lundi 1 avril 2019

EURAMES, 9-13/2019

EURAMES Info Service 09/2019

Dear Colleague,

Please find below the following announcements:


1.     Conference on "The International Politics of Middle East Migration”, University of Birmingham, 7-8 March 2019

2.     Conference on "The Egyptian Revolution of 1919: The Birth of the Modern Nation", London Middle East Institute, 27-28 March 2019

3.     Conference on "Claiming and Making Muslim Worlds: Across and Between the Local and the Global", Leibnitz Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO), Berlin, 3-5 April 2019

4.     Conference on "Geography and Religious Knowledge in the Medieval World (1150–1550) – Including Arab-Islamic Geography", University of Tübingen, 11-12 April 2019

5.     Conference on "A Century of Human Displacement and Dispossession: Europe and the Middle East, 1919-2019", American University of Beirut, 14-15 May 2019

6.     Conference on "Basic Concepts and Categories of Jewish Thought: Sources and Contexts", Department of Jewish Culture, Saint-Petersburg State University, 29-31 May 2019

7.     3rd International Kurdish Studies Conference on “Shifting Dynamics of the Kurdistan Question in a Changing Middle East”, Middlesex University, London, 25-26 June 2019

8.     Workshop on “Alternative Archives in Muslim Asia”, University of Nottingham Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 5-6 July 2019

9.     Conference on “Religion and Conflict in the Medieval and Early Modern Periods", Nottingham Trent University, 9-11 July 2019

10.  International Brainstorming Meeting on "Bodies Matter: Death and Shiite Muslim Migrants", Swansea University, 12 July 2019

11.  Workshop on “European Responses to the Decay of the Rule of Law and Human Rights Protections in Turkey: Exceptional or Symptomatic?”, Freie Universität Berlin, 29-30 August 2019

12.  Conference on “Sufism and the Body”, University of Utrecht, 12-13 September 2019

13.  Dean Hopper Conference on "Refugees, Citizenship, and Belonging: Towards a History of the Present", Drew University, Madison, 20-21 September 2019

14.  AGYA Conference on “Destruction/Re-Construction: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Cultural Heritage in Conflict”, Beirut, 30 September-2 October 2019

15.  20th Annual Conference of the "Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS)", George Washington University, Washington D.C., 10-13 October 2019

16.  Conference on "The Global Syrian Refugee Crisis: Health and Socioeconomic Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunities", Gaziantep University, 14-18 October 2019

17.  Workshop: “Beyond Crisis: The Course of People and Water in Egypt’s Political Ecology”, Rosa-Luxemburg Stiftung / Social Justice Platform, Cairo, October 2019

18.  Travel Grants for the Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa (ASMEA), Washington D.C., 31 October–2 November 2019

19.  9th Conference on "Translation Studies and the Translation of the Holy Qur`an", Al Kindi Center for Translation and Training, University of Marrakech, 20-21 November 2019

20.  Conference on “The Aftermath of the First World War: Humanitarianism in the Mediterranean”, University of Milan, 3-4 December 2019

21.  Conference on "Immortality of the Soul in Islam and Christianity", Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy (ISCA), Tehran, 4-5 March 2020


22.  W1-Professor of Turkish Studies, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum

23.  Research Fellowship: Politics and Security, Bussola Institute, Brussels

24.  Research Fellowship: Economics and Technology, Bussola Institute, Brussels

25.  Research Fellowship: Society and Culture, Bussola Institute, Brussels

26.  Postdoc Research Associate, Orient-Institut Istanbul

27.  Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, University of Sharjah

28.  Hamad bin Khalifa Endowed Chair in Islamic Art, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond


29.  Fellowships for Visiting Scholars, Orient-Institut, Beirut

30.  Workshop on “Constitutional Law and Political Structure of the Islamic Republic of Iran”, Tehran, 29 April-3 May 2019

31.  Summer School on “Identity in the Middle East and North Africa: Actors, Strategies and Dynamics”, Torino, 17-21 June 2019

32.  Summer School on ‘The Middle East in Global Politics’, London School of Economics and Political Science, 17 June–5 July 2019

33.  Summer School on “The Middle East in Global Politics”, SOAS, 1–19 July 2019

34.  Articles for “Geopolitics Quarterly” in Persian and English

35.  Articles on “Transnational American Studies within the Post-Arab Spring Context” for Special Issue of the "Journal of Transnational American Studies (JTAS)"

36.  Articles for the Journal of “Turkish Review of Communication (TURCOM)”

37.  Articles on "Critical Reflections on Contemporary Muslim Thought and Human Rights" for "Journal of Contemporary Poetics"

38.  Contributions for "Hamsa. Journal of Judaic and Islamic Studies"

39.  Contributions sur “L’intégration des organisations islamistes au jeu politique en question(s)” pour journal "L’Année du Maghreb"

40.  Contributions sur “Demain, le printemps: Pratiques d’imagination et d’anticipation dans le monde arabe” pour un numéro d’Horizons Maghrébins

If you want to distribute an announcement via DAVO-Info-Service (about 1300 recipients) and EURAMES Info Service (more than 6000 recipients, only English and French announcements), please apply the usual format of the text with no more than 50 words and no attachment. Please send only the most important information to and refer to further details with a link to the respective website or an email address.

Best regards

Guenter Meyer
Center for Research on the  Arab World (CERAW), University of Mainz, in cooperation of  the University of Sharjah/UAE



1.    Conference on "The International Politics of Middle East Migration”, University of Birmingham, 7-8 March 2019

The conference features panelists discussing refugee, migration, and diaspora politics across the Middle East, and draws from both local and international perspectives. The keynote address, "Syria: From Refuge to Refugee State,” will be given by Professor Dawn Chatty (University of Oxford).


2.    Conference on "The Egyptian Revolution of 1919: The Birth of the Modern Nation", London Middle East Institute, 27-28 March 2019

The Egyptian independence movement in 1919 led to the recognition of Egyptian sovereignty in 1922, an Egyptian constitution in 1923, and Saad Zaghloul’s appointment as the first prime minister of a government elected by suffrage in 1924. The conference will include presentations by Egyptian and international historians on the causes and events of the revolution.


3.    Conference on "Claiming and Making Muslim Worlds: Across and Between the Local and the Global", Leibnitz Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO), Berlin, 3-5 April 2019

The conference marks the completion of ZMO’s twelve-year research program "Muslim Worlds – Worlds of Islam? Conceptions, Practices, and Crises of the Global".


4.    Conference on "Geography and Religious Knowledge in the Medieval World (1150–1550) – Including Arab-Islamic Geography", University of Tübingen, 11-12 April 2019

The comparative perspective is intended to capture traditional peculiarities as well as transcultural exchange processes between the Arab-Muslim and the Latin-Christian world.


5.    Conference on "A Century of Human Displacement and Dispossession: Europe and the Middle East, 1919-2019", American University of Beirut, 14-15 May 2019

The conference committee welcomes proposals across disciplines of migration studies, refugee studies, history, politics, sociology, anthropology and other relevant scholarly fields.


6.    Conference on "Basic Concepts and Categories of Jewish Thought: Sources and Contexts", Department of Jewish Culture, Saint-Petersburg State University, 29-31 May 2019

Conference sessions will include discussions on basic concepts, categories and formation of the intellectual vocabulary of the Jewish thought in early period (Biblical and Post-Biblical era), and in later periods (medieval Jewish philosophy, Kabbalah, Hasidism, early modern and contemporary Jewish Philosophy).


7.    3rd International Kurdish Studies Conference on “Shifting Dynamics of the Kurdistan Question in a Changing Middle East”, Middlesex University, London, 25-26 June 2019

This conference aims to bring together researchers from a range of disciplines working on Kurdish history, politics, culture, gender, minority rights and diaspora to examine the ongoing political, social and cultural developments in the lives of the Kurds and Kurdistan.


8.    Workshop on “Alternative Archives in Muslim Asia”, University of Nottingham Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 5-6 July 2019

In hidden corners of now-minority Muslim communities, traces of old textual circulations remain. Many sources survive in non-traditional archives, where the apparatus for accessing them is often poorly developed. This workshop aims to build a network of scholarship and archival practice that accelerates the recovery of these texts, rebuilds their trans-national context, and brings their stories of neglected Islamic traditions to life.

Deadline for abstracts: 7 March 2019.


9.    Conference on “Religion and Conflict in the Medieval and Early Modern Periods", Nottingham Trent University, 9-11 July 2019

The conference will incorporate a broad chronological spectrum from medieval to early modern with a view to developing current research, sharing techniques, investigating new approaches and enhancing study in the wider field.


10. International Brainstorming Meeting on "Bodies Matter: Death and Shiite Muslim Migrants", Swansea University, 12 July 2019

The aim is to bring together scholars of different fields in social and human sciences, NGOs and GOs, policymakers, journalists, and religious leaders to discuss how Shiite Muslim migrants (including refugees and asylum-seekers) deal with the phenomenon of death, and how the host countries, their governments and institutions, and consequently local communities respond to this.

Deadline for abstracts: 25 March 2019.


11. Workshop on “European Responses to the Decay of the Rule of Law and Human Rights Protections in Turkey: Exceptional or Symptomatic?”, Freie Universität Berlin, 29-30 August 2019

We particularly encourage proposals that offer a comparative analysis of the responses of European institutions to the other states exhibiting similar tendencies and/or a comparative analysis of the European institutional responses with the responses of other intergovernmental organs such as the United Nations bodies.


12. Conference on “Sufism and the Body”, University of Utrecht, 12-13 September 2019

Drawing on recent literature regarding sensation, embodiment, and the material turn in the study of religion, this conference assesses the role of the human body in Sufism. It attempts to bridge the gap between the study of the spiritual and corporeal in Sufism by focusing on the place of the body in Sufi thought, practice, literature, and art.


13. Dean Hopper Conference on "Refugees, Citizenship, and Belonging: Towards a History of the Present", Drew University, Madison, 20-21 September 2019

The Conference will place the current “refugee crisis” in cultural, historical and political context. We invite papers engaging with the intellectual and cultural history of the “refugee,” and related topics like home, statelessness, and extraterritoriality.

Deadline for abstracts: 15 April 2019.


14. AGYA Conference on “Destruction/Re-Construction: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Cultural Heritage in Conflict”, Beirut, 30 September – 2 October 2019

The conference aims at discussing the cycle of the creation and decay of architectural heritage, thereby investigating, inter alia, (i.) the historical, philosophical, and social implications of destruction and (re-)construction, (ii.) the effects of destruction and (re-)construction on individual and collective psychology, etc.


15. 20th Annual Conference of the "Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS)", George Washington University, Washington D.C., 10-13 October 2019

The conference concentrates on the five post-Soviet states (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan), as well as Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Xinjiang, and Mongolia.

Deadline for abstracts: 21 March 2019. Information:


16. Conference on "The Global Syrian Refugee Crisis: Health and Socioeconomic Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunities", Gaziantep University, 14-18 October 2019

The conference seeks to promote a better understanding of the effects of forced migration, displacement and socioeconomic deterioration on physical and mental health as well as social behaviour. It aims to build links and promote partnerships between researchers, governmental and non-governmental organisations and stakeholders in Turkey, the MENA region and their counterparts in countries with Syrian refugees.

Deadline for abstracts: 1 April 2019. Information:


17. Workshop: “Beyond Crisis: The Course of People and Water in Egypt’s Political Ecology”, Rosa-Luxemburg Stiftung / Social Justice Platform, Cairo, October 2019

We are seeking contributions that establish clear connections between water and national political economy, social rights, authoritarian regimes, political ecology, global economic relationships, developmental agendas, and finally environmental justice. We ultimately seek to elucidate the political and economic relationships that help reproduce historical inequalities with respect to water in Egypt, and then propose interventions for alternative governance.

Deadline for abstracts: 31 March 2019. Information:


18. Travel Grants for the Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa (ASMEA), Washington D.C., 31 October – 2 November 2019

Grants up to $750 are offered to scholars of the Middle East and of Africa focused on the world of Islam, Islamism, and related issues on the continent.

Deadline for applications: 15 April 2019. Information:


19. 9th Conference on "Translation Studies and the Translation of the Holy Qur`an", Al Kindi Center for Translation and Training, University of Marrakech, 20-21 November 2019

The aim of the conference is to re-raise the problem of translating the meanings of the Holy Qur’an in the light of modern theories and techniques.


20. Conference on “The Aftermath of the First World War: Humanitarianism in the Mediterranean”, University of Milan, 3-4 December 2019

The conference proposes a dual shift of perspective: thematic and geographical. On the one hand, it focuses on international relief and rehabilitation programs during and in the aftermath of war. On the other hand, the conference specifically concerns the Mediterranean area thereby shifting our attention away from the well-studied Northern European and Transatlantic region.

Deadline for abstracts: 8 April 2019.


21. Conference on "Immortality of the Soul in Islam and Christianity", Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy (ISCA), Tehran, 4-5 March 2020

Topics of interest: the concept of death; the concept of immortality; the criteria of personal identity; etc.

Deadline for abstracts: 16 March 2019. Information:



22. W1-Professor of Turkish Studies, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum

The Institute is interested in candidates with a strong record in research and teaching related to early modern and modern developments in the Ottoman Empire and/or Turkey. Knowledge of Ottoman Turkish, Arabic and Persian will be particularly welcome.

Deadline for applications: 31 March 2019.


23. Research Fellowship: Politics and Security, Bussola Institute, Brussels

Applicants should hold a PhD and have 5 to 7 years of research and/or academic experience with a focus on the politics, security, international relations of the Middle East with a particular focus on the Gulf states. Excellent language skills in English are essential while a working knowledge of Arabic and French is desirable. 


24. Research Fellowship: Economics and Technology, Bussola Institute, Brussels

Applicants should hold a PhD and have 5 to 7 years of research and/or academic experience with a focus on the economics, political economy, and technology of the Middle East with a particular focus on the Gulf states. Excellent language skills in English are essential while a working knowledge of Arabic and French is desirable. 


25. Research Fellowship: Society and Culture, Bussola Institute, Brussels

Applicants should hold a PhD and have 5 to 7 years of research and/or academic experience with a focus on the social and cultural field of the Middle East with a particular focus on the Gulf states. Excellent language skills in English are essential while a working knowledge of Arabic and French is desirable. 


26. Postdoc Research Associate, Orient-Institut Istanbul

Applicants interested in issues of Sociology of Medicine, Medicine, Science and Technology Studies, Ethnomusicology or Cultural Anthropology/Cultural Studies (with a focus on religious topics) in Iran or Pakistan are especially encouraged to apply. Candidates have to be willing and able to conduct ethnographic fieldwork in Iran. Academic Turkish and English skills are required, Persian is preferable.

Deadline for applications: 18 March 2019. Contact for Religious Studies: PD Dr. Rober Langer (; for Human, Medicine and Society Dr. Melike Şahinol (


27. Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, University of Sharjah

Qualification: ability to work and communicate in Arabic and English; academic rank of full professor at a renowned academic institution; knowledge and experience in an academic setting, including curriculum and instruction, research and scholarly activity, accreditation, admissions and financial aid, and academic support services; etc.

Screening will begin on 16 March 2019.


28. Hamad bin Khalifa Endowed Chair in Islamic Art, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond

Scholars in Islamic art from any time period or geographic area are invited to apply. Prominent scholars whose research focuses on contemporary Islamic art will be strongly considered. This is a fixed-term appointment limited to a tenure of 9 months.

Deadline for applications: 15 March 2019. Information:



29. Fellowships for Visiting Scholars, Orient-Institut, Beirut

The Orient-Institut Beirut awards 3-month fellowships to established scholars who have attained distinction in their fields and wish to make use of the facilities of the OIB to work on an article, research paper, or book free from other academic obligations.

Applications are accepted by 1 April and 1 October of each year but should be submitted at least six months prior to the proposed stay in Beirut.


30. Workshop on “Constitutional Law and Political Structure of the Islamic Republic of Iran”, Tehran, 29 April-3 May 2019

Scholarships available. Further Information to be announced.

Deadline for applications: 28 March 2019. Information:


31. Summer School on “Identity in the Middle East and North Africa: Actors, Strategies and Dynamics”, Torino, 17-21 June 2019

The summer school critically unpacks identity and its politicization, exploring the role they have had across time and space to read and represent regional political and social events. Identity is thus used to frame relevant topic such as class, the status of minorities, State formation, sectarianism, language, and gender issues, among others.

Deadline for applications: 20 May 2019. Information:


32. Summer School on ‘The Middle East in Global Politics’, London School of Economics and Political Science, 17 June–5 July 2019

The course covers the history and politics of the Middle East since 1918 through twelve lectures dedicated to each of the main regional powers and to aspects of the region’s politics such as political Islam, nationalism, conflicts, the Arab Springs, etc.


33. Summer School on “The Middle East in Global Politics”, SOAS, 1–19 July 2019

This module will place the modern Middle East in its global context without losing sight of local and regional dynamics, cultures, and political traditions. We will explore histories of empire and decolonization, alongside themes of hegemony and resistance, conflict and cooperation, identity and foreign policy.

Deadline for applications: 31 March 2019.

34. Articles for “Geopolitics Quarterly” in Persian and English

This journal considers academic papers that lie within geopolitics and political geography disciplines. Academic papers in international relations, political sciences, political economy, strategic sciences, international law and political sociology and other disciplines with geopolitical approach are also considered.


35. Articles on “Transnational American Studies within the Post-Arab Spring Context” for Special Issue of the "Journal of Transnational American Studies (JTAS)"

Papers are invited on: The post-Arab Spring dynamics and its impact on American Studies as a field of study and its teaching outside the US. The racialization of Islam within a continuum of imperialism and fight for civil rights and liberation. How Arabs, Americans, African Americans and other groups construct national and transnational identities in light of local, regional, and global bio- and geo-politics, etc.

Deadline for abstracts: 1 May 2019. Contact:


36. Articles for the Journal of “Turkish Review of Communication (TURCOM)”

Each issue features reports of original investigation, presenting the latest developments in theory and methodology of media and communication studies in English or Turkish.

Deadline for full paper: 30 March 2019. Information:


37. Articles on "Critical Reflections on Contemporary Muslim Thought and Human Rights" for "Journal of Contemporary Poetics"

The Journal invites scholars working in the fields of history, cultural studies, political science, psychology, religious studies, critical theory, film and media studies, literature and languages, postcolonial studies, and law to present fresh insights into the debate.

Deadline for full papers: 7 April 2019.


38. Contributions for "Hamsa. Journal of Judaic and Islamic Studies"

The main aim is to create a virtual multi-disciplinary space in which all perspectives of the History, Language and Literature of Jews and Muslims can converge, as well as themes on Judaism and Islam in general. There is a special focus on Iberian Muslims and Jews and their Diaspora, entraining a comparative analysis of historiographical, philosophical, anthropological and sociological discourses.

Deadline for papers: 30 April 2019. Information:


39. Contributions sur “L’intégration des organisations islamistes au jeu politique en question(s)” pour journal "L’Année du Maghreb"

Nous encourageons des contributions permettant de nourrir le débat théorique et conceptuel autour de la question de la modération et d’analyser, à travers des approches empiriques et localisées, les stratégies et les dynamiques islamistes dans les champs politiques en Afrique du Nord.

Date limite de soumission des résumés: 15 mars 2019.


40. Contributions sur “Demain, le printemps : Pratiques d’imagination et d’anticipation dans le monde arabe” pour un numéro d’Horizons Maghrébins

Ce numéro invite des contributions relevant de différentes disciplines des sciences sociales (anthropologie, sociologie, géographie) fondées sur des recherches ethnographiques approfondies et ancrées dans une compréhension fine des contextes locaux.

Date limite de soumission des résumés: 15 mars 2019.

EURAMES Info Service 10/2019

Dear Colleague,

Please find below the following announcements:


1.    Economic Research Forum’s (ERF) Annual Conference on "Knowledge, Research Networks, and Development Policy," Kuwait City, 10-12 March 2019

2.    Workshop on “Health, Magic a Stars,” St Cross College (Oxford), 29 March 2019

3.    Conference on “Claiming and Making Muslim World: Across and Between the Local and the Global,” Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO), Berlin, 3-5 April 2019

4.    Workshop on “Islamic Reform and Modernity”, Islamic University of Applied Sciences Rotterdam, 23-24 April 2019

5.    Workshop: “12th Tunis Exchange: Meet Key Leaders Across Tunisia”, 9-16 June 2019

6.    Conference: “Seminar for Arabian Studies,” University of Leiden, 11-13 July 2019

7.    Workshop on “Cinema and the City,” Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO), Berlin, 12-13 September 2019

8.    Workshop on “Synopses and Lists”, LMU Munich, 7-11 October 2019

9.    Conference on “Ethno-Religious Conflict and Economic Development: Is there a Correlation?”, New York City, 29-31 October 2019

10.  Workshop: “Beyond Crisis: The Course of People and Water in Egypt’s Political Ecology”, Rosa-Luxemburg Stiftung / Social Justice Platform, Cairo, October 2019

11.  First Biennial Conference on “Contemporary Iranian Studies”, Faculty of World Studies, University of Tehran, 10-11 November 2019

12.  Panel on “Faithful Geographies: Religion, Power, and Spaces of Social Change” at the American Anthropological Association Meeting, Vancouver, 20-23 November 2019

13.  Workshop: „Multilateral Dynamics between the Middle East and Asia in the Mongol Era“, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 15 December 2019

14.  Panel on “Poetics and Politics of Defeat: Reconfiguring the Human after the Arab Spring,” Global Arab and Arab American MLA Forum, Seattle, 9-12 January 2020

15.  Panel on „Orientalism, Philology, World Literature,” Global Arab and Arab American MLA Forum, Seattle, 9-12 January 2020

16.  International Conference: "Immortality of the Soul in Islam and Christianity", Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy (ISCA), Iran, 4-5 March 2020


17.  W1-Professor of Turkish Studies, Institute for Oriental and Islamic Studies, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

18.  PhD Student in Political Science/IR/Middle East Studies/Intelligence Studies, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO), Berlin

19.  Research Associate on Jewish Moralistic Writing, University of Hamburg

20.  Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Max-Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen

21.  Assistant or Associate Professor in Hebrew Bible / Old Testament Studies, Aarhus University

22.  Research Assistant for “Palmyra Portrait Project”, Aarhus University Denmark

23.  Postdoctoral Researcher in Algerian Culture and History, University of Helsinki

24.  Co-Director for Engagement, Civil-Military Relations in Arab States, Carnegie Middle East Center, Beirut

25.  Commissioning Editor, Civil-Military Relations in Arab States, Carnegie Middle East Center, Beirut

26.  Bourse post-doctorale dans le domaine des études contemporaines, Institut français du Proche-Orient (Ifpo), Amman

27.  Postdoctoral Associate on Contemporary Islam in Africa, University of Florida, Gainesville

28.  Center for Iran and Persian Gulf Studies, Princeton University

29.  Visiting Assistant Professor in Comparative Politics, University of Utah

30.  Visiting Assistant Professor of Arabic, Kenyon College, Central Ohio

31.  Lecturer in Global Kurdish Studies, School of International Service, American University, Washington D.C.


32.  Middle East and North Africa Mobility Grants for Young Researchers from Switzerland and Arab Countries

33.  École thématique: “Mobilité et religions en Afrique méditerranéenne (Antiquité – Temps présent)”, Rabat, 10-13 juin 2019

34.  Articles for the Journal “Turkish Review of Communication (TURCOM)”

35.  Articles on "Critical Reflections on Contemporary Muslim Thought and Human Rights" for "Journal of Contemporary Poetics"

36.  Articles on "Arab Women's Travel Writings, or Travel Writings by Arab Women" for Special Issue of a Journal 

37.  Contributions for an Edited Book on "Geo-political Conflict in Emergent Genres and Forms: Israel, Palestine, and the Middle East after the Second Intifada"

38.  Articles for “Lamma: A Journal of Libyan Studies” on “Migration, Trafficking, and Libya”

39.  Contribution pour le MIDÉO 36 (2021): “Iǧtihād et taqlīd dans l’islam sunnite et šīʿite”

40.  Articles for Edited Volume on Sayed Hussain Alatas's Thought, Ideas and Social Theory

If you want to distribute an announcement via DAVO-Info-Service (about 1300 recipients) and EURAMES Info Service (more than 6000 recipients, only English and French announcements), please apply the usual format of the text with no more than 50 words and no attachment. Please send only the most important information to and refer to further details with a link to the respective website or an email address.

Best regards

Guenter Meyer
Centre for Research on the Arab World (CERAW), University of Mainz, in cooperation with the University of Sharjah/UAE



1.    Economic Research Forum’s (ERF) Annual Conference on "Knowledge, Research Networks, and Development Policy," Kuwait City, 10-12 March 2019

The plenary sessions are going to address the following issues: Knowledge, Economic Research Networks and Development Policy; The Role of Knowledge in the Process of Innovation in the New Global Economy, and Job-creating Growth in the Emerging Global Economy.


2.    Workshop on “Health, Magic and Stars,” St Cross College (Oxford), 29 March 2019

This workshop is to celebrate the career of Professor Emilie Savage-Smith and her outstanding contribution to the history of science in Islam.


3.    Conference on “Claiming and Making Muslim World: Across and Between the Local and the Global,” Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO), Berlin, 3-5 April 2019

Panellists at the conference present their perspectives on the study of predominantly Muslim societies of Asia and Africa, as well as regional interconnections. Scholars specifically address the notion of Claiming and Making Muslim Worlds, exploring religious affiliations and practices, extending to social, economic and cultural modalities of life.


4.    Workshop on “Islamic Reform and Modernity”, Islamic University of Applied Sciences Rotterdam, 23-24 April 2019

Questions to be answered: What do we mean by Islamic reform (Islah) and Renewal (Tajdid) in Islamic Thought? Is Islamic reform mandatory or a choice? What are the fields required to be reformed for Islamic Revival? Is Islamic renaissance possible in 21st century? Etc.


5.    Workshop: “12th Tunis Exchange: Meet Key Leaders Across Tunisia”, 9-16 June 2019

Academics working on the region, foreign diplomats, NGO practitioners, researchers, analysts and journalists are invited to participate. This Exchange will be held in Association with the Democracy and Governance Program at Georgetown University and will engage participants from around the world in a multifaceted discussion of some of the key issues facing Tunisia and the wider region.

Registration deadline I: 15 April / Registration II: 15 May 2019.


6.    Conference: “Seminar for Arabian Studies,” University of Leiden, 11-13 July 2019

The Seminar is the only annual international forum for the presentation of the latest academic research on the Arabian Peninsula. The subjects covered include archaeology, history, epigraphy, languages, literature, art, culture, ethnography, geography, etc. from the earliest times to the present day or, in the case of political and social history, to the end of the Ottoman Empire.

Deadline for abstracts (poster submissions): 30 April 2019.


7.    Workshop on “Cinema and the City,” Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO), Berlin, 12-13 September 2019

One of the main objectives of the workshop is to examine urban life (and spaces), cultural and social histories of cities (possibly in different regions) using the trope of the cinematic lens. The various contributions can examine how the cinematic lenses of
selected films have depicted the various social and spatial transformations of historical Arab, African or South Asian urban areas.

Deadline for abstracts: 30 March 2019.


8.    Workshop on “Synopses and Lists”, LMU Munich, 7-11 October 2019

Applications are welcome from both senior and junior postdoc researchers of all disciplines dealing with the following questions: What is the role of synopses and lists in constructing a particular vision of the world and in providing meaningful record of it? What types of synopses and lists exist? Etc.


9.    Conference on “Ethno-Religious Conflict and Economic Development: Is there a Correlation?”, New York City, 29-31 October 2019

The conference intends to provide a pluri-disciplinary platform to explore whether there is a correlation between ethno-religious conflict or violence and economic growth as well as the direction of the correlation. University scholars, researchers, policy makers, think tanks, and the business community are invited to submit abstracts and / or full papers of their quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods research.

Deadline for abstracts: 18 July 2019.


10.  Workshop: “Beyond Crisis: The Course of People and Water in Egypt’s Political Ecology”, Rosa-Luxemburg Stiftung / Social Justice Platform, Cairo, October 2019

We are seeking contributions that establish clear connections between water and national political economy, social rights, authoritarian regimes, political ecology, global economic relationships, developmental agendas, and finally environmental justice. We ultimately seek to elucidate the political and economic relationships that help reproduce historical inequalities with respect to water in Egypt, and then propose interventions for alternative governance.

Deadline for abstracts: 31 March 2019. Information:


11.  First Biennial Conference on “Contemporary Iranian Studies”, Faculty of World Studies, University of Tehran, 10-11 November 2019

The themes include but are not limited to contemporary history, sociology, political science, religions and theology, art, international relations, new media and communication studies, and diaspora studies.

Deadline for abstracts: 10 June 2019. Information:


12.  Panel on “Faithful Geographies: Religion, Power, and Spaces of Social Change” at the American Anthropological Association Meeting, Vancouver, 20-23 November 2019

We welcome papers that give insight into how religion influences the way that spaces are imagined and contested with or against neoliberal, post-colonial, or imperial regimes, giving rise to alternative ways of imaging personhood, subjectivity, family, rights, capital, communication, pedagogy, and exchange.

Please send your abstract to by 25 March 2019.


13.  Workshop: „Multilateral Dynamics between the Middle East and Asia in the Mongol Era“, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 15 December 2019

The workshop explores the interconnectivities between Asia (Central, East, Southeast, South and North) and the Middle East (including Greater Iran, Anatolia, Syria and Egypt, Yemen, al-Hijaz) in the Mongol period (13th-15th centuries). We especially welcome studies focusing on one text, object or media as an arena of cross-cultural connections as well as papers dealing with specific cross-Asian networks (commercial, religious, scientific).


14.  Panel on “Poetics and Politics of Defeat: Reconfiguring the Human after the Arab Spring,” Global Arab and Arab American MLA Forum, Seattle, 9-12 January 2020

The panel reconsiders representations of the human / inhuman / posthuman in relation to the Arab Spring and its aftermath. Papers are welcome on Arab literary and cultural responses to defeat.

Please send a 200 word abstract and CV to Ala A. Alryyes ( and Rasha Chatta ( by 29 March 2019.


15.  Panel on „Orientalism, Philology, World Literature,” Global Arab and Arab American MLA Forum, Seattle, 9-12 January 2020

The panel explores the origins of “World Literature” in colonial history, and develops new, decolonizing critical methodologies for a worlded literary studies. Papers welcome on any author, genre, period, field, region, tradition, etc.

Please send a 200 word abstract and CV to Karim Mattar ( and Ahmed Idrissi Alami ( by 29 March 2019.


16.  International Conference: "Immortality of the Soul in Islam and Christianity", Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy (ISCA), Iran, 4-5 March 2020

Topics of interest: the concept of death; the concept of immortality; the criteria of personal identity; life after death.

Deadline for abstracts: 16 March 2019. Information:



17.  W1-Professor of Turkish Studies, Institute for Oriental and Islamic Studies, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Competitive candidates will have a PhD dissertation demonstrating outstanding knowledge and expertise in Turkish Studies or related disciplines (e.g. Middle Eastern or Islamic Studies) as well as an excellent command of modern Turkish. Candidates with a strong record in research and teaching related to early modern and modern developments in the Ottoman Empire and/or Turkey as well as knowledge of Ottoman Turkish, Arabic and Persian will be most welcome.

Deadline for applications: 31 March 2019. Information: Marita Schmeink (


18.  PhD Student in Political Science/IR/Middle East Studies/Intelligence Studies, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO), Berlin

Within the research project “Learning Intelligence: The Exchange of Secret Service Knowledge between Germany and the Arab Middle East 1960-2010.” Essential Requirements: Master’s degree in politics, international relations or related social sciences; excellent Arabic and German reading skills.

Deadline for applications: 15 March 2019.


19.  Research Associate on Jewish Moralistic Writings, University of Hamburg

Topic: “Jewish Moralistic Writings (Musar) of the Early Modern Period:1600-1800.” Requirements: Master’s degree in a relevant field, excellent knowledge of English as well as an additional language relevant for the intended individual research project (Hebrew, Judeo-Spanish, Yiddish, or Judea-Arabic).

Deadline for applications: 20 March 2019.


20.  Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Max-Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen

Within the research group “Empires of Memory: The Cultural Politics of Historicity in Former Habsburg and Ottoman Cities.” We welcome applicants from a plethora of fields in the social sciences and humanities whose research foci include Istanbul, Budapest, Thessaloniki and/or Sarajevo.

Deadline for applications: 12 April 2019.


21.  Assistant or Associate Professor in Hebrew Bible / Old Testament Studies, Aarhus University

Requirements: PhD degree in theology or related fields, thorough knowledge of historical-critical and contextual approaches to the exegesis and theology of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, knowledge of human and social science fields which are relevant to Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies, knowledge of sources and cultures in the Ancient Near East, adjacent to Ancient Israel and Judah etc.

Deadline for applications: 4 April 2019.


22.  Research Assistant for Palmyra Portrait Project, Aarhus University Denmark

Within the “Palmyra Portrait Project.” Requirements: Master’s degree in classical Archaeology or a related discipline, familiarity with Palmyrene portraiture and sculpture, a professional level of English (spoken and written).

Deadline for applications: 22 March 2019.


23.  Postdoctoral Researcher in Algerian Culture and History, University of Helsinki

An appointee must hold a doctoral degree in history, cultural studies, political science, language, or anthropology. The project necessitates fluency in French, and ideally also familiarity with Arabic, etc.

Deadline for applications: 15 March 2019.


24.  Co-Director for Engagement, Civil-Military Relations in Arab States, Carnegie Middle East Center, Beirut

The successful applicant must have an MA or higher in a relevant discipline, at least five years of practical experience in a related field, fluency in Arabic and English, and be able to travel frequently.

Deadline for applications: 29 March 2019.


25.  Commissioning Editor, Civil-Military Relations in Arab States, Carnegie Middle East Center, Beirut

The successful applicant should have native English and preferably also be bilingual or at least strongly proficient in Arabic. The position will also be responsible for overseeing manuscripts through production. The ideal candidate should have relevant experience and a background in security/defense affairs.

Deadline for applications: 31 March 2019.


26.  Bourse post-doctorale dans le domaine des études contemporaines, Institut français du Proche-Orient (Ifpo), Amman

Sujet: "Les différentes facettes de la politique turque actuelle en Jordanie." Critères d’éligibilité : Être ressortissant d’un pays de l’Union européenne et résider en France. Les dossiers peuvent être rédigés en français ou en anglaise.

Deadline for applications: 30 March 2019.


27.  Postdoctoral Associate on Contemporary Islam in Africa, University of Florida, Gainesville

Applicants in the humanities and social sciences are welcome to apply. The final candidate must have a PhD in hand by 1 July 2019. This position is responsible for organizing workshops; teaching one semester-long undergraduate class; and pursuing a program of independent scholarship related to Islam in Africa in global context.

Deadline for applications: 15 March 2019. Information:


28.  Center for Iran and Persian Gulf Studies, Princeton University

This twelve-months position will focus on the culture, history, politics, economics or religion of Iran and the Persian Gulf region in the 19th - 21st century, with preference for the cultural aspects of the above, starting in September 2019.

Deadline for applications: 31 March 2019.


29.  Visiting Assistant Professor in Comparative Politics, University of Utah

This is a one-year position in Comparative Politics (regional area of focus is open). This appointment begins 12 August 2019. Candidates must have a PhD in political science or a related field in-hand by the time of appointment.

Deadline for applications: 22 March 2019.


30.  Visiting Assistant Professor of Arabic, Kenyon College, Central Ohio

The successful candidate will have native or near-native proficiency in Arabic and a demonstrable record of teaching excellence in Arabic as a second language. Field of specialization open.

Deadline for applications: 15 March 2019.


31.  Lecturer in Global Kurdish Studies, School of International Service, American University, Washington D.C.

We are seeking candidates at all career stages who have a PhD specializing in one of the following thematic areas: Kurdish history, culture, politics, and international relations; Peaceful coexistence between the global Kurdish community and other states and peoples; Cooperation and conflict resolution within the global Kurdish community. This appointment is a 9-month term position with successive renewable re-appointment for additional one-year term.

Deadline for applications: The search committee will begin its review on 1 April 2019; the position will remain open until filled. Information:



32.  Middle East and North Africa Mobility Grants for Young Researchers from Switzerland and Arab Countries

The aim of this call for projects is to fund research stays between Switzerland and the following countries: Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Qatar, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates.

Deadline for applications: End of December 2019.


33.  École thématique: “Mobilité et religions en Afrique méditerranéenne (Antiquité – Temps présent)”, Rabat, 10-13 juin 2019

La formation offerte dans le cadre de cette rencontre est ainsi ouverte aux doctorants et jeunes docteurs en sciences humaines et sociales, dont le champ d’étude s’étend du Maghreb à l’Égypte. 

Envoi des candidatures jusqu’au 10 mars 2019. Information:


34.  Articles for the Journal “Turkish Review of Communication (TURCOM)”

Each issue features reports of original investigation, presenting the latest developments in theory and methodology of media and communication studies in English or Turkish.

Deadline for full papers: 30 March 2019. Information:


35.  Articles on "Critical Reflections on Contemporary Muslim Thought and Human Rights" for "Journal of Contemporary Poetics"

The Journal invites scholars working in the fields of history, cultural studies, political science, psychology, religious studies, critical theory, film and media studies, literature and languages, postcolonial studies, and law to present fresh insights into the debate.

Deadline for full papers: 7 April 2019.

36.  Articles on "Arab Women's Travel Writings, or Travel Writings by Arab Women" for Special Issue of a Journal

Interested scholars are invited to send proposals for original scholarly papers, not previously published, about travel writings by Arab women as well as papers about travel, or the theme of travel, in Arab Women's writings.

Contact: Dr. Nawar Al-Hassan Golley, Prof. in Literary Theory and Gender and Women's Studies, American University of Sharjah (


37.  Contributions for an Edited Book on "Geo-political Conflict in Emergent Genres and Forms: Israel, Palestine, and the Middle East after the Second Intifada"

This collection addresses how genre and form work to illuminate and redescribe conflict in the context of Israel and Palestine but also how depicting conflict impacts aesthetic and formal strategies of representation more widely. How cultural texts might use and challenge narrative and formal conventions in order to offer alternatives to mainstream historical, political, and cultural discourses?

Deadline for abstracts: 31 May 2019. Contact: Dr Ned Curthoys (


38.  Articles for “Lamma: A Journal of Libyan Studies” on “Migration, Trafficking, and Libya”

Papers which address under-researched, misunderstood, or overlooked aspects and intersections of migration, borders, and movement within, throughout, and across the Libyan space are particularly welcome. We are keen on papers which are based in recent fieldwork, which bring new historical material to bear on understanding migration and Libya, or which bring new critical theoretical perspectives to the field.

Deadline for full papers: 1 May 2019.


39.  Contribution pour le MIDÉO 36 (2021): “Iǧtihād et taqlīd dans l’islam sunnite et šīʿite”

Les propositions d’article doivent être soumises pour évaluation avant le 15 janvier 2020.


40.  Articles for Edited Volume on Sayed Hussain Alatas's Thought, Ideas and Social Theory

The book is planned to be published by Brill in 2021. If you are interested in being part of this international project, contact Dr. Seyed Javad Miri, Head of the Department of Sociology of Religion, Tehran, at

EURAMES Info Service 11/2019

Dear Colleague,

Please find below the following announcements:


1.    Conference on "The Egyptian Revolution of 1919: The Birth of the Modern Nation", SOAS, University of London, 27-28 March 2019

2.    6th International Conference of the International Iranian Economic Association, University of Naples “L’Orientale”, 16-17 May 2019

3.    5th Conference on “China and the Middle East and North Africa”, Shanghai University, 17-18 May 2019

4.    International Conference on “Philosophy in the Abrahamic Traditions: Intellect, Experience and More” of the Aquinas and ’The Arabs’ International Working Group, Università di Pisa, 22-25 May 2019

5.    3rd Kurdish Studies Conference: “Shifting Dynamics of the Kurdish Cause in a Changing Middle East”, Middlesex University, 25-26 June 2019

6.    Panel on "Zones of Theory in the Study of Yemen" during the 2019 Exeter Gulf Conference, University of Exeter, 1-2 July 2019

7.    International Kurdish Studies Conference on “New Perspectives in Kurdish Studies”, Northeastern Illinois University and Zahra Institute, Chicago, 24-25 July 2019

8.    Workshop on "Mosques, Families and Islamic Law", Göteborg, 21-23 August 2019

9.    26th International Congress of the German Middle East Studies Association (DAVO), Combined with the Section of Islamic Studies of the DMG: "History, Politics and Culture in Middle East and North Africa", University of Hamburg, 3-5 October 2019

10.  2nd Global Conference on “Freedom of Speech: An Inclusive Interdisciplinary Conference”, Progressive Connexions Network, Vienna, 12-13 October 2019

11.  Panel on MUSLIMS IN AMERICA during the Conference: „SAMLA 91: Languages: Power, Identity, Relationships“, Atlanta, 8-10 November 2019

12.  5th Annual European Symposium on Turkey: „The Concept of Culture and its Politicization in Turkey and the Diaspora“, University of Vienna, 29-30 November 2019

13.  International Conference of the Association for Middle East Women’s Studies (AMEWS) on “Women and Gender Studies in the Middle East”, Beirut, 6-10 March 2021


14.  Two PhD Positions, Amsterdam School for Regional and Transnational and European Studies

15.  Postdoctoral Researchers for Project: “The European Qur’an: Islamic Scripture in European Culture and Religion (1150-1850)”, Université de Nantes, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Università di Napoli l’Orientale, University of Kent or University of Amsterdam

16.  PhD Candidates Related to “Migration and the Family in Morocco”, University of Leiden

17.  Senior Research Fellowship at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, University of Oxford

18.  Two Research Fellowships at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, University of Oxford

19.  Research Assistant on “Middle Eastern Students in the Eastern Bloc”, Orient-Institut Beirut

20.  Assistant or Associate Professor at the Department of History, American University in Cairo

21.  Visiting Assistant Professor of the History of the Modern Middle East, Western Washington University

22.  Visiting Assistant Professor of the History of the Middle East, William & Mary


23.  Prize for Best Article, Council for British Research in the Levant

24.  Nominations for Book Awards and other Awards of the Middle Studies Association (MESA) 2019

25.  New International MA Program: "Middle Eastern Encounters", University of Haifa

26.  Summer Arabic Programs, American University in Beirut, 19 June - 7 August 2019

27.  Summer Courses on "General Islamic Studies" (16 June -12 July 2019) and "Islamic Law" (14 July - 8 August 2019), American University in Cairo

28.  Summer Courses in Modern Standard Arabic, Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane

29.  Summer Abroad Program: ‘'Art Treasures of Konya: Medieval Islamic Art and Architecture II’’, Necmettin Erbakan University, 1-26 July 2019

30.  Sommer School on „Identity in the Middle East and North Africa: Actors, Strategies and Dynamics”, University of Turin, 17-21 June

31.  Contributions to Edited Volume on "Slavery in the Middle East and North Africa in the 19th and 20th Centuries"

32.  Articles on “Islamic Studies and Social Sciences” for Special Issue of "Al-Manhaj: A Journal of Multidisciplinary Research"

33.  Articles for "Eurasian Research Journal (ERJ)" with a Focus on Turkic-Speaking Countries

34.  Call for Membership in the Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA)

If you want to distribute an announcement via DAVO-Info-Service (about 1300 recipients) and EURAMES Info Service (more than 6000 recipients, only English and French announcements), please apply the usual format of the text with no more than 50 words and no attachment. Please send only the most important information to and refer to further details with a link to the respective website or an email address.

Best regards,

Guenter Meyer,
Center for Research on the Arab World (CERAW), University of Mainz, in cooperation with the University of Sharjah/UAE



1.    Conference on "The Egyptian Revolution of 1919: The Birth of the Modern Nation", SOAS, University of London, 27-28 March 2019

The conference will include presentations on the causes and events of the revolution and on themes which may include: Egypt in the wider context of post Ottoman political development in the Arab World; the role of women in the Independence Movement; the impact on Egyptian Society, on minorities and on the Sudan, etc.


2.    6th International Conference of the International Iranian Economic Association, University of Naples “L’Orientale”, 16-17 May 2019

The purpose of this conference is to showcase the best current research on Iran’s economy and to generate information and encouragement for future high-quality research in this area.


3.    5th Conference on “China and the Middle East and North Africa”, Shanghai University, 17-18 May 2019

We invite submissions on: Political Economy of the Middle East, Gender Issues in the Middle East, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, China’s Foreign Policy Toward Middle East/West Asia, The Belt and Road Initiative, etc.

Deadline for abstracts: 15 April 2019. Information:


4.    International Conference on “Philosophy in the Abrahamic Traditions: Intellect, Experience and More” of the Aquinas and ’The Arabs’ International Working Group, Università di Pisa, 22-25 May 2019


5.    3rd Kurdish Studies Conference: “Shifting Dynamics of the Kurdish Cause in a Changing Middle East”, Middlesex University, 25-26 June 2019

This interdisciplinary conference aims to bring together researchers from a range of disciplines working on Kurdish history, politics, culture, gender, minority rights and diaspora to examine the ongoing political, social and cultural developments in the lives of the Kurds and Kurdistan.


6.    Panel on "Zones of Theory in the Study of Yemen" during the Exeter Gulf Conference, University of Exeter, 1-2 July 2019

Once a metonym for tribalism, Yemen is now a privileged zone of theorizing for security and strategy studies. This conference invites participants to reflect on what is overlooked by thinking of Yemen solely in terms of insecurity and to consider how we can re-engage the scholarly diversity of Yemen studies in times of war and revolution.

Deadline for abstracts: 31 March 2019. Information:


7.    International Kurdish Studies Conference on “New Perspectives in Kurdish Studies”, Northeastern Illinois University and Zahra Institute, Chicago, 24-25 July 2019

Of particular interest are such topics as literature, nationalism, religious minorities, political ideologies, memory and violence, language contact and language standardization, and diasporic cultures.

Deadline for abstracts: 10 April 2019. Information:


8.    Workshop on "Mosques, Families and Islamic Law", Göteborg, 21-23 August 2019

We invite scholars in the Nordic countries (and beyond) working in the intersection of mosques, family and Islamic law. How are Muslims in mosques (and beyond) articulating their legal, ethical and normative identities? What kind of institutions are being build? How do the courts and the legal systems in general approach and address these issues?

Deadline for abstracts: 1 May 2019.


9.    26th International Congress of the German Middle East Studies Association (DAVO), Combined with the Section of Islamic Studies of the DMG: "History, Politics and Culture in Middle East and North Africa", University of Hamburg, 3-5 October 2019

The organizers of the Congress call upon scholars of all relevant disciplines in Social Sciences and Humanities, who are engaged in research on the contemporary Middle East and its relations to other regions. The conference’s understanding of the Middle East comprises all countries of the Middle East, North Africa and the entire Islamic World.

Deadline for proposals of open panels to be announced worldwide: 31 March 2019.


10.  2nd Global Conference on “Freedom of Speech: An Inclusive Interdisciplinary Conference”, Progressive Connexions Network, Vienna, 12-13 October 2019

How free is speech in today’s world – restrictions on free speech across countries, regions and between regimes and forms of government.  Where and how is the news media under attack, and what are the implications of these attacks for the media’s freedom? How do these attacks threaten political diversity, stifle political debate, and undermine democratic systems of governance?

Deadline for abstracts: 12 April 2019.


11.  Panel on “Muslims in America” during the Conference: „SAMLA 91: Languages: Power, Identity, Relationships“, Atlanta, 8-10 November 2019

This panel intends to examine the works of Muslim American poets, novelists, playwrights, jazz musicians, punks, hip hop artists, mipsters, filmmakers, and visual artists, through the lens of polylingualism. Panelists are asked to consider how these writers and artists employ different languages in their articulation of assimilation, alterity, dissent, and transgression.

Deadline for abstracts: 1 June 2019. Information:
Contact: Mahwash Shoaib (


12.  5th Annual European Symposium on Turkey: „The Concept of Culture and its Politicization in Turkey and the Diaspora“, University of Vienna, 29-30 November 2019

The meeting will investigate and discuss the various forms of “cultural engineering” through history, the different discourses on culture and the numerous practices of articulating, performing and producing culture as well as cultural identities/resources – be it in line with or against the cultural policy of the state. Turkey’s official cultural policies aimed at Turkish citizens living abroad will also be a focus of the symposium.

Deadline for abstracts: 12 June 2019. Information:


13.  International Conference of the Association for Middle East Women’s Studies (AMEWS) on “Women and Gender Studies in the Middle East”, Beirut, 6-10 March 2021

The conference will be held in partnership with the American University of Beirut and Lebanese American University.  The call is open to topics on gender and women’s studies in the social sciences and humanities: politics, economics, history, sexualities, culture, arts, digital humanities etc.

Deadline for abstracts: 30 October 2019. Contact: Angie Abdelmonem (



14.  Two PhD Positions, Amsterdam School for Regional and Transnational and European Studies

Project: “The Muslim Individual in Imperial and Soviet Russia.” The successful applicants must have a completed MA degree in history, anthropology, visual studies or philology; a thorough command of English and Russian; for PhD Project I: knowledge of Tatar, Arabic or Persian is required; for PhD Project II: demonstrable experience with the visual analysis.

Deadline for applications: 28 April 2019.


15.  Postdoctoral Researchers for Project: “The European Qur’an: Islamic Scripture in European Culture and Religion (1150-1850)”, Université de Nantes, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Università di Napoli l’Orientale, University of Kent or University of Amsterdam

Qualifications: Applicants should have a PhD in a discipline in the humanities by the time of application, or at least strong assurance that they will obtain the PhD by August 2019. Candidates should be fluent in English and have strong skills in other languages appropriate to their research topics.

Deadline for applications: 1 May 2019.


16.  PhD Candidates Related to “Migration and the Family in Morocco”, University of Leiden

Requirements: master’s degree in law and/or social sciences or humanities; demonstrated interest in migration and the Middle East and North Africa region; good command of Arabic and/or French is desirable.

Deadline for applications: 18 March 2019.


17.  Senior Research Fellowship at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, University of Oxford

The successful candidate will be engaged in research and publication in any area of the arts, humanities or social sciences which contributes to a more informed understanding of the Islamic world - its history, economics, politics, culture, civilisation and contemporary life. The fellowship is for a three-year renewable period, and may be extended.

Deadline for applications: 15 April 2019.


18.  Two Research Fellowships at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, University of Oxford

The fellowships are tenable from October 2019 for a three-year period. The successful candidates will be engaged in research and publication in any area of the arts, humanities or social sciences which contributes to a more informed understanding of the Islamic world – its history, economics, politics, culture, civilisation and contemporary life.

Deadline for applications: 15 April 2019.


19.  Research Assistant on “Middle Eastern Students in the Eastern Bloc”, Orient-Institut Beirut

New project on “Relations in the Ideoscape: Middle Eastern Students in the Eastern Bloc (1950s to 1991).” Successful applicant is expected to take office on 1 April 2019. Prerequisites: Doctorate in Middle Eastern Studies or Islamic studies, very good knowledge of Arabic, language of the countries of the former Eastern Bloc, English and German, etc.


20.  Assistant or Associate Professor at the Department of History, American University in Cairo

This is a five-year position, beginning fall 2019. All specializations and areas of study are welcome. The successful candidate must have a PhD in hand by the start of the appointment. The department is eager to review the applications of individuals with a strong research program and demonstrated commitment to teaching.

Deadline for application: 15 March 2019.


21.  Visiting Assistant Professor of the History of the Modern Middle East, Western Washington University

One-year Visiting Instructor/Assistant Professor of History beginning on 16 September 2019, through 15 June 2020.  The position is open to historians of the Middle East. Qualifications: ABD in History or related field, by 15 September 2019.

Application review begins 15 April 2019; position is open until filled.


22.  Visiting Assistant Professor of the History of the Middle East, William & Mary

One-year, non-tenure-track Visiting Assistant Professor in Middle Eastern History that will begin 10 August 2019. Specialization is open. The successful applicant will be expected to be an effective teacher and will have a 3-3 teaching load, including broad surveys of pre-Modern and Modern Middle Eastern history, and intermediate/advanced undergraduate courses in Middle Eastern history. A PhD is required by the time of appointment.

Application review begins 28 March 2019; position is open until filled.



23.  Prize for Best Article, Council for British Research in the Levant

The award recognises excellent research and scholarship that engages with current and emerging issues in the Levant that advances our understanding of the region. We are looking for original unpublished articles from scholars in different stages of their careers and from different disciplines: anthropology, sociology, politics, religion and theology, language and linguistics cultural studies, etc.

Deadline for full articles: 1 July 2019.


24.  Nominations for Book Awards and other Awards of the Middle Studies Association (MESA) 2019

The MESA Awards annually recognizes outstanding contributions in scholarly achievement, mentoring of students and faculty, service to the profession, innovations in undergraduate education and teaching, and academic freedom.

Deadline of nominations: 1 April 2019. Information:


25.  New International MA Program: "Middle Eastern Encounters", University of Haifa

The newly launched one-year program offers opportunities for close cultural encounters in the rich and dynamic setting of the City of Haifa, and aims to provide instruction, training, and first-hand acquaintance with Middle Eastern affairs.

Application is now open:


26.  Summer Arabic Programs, American University in Beirut, 19 June - 7 August 2019

The CAMES Arabic summer programs give students at all levels the opportunity to engage with the language and culture both inside and outside the classroom.

Deadline for applications: 29 March 2019.


27.  Summer Courses on "General Islamic Studies" (16 June -12 July 2019) and "Islamic Law" (14 July - 8 August 2019), American University in Cairo

Topics covered in "General Islamic Studies": Hadith, Islamic Law, Sufism. Topics in "Islamic Law": Early Islamic Law, Case Law, Criminal Law and Colonialism, Islamic Law in the Modern Period.

Deadline for applications: 1 April 2019. Information:


28.  Summer Courses in Modern Standard Arabic, Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane

Two semesters in eight weeks: 30 May-28 June 2019 (Session 1), 2-26 July 2019 (Session 2). Scholarships available.

Application deadline: 24 May 2019. Information:


29.  Summer Abroad Program: ‘'Art Treasures of Konya: Medieval Islamic Art and Architecture II’’, Necmettin Erbakan University, 1-26 July 2019

This unique cultural program purpose is the study of medieval Anatolian art and architecture by focusing on the spectacular examples of medieval Islamic art and architecture of Konya on site. The course will combine lectures and many field trips to monuments and museums in Konya, taking full advantage of the opportunity to study art in context.

Deadline for application: 7 June 2019.


30.  Sommer School on „Identity in the Middle East and North Africa: Actors, Strategies and Dynamics”, University of Turin, 17-21 June

The summer school critically unpacks identity and its politicization, exploring the role they have had across time and space to read and represent regional political and social events. The objective is to offer useful tools of analysis to better understand the complexity of the Middle East and, at the same time, to facilitate explanations away from oversimplifications.

Deadline for applications: 20 May 2019. Information:


31.  Contributions to Edited Volume on "Slavery in the Middle East and North Africa in the 19th and 20th Centuries"

The volume will be edited by Janet Afary and Eric Massie. Articles are invited on: The social construction of mastery and slavery in slaveholding-enslaved relationships; The gendered experience of slavery and use and abuse of the enslaved’s sexuality; The familial and social lives of enslaved persons; Theorizations about the enslaved’s vulnerability in Middle Eastern and Islamic contexts, etc.

Deadline for abstracts: 15 March 2019. Information:


32.  Articles on “Islamic Studies and Social Sciences” for Special Issue of "Al-Manhaj: A Journal of Multidisciplinary Research"

Al-Manhaj focuses on publishing theoretical, empirical as well as review articles and perspective, commentary and opinion articles.

Deadline for abstracts: 30 April 2019. Contact:


33.  Articles for "Eurasian Research Journal (ERJ)" with a Focus on Turkic-Speaking Countries

ERJ concentrates on contemporary research related to economics, finance, energy, transportation, international relations and other interdisciplinary social sciences in the Eurasian region that covers the territory from the Balkans to Mongolia with particular focus on Turkic-speaking countries.


34.  Call for Membership in the Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA)

AGYA promotes research cooperation among outstanding early-career researchers from all disciplines who are affiliated with a research institution in Germany or any Arab country. The academy supports innovative interdisciplinary projects by its members in various fields of research, science policy and education.

Deadline for Application: 24 March 2019. Information:

EURAMES Info Service 13/2019

Dear Colleague,

The deadline for proposals for open panels at the 26th International Congress of the German Middle East Studies Association (DAVO) in Hamburg on 3-5 October 2019 has been extended until 30 April 2019.
If you are interested in organizing a panel for this congress and look for paper presenters, you are invited to send the title and summary (up to 300 words) to the General Secretary of the congress, Amke Dietert ( The call for papers for open panels will then be forwarded via EURAMES and DAVO-Info-Service and the DMG mailing list to more than 6000 scholars who should send their paper proposals directly to the organizer of the specific panel until 15 May 2019.

Please find below the following announcements:


1.    Conference on "Claiming and Making Muslim Worlds: Across and Between the Local and the Global", Leibnitz Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO), Berlin, 3-5 April 2019

2.    Journée d'études turques, Inalco, Paris, 5 avril 2019

3.    Conference on "Geography and Religious Knowledge in the Medieval World (1150-1550) – Including Arab-Islamic Geography", University of Tübingen, 11-12 April 2019

4.    Conference: „The Idea of Iran: The Second Safavid Century”, SOAS, London, 11-12 May 2019

5.    Journées de la Halqa: “Dynamiques des identités musulmanes et arabes“, Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme, Aix-en-Provence, 6-7 juin 2019

6.    International Conference: "Berber (Amazigh) cinema as a communication space. The mise-en-scène", INALCO, Paris, 11 June 2019

7.    Conference on "Sufism and the Body", University of Utrecht, 12-13 September 2019

8.    Conference on "Refugees, Citizenship, and Belonging: Towards a History of the Present", Drew University, Madison, 20-21 September 2019

9.    Conference: “Narrative Forms and Co-Production in Arab Cinemas”, Saint-Joseph University of Beirut, 2-4 October 2019

10.  Journée d’études: “Trajectoires militaires à travers les décolonisations Moyen-Orient, Asie, Afrique XXème siècle”, Aix-en-Provence, 3 octobre 2019

11.  4th Dubai – International Conference on Social Science & Humanities (ICSSH), Dubai, 7-8 October 2019

12.  Conference: “Words Laying Down the Law: Translating Arabic Legal Discourse”, Aga Khan University Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations, London, 7-8 October 2019

13.  Conference on “Digital Archiving in the Arab World”, Abu Dhabi, 26-27 October 2019

14.  Travel Grants for the Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa (ASMEA), Washington D.C., 31 October – 2 November 2019

15.   Colloque "Altérités et résistances au prisme du genre en Méditerranée“, Aix-en-Provence, 7-9 novembre 2019

16.  Colloque: "Dynamique des langues, des discours et des cultures en contexte méditerranéen", Tlemcen, 11-12 novembre 2019

17.  Conference on "The Aftermath of the First World War: Humanitarianism in the Mediterranean", University of Milan, 3-4 December 2019

18.  Colloque: “Humour et politique dans l’espace arabe de la Nahda à aujourd’hui”, Nancy, 5-6 décembre 2019

19.  Conference: „About Life Paths that Call to Writing in the Modern Arab World”, University of Lille, 20-21 November 2019

20.  Conference on „Culture and Conflict in Palestine/Israel”, University of Florida, 1-3 February 2020

21.  Conference: “Representing Disembarkation: Migrations, Arrivals, Territories", Procida, Naples, 27-29 April 2020


22.  Two Doctoral and Six Postdoctoral Fellowships, Museums of Islamic Art and Byzantine Art, Berlin, etc.

23.  Fellowship in Cultural and Religious History of Muslims and Christians in the Iberian Peninsula and/or the Maghreb (9th-16th Centuries), Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

24.  Lecturer in History of the Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula, University of Exeter

25.  Two Lecturers/Assistant Professors in Turkish Linguistics and Modern Turkish Literature, University of Cyprus

26.  Two Fully-Funded MA Fellowships, Syrian Oral History Project, Stockton University, New Jersey


27.  "Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE)", Funding Opportunities by the European Commission

28.  Grant for Academic Study Related to Yemen, British-Yemeni Society

29.  2019 Prize for Best Article, Contemporary Levant

30.  Appel à projets scientifiques 2020, L'Institut français d'archéologie orientale (Ifao) du Caire

31.  Free 5-week Online Course on "The Sharia and Islamic Law: An Introduction", Alwaleed Centre, University of Edinburgh

32.  Summer School on "Identity in the Middle East and North Africa: Actors, Strategies and Dynamics", Torino, 17-21 June 2019

33.  Stage intensif de langue arabe, option recherche sciences humaines et sociales, Tunis, 24 juin – 19 juillet 2019

34.  Summer School on "Post-Oil Economy –  Debating and Working on Current Challenges in an International Environment", Baku, Azerbaijan, 4-6 August 2019

35.  Articles for "Geopolitics Quarterly" in Persian and English

36.  Articles on "Transnational American Studies within the Post-Arab Spring Context" for Special Issue of the "Journal of Transnational American Studies (JTAS)"

37.  Articles on "Critical Reflections on Contemporary Muslim Thought and Human Rights" for "Journal of Contemporary Poetics"

38.  Contributions to "Hamsa. Journal of Judaic and Islamic Studies"

39.  Contributions to “Lamma: A Journal of Libyan Studies”

40.  Articles on “Portraits/Auto-portraits in the Artistic Practices of the Mediterranean Region: an Overlooked Site?” for the Journal: “Regards – revue des arts du spectacle”

41.  Articles on “Ijtihad and Taqlid in Sunni and Shi’i Islam” for MIDEO Journal

42.  Articles for Journal "Contemporary Arab Affairs (CAA)"

43.  Contributions to Edited Book: “Egypt in Focus: Creativity in Adversarial Contexts”

44.  Chapter Contributions to Edited Book on “Schools and National Identities in French-speaking Africa: Political Choices, Means of Transmission, and Appropriation”

45.  New Publishing House "Falschrum Books": Crowdfunding for "To a Syrian Prisoner of Conscience"

If you want to distribute an announcement via DAVO-Info-Service (about 1300 recipients) and EURAMES Info Service (more than 6000 recipients, only English and French announcements), please apply the usual format of the text with no more than 50 words and no attachment. Please send only the most important information to and refer to further details with a link to the respective website or an email address.

Best regards,

Guenter Meyer, Centre for Research on the Arab World (CERAW), University of Mainz, in cooperation with the University of Sharjah/UAE



1.    Conference on "Claiming and Making Muslim Worlds: Across and Between the Local and the Global", Leibnitz Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO), Berlin, 3-5 April 2019

The conference marks the completion of ZMO's twelve-year research program "Muslim Worlds - Worlds of Islam? Conceptions, Practices, and Crises of the Global".


2.    Journée d'études turques, Inalco, Paris, 5 avril 2019

Trois thématiques seront abordées: la littérature et le contemporain; le religieux et le laïc et l'espace des migrants. La projection du film Safînat al-hubb (Love Boat), suivie d'un débat clôturera la journée.


3.    Conference on "Geography and Religious Knowledge in the Medieval World (1150-1550) – Including Arab-Islamic Geography", University of Tübingen, 11-12 April 2019

The comparative perspective is intended to capture traditional peculiarities as well as transcultural exchange processes between the Arab-Muslim and the Latin-Christian world.

See program at


4.    Conference: „The Idea of Iran: The Second Safavid Century”, SOAS, London, 11-12 May 2019

What does the Idea of Iran mean in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries? Can we discern the ways that contemporaries viewed their traditions and their environment (natural or built); what was the view of outsiders, and how does modern scholarship define the distinctive aspects of the period?


5.    Journées de la Halqa: “Dynamiques des identités musulmanes et arabes“, Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme, Aix-en-Provence, 6-7 juin 2019

Le choix de cette approche pour les journées annuelles de la Halqa invite les jeunes chercheuses et chercheurs à appréhender l’intérêt de la notion «identités». Il s’agit d’aller à l’encontre d’une utilisation décriée pour son essentialisation. Quelles capacités heuristiques cette notion contient-elle pour penser et travailler les mondes arabes et musulmans? Quelles déconstructions suggère-t-elle? Quels outils méthodologiques peut-on proposer pour la travailler?

Deadline for abstracts: 7 April 2019. Information:


6.    International Conference: "Berber (Amazigh) Cinema as a Communication Space. The mise-en-scène", INALCO, Paris, 11 June 2019

This meeting aims to identify and analyze the elements of the mise-en-scène of Amazigh films (images, colors, framing, sound and other audiovisual elements), to try to understand how the films reach (or try to reach) their narrative purpose through its audio-visual elements and composition.

Deadline for abstracts: 30 April 2019.


7.    Conference on "Sufism and the Body", University of Utrecht, 12-13 September 2019

Drawing on recent literature regarding sensation, embodiment, and the material turn in the study of religion, this conference assesses the role of the human body in Sufism. It attempts to bridge the gap between the study of the spiritual and corporeal in Sufism by focusing on the place of the body in Sufi thought, practice, literature, and art.

Deadline for abstracts: 1 May 2019.


8.    Conference on "Refugees, Citizenship, and Belonging: Towards a History of the Present", Drew University, Madison, 20-21 September 2019

The conference will place the current "refugee crisis" in cultural, historical and political context. We invite papers engaging with the intellectual and cultural history of the "refugee," and related topics like home, statelessness, and extraterritoriality.

Deadline for abstracts: 15 April 2019.


9.    Conference: “Narrative Forms and Co-Production in Arab Cinemas”, Saint-Joseph University of Beirut, 2-4 October 2019

Participants can choose one or more topics among following: popular reception of co-produced films; Arab cinemas and international festivals; politics of local film festivals; film genres in co-produced cinemas; state censorship and foreign expectations; auteur films and the co-production system; narrative norms and margins of creation, etc.

Deadline for abstracts: 15 April 2019. Information:


10.  Journée d’études: “Trajectoires militaires à travers les décolonisations Moyen-Orient, Asie, Afrique XXème siècle”, Aix-en-Provence, 3 octobre 2019

L’objectif de cette journée est de faire discuter des chercheurs travaillant sur des aires différentes afin de faire émerger des points de convergence ou de contraste et d’élargir les horizons, tout en restant attaché à l’ancrage de la réflexion dans des réalités locales complexes. Les propositions de communication portant sur des aspects méthodologiques de la recherche et/ou sur des espaces hors de l’Empire français seront donc particulièrement appréciées.

Deadline for applications: 1 June 2019.


11.  4th Dubai – International Conference on Social Science & Humanities (ICSSH), Dubai, 7-8 October 2019

The conference focuses on recent research trends in social sciences in order to develop a deeper understanding of arts, culture, language, religion, commerce, governance and society; solutions for challenges in academics and practice ideas for cleaner, healthier and sustainable society and environment; changes and evolution in mass media, digital media, journalism and entertainment; etc. First timers as well as seasoned academics are invited to submit their work.

Deadline for abstracts: 15 May 2019.


12.  Conference: “Words Laying Down the Law: Translating Arabic Legal Discourse”, Aga Khan University Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations, London, 7-8 October 2019

The conference aims to set up a framework for exploring the effects of the moment of translation on how law is applied and understood in Arabic and/or by Arabic speakers. Scholars in the disciplines legal anthropology, law and comparative law, legal pragmatics, sociolinguistics and discourse analysis, politics and translation studies are invited to submit their works.

Deadline for abstracts: 31 May 2019.


13.  Conference on “Digital Archiving in the Arab World”, Abu Dhabi, 26-27 October 2019

The conference’s aim is to provide an exploratory gateway of the fast-growing interdisciplinary field of digital archiving in the Arab world. The conference committee invites all practitioners to present their work to regarding the following themes: management and analysis of big data in the Arab World, manuscripts; rare books and endangered documents in the Arab World; digital libraries in the Arab World, etc.

Deadline for abstracts: 30 April 2019.


14.  Travel Grants for the Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa (ASMEA), Washington D.C., 31 October – 2 November 2019

Grants up to $750 are offered to scholars of the Middle East and of Africa focused on the world of Islam, Islamism, and related issues on the continent.

Deadline for applications: 15 April 2019. Information:


15.   Colloque "Altérités et résistances au prisme du genre en Méditerranée“, Aix-en-Provence, 7-9 novembre 2019

Ce colloque qui s’appuiera sur une approche pluridisciplinaire, des démarches diachroniques et comparatives, propose d’identifier et d’analyser les cadres propices aux changements et aux aménagements des normes de genre et leurs effets en termes d’adaptation, de résistances et d’évitement dans l’ensemble des contextes sociaux du bassin méditerranéen.

Deadline for abstracts: 15 April 2019.


16.  Colloque: "Dynamique des langues, des discours et des cultures en contexte méditerranéen", Tlemcen, 11-12 novembre 2019

Les contributions s’inscriront dans les axes et sous axes suivants: Productions artistiques et diversité des représentations – Rive Sud / Rive Nord; la mer Méditerranée dans les textes littéraires; le métissage et ses paradoxes dans l’Histoire culturelle de la Méditerranée - altérité et discours de la différenciation; les migrants et la Méditerranée dans les arts (littérature, cinéma, peinture).

Deadline for abstracts: 15 July 2019.


17.  Conference on "The Aftermath of the First World War: Humanitarianism in the Mediterranean", University of Milan, 3-4 December 2019

The conference proposes a dual shift of perspective: thematic and geographical. On the one hand, it focuses on international relief and rehabilitation programs during and in the aftermath of war. On the other hand, the conference specifically concerns the Mediterranean area thereby shifting our attention away from the well-studied Northern European and Transatlantic region.


18.  Colloque: “Humour et politique dans l’espace arabe de la Nahda à aujourd’hui”, Nancy, 5-6 décembre 2019

Le colloque a pour ambition de mettre en lumière le rôle de l’humour en politique dans le monde arabe. Seront envisagés, au travers de divers types de méthodologies, trois axes majeurs: Humour de la politique et du politique, Humour et engagement politique, Langue humour et politique.

Deadline for abstracts: 30 May 2019.


19.  Conference: „About Life Paths that Call to Writing in the Modern Arab World”, University of Lille, 20-21 November 2019

How do different paths of life, in the modern Arab world, act as a catalyst for writing? Three axes of communication are proposed: “Custodial paths and writings in the modern Arab world”, “Life paths of foreigners in Arab countries: the end of the travel story and of post-orientalism?”, and “Arab life paths in foreign Arab countries: the writings of new exiles in the Arab world”.

Deadline for abstracts: 15 July 2019.


20.  Conference on „Culture and Conflict in Palestine/Israel”, University of Florida, 1-3 February 2020

The conference brings together scholars from the social sciences and the humanities who examine culture as a field of social and political conflicts in the Palestinian-Israeli context. Papers accepted to the conference should investigate cases in which specific arenas of cultural production or consumption became political battlegrounds. These arenas could include art, literature, cinema, theatre, music, dance, sports, and other fields.

Deadline for abstracts: 1 April 2019. Information:


21.  Conference: “Representing Disembarkation: Migrations, Arrivals, Territories", Procida, Naples, 27-29 April 2020

While mainly addressing the representation of disembarkation, arrival, and embarkation in literary writing, we welcome papers from law studies, politics and international relations, anthropology and history linking the figurative to wider political and legal entanglements surrounding experiences of disembarkation on the coastlines of Europe and beyond.

Deadline for abstracts: 1 September 2019.



22.  Two Doctoral and Six Postdoctoral Fellowships, the Museums of Islamic Art and Byzantine Ar,  Berlin, etc.

Applications from all regions and from Art History, Aesthetics, Archaeology, Anthropology/Ethnology, History and neighbouring fields dealing with artefacts, artistic production, material culture, and aesthetic practices relating to objects, images, languages and architectures are welcome.

Deadline for applications: 15 April 2019.


23.  Fellowship in Cultural and Religious History of Muslims and Christians in the Iberian Peninsula and/or the Maghreb (9th-16th Centuries), Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

Two post-doctoral researches on any topic relating to pre-modern Iberian Peninsula and/or the Maghreb are to be sponsored. The research area includes expressions of masculine identity and the relationality of gender in medieval Islamic texts; the relation between gender and religious identity and alterity; Mudejar religiosity, etc. Requirements: PhD or equivalent.

Deadline for applications: 30 April 2019.


24.  Lecturer in History of the Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula, University of Exeter

Requirements: a PhD or equivalent in Middle East Studies, History, Politics, Sociology, Anthropology, Gender Studies, Critical Studies or related fields; a strong record in attracting funding for research. Highly desirable are experience of field work in the Gulf and/or the Arabian Peninsula and linguistic proficiency and/or other relevant languages.


25.  Two Lecturers/Assistant Professors in Turkish Linguistics and in Modern Turkish Literature, University of Cyprus

Sufficient knowledge of Greek and Turkish is required. Other requirements for appointment depend on academic rank and include prior academic experience, research record and scientific contributions, involvement in teaching and in the development of high quality undergraduate and graduate curricula.

Deadline for applications: 10 June 2019. Applications to be submitted at Information:


26.  Two Fully-Funded MA Fellowships, Syrian Oral History Project, Stockton University, New Jersey

The Arab-speaking MA students will enroll in graduate courses and independent studies at Stockton University, and they will travel to Europe during breaks and in the summer to conduct interviews and collect oral histories from Syrian refugees. The MA fellowship consists of a two-year package, including full tuition and fees remission, a stipend of $1,000 each month, and $3,000 for travel each year.

Contact: Dr. Raz Segal (



27.  "Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE)", Funding Opportunities by the European Commission

The RISE scheme promotes international and cross-sector collaboration through exchanging research and innovation staff and sharing knowledge and ideas from research to market (and vice-versa).


28.  Grant for Academic Study Related to Yemen, British-Yemeni Society

Applications for this £500 grant are invited from anyone carrying out research in, or on Yemen, at a British or Yemeni University. Applicants' nationality is irrelevant. Applications may be made to assist with study in any subject or field, so long as it is concerned with Yemen, and is for a specific qualification (e.g. BA, MA, PhD etc.).

Deadline for applications: 31 May 2019. Information:


29.  2019 Prize for Best Article, Contemporary Levant

The award recognises excellent research and scholarship that engages with current and emerging issues in the Levant. We are looking for original unpublished articles from scholars in different stages of their careers and from different disciplines: anthropology, sociology, politics, religion and theology, language and linguistics cultural studies, modern history, social geography, media, film studies and literature.

Deadline for abstracts: 1 July 2019.


30.  Appel à projets scientifiques 2020, L'Institut français d'archéologie orientale (Ifao) du Caire

Il s'adresse à tout chercheur, français ou étranger, qui souhaite développer des recherches dans les domaines de compétence de l'Ifao, couvrant l'histoire de l'Égypte, de la Préhistoire à l'époque contemporaine.

Deadline for applications: 1 July 2019. Information:


31.  Free 5-week Online Course on "The Sharia and Islamic Law: An Introduction", Alwaleed Centre, University of Edinburgh

Delivered via the FutureLearn platform, this ground-breaking course will explore some of the diverse roles that the Sharia and Islamic law have played in Muslim life, both historically and today, encouraging students to think critically about the nature of religious law and its many manifestations.

Starting on 6 May 2019, prospective students can now sign-up and watch the trailer via the course homepage:


32.  Summer School on "Identity in the Middle East and North Africa: Actors, Strategies and Dynamics", Torino, 17-21 June 2019

The summer school critically unpacks identity and its politicization, exploring the role they have had across time and space to read and represent regional political and social events. Identity is thus used to frame relevant topic such as class, the status of minorities, State formation, sectarianism, language, and gender issues, among others.

Deadline for applications: 20 May 2019. Information:


33.  Stage intensif de langue arabe, option recherche sciences humaines et sociales, Tunis, 24 juin – 19 juillet 2019

Il s'adresse à des étudiants (masterisants et doctorants) et aux chercheurs sur le monde arabe. Outre l'apprentissage de la langue arabe, il propose des orientations linguistiques plus spécifiques aux recherches en SHS (enquêtes, terrains, questionnaires, travail statistique, entretiens, retours d'enquêtes, exploitation d'une documentation spécifique, lecture de la presse.).

Deadline for applications: 30 April 2019. Information:


34.  Summer School on "Post-Oil Economy – Debating and Working on Current Challenges in an International Environment", Baku, Azerbaijan, 4-6 August 2019

The registration process is now open to students (undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate) from all academic backgrounds and with an interest in sustainability and development issues, wanting to gain scientific, as well as intercultural skills. DAAD Go East Scholarships are available for students enrolled in a German University.

Deadline for applications: 2 June 2019.


35.  Articles for "Geopolitics Quarterly" in Persian and English

This journal considers academic papers that lie within geopolitics and political geography disciplines. Academic papers in international relations, political sciences, political economy, strategic sciences, international law and political sociology and other disciplines with geopolitical approach are also considered.


36.  Articles on "Transnational American Studies within the Post-Arab Spring Context" for Special Issue of the "Journal of Transnational American Studies (JTAS)"

Papers are invited on: The post-Arab Spring dynamics and its impact on American Studies as a field of study and its teaching outside the US. The racialization of Islam within a continuum of imperialism and fight for civil rights and liberation. How Arabs, Americans, African Americans and other groups construct national and transnational identities in light of local, regional, and global bio- and geo-politics, etc.

Deadline for abstracts: 1 May 2019. Contact:


37.  Articles on "Critical Reflections on Contemporary Muslim Thought and Human Rights" for "Journal of Contemporary Poetics"

The journal invites scholars working in the fields of history, cultural studies, political science, psychology, religious studies, critical theory, film and media studies, literature and languages, postcolonial studies, and law to present fresh insights into the debate.

Deadline for full papers: 7 April 2019.


38.  Contributions to "Hamsa. Journal of Judaic and Islamic Studies"

The main aim is to create a virtual multi-disciplinary space in which all perspectives of the History, Language and Literature of Jews and Muslims can converge, as well as themes on Judaism and Islam in general. There is a special focus on Iberian Muslims and Jews and their Diaspora, entraining a comparative analysis of historiographical, philosophical, anthropological and sociological discourses.

Deadline for papers: 30 April 2019. Information:


39.  Contributions to “Lamma: A Journal of Libyan Studies”

For this issue of Lamma, we aim to bring together scholars who work on understanding, analyzing, comparing, or theorizing migration, smuggling, and trafficking into, across, and out of Libya. Papers which address under-researched, misunderstood, or overlooked aspects and intersections of migration, borders, and movement within, throughout, and across the Libyan space are particularly welcome.


40.   Articles on “Portraits/Auto-portraits in the Artistic Practices of the Mediterranean Region: an Overlooked Site?” for the Journal: “Regards – revue des arts du spectacle”

We aim to address the question of the pertinence of the portrait and the auto-portrait in the socio-cultural and political contexts of a specific artistic practice, within the Arab countries and, by extension, the countries of the Mediterranean as primary sites of analysis. What roles do those pictural conventions play in Memory Studies of societies going through crisis? What does it reveal of the role and place of the artist within his/her own society?

Deadline for full papers: 15 April 2019. Information:


41.  Articles on “Ijtihad and Taqlid in Sunni and Shi’i Islam” for MIDEO Journal

This issue will explore various, yet related concepts. We will highlight theological discourses arguing for their legitimacy, refutation, as well as those that explore their articulation. Beyond the rivalry between these two approaches, it will be necessary to see if there exists a continuum between them, and that although their perspectives are competing and partisan, they are in fact not incompatible.

Deadline for full papers: 15 January 2020. Information:ǧtihad-and-taqlid-in-sunni-and-siʿi-islam/


42.  Articles for Journal "Contemporary Arab Affairs (CAA)"

The editors of this peer-reviewed journal published by the Centre for Arab Unity Studies and University of California Press, invite authors to submit original multidisciplinary articles on the Arab World (5,000-7,000 words) to the editor at

Deadline for manuscripts: 31 December 2019. Information:


43.  Contributions to Edited Book: “Egypt in Focus: Creativity in Adversarial Contexts”

The current socio-political situation in Egypt raises fundamental questions about the state of the arts and the future of literature and culture in the country. This special volume examines the complex paradoxical predicament of a seemingly irrepressible expressive context under the thralls of an imposed gloomy hush. It also addresses how individuals and institutions navigate the inflicted muteness through different strategies.


44.  Chapter Contributions to Edited Book on “Schools and National Identities in French-speaking Africa: Political Choices, Means of Transmission, and Appropriation”

The volume will be published by Routledge in the Series “Perspectives on Education in Africa” in 2020.

Deadline for abstracts: 4 May 2019. Information:


45.  New Publishing House "Falschrum Books": Crowdfunding for "To a Syrian Prisoner of Conscience"

DAVO-member Stefan Maneval has recently founded the not-for-profit publishing house "Falschrum Books" committed to the idea of connecting visual artists and authors from different parts of the world and bringing the Arab-speaking world closer to Western audiences. The first publication, Gregory Carlock's "To a Syrian Prisoner of Conscience", is funded with a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter.

you can read more, and support Falschrum by buying a signed copy of the book in advance.


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