dimanche 5 juin 2016

EURAMES Info Service 22/2016


1. Workshop: “Greek and Arabic in the Middle Ages: Projections and Reflections”, University of Athens, 9 June 2016

2. Conference: “The Middle East Migration Crisis – Genesis and Responses”, London, 20-23 June 2016

3. Conference: “The Lure of Jihad: Propaganda and the Creation of Jihadist Identities”, University of Oxford, 28 June 2016

4. Journée d'études : « Quels présupposés pour l'étude du Coran ? » IISMM, Paris, 12 juillet 2016

5. Symposium: “What would Prophet Muhammad do? Meaning & Application of Human Dignity in Islam”, Sydney, Australia, 16-17 July 2016

6. Events: “Ilm: Science, Religion, and Art in Islam”, University of Adelaide, Australia, 20-23 July 2016

7. Conference: Islamic Wealth Management, Istanbul, 21-22 July 2016

8. Conference: “Arabic Studies and Islamic Civilization, Quebec, 28-29 July 2016

9. Conference  Islam and Democracy, Vancouver, 4-5 August 2016

10. Colloque : « Géopolitique des langues dans le monde arabe », Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines Ben M’sik, Casablanca, 16 novembre 2016

11. Workshop: “Left-Wing Trends in the Arab World (1948-1979): Bringing Transnational Back in”, Orient-Institut, Beirut, 12-13 December 2016

12. Conference: “The ‘Dangerous Classes’ in the Middle East and North Africa”, University of Oxford, 26 January 2017

13. Colloque : « Figures et figurations des terroristes : enjeux postcoloniaux », Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, 23-24 mars 2017

14. Projet d’atelier: « Les natures dans les villes du Moyen-Orient et du Maghreb », Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique Moyen-Orient et Mondes Musulmans, Paris, 4-6 juillet 2017


15. PhD Studentships in the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter

16. Postdoctoral Fellowship: “The Role of Media in the Relations between Europe and the Arabian Peninsula”, Chair of Dialogue between Cultures, Paris

17. Professor / Associate Professor of Islamic History, University of Columbia, New York


18. Course on Shi'a Islamic Studies, University of Religions and Denominations, Qom, Iran, 22 August – 1 September 2016

19. Summer School: “Academic Approaches to Peace-building in Yemen”, Amman, First Week in August 2016

20. Appel à Projet: « Migration: Intégration, Identité et Mobilité », Fondation Heinrich Böll, Université Moulay Ismail & Rabat Social Studies Institute


If you want to distribute an announcement via EURAMES Info Service (more than 6000 recipients, only English and French announcements), please apply the usual format of the text with no more than 50 words and no attachment. Please send only the most important information to davo@geo.uni-mainz.de and refer to further details with a link to the respective website or an email address.

Best regards,

Guenter Meyer, Centre for Research on the Arab World, University of Mainz



1. Workshop: “Greek and Arabic in the Middle Ages: Projections and Reflections”, University of Athens, 9 June 2016

The workshop consists of four parts and discussions concerning the workshop’s topic.

2. Conference: “The Middle East Migration Crisis – Genesis and Responses”, Initiatives of Change and Next Century Foundation, London, 20-23 June 2016 
This conference seeks to increase public awareness of the ongoing migration crisis and provide a forum for informed debate. It will offer insights into the genesis, challenges and possible opportunities that arise out of this complex situation.
Information: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-middle-east-migration-crisis-genesis-and-responses-tickets-25228602429 
3. Conference: “The Lure of Jihad: Propaganda & the Creation of Jihadist Identities”, Pembroke College, University of Oxford, 28 June 2016 
The conference focuses on the appeal of militant jihad. The drivers of militant jihad change significantly over time, between regions and among different target population groups (according to gender, age, tribe, education, etc.). The conference seeks to create a more nuanced picture of how jihadist propaganda and recruitment functions. 
Program and registration: www.pmb.ox.ac.uk/conference28june
4. Journée d'études : « Quels présupposés pour l'étude du Coran ? » IISMM, Paris, 12 juillet 2016 
Cette journée d'étude, où participeront universitaires, chercheurs et enseignants d'instituts islamiques, entend contribuer au renouveau des études coraniques de haut niveau, en stimulant les coopérations, échanges et débats.
Information : www.orient-mediterranee.com/spip.php?article3023&lang=fr
5. Symposium: “What would Prophet Muhammad do? Meaning & Application of Human Dignity in Islam”, Imam Hasan Centre, Sydney, Australia, 16-17 July 2016
The symposium does not restrict discourses and models to be exclusively associated with Prophet Muhammad – it welcomes all types of knowledge-bases in a multi-disciplinary setting; rather it aims to set a viable historical context in which experts can discuss the issue of human dignity.
Information: www.shii-news.imes.ed.ac.uk/shii-news-cfp-what-would-prophet-muhammad-do-meaning-application-of-human-dignity-in-islam-sydney-july-2016/ 
6. Events: “Ilm: Science, Religion, and Art in Islam”, University of Adelaide, Australia, 20-23 July 2016 
This is a series of free, public events organised by the University's Centre for Asian and Middle Eastern Architecture with the Art Gallery of South Australia. Leading academics, artists, curators, and professionals will discuss the role of knowledge (‘ilm in Arabic) in Islam over three distinct events.
Information: www.eventbrite.com.au/e/ilm-science-religion-and-art-in-islam-tickets-24554724843 
7. Conference: “Islamic Wealth Management, Istanbul, 21-22 July 2016 
The conference aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Islamic Wealth Management. 
Information: https://waset.org/conference/2016/07/istanbul/ICIWM 
8. Conference: “Arabic Studies and Islamic Civilization, Quebec, 28-29 July 2016 
The conference aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Arabic Studies and Islamic Civilization.
Information: https://waset.org/conference/2016/07/quebec/ICASIC 
9. Conference: “Islam and Democracy, Vancouver, 4-5 August 2016 
The conference aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Islam and Democracy.
Information: www.waset.org/conference/2016/08/vancouver/ICID 
10. Colloque : « Géopolitique des langues dans le monde arabe », Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines Ben M’sik, Casablanca, 16 novembre 2016 
Les communications proposées devront illustrer l’articulation entre les différentes disciplines, par exemple en analysant un problème local précis dans une région du monde arabe. Elles pourront donc être individuelles ou collectives, c’est-à-dire rassembler sur une même communication deux ou trois chercheurs de disciplines différentes. Elles pourront aussi comparer des situations arabes à des exemples extérieurs.
Date limite d’envoi des résumés des communications : 31 juillet 2016. Information : https://colloquegeolangues.wordpress.com/ 
11. Workshop: “Left-Wing Trends in the Arab World (1948-1979): Bringing Transnational Back in”, Orient-Institut, Beirut, 12-13 December 2016 
This international workshop aims at shedding light on the transnational dynamics in which Arab left-wing trends have been embedded, especially during the 1960-70s, the glorious period of left-wing revolutionary movements throughout the world, in one word: the Tricontinental moment.

Deadline for abstracts: 26 June 2016. Information: www.orient-institut.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ARAL-CFP.pdf


12. Conference: “The ‘Dangerous Classes’ in the Middle East and North Africa”, University of Oxford, 26 January 2017
This conference takes as its central theme the notion of the “dangerous classes” and invites abstracts examining its explanatory power when applied to the Middle East and North Africa in the period from around 1800 to the present.
Deadline for abstracts: 30 June 2016. Information: www.sant.ox.ac.uk/events/%E2%80%9Cdangerous-classes%E2%80%9D-middle-east-and-north-africa 
13. Colloque : « Figures et figurations des terroristes : enjeux postcoloniaux », Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, 23-24 mars 2017
Nous proposons d’interroger dans ce colloque la pertinence de la dimension postcoloniale du terrorisme mondialisé.
Date limite d’envoi des propositions de communication : 30 juin 2016. Information : http://calenda.org/361650 
14. Projet d’atelier: « Les natures dans les villes du Moyen-Orient et du Maghreb », Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique Moyen-Orient et Mondes Musulmans, Paris, 4-6 juillet 2017 
Dans une perspective interdisciplinaire, nous encourageons les personnes intéressées à proposer des communications intégrant au moins un des aspects suivants : La place de la nature dans la pensée islamique, l’influence de l’islamisme environnementaliste sur les politiques publiques, les politiques d’aménagement d’espaces verts, etc. 
Date limite d’envoi des propositions de communication : 7 juin 2016. Information : https://iismm.hypotheses.org/25037 
15. PhD Studentships in the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter
The Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies is pleased to announce three PhD studentships, each of three years in duration for UK, EU and international students.  The studentships include both tuition and maintenance. These studentships will fall broadly within the area of Middle East Social Sciences, Islamic Studies, Humanities, and Palestine Studies (with especial reference to the Palestinian Oral History Archive).
Deadline for application: 20 June 2016. Information: www.exeter.ac.uk/studying/funding/award/?id=2193
16. Postdoctoral Fellowship: “The Role of Media in the Relations between Europe and the Arabian Peninsula”, Chair of Dialogue between Cultures, Paris 
Candidates must have completed a doctorate whether in France or abroad in one of the following fields: history, archaeology, arts, political science, sociology, anthropology, Arabic literature. Candidates must speak and write both French and English fluently. A good knowledge of Arabic will be appreciated.


17.  Professor / Associate Professor of Islamic History, University of Columbia, New York

The Department is seeking an historian of the classical and medieval periods with a particular interest in the society, politics, and culture of the Middle East and North Africa.
18. Course on Shi'a Islamic Studies, University of Religions and Denominations, Qom, Iran, 22 August – 1 September 2016
This English program focuses on Shia Islamic beliefs and practices, as well as Shiite authority, rituals and ceremonies in the contemporary Iran. The program includes guided visits to the local and cultural sites of Qom, Isfahan. All faculty, students and researchers in related fields are invited to apply. 
Deadline for application: 1 July 2016. Information: http://shiacourse.urd.ac.ir
19. Summer School: “Academic Approaches to Peace-building in Yemen”, Amman, First Week in August 2016
The Summer School will bring together advanced academics with MA and PhD students from Germany and Yemen with an interest in peace-building. The aim is to jointly further our knowledge of peace-building theories, fields of practice as well as approaches and challenges to peace-building in Yemen. PhD students and advanced researchers will have the opportunity to present their projects. Expenses for travel and stay in Amman are funded by DAAD.
Deadline for applications: 15 June 2016. Information: http://bonn-sanaa.de/portfolio/
20. Appel à Projet: « Migration: Intégration, Identité et Mobilité », Fondation Heinrich Böll, Université Moulay Ismail & Rabat Social Studies Institute
Il convient de souligner qu’il ne s’agit pas d’une recherche à caractère uniquement fondamentale et académique. Les bénéficiaires seront amenés à fournir des rapports qui feront l’objet d’une publication en ligne mais aussi à participer à des ateliers de formation, des conférences, des tables rondes avec les acteurs concernés. Le projet vise également à traduire la production scientifique sous formes de réalisation artistiques, d’expositions, etc.
Date limite d’envoi des soumissions : 5 juin 2016. Information : www.cjb.ma/images/appels/pdf/Appel_%C3%A0_projet_Migration_.pdf

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