dimanche 28 avril 2019

EURAMES Info Service 17/2019


1.    Conference: “The Idea of Iran: The Second Safavid Century”, SOAS, London, 11-12 May 2019

2.    6th International Conference of the International Iranian Economic Association (IIEA), University of Naples “L’Orientale”, 16-17 May 2019

3.    International Conference: "Berber (Amazigh) Cinema as a Communication Space. The mise-en-scène", INALCO, Paris, 11 June 2019

4.    Conference on "Sufism and the Body", University of Utrecht, 12-13 September 2019

5.    Journée d’études: “Trajectoires militaires à travers les décolonisations Moyen-Orient, Asie, Afrique XXème siècle”, Aix-en-Provence, 3 octobre 2019

6.    Extended Deadline for Proposals for Open Panels during the 26th International Congress of the German Middle East Studies Association (DAVO), Hamburg, 3-5 October 2019

7.    Open Panel on: "Digital Authoritarianism in the MENA Region: Tools and Types of Authoritarian Rule in the Digital Age", during the 26th International Congress of the German Middle East Studies Association (DAVO), Hamburg, 3-5 October 2019

8.    4th Dubai – International Conference on Social Science & Humanities (ICSSH), Dubai, 7-8 October 2019

9.    Conference: “Words Laying Down the Law: Translating Arabic Legal Discourse”, Aga Khan University Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations, London, 7-8 October 2019

10.  Conference on “Digital Archiving in the Arab World”, Abu Dhabi, 26-27 October 2019

11.  Colloque: "Dynamique des langues, des discours et des cultures en contexte méditerranéen", Tlemcen, 11-12 novembre 2019

12.  Panel: “Muslims in America” at SAMLA 91 “Languages: Power, Identity, Relationships”, Atlanta, 15-17 November 2019

13.  Conference: „About Life Paths that Call to Writing in the Modern Arab World”, University of Lille, 20-21 November 2019

14.  Colloque: “Humour et politique dans l’espace arabe de la Nahda à aujourd’hui”, Nancy, 5-6 décembre 2019

15.  Conference: “Representing Disembarkation: Migrations, Arrivals, Territories", Procida, Naples, 27-29 April 2020


16.  Two Lecturers/Assistant Professors in Turkish Linguistics and in Modern Turkish Literature, University of Cyprus

17.  Fellowship in Cultural and Religious History of Muslims and Christians in the Iberian Peninsula and/or the Maghreb (9th-16th Centuries), Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

18.  AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Studentship, Research Project: “Material Cultures of Refuge in Lebanon”, University College London

19.  Lecturer in Modern Middle Eastern History, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

20.  Assistant Curator of Islamic Art / Art of the Middle East, Los Angeles County Museum of Art


21.  Dissertation Award of the German Middle East Studies Association (DAVO) for Research on the MENA Region

22.  2019 Prize for Best Article, Contemporary Levant

23.  Multiple Senior and Postdoctoral Short-Term Fellowships, Max-Weber-Stiftung India Branch Office, New Delhi

24.  Grant for Academic Study Related to Yemen, British-Yemeni Society

25.  Appel à projets scientifiques 2020, L'Institut français d'archéologie orientale (Ifao) du Caire

26.  Free 5-week Online Course on "The Sharia and Islamic Law: An Introduction", Alwaleed Centre, University of Edinburgh

27.  Study Trip "Romania - A Cradle of Islam in Europe", Institute for Caucasica-, Tatarica- und Turkestan-Studies, 28 May- 3 June 2019

28.  Intensive Arabic Courses, Casa Árabe, Madrid and Cordoba, 3 June – 12 July 2019

29.  Summer School on "Identity in the Middle East and North Africa: Actors, Strategies and Dynamics", Torino, 17-21 June 2019

30.  Stage intensif de langue arabe, option recherche sciences humaines et sociales, Tunis, 24 juin – 19 juillet 2019

31.  Summer School on "Post-Oil Economy – Debating and Working on Current Challenges in an International Environment", Baku, Azerbaijan, 4-6 August 2019

32.  Master of Science: "Economics of the Middle East (EMEA)", University of Marburg

33.  Articles for "Geopolitics Quarterly" in Persian and English

34.  Articles on "Transnational American Studies within the Post-Arab Spring Context" for Special Issue of the "Journal of Transnational American Studies (JTAS)"

35.  Contributions to "Hamsa. Journal of Judaic and Islamic Studies"

36.  Contributions to “Lamma: A Journal of Libyan Studies”

37.  Articles on “Media, Terrorism and Audience Reception” for the “Journal of Communication: Media Watch”

38.  Articles on “Ijtihad and Taqlid in Sunni and Shi’i Islam” for MIDEO Journal

39.  Articles for Journal "Contemporary Arab Affairs (CAA)"

40.  Contributions to Edited Book: “Egypt in Focus: Creativity in Adversarial Contexts”

41.  Chapter Contributions to Edited Book on “Schools and National Identities in French-speaking Africa: Political Choices, Means of Transmission, and Appropriation”

If you want to distribute an announcement via DAVO-Info-Service (about 1300 recipients) and EURAMES Info Service (more than 6000 recipients, only English and French announcements), please apply the usual format of the text with no more than 50 words and no attachment. Please send only the most important information to davo@geo.uni-mainz.de and refer to further details with a link to the respective website or an email address.

Best regards,

Guenter Meyer
Centre for Research on the Arab World (CERAW), University of Mainz, in cooperation with the University of Sharjah/UAE



1.    Conference: “The Idea of Iran: The Second Safavid Century”, SOAS, London, 11-12 May 2019

What does the idea of Iran mean in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries? Can we discern the ways that contemporaries viewed their traditions and their environment (natural or built); what was the view of outsiders, and how does modern scholarship define the distinctive aspects of the period?


2.    6th International Conference of the International Iranian Economic Association (IIEA), University of Naples “L’Orientale”, 16-17 May 2019

The purpose of this conference is to showcase the best current research on Iran’s economy and to generate information and encouragement for future high-quality research in this area.


3.    International Conference: "Berber (Amazigh) Cinema as a Communication Space. The mise-en-scène", INALCO, Paris, 11 June 2019

This meeting aims to identify and analyze the elements of the mise-en-scène of Amazigh films (images, colors, framing, sound and other audiovisual elements), to try to understand how the films reach (or try to reach) their narrative purpose through its audio-visual elements and composition.

Deadline for abstracts: 30 April 2019.


4.    Conference on "Sufism and the Body", University of Utrecht, 12-13 September 2019

Drawing on recent literature regarding sensation, embodiment, and the material turn in the study of religion, this conference assesses the role of the human body in Sufism. It attempts to bridge the gap between the study of the spiritual and corporeal in Sufism by focusing on the place of the body in Sufi thought, practice, literature, and art.

Deadline for abstracts: 1 May 2019.


5.    Journée d’études: “Trajectoires militaires à travers les décolonisations Moyen-Orient, Asie, Afrique XXème siècle”, Aix-en-Provence, 3 octobre 2019

L’objectif de cette journée est de faire discuter des chercheurs travaillant sur des aires différentes afin de faire émerger des points de convergence ou de contraste et d’élargir les horizons, tout en restant attaché à l’ancrage de la réflexion dans des réalités locales complexes. Les propositions de communication portant sur des aspects méthodologiques de la recherche et/ou sur des espaces hors de l’Empire français seront donc particulièrement appréciées.

Deadline for applications: 1 June 2019.


6.    Extended Deadline for Proposals for Open Panels during the 26th International Congress of the German Middle East Studies Association (DAVO), Hamburg, 3-5 October 2019

If you are interested in organizing a panel for this congress and look for paper presenters, please send the title and summary (up to 300 words) to the General Secretary of the Congress, Amke Dietert (amke.dietert@googlemail.com) until 3 May 2019. The call for papers for open panels will then be forwarded via EURAMES and DAVO-Info-Service and the DMG mailing list to more than 6000 scholars who should send their paper proposals directly to the organizer of the specific panel until 15 May 2019.


7.    Open Panel on: "Digital Authoritarianism in the MENA Region: Tools and Types of Authoritarian Rule in the Digital Age", during the 26th International Congress of the German Middle East Studies Association (DAVO), Hamburg, 3-5 October 2019

Despite some emerging research on how digital technologies are used in the political sphere, political science still needs to answer many fundamental questions about this emerging “digital authoritarianism”: Do these technologies merely enable autocrats to pursue their old strategies using new methods, or do they also mark a fundamental change in the structure of political power and of the goals and strategies of political regimes?

Deadline for abstracts: 15 May 2019. Information: https://www.aai.uni-hamburg.de/voror/veranstaltungen/2019-davokongress/07-offene-panel.html (Panel 7)


8.    4th Dubai – International Conference on Social Science & Humanities (ICSSH), Dubai, 7-8 October 2019

The conference focuses on recent research trends in social sciences in order to develop a deeper understanding of arts, culture, language, religion, commerce, governance and society; solutions for challenges in academics and practice ideas for cleaner, healthier and sustainable society and environment; changes and evolution in mass media, digital media, journalism and entertainment; etc. First timers as well as seasoned academics are invited to submit their work.

Deadline for abstracts: 15 May 2019.


9.    Conference: “Words Laying Down the Law: Translating Arabic Legal Discourse”, Aga Khan University Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations, London, 7-8 October 2019

The conference aims to set up a framework for exploring the effects of the moment of translation on how law is applied and understood in Arabic and/or by Arabic speakers. Scholars in the disciplines legal anthropology, law and comparative law, legal pragmatics, sociolinguistics and discourse analysis, politics and translation studies are invited to submit their works.

Deadline for abstracts: 31 May 2019.


10.  Conference on “Digital Archiving in the Arab World”, Abu Dhabi, 26-27 October 2019

The conference’s aim is to provide an exploratory gateway of the fast-growing interdisciplinary field of digital archiving in the Arab world. The conference committee invites all practitioners to present their work to regarding the following themes: management and analysis of big data in the Arab World, manuscripts; rare books and endangered documents in the Arab World; digital libraries in the Arab World, etc.

Deadline for abstracts: 30 April 2019.


11.  Colloque: "Dynamique des langues, des discours et des cultures en contexte méditerranéen", Tlemcen, 11-12 novembre 2019

Les contributions s’inscriront dans les axes et sous axes suivants: Productions artistiques et diversité des représentations – Rive Sud / Rive Nord; la mer Méditerranée dans les textes littéraires; le métissage et ses paradoxes dans l’Histoire culturelle de la Méditerranée - altérité et discours de la différenciation; les migrants et la Méditerranée dans les arts (littérature, cinéma, peinture).

Deadline for abstracts: 15 July 2019.


12.  Panel: “Muslims in America” at SAMLA 91 “Languages: Power, Identity, Relationships”, Atlanta, 15-17 November 2019

This panel intends to examine the works of Muslim American poets, novelists, playwrights, jazz musicians, punks, hip hop artists, mipsters, filmmakers, and visual artists, through the lens of language. Papers are invited that explore the diverse compositions of Muslim American identities in cultural texts as they engage with the multiple vocabularies of national, theoretical, literary, and aesthetic spaces.


13.  Conference: „About Life Paths that Call to Writing in the Modern Arab World”, University of Lille, 20-21 November 2019

How do different paths of life, in the modern Arab world, act as a catalyst for writing? Three axes of communication are proposed: “Custodial paths and writings in the modern Arab world”, “Life paths of foreigners in Arab countries: the end of the travel story and of post-orientalism?”, and “Arab life paths in foreign Arab countries: the writings of new exiles in the Arab world”.

Deadline for abstracts: 15 July 2019.


14.  Colloque: “Humour et politique dans l’espace arabe de la Nahda à aujourd’hui”, Nancy, 5-6 décembre 2019

Le colloque a pour ambition de mettre en lumière le rôle de l’humour en politique dans le monde arabe. Seront envisagés, au travers de divers types de méthodologies, trois axes majeurs: Humour de la politique et du politique, Humour et engagement politique, Langue humour et politique.

Deadline for abstracts: 30 May 2019.


15.  Conference: “Representing Disembarkation: Migrations, Arrivals, Territories", Procida, Naples, 27-29 April 2020

While mainly addressing the representation of disembarkation, arrival, and embarkation in literary writing, we welcome papers from law studies, politics and international relations, anthropology and history linking the figurative to wider political and legal entanglements surrounding experiences of disembarkation on the coastlines of Europe and beyond.

Deadline for abstracts: 1 September 2019.



16.  Two Lecturers/Assistant Professors in Turkish Linguistics and in Modern Turkish Literature, University of Cyprus

Sufficient knowledge of Greek and Turkish is required. Other requirements for appointment depend on academic rank and include prior academic experience, research record and scientific contributions, involvement in teaching and in the development of high quality undergraduate and graduate curricula.

Deadline for applications: 10 June 2019. Applications to be submitted at https://applications.ucy.ac.cy/recruitment. Information: www.ucy.ac.cy/acad.staff.procedures


17.  Fellowship in Cultural and Religious History of Muslims and Christians in the Iberian Peninsula and/or the Maghreb (9th-16th Centuries), Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

Two post-doctoral researches on any topic relating to pre-modern Iberian Peninsula and/or the Maghreb are to be sponsored. The research area includes expressions of masculine identity and the relationality of gender in medieval Islamic texts; the relation between gender and religious identity and alterity; Mudejar religiosity, etc. Requirements: PhD or equivalent.

Deadline for applications: 30 April 2019.


18.  AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Studentship, Research Project: “Material Cultures of Refuge in Lebanon”, University College London

In cooperation with Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford University Museums. Applicants may have a strong Master’s-level degree or equivalent experience, including, but not limited to, museums or curatorial experience or work in the third sector relating to displacement in the Middle East. Regional expertise in the Middle East would be preferable and proficiency in (Levantine) Arabic would be an additional asset. Students with experience working on museum collections, archives, or related topics are particularly encouraged to apply.


19.  Lecturer in Modern Middle Eastern History, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

One-year, non-tenure-track lectureship, commencing 1 August 2019. The successful applicant will be able to teach World Civilization after 1500 and upper division courses in the area of specialty. Ph.D. in history or a related field must be in hand before the position begins.

Deadline for applications: 15 July 2019. Information: https://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=58500


20.  Assistant Curator of Islamic Art / Art of the Middle East, Los Angeles County Museum of Art

The qualified candidate will have a recent PhD in the history of Islamic art, ideally with some professional museum experience and/or a demonstrated enthusiasm for working with objects. The successful applicant will have a sound knowledge of one or both of the following languages: Arabic; Ottoman Turkish, and, preferably, will have a strong interest in Art of the Arab Lands or the Ottoman Empire.



21.  Dissertation Award of the German Middle East Studies Association (DAVO) for Research on the MENA Region

DAVO will award a prize of 3,000 Euro to the best dissertation in the field of contemporary research on the Middle East and North Africa which was written in German or English and submitted to a university by a member of DAVO in 2018.

Please send an application with a printed copy and a digital version of your dissertation, a summary, your CV and the assessments of your dissertation by two professors to davo@geo.uni-mainz.de until 30 April 2019.

For further information on the advantages of being a member of DAVO see http://davo1.de/en/uber-die-davo/


22.  2019 Prize for Best Article, Contemporary Levant

The award recognises excellent research and scholarship that engages with current and emerging issues in the Levant. We are looking for original unpublished articles from scholars in different stages of their careers and from different disciplines: anthropology, sociology, politics, religion and theology, language and linguistics cultural studies, modern history, social geography, media, film studies and literature.

Deadline for abstracts: 1 July 2019.


23.  Multiple Senior and Postdoctoral Short-Term Fellowships, Max-Weber-Stiftung India Branch Office, New Delhi

For the academic year July 2020 – June 2021. The office offers a fellowship programme for senior and postdoctoral scholars whose research focuses on at least one of the following research themes: History as a Political Category; Labour as a Political Category; Critiques and Renewals of Democracy; Normative Conflicts and Transformations; The Challenge of Gender; Political Economy of Growth and Distribution.

Deadline for applications: 30 June 2019. Information: https://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=58490


24.  Grant for Academic Study Related to Yemen, British-Yemeni Society

Applications for this £500 grant are invited from anyone carrying out research in, or on Yemen, at a British or Yemeni University. Applicants' nationality is irrelevant. Applications may be made to assist with study in any subject or field, so long as it is concerned with Yemen, and is for a specific qualification (e.g. BA, MA, PhD etc.).

Deadline for applications: 31 May 2019. Information: http://b-ys.org.uk/activities/bys-academic-grant


25.  Appel à projets scientifiques 2020, L'Institut français d'archéologie orientale (Ifao) du Caire

Il s'adresse à tout chercheur, français ou étranger, qui souhaite développer des recherches dans les domaines de compétence de l'Ifao, couvrant l'histoire de l'Égypte, de la Préhistoire à l'époque contemporaine.

Deadline for applications: 1 July 2019. Information: http://www.ifao.egnet.net/actualites/#178


26.  Free 5-week Online Course on "The Sharia and Islamic Law: An Introduction", Alwaleed Centre, University of Edinburgh

Delivered via the FutureLearn platform, this ground-breaking course will explore some of the diverse roles that the Sharia and Islamic law have played in Muslim life, both historically and today, encouraging students to think critically about the nature of religious law and its many manifestations.

Starting on 6 May 2019, prospective students can now sign-up and watch the trailer via the course homepage: www.futurelearn.com/courses/an-introduction-to-the-sharia-and-islamic-law


27.  Study Trip "Romania - A Cradle of Islam in Europe", Institute for Caucasica-, Tatarica- und Turkestan-Studies, 28 May- 3 June 2019

The ICATAT educational journey takes us to the Republic of Romania with a special focus: we travel the country in the footsteps of diversity, national and religious minorities. The Hungarians, the Roma, Jews and Germans in Transylvania as well as the Lipovans, Tatars, Gagauz and Turks in the Dobrudja lead us through their culture and history.


28.  Intensive Arabic Courses, Casa Árabe, Madrid and Cordoba, 3 June – 12 July 2019

Intensive and semi-intensive courses in Modern Standard Arabic, conversational Arabic, Moroccan Darija and Levantine Arabic, intended for people who want to begin learning Arabic or gain new momentum for their Arabic in a few weeks. We are offering Arabic classes in English (beginners and A1.1, according to MCER) in Madrid and Arabic classes in Córdoba (in Spanish).


29.  Summer School on "Identity in the Middle East and North Africa: Actors, Strategies and Dynamics", Torino, 17-21 June 2019

The summer school critically unpacks identity and its politicization, exploring the role they have had across time and space to read and represent regional political and social events. Identity is thus used to frame relevant topic such as class, the status of minorities, State formation, sectarianism, language, and gender issues, among others.

Deadline for applications: 20 May 2019. Information: http://www.to-asia.it/to-mideast/


30.  Stage intensif de langue arabe, option recherche sciences humaines et sociales, Tunis, 24 juin – 19 juillet 2019

Il s'adresse à des étudiants (masterisants et doctorants) et aux chercheurs sur le monde arabe. Outre l'apprentissage de la langue arabe, il propose des orientations linguistiques plus spécifiques aux recherches en SHS (enquêtes, terrains, questionnaires, travail statistique, entretiens, retours d'enquêtes, exploitation d'une documentation spécifique, lecture de la presse.).

Deadline for applications: 30 April 2019. Information: https://iismm.hypotheses.org/41627


31.  Summer School on "Post-Oil Economy – Debating and Working on Current Challenges in an International Environment", Baku, Azerbaijan, 4-6 August 2019

The registration process is now open to students (undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate) from all academic backgrounds and with an interest in sustainability and development issues, wanting to gain scientific, as well as intercultural skills. DAAD Go East Scholarships are available for students enrolled in a German University.

Deadline for applications: 2 June 2019.


32.  Master of Science: "Economics of the Middle East (EMEA)", University of Marburg

The program offers a wide range of courses focusing on economic, social and geopolitical issues of the Middle East and North Africa region, which equips students with the theoretical and empirical knowledge necessary to start a professional or academic career in this growing field of study.

Deadline for application: 15 July 2019. Information: www.uni-marburg.de/emea


33.  Articles for "Geopolitics Quarterly" in Persian and English

This journal considers academic papers that lie within geopolitics and political geography disciplines. Academic papers in international relations, political sciences, political economy, strategic sciences, international law and political sociology and other disciplines with geopolitical approach are also considered.


34.  Articles on "Transnational American Studies within the Post-Arab Spring Context" for Special Issue of the "Journal of Transnational American Studies (JTAS)"

Papers are invited on: The post-Arab Spring dynamics and its impact on American Studies as a field of study and its teaching outside the US. The racialization of Islam within a continuum of imperialism and fight for civil rights and liberation. How Arabs, Americans, African Americans and other groups construct national and transnational identities in light of local, regional, and global bio- and geo-politics, etc.

Deadline for abstracts: 1 May 2019. Contact: arabspringtas@gmail.com


35.  Contributions to "Hamsa. Journal of Judaic and Islamic Studies"

The main aim is to create a virtual multi-disciplinary space in which all perspectives of the History, Language and Literature of Jews and Muslims can converge, as well as themes on Judaism and Islam in general. There is a special focus on Iberian Muslims and Jews and their Diaspora, entraining a comparative analysis of historiographical, philosophical, anthropological and sociological discourses.

Deadline for papers: 30 April 2019. Information: https://calenda.org/498690


36.  Contributions to “Lamma: A Journal of Libyan Studies”

For this issue of Lamma, we aim to bring together scholars who work on understanding, analyzing, comparing, or theorizing migration, smuggling, and trafficking into, across, and out of Libya. Papers which address under-researched, misunderstood, or overlooked aspects and intersections of migration, borders, and movement within, throughout, and across the Libyan space are particularly welcome.


37.  Articles on “Media, Terrorism and Audience Reception” for the “Journal of Communication: Media Watch”

Articles focusing on the following topics are welcome: media Coverage of Extreme Violence and Terrorism Activities; online and offline audience reception of terrorist/extremists’ violent activities; counter insurgency, media, civil society, and government; case studies: Media is the mother’s milk of terrorist activities; case studies of the use of media by violent extremists and/or terrorists in particular countries or regions; etc.

Deadline for complete articles: 30 September 2019. Information: https://mediawatchjournal.in/call-for-papers/


38.  Articles on “Ijtihad and Taqlid in Sunni and Shi’i Islam” for MIDEO Journal

This issue will explore various, yet related concepts. We will highlight theological discourses arguing for their legitimacy, refutation, as well as those that explore their articulation. Beyond the rivalry between these two approaches, it will be necessary to see if there exists a continuum between them, and that although their perspectives are competing and partisan, they are in fact not incompatible.

Deadline for full papers: 15 January 2020. Information: https://www.ideo-cairo.org/en/2018/11/iǧtihad-and-taqlid-in-sunni-and-siʿi-islam/


39.  Articles for Journal "Contemporary Arab Affairs (CAA)"

The editors of this peer-reviewed journal published by the Centre for Arab Unity Studies and University of California Press, invite authors to submit original multidisciplinary articles on the Arab World (5,000-7,000 words) to the editor at caa@caus.org.lb.

Deadline for manuscripts: 31 December 2019.


40.  Contributions to Edited Book: “Egypt in Focus: Creativity in Adversarial Contexts”

The current socio-political situation in Egypt raises fundamental questions about the state of the arts and the future of literature and culture in the country. This special volume examines the complex paradoxical predicament of a seemingly irrepressible expressive context under the thralls of an imposed gloomy hush. It also addresses how individuals and institutions navigate the inflicted muteness through different strategies.


41.  Chapter Contributions to Edited Book on “Schools and National Identities in French-speaking Africa: Political Choices, Means of Transmission, and Appropriation”

The aim of this volume is to provide an in-depth and transdisciplinary understanding of the role of schools in the various processes of identity-building, and to showcase research from and about countries outside the former British empire, either as individual case studies or through a comparative framework within or beyond the continent. The volume will be published by Routledge in the Series “Perspectives on Education in Africa” in 2020.

Deadline for abstracts: 4 May 2019. Information: https://iismm.hypotheses.org/41709


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