1. Workshop: "Monasteries,
Cities, Settlements – al-Hira and Early Islamic Urbanism in Mesopotamia",
TU Berlin/Museum für Islamische Kunst, Berlin, 17-18 December 2018
2. International Conference:
"China and Iran's Political and Cultural Relations", University of
Leiden, 18-19 December 2018
3. Workshop: "The
Migration-Security Nexus from Transnational Perspective", British
International Studies Association (BISA), University of Oxford, 21 February
4. Annual Graduate Student
Conference: "Citizenship in Flux: Migration and Exclusion in World
History, 1750-2018", Santa Cruz, CA, 12 April 2019
5. Symposium:
"Digital Arab Diasporas: Archiving, Curating, Narrating", University
of Sussex, 24 April 2019
6. International Conference:
"The New Landscape of International Relations: Globalism vs.
Populism?", American Graduate School in Paris, 26 April 2019
7. Conference: "Religious Heritage in a Diverse
Europe", University of Groningen, 19-21 June 2019
8. Conference: “Movement and
Mobility in the Medieval Mediterranean (6th – 15th Centuries)”, Barcelona, 8-11
July 2019
9. Session: "Religion, Gender,
and Sexuality", 43rd Annual Conference of the German Studies Association,
Portland, OR, 3-6 October 2019
10. International Conference:
"Immortality of the Soul in Islam and Christianity", Islamic Sciences
and Culture Academy (ISCA), Iran, 4-5 March 2020
11. Professorship (W2) in Islamic
Law, Oriental Institute, Leipzig University
12. Fellowships for PhD Students at
the GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Hamburg, 2019-2022
13. Irmgard Coninx Prize Fellowship
for Transregional Studies "Europe in the Middle East – The Middle East in
Europe (EUME)", Berlin, 2019/2020
14. Full-time Position in Comparative
Politics with a Specialization in Public Policy, Bilkent University, Ankara
15. Fellowships at the American
Research Center in Egypt, Cairo
16. Tenure-track/Tenured Faculty Position
in Religion and Social Justice, Queens University, Ontario, Canada
17. Postdoctoral Fellowship in Israel
Studies, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
18. Postdoctoral Fellow in Levantine
Studies, Humanities Research Center, Rice University, Houston, TX
19. Fellow for the Middle East, Baker
Institute for Public Policy, Rice University, Houston, TX
20. Imam Ali Chair for Shi‘i Studies
and Dialogue among Islamic Legal Schools, Hartford Seminary
21. Assistant Professor in Islam,
Florida International University
22. Assistant Professor in
Comparative Politics/Middle East/North Africa, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
and State University
23. Grants and Fellowships of the
University of Notre Dame, Indiana
24. Laura Shannon Prize in
Contemporary European Studies in History and Social Science 2020, University of
Notre Dame
25. Research Awards of the Koç
University’s Vehbi Koç Ankara Studies Research Center (VEKAM) for Studies on
Ankara and its Environs
26. Articles for Collection on
"Sacred Troubling Topics in Hebrew Bible, New Testament, and Qur’an"
27. Contributions on the Latest News
and Research in the Arabian Peninsula for "The BFSA Bulletin"
If you want to distribute an announcement via
DAVO-Info-Service (about 1400 recipients) and EURAMES Info Service (more than
6000 recipients, only English and French announcements), please apply the usual
format of the text with no more than 50
words and no attachment. Please send only the most important information to and refer to further details with a link to the respective website or an email address.
Best regards,
Guenter Meyer,
Centre for Research
on the Arab World (CERAW), University of Mainz, in cooperation with the
University of Sharjah/UAE
1. Workshop: "Monasteries, Cities, Settlements – al-Hira and Early Islamic
Urbanism in Mesopotamia", TU Berlin/Museum für Islamische Kunst, Berlin,
17-18 December 2018
2. International Conference: "China and Iran's Political and Cultural
Relations", University of Leiden, 18-19 December 2018
See program at
3. Workshop: "The Migration-Security Nexus from Transnational
Perspective", British International Studies Association (BISA), University
of Oxford, 21 February 2019
The workshop of the
working group on “International Politics of Migration, Refugees and Diasporas”
seeks to shed light on the changing role of states, non-state and supranational
actors in governing migration from a security perspective, including with
regard to conflict processes and emigration from the Middle East.
Deadline for
abstracts: 7 January 2019. Information:
4. Annual Graduate Student Conference: "Citizenship in Flux: Migration
and Exclusion in World History, 1750-2018", Santa Cruz, CA, 12 April 2019
This conference
queries citizenship and borders across time and region to make sense of their
implications for citizens, non-citizens, subjects, refugees, and exiles in
world history.
Deadline for
abstracts: 22 January 2019. Information:
5. Symposium: "Digital Arab Diasporas: Archiving,
Curating, Narrating", University of Sussex, 24 April 2019
How are archivists, community activists, historians
and artists applying digital technologies to capture the complex experiences of
migrants whose voices often disappear between the cracks of national narratives
or the reductive discourses of colonialism, orientalism and “the War on
Deadline for abstracts: 31 January 2019. Information:
6. International Conference: "The New Landscape of International
Relations: Globalism vs. Populism?", American Graduate School in Paris, 26
April 2019
This conference seeks
to expand the discourse on the political, economic and social implications and
drivers of globalism as nations reexamine policies in response to rising
populism, as well as further our understanding of the various causes and
drivers of populism.
Deadline for
abstracts: 20 January 2019. Information:
7. Conference: "Religious
Heritage in a Diverse Europe", University of Groningen, 19-21 June 2019
This conference will
bring together academics with professionals in the field of heritage (museums,
government agencies, historical church foundations, historical sites) and
examine heritage from the position of religious pluralism rather than from the
perspective of the dominant culture.
Deadline for abstracts:
9 January 2019. Information:
8. Conference: “Movement and Mobility in the Medieval Mediterranean (6th –
15th Centuries)”, Barcelona, 8-11 July 2019
We invite papers that
consider in what contexts it makes sense to talk about Mediterranean
culture(s); the dynamics of mobility and exchange that contributed to the
emergence of that culture; and/or on the nature and definition of culture
itself. We welcome submissions in history, art history, literature, and
archaeology; papers focusing on theory and methodology are particularly
Deadline for
abstracts: 21. December 2018. Information:
9. Session: "Religion, Gender, and Sexuality", 43rd Annual
Conference of the German Studies Association, Portland, OR, 3-6 October 2019
Panels are invited on
the intersections of religion, gender, and sexuality in Central Europe and/or
among German speakers, especially papers from history, literature, music,
political science, sociology, material and visual cultures, etc. that discuss
gender and sexuality as they relate to Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and other
religious cultures.
Deadline for
abstracts: 1 February 2019. Information:
10. International Conference: "Immortality of the Soul in Islam and
Christianity", Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy (ISCA), Iran, 4-5
March 2020
Topics of interest:
The concept of death; The concept of immortality; The criteria of personal
identity; Postmortem survival Life after death.
Deadline for
abstracts: 16 March 2019. Information:
11. Professorship (W2) in Islamic Law, Oriental Institute, Leipzig
The professorship
addresses both the teaching and research in the field of Islamic Law within a
context of historic, social, religious and cultural representations. It also
considers the law of Arabic and Islamic countries that is based on secular,
non-Islamic sources. Aspects of Islamic law related to issues of migration and
integration shall be potential prospects of the portfolio.
Deadline for
applications: 18 January 2019. Information:
12. Fellowships for PhD Students at the GIGA German Institute of Global and
Area Studies, Hamburg, 2019-2022
Doctoral students are
invited to analyze political, social and economic developments in Africa, Asia,
Latin America, and the Middle East and link this knowledge to questions of
global significance.
Deadline for
applications: 1 February 2019. Information:
13. Irmgard Coninx Prize Fellowship for Transregional Studies "Europe
in the Middle East – The Middle East in
Europe (EUME)", Berlin, 2019/2020
The prize consists of
a post-doctoral research fellowship of up to ten months and the possibility to
participate in the scholarly activities of the Forum.
Deadline for
applications: 31 January 2019. Information:
14. Full-time Position in Comparative Politics with a Specialization in
Public Policy, Bilkent University, Ankara
The search is open to
candidates at any rank (Assistant/Associate/Full Professor). The anticipated
starting date is September 2019. Applicants are expected to have a PhD in
Political Science and/or Public Administration or a related field at the time
of appointment.
Deadline for
applications: 4 February 2019. Information:
15. Fellowships at the American Research Center in Egypt, Cairo
Applications are
invited to conduct independent humanities research in Egypt. Doctoral,
postdoctoral, early career and senior humanities scholars are eligible to
apply. Most awards require American citizenship.
Deadline for
applications: 15 January 2019. Information:
16. Tenure-track/Tenured Faculty Position in Religion and Social Justice,
Queens University, Ontario, Canada
The School of
Religion, Faculty of Arts and Science invites applications for a Tenure-track
or Tenured faculty position at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor in
the area of Religion and Social Justice, with a preferred starting date of July
1, 2019.
Deadline for
applications: 15 February 2019. Information;
17. Postdoctoral Fellowship in Israel Studies, Northwestern University,
Evanston, IL
The fellowship is
offered in partnership with Tel Aviv University, and consists of a two year
term (September 1, 2019 - August 31, 2021), with the possibility of a one year
extension. Applications are welcome from scholars who research any aspect of
the history, culture, or society of modern Israel, including mandatory Palestine.
Deadline for
applications: 31 January 2019. Information:
18. Postdoctoral Fellow in Levantine Studies, Humanities Research Center,
Rice University, Houston, TX
Renewable one-year
appointment in the theory, geography, history, and/or practice of Spatial
Studies, with an emphasis on the Levant, broadly construed. The fellow will
develop or continue his or her own research project in spatial studies.
Applicants from any humanistic discipline or interdiscipline are eligible to
apply and must have received a PhD between July 1, 2016, and June 30, 2019.
Deadline for
applications: 22 February 2019. Information:
19. Fellow for the Middle East, Baker Institute for Public Policy, Rice
University, Houston, TX
The Fellow will lead
a research program focusing on women, human rights and refugee issues within
the region. Applicants who will receive their PhD or other doctoral degree by August
2019 are also welcome and encouraged to apply.
Applications will
continue to be reviewed until the position is filled. Information:
20. Imam Ali Chair for Shi‘i Studies and Dialogue among Islamic Legal
Schools, Hartford Seminary
The successful
candidate will demonstrate expertise in Shi‘i Islam and its relation to other
traditions of Islam, Christianity and other religious traditions, and may be
grounded in one of a number of academic disciplines.
Deadline for
applications: 15 February 2019. Information: Contact Scott Thumma,
21. Assistant Professor in Islam, Florida International University
The Department of
Religious in the School of International and Public Affairs is pleased to
announce a search for a faculty colleague with a specialization in Islam of the
late medieval or early modern period, preferably with a focus on the Ottoman
Empire. Candidates should be competent in either Turkish, Arabic or both. A
Ph.D. is required.
Deadline for
applications: 31 January 2019. Information:
22. Assistant Professor in Comparative Politics/Middle East/North Africa,
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
This position will
begin August 10, 2019. Required qualifications: A Ph.D. in Political Science or
a closely related field is required by the time of appointment. Candidates must
have a research focus that involves comparative political analysis in the MENA
region and demonstrated excellence in research.
Review of
applications starts 22 January 2019. Information:
23. Grants and Fellowships of the University of Notre Dame
Research priorities
1. "Immigration
and the Challenge to National Identities". The arrival of migrants from
the Middle East and Africa directly fueled the rise of right-wing populist
leaders throughout Europe. How can such challenges be met both effectively and
in a way that respects human dignity?
"Islamophobia, "Christian" Identity, and the Secular
State". How have definitions of religious identity affected definitions of
political identity, and what can be done to defuse such tensions?
24. Laura Shannon Prize in Contemporary European Studies in History and
Social Science 2020, University of Notre Dame
Carrying a prize of
$10,000, the Prize is awarded annually to the author of the best book in
European studies that transcends a focus on any one country, state, or people
to stimulate new ways of thinking about contemporary Europe as a whole.
Deadline for books
published in 2017 and 2018: 31 January 2019. Information:
25. Research Awards of the Koç University’s Vehbi Koç Ankara Studies
Research Center (VEKAM) for Studies on Ankara and its Environs
At least 5 research
projects will be provided financial support up to TRY 10,000.
Deadline for
applications: 31 January 2019. Information:
26. Articles for Collection on "Sacred Troubling Topics in Hebrew
Bible, New Testament, and Qur’an"
The collection seeks
to address topics overlooked, erased, romanticized, and ignored in academic as
well as non-academic education and conversation related to collection sections
of Gender & Sexuality, Body & Appearance, Women & Feminism, Death
& Mourning, Life & Humor, Crime & Disobedience.
Deadline for
abstracts: 1 February 2019. Information:
27. Contributions on the Latest News and Research in the Arabian Peninsula
for "The BFSA Bulletin"
This Journal invites
notices on research, publications, fieldwork, museum updates, societies,
conferences and events in the Arabian Peninsula as well as feature articles and
book reviews.
Deadline for
submissions: 20 January 2019. Information:
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