benjamin Jokisch (Berlin)
Kozalı (Osnabrück): Die Bedeutung und Funktion des Qiyās und İstiḥsān im
traditionellen Fiqh-Denken
Abbas Poya
(Erlangen): Ahmad Qābel (1957-2012) und das Konzept der „rationalen Scharia“ (shariʿat-e ʿaqlāni)
Jameleddine Ben
Abdeljelil (Frankfurt): Maqāṣid aš-šarīʿa:
traditionelle Konzepte und moderne Perspektiven
F4) Kultureller, gesellschaftlicher und persönlicher Wandel in Literatur und
Theater Irans /
Cultural, Social and Individual Change in the Iranian
Literature and Theatre
Chair: Bianca Devos (Marburg)
Anna Heller (Marburg): Gholam-Hoseyn Saʿedis Panj namayesh-nameh az
enqelab-e mashrutiyat als individuelle Auflehnung gegen kollektive
Goulia Ghardashkhani (Marburg): Identity, Narrative
Articulation and the Urge for Self-elimination in Goli Taraqqi’s First
Collection of Short Stories
Bianca Devos (Marburg): Shahkar-ha-ye nasr-e farsi-ye moʿaser: Saʿid
Nafisis Kanon der literarischen Moderne
Yahya Kouroshi (Erfurt): Alternative Modernen. Literatur in autoritären
Regimen: Sīmīn Dānešvar – Mercè Rodoreda – Christa Wolf
19.30: Meet &
Greet im Brauhaus Weiss in der Kölner Innenstadt,
Am Weidenbach
Meet & Greet
in a typical Cologne brewery, "Weiss" in the city center, Am Weidenbach 24
Samstag / Saturday
27. September
8.30 – 10.30: Panels
Werkstattgespräche / Workshop for Young Scholars
(Part I)
Chair: Nadine Scharfenort (Mainz)
Rahaf Aldoughli (Lancaster): The Relationship between
the Germanic and French Nationalist Thinking and their Contribution to the
Shaping of Arab Nationalist Thought
Seba Asaaied (Kaiserslautern): Participatory Planning
Approaches in the Arab Region: Aleppo and Alexandria (2003-2010)
Danaë Panissié (Tübingen): Oil for Power – Arab
Official Development Assistance in the MENA since 2011
Julia Simon (Hamburg): The Construction of Meaning:
The Arab Spring and its Implications on EU Democracy Promotion towards the
Southern Mediterranean
G2) Political
Development in Iran
Chair: Bianca Devos (Marburg)
Mari Nukii (Tokyo): American Foreign Policy and the August 1953 Coup d’Etat
in Iran: Manipulation and Reflection of Iranian Public Opinion
Ali Granmayeh (London): Origins of Iranian Foreign Policy under the Islamic
Regime: Ideology or Strategic Interests
Ali Fathollah-Nejad (London): Iran’s Civil Society
Grappling with Triangular Dynamics: Effects of External Impacts on the
Evolution of State-Society Relations in Strategically Important Countries
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, (London) / Fouad G. Marei
(Berlin): The Arab Revolts and Iran’s Green Movement: A Comparative Analysis
G3) Political Development in North Africa
Chair: (Sonja
Hegasy – angefragt)
Sonja Hegasy (Berlin): Transforming Memories:
Reparation, Media and Historiography in the Aftermath of the Moroccan Equity
and Reconciliation Commission
Ángela Suárez Collado (Madrid): The Amazigh Movement
in the Rif: Identity, Culture and Politics in the Provinces of Nador and Al
Benedikt van den Woldenberg (Leiden): Political
Institutions and the Reform Discourse in Jordan and Morocco (2011-2013)
Idriss Jebari (Oxford): Engagement and Disengagement in the Post-independence
Public Sphere in North Africa: The Case of Critical Intellectuals
G4) Political
Development in Egypt (Part I)
Chair: (Carola Richter - angefragt)
Gerasimos Tsourapas (London): Nasser’s ‘Soft Power’ Abroad: Emigration
& Political Power in Egypt, 1954 – 1970
Lea Müller-Funk (Wien): Managing Distance: Examining Shifting State
Policies Governing Egyptian Emigration and Egyptians Abroad
Maria Haimerl (Berlin): The Political Role of the Supreme Constitutional
Court of Egypt. Case Study on an Established Constitutional Court in Times of
Behrouz Alikhani (Münster): How Structurally Similar is El-Sisi’s Seizure
of Power in Egypt to Reza Khans Seizure of Power in Iran in 1925?
G5) Contemporary
Literature in the Middle East (Part I)
Chair: (Sabine Damir-Geilsdorf
– angefragt)
Majd Al-Mallah (Allendale): One Thousand and One
Nights in the Contemporary Imagination: Hanan al-Shaykh’s “Retelling” & the
Reinvention of the Classical Tradition
Mahmoud Kayyal (Tel Aviv): Naguib Mahfouz in Hebrew
Dorit Gottesfeld
(Tel Aviv): Writing in the Making: A New Look at the Works of Pioneering Palestinian
Women Writers
10.30 – 11.00:
Kaffeepause / Coffee Break
11.00 – 13.00:
Werkstattgespräche / Workshop for Young Scholars
(Part II)
Chair: Nadine Scharfenort (Mainz)
Sara Battke (Bonn): Ägyptisch-arabische Satire als populäre
Gesellschaftskritik unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Übersetzung ins
Anne-Marie Brack (Freiburg): Konzeptionen von Legitimität in Iran.
Konstruktions- und Aushandlungsprozesse innerhalb der politisch-religiösen
H2) Mobilities and
Competences in the Middle East Region
Chairs: Azita Bathaie / Amin Moghadam
Azita Bathaie (Paris): Mobility from Iran to Afghanistan: “Returnees” or “Newcomers”?
Dani Kranz (Wuppertal): Unplanned, Highly Skilled, and Socially – Potentially
– Marginal: The Curious Case of non-Jewish, Foreign Spouses and Partners of
Amin Moghadam (Paris): Initiative and Migratory Project: The Creation of a
Persian Radio in Dubai
H3) Zur Rolle des Nationalismus
im Israel-Palästina Konflikt / The Role
of Nationalims in the Israel-Palestine Conflict
Chair: N.N.
Thomas Prenzel (Rostock): Judentum und Zionismus in der
Tamar Amar-Dahl (Berlin): Das
zionistische Israel. Jüdischer Nationalismus und die Geschichte des
Eva Oliveira (Heidelberg): The State of Israel, its
Palestinian Minority and the Effects of a Daring Legal System
H4) Social and
Economic Development in Egypt
Chair: Günter Meyer
Liza Franke (Köln): Universities as Globalised Spaces: Academic Women in Contemporary
Carola Richter / Almut Woller (Berlin): Medienpraktiken von Protestbewegungen in Ägypten nach Mubarak
Sarah El Defrawy / Maike Didero (Aachen): Right to the City? Forced Evictions
and Relocation processes in Cairo. From Past Policies to Current Practices.
Mohamed Hussein Abdel-Kader / Mahmoud Fouad Mahmoud Elbawab (Kairo):
Industrial Sustainable Cities in Egypt: A Comparative Analysis of Strategic
Development Plans
H5) Contemporary
Literature in
the Middle East (Part II)
Chair: (Sabine
Damir-Geilsdorf - angefragt)
Tonia Schüller (Bonn): The Egyptian Revolution 2011
from Inside – Tahrir Square: Why We Went There and What We Hoped for
Börte Sagaster (Nikosia): The Representation of Memory in Bilge Karasu's Works
Béatrice Hendrich (Gießen): Essen erinnern – bei Mario Levi und Migirdic
13.00: Ende des DAVO-Kongresses
/ The End of the DAVO Congress