mercredi 22 juin 2022
Κωνσταντινούπολη, η πόλη που άλλαξε όνομα μόλις πριν 9 δεκαετίες
lundi 2 mai 2022
Αραβικές Πέμπτες: 5.5.2022, Ο ελληνισμός στον αραβικό κόσμο. Φιλοσοφική Σχολή ΕΚΠΑ, ώρα 2μμ ακριβώς
mercredi 26 janvier 2022
Mohammad ben Salmane. L'Orient-Le Jour 25.1.2022
Quand on évoque le nom de Mohammad ben Salmane (MBS), le prince héritier d’Arabie saoudite, on pense tout de suite à l’assassinat du journaliste Jamal Khashoggi, à la purge du Ritz-Carlton, à la prise en otage de Saad Hariri ou encore à la guerre au Yémen. Le dauphin a réussi l’exploit de se construire, en seulement quelques années, l’image d’un dirigeant autoritaire, versatile, caractériel et sanguinaire. Et cette étiquette risque de lui coller encore longtemps à la peau.
Regarder sa politique à travers ce seul prisme serait pourtant une erreur. Parce que dans le même temps, MBS est en train de révolutionner le royaume wahhabite. A tous les niveaux et pas seulement pour le meilleur.
Son Arabie est un régime autoritaire, ultra-nationaliste, dans lequel il concentre tous les pouvoirs et où aucune voix critique n’est tolérée. La révolution est politique, mais certainement pas démocratique, le prince ayant mis fin au partage du pouvoir entre les grandes familles et, dans une moindre mesure, à l’influence conséquente des dignitaires religieux. Symbole de cette évolution, la mise au pas, depuis 2016, de la puissante police religieuse (Moutawaa), chargée de faire respecter la loi islamique de manière stricte dans la sphère publique.
En 2016, MBS a fait un pari audacieux. Celui de préparer son pays à l’après-pétrole et de le moderniser pour répondre aux aspirations d’une jeunesse qui représente 60% de la population. Sur le plan économique, le pari est encore loin d’être réussi, le royaume étant encore largement dépendant du prix du baril. Mais sur le plan sociétal, la révolution est en cours.
Dans l’Arabie de MBS, les femmes ont davantage de droits, les cinémas ont rouvert, les possibilités de divertissement ont été démultipliées. Il est désormais possible d’assister aux concerts de certaines des plus grandes stars internationales ou même à une course de Formule Un. On pourrait arguer que tout cela n’est qu’un vernis superficiel qui ne suffit pas à cacher le caractère profondément conservateur du royaume wahhabite. Mais ce serait passer à côté de la dynamique en cours. D’une part, les transformations, inégales, sont parfois profondes et ne peuvent être écartées d’un revers de main. Seuls 35 % des jeunes Saoudiens considèrent par exemple leur foi comme l’élément « le plus important » de leur identité. D’autre part, dans le quotidien de la population, vivre dans une Arabie qui prend Dubaï pour modèle n’est tout de même pas la même chose que de vivre dans un régime ultra-conservateur où tout, ou presque, est considéré comme haram.
Αχαιμενίδες και ελληνικό στοιχείο στην Κεντρική Ασία. Διάλεξη στα ελληνικά, στην Αθήνα, 1.2.2022
Κύκλος Σεμιναρίων ΤΕΡΑ 2022
Ινστιτούτο Ιστορικών Ερευνών
«The Achaemenid contribution to the formation of Hellenistic Central Asia»
Μιχάλης Ηλιάκης, Αρχαίος Ιστορικός, Ακαδημαϊκός Συντονιστής HerMar Iran - Εξωτερικός Συνεργάτης ΙΙΕ/ΕΙΕ
Ώρα: 17:00 // Διαδικτυακή Διάλεξη
Πρόσκληση: invitation_
Η διάλεξη θα δοθεί στα ελληνικά
Σύνδεσμος εγγραφής και παρακολούθησης:
SGRA Seminar Series 2022
The Institute of Historical Research
«The Achaemenid contribution to the formation of Hellenistic Central Asia»
Michael Iliakis, Ancient Historian, Academic Coordinator HerMar Iran - External Collaborator IHR/NHRF
Time: 17:00 // Online seminar
Invitation: invitation_ Iliakis_ENG.pdf
The lecture will be delivered in Greek
Registration and Invitation link:
Ινστιτούτο Ιστορικών Ερευνών
Εθνικό Ίδρυμα Ερευνών
Βασ. Κωνσταντίνου 48, 116 35 Αθήνα
Τηλ.: 210 7273619
Τηλεομ.: 210 7273629
Institute of Historical Research
National Hellenic Research Foundation
48, Vassileos Constantinou Av., 116 35 Athens-Greece
Tel.: +30210 7273619
Fax: +30210 7273629
mardi 25 janvier 2022
EURAMES Info Service 04/2022
1. ONLINE Presentation of the Book “Global South Scholars in the Western Academy: Harnessing Unique Experiences, Knowledges, and Positionality in the Third Space” by the Editors Dr Staci B. Martin and Deepra Dandekar, PhD., Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin, 24 January 2022, 3:00 pm CET
2. National Dialogue on “The Social Protection System in Tunisia”, Economic Research Forum (ERF), Cairo, 24-25 January 2022, 4:00 pm TRT
3. ONLINE Webinar: “Iran-Europe Dynamics and the JCPOA Negotiations”, Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore, 25 January 2022, 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm SGT
4. ONLINE Lecture: “Medinas of the Maghreb and the Concept of Islamic City: Between Texts and Models” by Amine Kasmi (University of Tlemcen), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 25 January 2022, 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm EST
5. ONLINE Seminar by Şevket Pamuk on “Monetary and Financial History since the Ottoman Era”, History Foundation of Turkey, 26 January 2022, 7:00 pm TRT
6. ONLINE International Conference: “Media Aesthetics of Occidentalism”, Centre for Near and Middle East Studies, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany, 26-28 January 2022
7. ONLINE Webinar: “Israel’s Continuing Policy of Palestinian Dispossession: From Sheikh Jarrah to Al-Naqab”, Arab Center Washington DC, 27 January 2022, 10:00 am ET
8. ONLINE Book Discussion: “Routledge Handbook on China-Middle East Relations”, Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore, 27 January 2022, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm SGT
9. ONLINE Lecture ““Saladin, we have returned!” General Henri Gouraud and the Memory and Legacy of the Crusades in the Muslim Near East” by Prof. Dr. Jonathan Phillips (Royal Holloway, University of London-UK), University of Marburg, Germany, 27 January 2022, 5:00 pm CET
10. ONLINE Roundtable: “Turkish Television Explained: Domestic Priorities – Global Impacts”, Ottoman and Turkish Studies Initiative at NYU (OTS-NYU), 28 January 2022, 12:00 pm EST
11. ONLINE Webinar: “Climate Change and Displacement: Experiences from Latin America and the Caribbean and the Middle East” hosted by Nadje Al-Ali, Center for Middle East Studies, Brown University, Providence, RI, 28 January 2022, 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm EST
12. Colloque : « Le Qāḍī Abū Bakr Ibn al‑ʿArabī (m. 543/1148) : Parcours, héritage et transmission » à l’occasion du 900e anniversaire de son décès, Centre Jaques-Berque, Rabat, 28 et 29 janvier 2021
13. ONLINE Webinaire : « Le marché du livre arabe traduit en français depuis 2011 » par Richar Jaquemond, Atelier de recherche du CEDEJ, Paris, 1 février 2022, 16h00 CET
14. ONLINE Conversation on “Making the Gulf: Regulating Movements and Politics” by Natasha Iskander and Arang Keshavarzian, Crown Center for Middle East Studies, Brandeis University, 2 February 2022, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm EST
15. ONLINE FIFA World Cup 2022 Panel: “Who Belongs to a Country? National Representation and Identity at the FIFA World Cup 2022”, Georgetown University Qatar, 2 February 2022, 6:00 pm AST
16. HYBRID Lecture “The Metaphysical Dimension of the Prophet in Avicenna’s Thought” by Dr. Meryem Sebti (CNRS, Paris) in the “Islamic History and Thought Lecture Series”, Aga Khan Centre, London, 3 February 2022, 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm GMT
17. ONLINE Webinar on the Book of Sa'ed Atshan on “Queer Palestine and the Empire of Critique” Center for Middle East Studies, Brown University, Providence, RI, 4 February 2022, 01:00 pm - 02:00 pm EST
18. ONLINE Virtual Coffee Morning for Early Career Researchers on “Social Policy in the MENA”, United Nations University, Maastricht, Netherlands, 9 February 2021, 11:00 am CET
19. ONLINE Webinar on the Book of Gil Hochberg on “Becoming Palestine: Toward an Archival Imagination of the Future”, Center for Middle East Studies, Brown University, Providence, RI, 10 February 2022, 12:00 pm - 01:00 pm EST
20. ONLINE Lecture by Rema Hammami on “GBV Humanitarianism in Gaza: Gender Violence and the Geopolitics of Humanitarian Care and Immiseration”, Center for Middle East Studies, Brown University, Providence, RI, 15 February 2022, 12:00 pm - 01:00 pm EST
21. ONLINE Lecture: “Hunger, Heresy and Rebellion in ʿAbbasid Arabia” by Peter Webb (Universiteit Leiden), University of Hamburg, 15 February 2022, 4:00 - 5:30 pm CET
22. ONLINE Webinar: “From Compilation to Indexing: Tracing the Practice of Early Modern Orientalist Scholarship” by Paul Babinski (University of Copenhagen), School of Historical Studies, IAS, 16 February 2022, 12:00 pm ET
23. ONLINE Conference: “The Concept of Protology/Cosmology and the Concept of Eschatology in Judaism, Christianity and Islam” in the Series “Key Concepts in Interreligious Discourses” (KCID), Bavarian Research Center for Interreligious Discourses (BaFID), Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 16-17 February, 2:00 pm CET
24. ONLINE Lecture on “Rethinking Statehood in Palestine: Self-Determination and Decolonization Beyond Partition” by Leila H. Farsakh (University of Massachusetts Boston), SOAS, 22 February 2022, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm GMT
25. ONLINE Lecture: “The Politics of Jihad in Early Crusading Period among the Turkmen and Kurds” by Prof. Dr. Taef El-Azhari (Helwan University), University of Marburg, Germany, 24 February 2022, 5:00 pm CET
26. ONLINE Seminar on “The Cunning of Gender Violence: Geopolitics and Feminism”, by Hammami, Abu-Lughod and Shalhoub-Kevorkina, Center for Middle East Studies, Brown University, Providence, RI, 25 February 2022, 12:00 pm - 01:30 pm EST
27. ONLINE Webinar: “Visions of Beirut: The Urban Life of Media Infrastructure” with Hatim El-Hibri and Will Youmans, Institute for Middle East Studies, George Washington University, 3 March 2022, 11:00 am - 12:30 pm EST
28. ONLINE Webinar: “The Ottomans: Khans, Caesars, and Caliphs” by Marc David Baer (LSE), London Middle East Institute, SOAS, 8 March 2022, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm GMT
29. HYBRID International Conference: “Silk Roads by Land and Sea”, GUtech German University of Technology, Muscat, 9-12 March 2022
30. ONLINE Two Panels about Islamicate Issues at the “International Congress for Medieval Studies”, Western Michigan University, 9-14 March 2022
31. International Graduate Workshop: “The Quotidian and the Divine: Gendered Economies of Monasticism in Christian Anatolia (16th-19th Century)”, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 17-18 March 2022
32. International Conference: “Body, Medicine, and Feminism: The Life and Work of Nawal El Saadawi”, Duke University, 21-22 March 2022
33. Workshop: “COVID-19 and Migrants in the Globalized World (Focus on MENA and Asia Region)”, Gulf Studies Center, Qatar University, 27 March 2022
34. International Conference: “The Global 1922: New Critical Reflections”, King’s College London, 31 March 2022
35. Workshop: “Continuity and Change Throughout the Ottoman Longue Durée”, Third Annual Mid-Atlantic Ottomanists Workshop (MAOW), University of Mary Washington, Fredericksburg, VA, USA, 1-3 April 2022.
36. HYBRID Event: “8th Annual Centre for Palestine Studies Research Seminar”, SOAS, University of London, 4 May 2022
37. ONLINE Workshop: “The Dynamics of Political Contention under Authoritarianism Regimes”, Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies Program, University of Alberta, 19-20 May 2022
38. Conference on “Minorities in the Maghrib,” Organised by the Centre for Maghrib Studies, Djerba Island, Tunisia, 20-22 May 2022
39. Workshop: “The Arab-majority and Muslim-majority Worlds in/and Contemporary Decolonisation Debates”, University of Edinburgh, 5-6 April 2022
40. HYBRID “15th Annual International Conference on Mediterranean Studies”, Center for European & Mediterranean Affairs (CEMA), Athens, 11-14 April 2022
41. HYBRID International Conference Afro-Iberia: “Africans and Maghrebis in the Iberian Peninsula (1850-1975)”, Institució Milà I Fontanals, CSIC, Barcelona, 29-30 April 2022
42. ONLINE Conference: “Islamic Perspectives on Exotheology”, Zayed University, 10-11 May 2022
43. Conference: “Jewish Questions and the Global South: Between Sovereignty and Human Right”, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 16-18 May 2022
44. 24th Annual International Congress of the Mediterranean Studies Association, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 25-28 May 2022
45. Conference: “Muslim Societies and Peacebuilding in Africa”, Al-Hokama Center for Peace Research, Rabat, 26-28 May 2022
46. Panel on “Liberalism and Islam in Contemporary Global Literature”, Conference of the British Association of Islam Studies (BRAIS), University of Edinburgh, 6-7 June 2022
47. Conference on “Social Justice in Multicultural Settings”, Arab Academic College, Haifa, 7-9 June 2022
48. APSA MENA Workshop for Early-Career Scholars: “Studying Public Opinion in the Contemporary Middle East: Challenges, Opportunities and Best Practices”, University of Jordan, Amman, 12-17 June 2022
49. ONLINE Workshop on “Roads to Peace? Infrastructures, Peace, and Conflict (Including Middle East)”, Swansea University, 14-15 June 2022
50. HYBRID Conference: “Mercenaries and Crusaders (1202-1480s)”, University of Debrecen, Hungary, 22-24 June 2022
51. XV Conference of the Italian Society for Middle Eastern Studies (SeSaMO): “Explaining Crisis beyond Chaos: Middle East and North Africa in Global Change”, University of Naples “L'Orientale”, 22-24 June 2022
52. International Conference ““Ruling the Waves”: Transnational Radio Broadcasting in the Middle East and the Mediterranean between Production and Reception”, 1920-1970, German Historical Institute, etc., Rome, 22-24 June 2022
53. Conference: “Unfreedom in the Premodern World: Comparative Perspectives on Slavery, Servitude & Captivity”, Trinity College Dublin, 23-24 June 2022
54. HYBRID 10th International Conference of the Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East (SSCLE) on “Crusading Encounters”, University of London, 27 June - 1 July 2022
55. HYBRID Conference: “2nd Annual International Conference of the British Association of Teachers of Arabic (BATA)”, University of Westminster, 30 June - 1 July 2022
56. Panel on “Borders”, Northern Network for the Study of the Crusades, International Medieval Congress, Leeds, 4-7 July 2022
57. Eighth Conference of the School of Mamluk Studies, University of Marburg, 4-9 July 2022
58. Conference: “What Makes a Pilgram a Pilgram? Conceptualising Pilgrims and Pilgrimage, c. 300-1600?” (Focus Muslim Pilgrims), Manchester Metropolitan University, 13-14 July 2022
59. Workshop: “Arab-Soviet Internationalism – Socialist Internationalism, International Organizations and the Politics of Revolution in the 20th and 21st Centuries”, Forum Transregionale Studien, Berlin, 13-15 July 2022
60. Three Conferences of the Aram Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies (ARAM) on Melkite Christianity, the Aramaeans, and the Decapolis at the Oriental Institute, University of Oxford, July 2022
61. “Twelfth Nordic Conference on Middle Eastern Studies” by the “Nordic Society for Middle Eastern Studies (NSMES)” on “The Middle East in Myth and Reality”, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, 22-24 September 2022
62. International Conference on “The Theory and Practice of Rebellion in the Early Islamicate World” (7th-10th Century CE)”, Hamburg University, 22-24 September 2022
63. Conference: “Balance of Justice in the Ottoman Empire. Non-Muslims as Agents in an Islamic Imperial Legal Context”, Sabancı University, Istanbul, 13-15 October 2022
64. 56th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association of North America (MESA), Denver, Colorado, 1-4 December 2022
65. Conference: “Screening Crime in the Arab World”, Saint Joseph University, Beirut, 4-6 May 2023
66. International Fellowships for Excellent Researchers from the Humanities, Cultural Studies and the Social Sciences, Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Essen University, Germany
67. 2 Junior Postdoctoral Fellows, 2 Postdoctoral Fellows, 2 Senior Fellows, 2 Doctoral Fellows, 2 Short Term Fellows for Research at the Cluster of Excellence “Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery”
68. Two PhD Positions (2+2 Years) in Digital Islamic History, University of Hamburg
69. Assistant Professor for Contemporary Politics and Modern History of the Middle East, Radboud University, the Netherlands
70. Doctoral Student in History of Religions Specialising in Islamology (Fully-funded up to 4 Years), Centre for Theology and Religious Studies, Lund University, Sweden
71. Postdoctoral Position (2 Years) for Research on “Prisca Alchimia. The Beginnings of Arabic Alchemy in the East (8th-10th Centuries) and its Transmission to al-Andalus and to the Latin World”, UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
72. Doctoral Research Fellowship (3 Years) in Middle Eastern Studies, University of Oslo, Norway
73. Two Visiting Fellowships, Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies
74. Postdoctoral Fellowships for Historical Studies of the Pre-modern Mediterranean in Haifa and Israel, Haifa, 2022-2024
75. Wissenschaftl. MitarbeiterIn (3 Jahre) in Arabistik/Islamwissenschaft, Dienstort Kairo, Orient-Institut Beirut
76. Visiting Professor in Palestinian Studies, Center for Middle East Studies, Brown University
77. Senior Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Professor of Islamic Governance, Universiti Brunei Darussalam
78. Fellowships of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDF) in the JDC Archives in New York or Jerusalem
79. Visiting Assistant Professor (1 Year) of History with Specialisation in the Middle East, Nazareth College, Rochester, New York
80. Postdoctoral Joint Fellowship in Israel and Middle Eastern Studies, American University, Washington DC
81. Visiting Assistant Professor Islamic Art (2 Years), Washington and Lee University, Virginia
82. Postdoctoral Fellows/Research Associates (2 Years) for Research Project on “Interactive Histories, Co-Produced Communities: Judaism, Christianity and Islam”, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, and University of Bern
83. Darwish Visiting Professor (1 Year) In Palestinian Studies, Brown University, Providence, RI
84. Postdoctoral Research Associate in Middle East Studies, Brown University, Providence, RI
85. Research Award for Scientific Studies on Ankara and Its Environs, Vehbi Koç Ankara Studies Research Center
86. Funding of a Research Project on “Towards a Fairer and More Anti-discriminatory Support for International Relocation in North-South Contexts” by Martin Roth Initiative, Goethe Institut and Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen
87. Scholarships for Research on “Borders, Migration and Knowledge” by Ph.D. Students Worldwide, Zeit-Foundation
88. ONLINE Course: “The Eighth Yemen Exchange”, Sana’a Center and The Exchange Foundation, 28 February - 11 March 2022, Monday - Friday, 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm AST
89. École doctorale : « Concurrences et cohabitations des religiosités u Maghreb et en Afrique de l’Ouest : des terrains de comparaisons ? », Tunis, 23-27 mai 2022
90. CEST Summer School “Cultural Exchange and Heritage (Related to Turkey)", University of Vienna, 11-22 July 2022
91. ONLINE Summer Course “Introduction to Arabic Manuscript Studies”, Hill Museum and Manuscript Library, Collegdevielle, MN, 13-24 June 2022
92. Summer Course for College and University Educators on “Middle Eastern Christianity: A Historic and Living Tradition”, Bradley University, Preoria IL, 5-25 June 2022
93. Intensive Course: “A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Environmental Studies in Pre-Modern Egypt”, University of Marburg, 4-6 July 2022
94. Islamic Studies MA and Dual Degree MA in “Islamic Studies and Muslim Cultures” at Columbia University (New York) and Aga Khan University (London)
95. Articles on “The Western Mediterranean and Relations Between Religious Communities In All Area” for Special Issue of the Journal “Maghreb Review”
96. Articles for Journal “BOAS_insights #2” (“Bonn Oriental and Asian Studies Insights”)
97. Articles for New Journal “Forum Islamic-Theological Studies”
98. Chapters for Edited Book on “Building Social Cohesion through Interreligious Dialogue”
CONFERENCES / ONLINE EVENTS 1. ONLINE Presentation of the Book “Global South Scholars in the Western Academy: Harnessing Unique Experiences, Knowledges, and Positionality in the Third Space” by the Editors Dr Staci B. Martin and Deepra Dandekar, PhD., Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin, 24 January 2022, 3:00 pm CET The book identifies the unique position that scholars have come to adopt "in-between" North and South and theorizes this positionality as a "third space", carved out by academics negotiating personal, professional, and cultural belonging. This liminal subject position, enriched by experiences of migration, racialization, poverty, and difference, is shown to drive knowledge-production and justice-orientated approaches in the academy. Information and registration: ____________________________________ 2. National Dialogue on “The Social Protection System in Tunisia”, Economic Research Forum (ERF), Cairo, 24-25 January 2022, 4:00 pm TRT Experts, civil society representatives and policy makers will discuss the main challenges of the current social protection system in general and more specifically regarding health insurance and outcomes, social protection extension strategies for informal workers, wages, and determine the main priorities in terms of reforms for a more inclusive social protection system in Tunisia. Information and registration: ____________________________________ 3. ONLINE Webinar: “Iran-Europe Dynamics and the JCPOA Negotiations”, Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore, 25 January 2022, 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm SGT Since the start of the Iranian nuclear controversy, the EU has been steadfastly mediating between Iran and the US, an effort that has continued till today. We seek to find answers to questions such as EU’s motivation behind its central role in the nuclear negotiations, the nature of Iran-EU relations and what does the EU foresee Iran’s role in the Middle East to be. Information and registration: ____________________________________ 4. ONLINE Lecture: “Medinas of the Maghreb and the Concept of Islamic City: Between Texts and Models” by Amine Kasmi (University of Tlemcen), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 25 January 2022, 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm EST The purpose of this lecture is to confront various theoretical conceptions of this issue in order to trace morphological and landscape characteristics of Maghrebi medinas. Information and registration: ____________________________________ 5. ONLINE Seminar by Şevket Pamuk on “Monetary and Financial History since the Ottoman Era”, History Foundation of Turkey, 26 January 2022, 7:00 pm TRT This is a part of a new series of seminars on the history of Turkey from Empire to Republic. The seminars will cover a wide range of topics on Turkey’s political, social, economic, and cultural history. The series aims to provide historical background and to highlight the role of its imperial heritage in understanding the pressing issues of contemporary Turkey. Information and registration: ____________________________________ 6. ONLINE International Conference: “Media Aesthetics of Occidentalism”, Centre for Near and Middle East Studies, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany, 26-28 January 2022 The conference pursues the central question: “How do media aesthetic qualities contribute to the constitution of Occidentalist discourses?” Program and registration : ____________________________________ 7. ONLINE Webinar: “Israel’s Continuing Policy of Palestinian Dispossession: From Sheikh Jarrah to Al-Naqab”, Arab Center Washington DC, 27 January 2022, 10:00 am ET Experts will discuss the volatile situation in the Naqab in the context of Israel’s ongoing policy of displacement and dispossession against Palestinians. They will address the significance and legal status of the Naqab area, the growing and unified Palestinian mobilization against Israeli oppression, the role of the international political community, and the importance of voices from the Bedouin community and accurate media reporting. Information and registration: ____________________________________ 8. ONLINE Book Discussion: “Routledge Handbook on China-Middle East Relations”, Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore, 27 January 2022, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm SGT China’s growing Middle East presence affects intra-regional development, trade, security and diplomacy. It is the biggest source of foreign direct investment into the region and the largest trading partner for most Middle Eastern states. This portends a larger role in political and security-related affairs as the value of Chinese assets, combined with a growing expatriate population in the region, demands a more proactive role in contributing to regional order. Information and registration: ____________________________________ 9. ONLINE Lecture ““Saladin, we have returned!” General Henri Gouraud and the Memory and Legacy of the Crusades in the Muslim Near East” by Prof. Dr. Jonathan Phillips (Royal Holloway, University of London-UK), University of Marburg, Germany, 27 January 2022, 5:00 pm CET This is part of the Lecture Series “Rethinking Memory and Historiography of the Crusades in the Middle East”. Moderator: Prof. Dr. Albrecht Fuess (University of Marburg). Organised by Dr. Ahmed M. Sheir. Information and registration: /view?usp=sharing ____________________________________ 10. ONLINE Roundtable: “Turkish Television Explained: Domestic Priorities – Global Impacts”, Ottoman and Turkish Studies Initiative at NYU (OTS-NYU), 28 January 2022, 12:00 pm EST This interdisciplinary roundtable on Turkish television will explore the multifaceted influence these shows have both in Turkey and across the globe. Information and registration: ____________________________________ 11. ONLINE Webinar: “Climate Change and Displacement: Experiences from Latin America and the Caribbean and the Middle East” hosted by Nadje Al-Ali, Center for Middle East Studies, Brown University, Providence, RI, 28 January 2022, 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm EST This discussion focuses on the experiences of migrants, exploring how climate change and environmental hazards exacerbate existing vulnerabilities and affect patterns of migration and the challenges that migrants face negotiating these, with a particular focus on the experiences of women. Information and registration: ____________________________________ 12. Colloque : « Le Qāḍī Abū Bakr Ibn al‑ʿArabī (m. 543/1148) : Parcours, héritage et transmission » à l’occasion du 900e anniversaire de son décès, Centre Jaques-Berque, Rabat, 28 et 29 janvier 2021 Ce colloque international a pour objectif de dresser un bilan de la recherche académique réalisée sur la figure, l’œuvre et la postérité d’un des savants les plus influents de l’Occident Musulman. En effet, depuis près de cent vingt-cinq ans, les nombreux travaux d’édition et études thématiques autour de son œuvre se sont succédé à un rythme effréné, traduisant un fort intérêt des chercheurs pour cette figure riche et complexe du Ve/ XIe siècle. Information : ____________________________________ 13. ONLINE Webinaire : « Le marché du livre arabe traduit en français depuis 2011 » par Richar Jaquemond, Atelier de recherche du CEDEJ, Paris, 1 février 2022, 16h00 CET Comment les évolutions en cours dans l’espace littéraire arabe depuis une vingtaine d’années se donnentelles à voir dans le marché de la littérature arabe traduite en français? Quels effets ont eu les printemps arabes et les crises et conflits qui les ont suivis sur l’exportation de cette production littéraire? Comment ces circuits d’exportation sont-ils affectés par les transformations du marché international de la littérature? Information et inscription : ____________________________________ 14. ONLINE Conversation on “Making the Gulf: Regulating Movements and Politics” by Natasha Iskander and Arang Keshavarzian, Crown Center for Middle East Studies, Brandeis University, 2 February 2022, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm EST The two speakers will explore the strategies deployed in the Gulf to regulate mobility, especially the mobility of labor, and the ways those strategies enact power relations in the region and beyond. Information and registration: ____________________________________ 15. ONLINE FIFA World Cup 2022 Panel: “Who Belongs to a Country? National Representation and Identity at the FIFA World Cup 2022”, Georgetown University Qatar, 2 February 2022, 6:00 pm AST While a vast majority of France’s winning World Cup squad in 2018 was immigrants, many players born in France represented other countries such as Morocco, Senegal, and Tunisia. However, in the Qatar national team that won the 2019 AFC Asian Championship, most players were born and raised in the country, many of them being the sons of immigrants. Listen to discussions about national teams and the national identity of players. Information: Registration: ____________________________________ 16. HYBRID Lecture “The Metaphysical Dimension of the Prophet in Avicenna’s Thought” by Dr. Meryem Sebti (CNRS, Paris) in the “Islamic History and Thought Lecture Series”, Aga Khan Centre, London, 3 February 2022, 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm GMT The prophet has a major metaphysical function. This is a fundamental thesis of Avicenna’s prophetology, and one of the main theses that will be explored in this lecture. Discussants are Dr Toby Mayer are Dr Fârès Gillon (Institute of Ismaili Studies, UK). Information and registration: ____________________________________ 17. ONLINE Webinar on the Book of Sa'ed Atshan on “Queer Palestine and the Empire of Critique” Center for Middle East Studies, Brown University, Providence, RI, 4 February 2022, 01:00 pm - 02:00 pm EST The author asks how transnational progressive social movements can balance struggles for liberation along more than one axis. He explores critical junctures in the history of Palestinian LGBTQ activism, revealing the queer Palestinian spirit of agency, defiance, and creativity, in the face of daunting pressures and forces working to constrict it. Information and registration: ____________________________________ 18. ONLINE Virtual Coffee Morning for Early Career Researchers on “Social Policy in the MENA”, United Nations University, Maastricht, Netherlands, 9 February 2021, 11:00 am CET Are you an ECR working on social policy in the MENA and like to connect to other researchers? We would like to invite you to a virtual coffee morning organised by the ECR representatives at the MENA SP Network. Information and registration: ____________________________________ 19. ONLINE Webinar on the Book of Gil Hochberg on “Becoming Palestine: Toward an Archival Imagination of the Future”, Center for Middle East Studies, Brown University, Providence, RI, 10 February 2022, 12:00 pm - 01:00 pm EST The author examines how contemporary Palestinian artists, filmmakers, dancers, and activists use the archive in order to radically imagine Palestine’s future. She shows how artists reimagine the archive, approaching it not through the desire to unearth hidden knowledge, but to sever the identification of the archive with the past. Information and registration: ____________________________________ 20. ONLINE Lecture by Rema Hammami on “GBV Humanitarianism in Gaza: Gender Violence and the Geopolitics of Humanitarian Care and Immiseration”, Center for Middle East Studies, Brown University, Providence, RI, 15 February 2022, 12:00 pm - 01:00 pm EST Under siege and international sanctions, while enduring massive and recurrent Israeli military aggression, since 2008 Gazans have become subject to a powerful assemblage of humanitarian actors and aid flows that have instantiated the prevention and treatment of gender-based violence (GBV) as the exclusive gender concern in Gazan society. Information and registration: ____________________________________ 21. ONLINE Lecture: “Hunger, Heresy and Rebellion in ʿAbbasid Arabia” by Peter Webb (Universiteit Leiden), University of Hamburg, 15 February 2022, 4:00 - 5:30 pm CET This is a part of the lecture series: "Rethinking Social Contention: Rebellion, Banditry and Martyrdom in the Pre-Modern Islamicate World" hosted by the Emmy Noether Research Group "Social Contexts of Rebellion in the Early Islamic Period (SCORE)". Information and registration: ____________________________________ 22. ONLINE Webinar: “From Compilation to Indexing: Tracing the Practice of Early Modern Orientalist Scholarship” by Paul Babinski (University of Copenhagen), School of Historical Studies, IAS, 16 February 2022, 12:00 pm ET This talk will trace that history in the early modern period, giving an overview of the conventions of orientalist annotation and focusing on a comparison between manuscripts from the two premier Western European Arabists of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, respectively: Jacob Golius and Johann Jacob Reiske. Information and registration: ____________________________________ 23. ONLINE Conference: “The Concept of Protology/Cosmology and the Concept of Eschatology in Judaism, Christianity and Islam” in the Series “Key Concepts in Interreligious Discourses” (KCID), Bavarian Research Center for Interreligious Discourses (BaFID), Universität ErlangenNürnberg, 16-17 February, 2:00 pm CET Speakers on Protology/Cosmology: Prof. em. Dr. Philip Alexander and Prof. Dr. Daniel Langton, University of Manchester/UK, on Judaism; Prof. Dr. Dirk Ansorge, Frankfurt/Main, on Christianity; Prof. Dr. Mira Sievers, HU Berlin, on Islam. Speaker on Eschatology: Prof. em. Dr. Todd Lawson, University of Toronto/CA, on Islam; etc. Information and registration: ____________________________________ 24. ONLINE Lecture on “Rethinking Statehood in Palestine: Self-Determination and Decolonization Beyond Partition” by Leila H. Farsakh (University of Massachusetts Boston), SOAS, 22 February 2022, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm GMT This groundbreaking book shows how notions of citizenship, sovereignty, and nationhood are being rethought within the broader context of decolonization. Bringing forth critical and multifaceted engagements with what modern Palestinian self-determination entails, this book sets the terms of debate for the future of Palestine beyond partition. Information and registration: ____________________________________ 25. ONLINE Lecture: “The Politics of Jihad in Early Crusading Period among the Turkmen and Kurds” by Prof. Dr. Taef El-Azhari (Helwan University), University of Marburg, Germany, 24 February 2022, 5:00 pm CET This is part of the Lecture Series “Rethinking Memory and Historiography of the Crusades in the Middle East”. Moderator: Prof. Dr. Umar Ryad (University of Leuven). Organised by Dr. Ahmed M. Sheir. Information and registration: /view?usp=sharing ____________________________________ 26. ONLINE Seminar on “The Cunning of Gender Violence: Geopolitics and Feminism”, by Hammami, Abu-Lughod and Shalhoub-Kevorkina, Center for Middle East Studies, Brown University, Providence, RI, 25 February 2022, 12:00 pm - 01:30 pm EST This seminar is based on the findings of a three-year collaborative research project between feminist scholars of the Middle East and South Asia that explored these questions across a range of intersecting local, national, and global contexts, in the process uncovering the ways in which religion and racialized ethnicity, particularly “the Muslim question,” run deeply through the international governance structures of GBVAW, even when insistently disavowed. Information and registration: ____________________________________ 27. ONLINE Webinar: “Visions of Beirut: The Urban Life of Media Infrastructure” with Hatim ElHibri and Will Youmans, Institute for Middle East Studies, George Washington University, 3 March 2022, 11:00 am - 12:30 pm EST El-Hibri traces how the technologies and media infrastructure that visualize the city are used to consolidate or destabilize regimes of power. Outlining how Beirut’s urban space and public life intertwine with images and infrastructure, El-Hibri interrogates how media embody and exacerbate the region’s political fault lines. Information and registration: ____________________________________ 28. ONLINE Webinar: “The Ottomans: Khans, Caesars, and Caliphs” by Marc David Baer (LSE), London Middle East Institute, SOAS, 8 March 2022, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm GMT Recounting the Ottomans’ remarkable rise from a frontier principality to a world empire, historian Baer traces their debts to their Turkish, Mongolian, Islamic, and Byzantine heritage. The Ottomans pioneered religious toleration even as they used religious conversion to integrate conquered peoples. But in the nineteenth century, they embraced exclusivity, leading to ethnic cleansing, genocide, and the empire’s demise after the First World War. Information and registration: ____________________________________ 29. HYBRID International Conference: “Silk Roads by Land and Sea”, GUtech German University of Technology, Muscat, 9-12 March 2022 The conference is organised by the RIO Research Centre Indian Ocean ( It seeks to contribute to the emerging field of “mobility studies”, shedding new light on the overland and sea networks stretching from the Eastern Mediterranean and East Africa to East Asia from the earliest times to the present day. Information: ____________________________________ 30. ONLINE Two Panels about Islamicate Issues at the “International Congress for Medieval Studies”, Western Michigan University, 9-14 March 2022 Panel 1: “Sociability between Justice and Tyranny” – considering Islamicate ambivalences toward sociability and despotism. Panel 2: “Medieval Islamicate Paratexts in Contexts” – exploring the nature of the paratext in the lettered traditions of the medieval Islamicate world and ask how developments in textual technology are understood and valorized. Information: ____________________________________ 31. International Graduate Workshop: “The Quotidian and the Divine: Gendered Economies of Monasticism in Christian Anatolia (16th-19th Century)”, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 17- 18 March 2022 Questions to be answered: How was monastic life represented by the church, by laypeople, and by the Ottoman state? What did daily life in the monastery entail? How did the practices of monasticism change over time? What was the relationship between spiritual, material, sexual and economic conditions in monasteries?How did monks and nuns represent their work and networks as communal? Information: ____________________________________ 32. International Conference: “Body, Medicine, and Feminism: The Life and Work of Nawal El Saadawi”, Duke University, 21-22 March 2022 Papers will focus on the role of the body and medicine in Dr. El Saadawi’s oeuvre while other papers will be dedicated to the spirit of her work and thought. A special issue of the Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies will be devoted to the memory of Dr. El Saadawi. Information: ____________________________________ 33. Workshop: “COVID-19 and Migrants in the Globalized World (Focus on MENA and Asia Region)”, Gulf Studies Center, Qatar University, 27 March 2022 This workshop engages with the broader questions related to COVID-19 and international migration such as migrant deaths, healthcare, repatriation, remittances, return migration, migrant families, livelihood, and other related issues. Information: Dr Md Mizanur Rahman ____________________________________ 34. International Conference: “The Global 1922: New Critical Reflections”, King’s College London, 31 March 2022 Using the Greek-Turkish war as a starting point, the conference aims to place the events that followed the armistice of 1918 in a broader international and transnational context and, conversely, use this wider frame to better understand the transformations on a local level. Information: ____________________________________ 35. Workshop: “Continuity and Change Throughout the Ottoman Longue Durée”, Third Annual Mid-Atlantic Ottomanists Workshop (MAOW), University of Mary Washington, Fredericksburg, VA, USA, 1-3 April 2022. Works in progress and early career scholars are especially welcomed. Regional participants prioritized. Abstracts are due 31 January 2022, submitted to Information: ____________________________________ 36. HYBRID Event: “8th Annual Centre for Palestine Studies Research Seminar”, SOAS, University of London, 4 May 2022 We welcome a broad range of topics aiming at an inter-disciplinary dialogue across Palestine Studies. This is a unique opportunity to present PhD or Postdoctoral research in a supportive environment and receive feedback from others engaged in the field. Deadline for abstracrts: 30 January 2022. Information: ____________________________________ 37. ONLINE Workshop: “The Dynamics of Political Contention under Authoritarianism Regimes”, Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies Program, University of Alberta, 19-20 May 2022 The workshop will focus on questions such as: What forms does activism take in authoritarian countries? What strategies have proven more or less effective as activists seek public support for their causes, policy change, or more lasting effects, including political reform and even regime change? Deadline for abstracts: 7 February 2022. Information: ____________________________________ 38. Conference on “Minorities in the Maghrib,” Organised by the Centre for Maghrib Studies, Djerba Island, Tunisia, 20-22 May 2022 The axes of the conference revolve around the historical formation and development of minorities, and the process of “minoritizing” and marginalizing in the contemporary Maghrib. The projection of minorities in the future will also be a central concern. The organizing committee welcomes proposals that encompass all aspects of the minority question in the Maghrib. Deadline for abstracts extended to 1 February 2022. Information: ____________________________________ 39. Workshop: “The Arab-majority and Muslim-majority Worlds in/and Contemporary Decolonisation Debates”, University of Edinburgh, 5-6 April 2022 This workshop seeks to specifically think the decolonising movement and an engagement with it from the histories, experiences, perspectives, traditions, and problematics of the Arab-majority and Muslim-majority worlds (broadly defined) as a contribution toward growing decolonial scholarship and movement. Information: ____________________________________ 40. HYBRID “15th Annual International Conference on Mediterranean Studies”, Center for European & Mediterranean Affairs (CEMA), Athens, 11-14 April 2022 Information: ____________________________________ 41. HYBRID International Conference Afro-Iberia: “Africans and Maghrebis in the Iberian Peninsula (1850-1975)”, Institució Milà I Fontanals, CSIC, Barcelona, 29-30 April 2022 The conference will explore the social and cultural interventions of Africans and Maghrebis residing in the Iberian Peninsula between 1850 and 1975. The final goal is to collect specific data on the reality and consequences of African and Maghrebian people settled in the Iberian Peninsula during this period. Information: ____________________________________ 42. ONLINE Conference: “Islamic Perspectives on Exotheology”, Zayed University, 10-11 May 2022 Organised by Shoaib Ahmed Malik, Zayed University and Jörg Matthias Determann, Virginia Commonwealth University, etc.. Questions to be asked: Are extraterrestrials even metaphysically or hermeneutically possible in Islamic thought? If extraterrestrials exist, how would this impact Islamic jurisprudence and/or ethics? What philosophical implications could there be for Muslims if extraterrestrial life exists? Etc. Information: ____________________________________
43. Conference: “Jewish Questions and the Global South: Between Sovereignty and Human Right”, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 16-18 May 2022 The conference discusses continuations from interwar judicial and political debates on minority rights to postwar aspirations for independence. It historicizes the Jewish experience between empire and the post colony along the following guiding questions: How were early quests for post-imperial self-determination reflected in Jewish political debates? Etc. Information: ____________________________________ 44. 24th Annual International Congress of the Mediterranean Studies Association, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 25-28 May 2022 Proposals are invited for individual paper, panel discussions, and complete sessions on all subjects related to the Mediterranean region and Mediterranean cultures around the world from all historical periods. The official language of the Congress is English, but we also welcome complete sessions in any Mediterranean language. Deadline for abstracts: 1 March 2022. Information: ____________________________________ 45. Conference: “Muslim Societies and Peacebuilding in Africa”, Al-Hokama Center for Peace Research, Rabat, 26-28 May 2022 The conference will focus on the following themes: The meanings of peace in Africa; Sufi actors and peace building; Civil and communal strife; Islamic conceptions of peace and war; Modern conflicts in the name of Islam; Salafism: between conflict and peace; Cases from North Africa; Overcoming conflicts; Peacekeepers and peace keeping; Etc. Information: ____________________________________ 46. Panel on “Liberalism and Islam in Contemporary Global Literature”, Conference of the British Association of Islam Studies (BRAIS), University of Edinburgh, 6-7 June 2022 Topics include: “Every day Islam” in Literature; Liberalism and Orientalism; The relation between piety and its performance in Muslim everyday life in literature; Neo-Orientalism in global literature; Muslim identity politics and liberalism in western spaces. Deadline for abstracts: 28 January 2022. Information: ____________________________________ 47. Conference on “Social Justice in Multicultural Settings”, Arab Academic College, Haifa, 7-9 June 2022 Conference sessions will explore the relationship between social justice and multiculturalism, especially as they are related to education. In Israel with four major religions, teachers, educators, academic researchers and policy makers live social justice issues every day. Presenters from around the world will bring experiences from their cultural contexts. Information: ____________________________________ 48. APSA MENA Workshop for Early-Career Scholars: “Studying Public Opinion in the Contemporary Middle East: Challenges, Opportunities and Best Practices”, University of Jordan, Amman, 12-17 June 2022 The workshop will discuss the growing body of research that use surveys, experiments, and/or focus groups to understand what MENA populations think and want on a wide range of issues, from gender to conflict to religion to democracy. The workshop will spotlight growing areas of MENA public opinion research, such as attitudes toward gender rights, rebel governance, and more. Application deadline: 13 February 2022. Information: workshops/?fbclid=IwAR0ibUfhYWVlxNE-8OSw28iw75O_zr6sjB2o2tKnIvRi3KbiDKkcV64kYyY ____________________________________ 49. ONLINE Workshop on “Roads to Peace? Infrastructures, Peace, and Conflict (Including Middle East)”, Swansea University, 14-15 June 2022 Historians, sociologists, political scientists, anthropologists, geographers, and scholars from other interested disciplines are invited to reflect on peace, conflict, and infrastructure (understood as socio-technical systems for the provision of mobility, communication, power, health, and hygiene) from a historical perspective (modern and premodern, micro and macro, local and global). Deadline for abstracts: 31 January 2022. Information: ____________________________________ 50. HYBRID Conference: “Mercenaries and Crusaders (1202-1480s)”, University of Debrecen, Hungary, 22-24 June 2022 Panels and papers are welcome on the topics: Mercenaries in the Holy Land; Mercenaries in Byzantine Armies; Mercenaries in the Crusades against the Ottomans; Crusades in the Holy Land, the Baltics, the Iberian Peninsula; against the Ottomans; Crusades against Christians; Perception of Mercenaries in Narrative Literature; etc. Extended deadline for abstracts: 31 January 2022. Information: ____________________________________ 51. XV Conference of the Italian Society for Middle Eastern Studies (SeSaMO): “Explaining Crisis beyond Chaos: Middle East and North Africa in Global Change”, University of Naples “L'Orientale”, 22-24 June 2022 The conference intends to reflect on the several dimensions and interrelations of the crises of the modern and contemporary Middle East and North Africa, involving both collective and individual aspects, as well as all spheres of life, be they political, social, economic, cultural or environmental. Information: ____________________________________ 52. International Conference ““Ruling the Waves”: Transnational Radio Broadcasting in the Middle East and the Mediterranean between Production and Reception”, 1920-1970, German Historical Institute, etc., Rome, 22-24 June 2022 The conference re-examines the history and experiences of transnational radio broadcasting by analyzing its production, reception, and impact in the Middle Eastern and Mediterranean regions between the early 1920s and 1970. Information: ____________________________________ 53. Conference: “Unfreedom in the Premodern World: Comparative Perspectives on Slavery, Servitude & Captivity”, Trinity College Dublin, 23-24 June 2022 Papers will explore any aspect of the history of unfreedom, slavery, servitude or captivity in the period before 1492. Papers are welcome from any academic discipline and with any geographical focus. Interdisciplinary papers and studies of regions outside of Western Europe are particularly encouraged. Information: ____________________________________ 54. HYBRID 10th International Conference of the Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East (SSCLE) on “Crusading Encounters”, University of London, 27 June - 1 July 2022 Themes will include: Interactions (real or imagined) between crusaders and indigenous peoples; Crusading archaeology; Impact of crusading on the environment or natural world; Intellectual influences of crusading on medicine, science, culture, language/literature; Intermarriage, travel and/or communication between peoples, borders, languages; Encounters with the crusading past; etc. Information: ____________________________________ 55. HYBRID Conference: “2nd Annual International Conference of the British Association of Teachers of Arabic (BATA)”, University of Westminster, 30 June - 1 July 2022 The Conference is designed to offer a platform for teachers, students and research scholars of Arabic language, culture, literature, linguistics and translation, to exchange ideas, share good practice and disseminate their scholarship and research to a wider audience. Key themes are: 1. Teaching Arabic and Culture; 2. Arabic Translation; 3. Arabic Literature and Literary Criticism; 4. Arabic Linguistics. Deadline for abstracts: 1 March 2022. Information: ____________________________________ 56. Panel on “Borders”, Northern Network for the Study of the Crusades, International Medieval Congress, Leeds, 4-7 July 2022 Medievalists of all fields will present papers on the theory and practice of borders in all of their variety as they relate to the history of the crusades and associated fields of enquiry. Information: ____________________________________ 57. Eighth Conference of the School of Mamluk Studies, University of Marburg, 4-9 July 2022 The themed portion of the conference on 7July will be “Environment and Nature in the Mamluk Sultanate”. Papers will focus on land use, hydrology and irrigation, disease and famine, flora and fauna, crops and food, and anything related to these topics. Information: ____________________________________ 58. Conference: “What Makes a Pilgram a Pilgram? Conceptualising Pilgrims and Pilgrimage, c. 300-1600?” (Focus Muslim Pilgrims), Manchester Metropolitan University, 13-14 July 2022 Conference themes: Varieties and definitions of Medieval Pilgrimage; All ‘pilgrimage’ traditions including Buddhist, Jewish, Hindu, Muslim, and Pagan; Terminologies (past and present) used to describe Medieval Pilgrims; Comparative approaches to Medieval pilgrimage; Anthropological and interdisciplinary approaches to Medieval pilgrimage. Information: ____________________________________ 59. Workshop: “Arab-Soviet Internationalism – Socialist Internationalism, International Organizations and the Politics of Revolution in the 20th and 21st Centuries”, Forum Transregionale Studien, Berlin, 13-15 July 2022 The workshop will bring together expertise from various historical schools and social science disciplines to richly-differentiated landscapes of Arab-Soviet and post-Soviet relations, and build hypotheses on and from traditional narratives about “the” Socialist-Arab alliances in the 20th century, as well as any enduring impact on current affairs. Information: ____________________________________ 60. Three Conferences of the Aram Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies (ARAM) on Melkite Christianity, the Aramaeans, and the Decapolis at the Oriental Institute, University of Oxford, July 2022 1. “Melkite Christianity (the Patriarchates of Antioch, Jerusalem and Alexandria) and the Archaeology of Byzantine Monasteries and Churches in the Levant”, 11-13 July 2022 2. “The Aramaeans B.C.: History, Literature, and Archaeology”, 14-16 July 2022 3. “The Decapolis: History and Archaeology”, 25-27 July 2022 Information: ____________________________________ 61. “Twelfth Nordic Conference on Middle Eastern Studies” by the “Nordic Society for Middle Eastern Studies (NSMES)” on “The Middle East in Myth and Reality”, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, 22-24 September 2022 Paper proposals are encouraged to explore and discuss social, political, geographical, historical and religious myths and realities from all fields and disciplines of the Middle Eastern studies, including the following fields: Middle Eastern history, anthropology, archaeology, religion, politics, sociology, language, and literature. Papers on other relevant themes pertinent to current Middle Eastern Studies are also welcome. Deadline for abstracts: 15 March 2022. Information: ____________________________________ 62. International Conference on “The Theory and Practice of Rebellion in the Early Islamicate World” (7th-10th Century CE)”, Hamburg University, 22-24 September 2022 The conference is organized by the research group “Social Contexts of Rebellion in the Early Islamic Period (SCORE)”. Papers are invited that discuss rebellion in the early Islamicate world from theoretical and/or source-based perspectives – especially papers which apply methods and insights from other fields to the study of rebellion in this period. Expenses will be covered for accepted speakers. Deadline for abstracts: 1 February 2022. Information: ____________________________________ 63. Conference: “Balance of Justice in the Ottoman Empire. Non-Muslims as Agents in an Islamic Imperial Legal Context”, Sabancı University, Istanbul, 13-15 October 2022 Focusing on the period from the early modern to the modern era papers are invited on the followind questions: How can we reveal non-Muslims’ agency in the Ottoman legal context? What notions and practices of institutionalization, authority, and coercion did non-Muslims have? And what new, dynamic models can we develop in their place to better understand the varying ways non-Muslims participated in Ottoman society? Deadline for abstracts: 28 February 2022. Information: ____________________________________ 64. 56th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association of North America (MESA), Denver, Colorado, 1-4 December 2022 MESA’s purview is primarily the area encompassing Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, Israel, Pakistan, and the countries of the Arab World (and their diasporas) from the seventh century to modern times. Other regions, including Spain, Southeastern Europe, China and the former Soviet Union, also are included for the periods in which their territories were parts of the Middle Eastern empires. Deadline for abstracts: 17 February 2022. Information: ____________________________________ 65. Conference: “Screening Crime in the Arab World”, Saint Joseph University, Beirut, 4-6 May 2023 This conference will focus on Arab crime films and TV series from the beginning of Arab cinema to the present. The aim of the conference to read them in their historical contexts of production and reception and to reflect on the multiple dimensions – narrative, cultural, social, legal, political, etc. – of crime and, where appropriate, of criminal investigations in Arab movies/shows. Deadline for abstracts: 15 May 2022. Information: _________________________________________ POSITIONS 66. International Fellowships for Excellent Researchers from the Humanities, Cultural Studies and the Social Sciences, Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Essen University, Germany The research should focus on literary and cultural sociology, cultural science studies, science communication or public humanities in addition to research concerned with cultures of communication and political participation. Innovative research questions, concepts and methods in connection with theories of philology, cultural studies and the social sciences are welcome. Deadline for applications: 28 February 2022. Information: __________________________________ 67. 2 Junior Postdoctoral Fellows, 2 Postdoctoral Fellows, 2 Senior Fellows, 2 Doctoral Fellows, 2 Short Term Fellows for Research at the Cluster of Excellence “Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery” We invite excellent international scholars whose research focuses on various forms of strong asymmetrical dependency and slavery across all historical periods before the 20th century, and all cultural contexts. Deadline for applications: 15 March 2022. Information: __________________________________ 68. Two PhD Positions (2+2 Years) in Digital Islamic History, University of Hamburg The PhD students will work on one of the case studies of the project: “The Evolution of Islamic Societies (c.600-1600 CE): Algorithmic Analysis into Social History”. Applicants must have a M.A. in Islamic or Middle Eastern Studies or another relevant field, excellent classical Arabic reading skills, a good grasp of pre-modern Islamic history and some prior experience working with pre-modern Arabic sources. Deadline for application: 31 March 2022. Information:; Contact: __________________________________ 69. Assistant Professor for Contemporary Politics and Modern History of the Middle East, Radboud University, the Netherlands Applicants should be experts in the modern history and politics of the Middle East, its global networks, and the role of Muslim actors within the contemporary political sphere. Deadline for application: 24 January 2022. Information: __________________________________ 70. Doctoral Student in History of Religions Specialising in Islamology (Fully-funded up to 4 Years), Centre for Theology and Religious Studies, Lund University, Sweden Deadline for applications: 15 February 2022 . Information: Please contact Prf. Oliver Scharbrodt __________________________________ 71. Postdoctoral Position (2 Years) for Research on “Prisca Alchimia. The Beginnings of Arabic Alchemy in the East (8th-10th Centuries) and its Transmission to al-Andalus and to the Latin World”, UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium Qualifications: PhD in Islamic Studies, in Middle Eastern Studies, or related fields, granted within the last 6 years (i.e. after 1/7/2016); an excellent command of Classical Arabic; excellent skills in codicology, Arabic paleography, and manuscript tradition studies; a first-rate track record and research experience; etc. Deadline for applications: 28 February 2022. Information: __________________________________ 72. Doctoral Research Fellowship (3 Years) in Middle Eastern Studies, University of Oslo, Norway The doctoral project, designed by the applicant, is expected to explore the relationship between cultural production and social changes in the Middle East and beyond. Qualification: Master's degree in Middle Eastern studies, comparative literature, or other related fields; Fluent oral and written communication skills in English, fluency in Arabic; Competency in other Middle Eastern Language. Deadline for application: 28 February 2022. Information: __________________________________ 73. Two Visiting Fellowships, Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies The fellowships are offered to support research in any area of the arts, humanities, or social sciences that has relevance to the study of Islam or the Muslim world, and carry a supplementary stipend of £5000. Applicants would normally be established academics but scholars at the postdoctoral level are also eligible. Deadline for applications: 28 January 2022. Information: __________________________________ 74. Postdoctoral Fellowships for Historical Studies of the Pre-modern Mediterranean in Haifa and Israel, Haifa, 2022-2024 Candidates are invited who demonstrate academic excellence in their respective fields of expertise, together with an extensive background in Mediterranean studies. Deadline for applications: 15 February 2022. Information: post-docs-the-haifa-center-for-mediterranean-history-hcmh?e=82aeb6c61d ____________________________________ 75. Wissenschaftl. MitarbeiterIn (3 Jahre) in Arabistik/Islamwissenschaft, Dienstort Kairo, OrientInstitut Beirut Voraussetzungen: MA-Abschluss oder BA-Abschluss und fortgeschrittenes MA-Studium in den Fächern Arabistik/Islamwissenschaft oder verwandten Fächern der Nahost-Studien; Sprachkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift in Deutsch, Arabisch und Englisch; Bereitschaft zu Dienstreisen. Bewerbungsschluss: 15. Februar 2022. Informationen: https: https://
Bewerbungsschluss: 15. Februar 2022. Informationen: https: ____________________________________ 76. Visiting Professor in Palestinian Studies, Center for Middle East Studies, Brown University The position is designed for scholars at the full or associate professor level. Teaching experience and a record of publication and professional service are desirable. Residence in the Providence area is required for most of the duration of the appointment. Deadline for application: 24 January 2022. Information: ___________________________________ 77. Senior Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Professor of Islamic Governance, Universiti Brunei Darussalam Qualifications: Ph.D. in Islamic Studies (Governance, Politics and/or Public Policy), Political Islam, Islamic Law (Applied Shari'ah) or related field from a recognised university; Demonstrate outstanding record of research output, particularly on the conceptualisation and application of Shari'ah or policies within the context of Islamic or Muslim societies; Record of teaching excellence. Information:,i27359.html?key=3cfc7393fe33388f ___________________________________ 78. Fellowships of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDF) in the JDC Archives in New York or Jerusalem Fellowships will be awarded to senior scholars, postdoctoral researchers, graduate students, and independent researchers to conduct research in the JDC Archives. Research topics in the fields of twentieth century Jewish history, modern history, social welfare, migration, and humanitarian assistance will be considered, as well as other areas of academic research covered in the JDC archival collections. Deadline for applications: 28 January 2022. Information: ___________________________________ 79. Visiting Assistant Professor (1 Year) of History with Specialisation in the Middle East, Nazareth College, Rochester, New York Candidates must be either ABD or have a PhD in history or closely related field. The successful candidate will teach four courses per semester (two sections of introductory classes, survey classes and upper division classes in areas of specialization). Deadline for application: Open until filled. Information: ___________________________________ 80. Postdoctoral Joint Fellowship in Israel and Middle Eastern Studies, American University, Washington DC Qualifications: One fellow’s academic home must be in Israel, and one fellow’s academic home must be in another region in the Middle East. Applicants must have satisfactorily completed all requirements for the Ph.D. degree by July 2022. Deadline for applications: 15 February 2022. Information: ___________________________________ 81. Visiting Assistant Professor Islamic Art (2 Years), Washington and Lee University, Virginia Qualification: PhD in Art History or Visual StudiesArea of specialization is open. This position carries a 6- course teaching load distributed over Fall and Winter terms (12 weeks each), and the University’s signature 4-week Spring Term. Deadline for applications: 1 February 2022. Information: ___________________________________ 82. Postdoctoral Fellows/Research Associates (2 Years) for Research Project on “Interactive Histories, Co-Produced Communities: Judaism, Christianity and Islam”, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, and University of Bern Qualifications: PhD in a relevant field (History, Religion, Art History, Interreligious Studies, Theology, etc.); appropriate number of publications depending on the candidate’s experience; general interest in the historical relations between Jews, Christians, and Muslims as manifest in the candidate’s track record; etc. Deadline for applications: 31 March 2022. Information: ___________________________________ 83. Darwish Visiting Professor (1 Year) In Palestinian Studies, Brown University, Providence, RI We seek a candidate with an outstanding record of national and international scholarly achievement, a clear commitment to excellence by providing leadership in teaching and research toward building an equitable and diverse scholarly environment. Deadline for applications: 24 January 2022. Information: ___________________________________ 84. Postdoctoral Research Associate in Middle East Studies, Brown University, Providence, RI Applications are open to candidates from across the social sciences, who are conducting research related to the Middle East and its diasporas on issues that can be understood in a comparative global context. Deadline for application: 24 January 2022. Information. _________________________________________ OTHER INFORMATION 85. Research Award for Scientific Studies on Ankara and Its Environs, Vehbi Koç Ankara Studies Research Center Themes: The social, institutional and economic history; Cultural, social, geographical and environmental characteristics; Historical, cultural, literal, artistic and urban development; Diplomatic, cultural and economic relations with other cities and countries in history; Urban issues related to historical processes and practices in the field of law, medicine and education, etc. Deadline for application: 28 January 2022. Information: ____________________________________ 86. Funding of a Research Project on “Towards a Fairer and More Anti-discriminatory Support for International Relocation in North-South Contexts” by Martin Roth Initiative, Goethe Institut and Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen How can the work and design of mobility, shelter, and relocation programmes be more sensitive to various challenges and make support, protection and cooperation as empowering and fair as possible? Deadline for applications: 15 February 2022. Information: ____________________________________ 87. Scholarships for Research on “Borders, Migration and Knowledge” by Ph.D. Students Worldwide, Zeit-Foundation We invite applications from Ph.D. students worldwide studying borders and bordering phenomena in different regions of the world. Both empirical research based on extensive fieldwork and projects centered on theoretical reflection are eligible for support. Innovative and challenging research questions as well as comparative approaches are highly welcome. Deadline for applications: 1 March 2022. Information: ____________________________________ 88. ONLINE Course: “The Eighth Yemen Exchange”, Sana’a Center and The Exchange Foundation, 28 February - 11 March 2022, Monday - Friday, 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm AST The intensive course is designed to provide unique access to information, perspectives, updates and analysis on Yemen for both those seeking to develop a working background on the country as well as those already thoroughly versed in its dynamics. Participants from around the world will listen to Yemeni analysts, academics, politicians, bureaucrats, business leaders and international experts to gain insight and rare first-hand knowledge about the country from a wide range of perspectives. Deadline for registration: 6 February 2022. Information: ____________________________________ 89. École doctorale : « Concurrences et cohabitations des religiosités u Maghreb et en Afrique de l’Ouest : des terrains de comparaisons ? », Tunis, 23-27 mai 2022 L'IRMC organise l'école doctorale en partenariat avec Amidex, Université Aix-Marseille, le Laboratoire d'ethnologie et de sociologie comparative (LESC) et l'Institut d'ethnologie méditerranéenne, européenne et comparative (IDEMEC). Date limite de dépôt des candidatures : 10 mars 2022. Information : ____________________________________ 90. CEST Summer School “Cultural Exchange and Heritage (Related to Turkey)", University of Vienna, 11-22 July 2022 The CEST Summer School is open to graduate students (enrolled in advanced MA and PhD programs) and early career scholars (within four years of receiving their PhD) in Turkey and Europe whose research interest is relevant to cultural exchange and heritage in the context of Turkey. Deadline for applications: 25 February 2022. Information: ____________________________________ 91. ONLINE Summer Course “Introduction to Arabic Manuscript Studies”, Hill Museum and Manuscript Library, Collegdevielle, MN, 13-24 June 2022 For graduate students, advanced undergraduates, faculty, and independent scholars with a research interest in Arabic manuscripts. The program welcomes international applicants. Deadline for application: 1 March 2022. Information: ____________________________________ 92. Summer Course for College and University Educators on “Middle Eastern Christianity: A Historic and Living Tradition”, Bradley University, Preoria IL, 5-25 June 2022 This course will guide educators in developing curricula on Middle Eastern Christianity in its broadest senses. Participants will work with specialists from various humanistic disciplines who will share their expertise on religion, language, culture, and inter-religious dynamics in historical and contemporary contexts. The Institute includes educational visits to Arab Christian communities in central Illinois. Deadline for application: 1 March 2022. Information: ____________________________________ 93. Intensive Course: “A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Environmental Studies in Pre-Modern Egypt”, University of Marburg, 4-6 July 2022 The course will be instructed by Ghislaine Alleaume, Allison Gascoigne, Nicolas Michel, and Yossef Rapoport. It will include an introduction to archaeological methods in environmental history, historiography and research methods for the environmental history of pre-modern Egypt, an introduction to GIS, and the use of map resources generally. Deadline for application: 31 January 2021. Information: ____________________________________ 94. Islamic Studies MA and Dual Degree MA in “Islamic Studies and Muslim Cultures” at Columbia University (New York) and Aga Khan University (London) The Islamic Studies Master’s Program focuses on the diverse regional histories, cultures, and social formations of Muslim communities around the world. Information: Information on the Dual Degree Program: Application deadline: 17 February 2022. ____________________________________ 95. Articles on “The Western Mediterranean and Relations Between Religious Communities In All Area” for Special Issue of the Journal “Maghreb Review” Topics could include: 1. The impact of the Arab-Islamic conquest on Christian and Jewish communities in the region. 2. Andalusia with Western Europe during the Umayyad Period 755-1031 and experiences of travel more broadly. 3. The attitudes of different medieval Muslim empires towards religious difference and minorities. 4. Commercial relations and litigation across religious lines in the medieval and early modern period. Etc. Deadline for submissions in English or French: 31 January 2022. Information: ____________________________________ 96. Articles for Journal “BOAS_insights #2” (“Bonn Oriental and Asian Studies Insights”) The editors of this online, peer-reviewed and open-access journal call for submissions that cover a wide range of subjects and a large geographical scope within Asian and Middle Eastern Area Studies. We encourage multi-disciplinary approaches that incorporate diverse perspectives and bridge deeply specialized fields. Deadline for articles: 28 February 2022. Call for papers, recent issues and further information: ____________________________________ 97. Articles for New Journal “Forum Islamic-Theological Studies” Papers can be submitted in the following areas: Qur’anic Studies and Qur’anic exegesis (tafsīr); Hadith Studies; Sufism; Islamic Legal Theory and Hermeneutics (fiqh); Islamic Ethics; Islamic Philosophy; SystematicDiscursive Theology (kalām); Islamic Religious Education; Sociology of Religion on Muslims in Europe; Islam and Pluralism, Islam in Europe; Interreligious Studies: etc. Deadline for contributions: 1 March 2022. Information: ____________________________________ 98. Chapters for Edited Book on “Building Social Cohesion through Interreligious Dialogue” Articles are invited from intellectuals, religious scholars and leaders, faith practitioners, social scientists, educators, anthropologists, theologians, activists and others that are concerned with the issue of religious dialogue and social cohesion in a plural society. Deadline for abstracts: 31 March 2022. Information: