dimanche 2 décembre 2018

EURAMES Info Service 48/2018

EURAMES Info Service 48/2018

Dear Colleaguen

Please find below the following announcements:


1.    Workshop: "The Hanafī School: History, Transformations, and Future", NIAS, Amsterdam, 3-4 December 2018

2.    International Conference: "Hadith and Inner-Islamic Pluralism: The Origin and Development of the Prophetic Tradition as a Trans-denominational Phenomenon", University of Tuebingen, 7-8 December 2018

3.    Congress: "The Maghrib in the Mashriq", Madrid, 20-21 December 2018

4.    Conference: "World History Theory and Practice Conference: Migrants and Refugees", St. John`s University, 23 April 2019

5.    Conference: "The Mediterranean: Past, Present, and Future", University of Wisconsin, 3-5 May 2019

6.    Sixth Conference of International Iranian Economic Association (IIEA), SOAS University of London, 16-17 May 2019

7.    Panel on "Approaching the Study of Muslim Debates: Reasoning, Relationality, and Frameworks for Disagreement" at the "17th Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR)", University of Tartu, Estonia, 25-29 June 2019

8.    International Conference for Religious Sociology: "The Politics of Religion and Spirituality", International Society for the Sociology of Religion (ISSR), Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, 9-12 July 2019

9.    Nordic Conference on Middle Eastern Studies: “Breaking and Creating Boundaries in the Middle East”, Helsinki, Finland, 14-16 August 2019


10.  Professorship (Tenure Track) for the History and Culture of Islam in the Eastern Mediterranean (W 1), University of Mainz

11.  PhD Position (E 13 TV-L / 50%) for Islam Studies, University of Bayreuth

12.  University Assistant (post-doc) at the Department of Islamic-Theological Studies, University of Vienna

13.  (Senior) Research Associate on Governance of Religious Diversity and Radicalisation, University of Bristol

14.  Doctoral or Post-doctoral Research Associate (12 months) for Project "Digital Health and Self-Tracking in Turkey", Orient-Institut Istanbul

15.  Assistant Professor in Islamic Studies, University of Alberta

16.  Lecturer in Arabic Language and Middle Eastern Studies, Virginia Commonwealth University

17.  Visiting Assistant Professor in Iranian Studies, Brown University


18.  Granada ENIS Spring School 2019 on "Patronage and Clientelism in the Muslim World", Granada, 18-22 March 2019

19.  PhD Scholarship in Islamic & Middle Eastern Studies, University of Edinburgh

20.  Articles for Edited Book with Brill on "Ḥadīth and Ethics: Concepts, Approaches and Theoretical Foundations"

21.  New Arabian Peninsula Research Resource Guides of the “Association for Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Studies (AGAPS)”

 If you want to distribute an announcement via DAVO-Info-Service (about 1400 recipients) and EURAMES Info Service (more than 6000 recipients, only English and French announcements), please apply the usual format of the text with no more than 50 words and no attachment. Please send only the most important information to davo@geo.uni-mainz.de and refer to further details with a link to the respective website or an email address.

Best regards.

Guenter Meyer, Centre for Research on the Arab World (CERAW), University of Mainz in cooperation with the University of Sharjah/UAE



1.    Workshop: "The Hanafī School: History, Transformations, and Future", NIAS, Amsterdam, 3-4 December 2018

This workshop explores how Ḥanafīs articulate a history of the school and pinpoint milestones of its transformation under Muslim rule, with a special emphasis on the madhhab as a fulcrum for Ḥanafī legal continuity.


2.    International Conference: "Hadith and Inner-Islamic Pluralism: The Origin and Development of the Prophetic Tradition as a Trans-denominational Phenomenon", University of Tuebingen, 7-8 December 2018


3.    Congress: "The Maghrib in the Mashriq", Madrid, 20-21 December 2018

The project AMOI is a project financed by the Spanish Ministry of Education that aims at mapping the intellectual and cultural impact of the Maghreb in the Islamic world at large.


4.    Conference: "World History Theory and Practice Conference: Migrants and Refugees", St. John`s University, 23 April 2019

We aim to put into conversation traditional topics covering the movement of people with more recent environmentally and ideologically oriented interests in the migration of crops, diseases, ideas, and other non-human forces. Presentations on refugee flows—one of the twenty-first century’s pressing concerns—are especially welcome.


5.    Conference: "The Mediterranean: Past, Present, and Future", University of Wisconsin, 3-5 May 2019

The focus of the conference is on the role that the historical Mediterranean has, and continues to have, on contemporary society. The conference is being developed out of, and in response to, questions and problems that emerged during a research and teaching symposium hosted by the National Endowment for the Humanities in the summer of 2018.


6.    Sixth Conference of International Iranian Economic Association (IIEA), SOAS University of London, 16-17 May 2019

The proposed topics may be in any field of economics, economic history and political economy. The Program Committee welcomes both empirical and theoretical papers that use quantitative or analytical narrative methods.


7.    Panel on "Approaching the Study of Muslim Debates: Reasoning, Relationality, and Frameworks for Disagreement" at the "17th Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR)", University of Tartu, Estonia, 25-29 June 2019

This double panel will examine how the analytical concept of Islam as discursive tradition has been used in research on debates inside Muslim communities. It seeks to inquire into and highlight the distinctive contribution, which studies drawing on this concept can make.

Deadline for abstracts: 15 December 2018. Information: https://easr2019.org/call-for-individual-papers/; Contact: Prof. Dr. Paula Schrode, paula.schrode@uni-bayreuth.de


8.    International Conference for Religious Sociology: "The Politics of Religion and Spirituality", International Society for the Sociology of Religion (ISSR), Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, 9-12 July 2019

The themes are core to the sociology of religion: religion and international relations, identity-claims and nation-state sovereignty, debates on sexual and reproductive rights, anti-Islam parties and new demands for secularism, the role of religious values and influences in politics, religiously motivated conflicts, religious extremism, and religion and the refugees crisis.

Deadline for abstracts: 16 December 2018. Information: https://www.sisr-issr.org/en/conferences/conference-2019

- Religious Minorities: Muslims in the West and Minorities in the Islamic Societies
- The Religious Revival among Muslim and Christian immigrant communities in Europe: postcolonial memories and imaginaries
- Criminalization of religion in contexts of authoritarian democracies: a compared perspective from Latin America and the Middle-East
- The Religious Revival among Muslim and Christian immigrant communities in Europe: postcolonial memories and imaginaries


9.    Nordic Conference on Middle Eastern Studies: “Breaking and Creating Boundaries in the Middle East”, Helsinki, Finland, 14–16 August 2019

The Nordic Society for Middle Eastern Studies (NSMES) (http://nsmes.org/), the University of Helsinki and the Finnish Institute in the Middle East (http://www.fime.fi/) are inviting panels and papers for this multidisciplinary conference. Fields: Middle Eastern history, anthropology, religion, politics, sociology, language, and literature.

Deadline for abstracts for roundtables and pre-organized panels 15 January 2019, for individual papers and posters 15 February 2019. Information: https://bit.ly/2P23vaC



10.  Professorship (Tenure Track) for the History and Culture of Islam in the Eastern Mediterranean (W 1), University of Mainz

The junior professor should represent the entire field in research and teaching. Knowledge of Arabic is required, that of Ottoman Turkish is also desirable. The candidate should either possess or be willing to develop a research focus on gender relations and roles from a historical perspective. Competencies in the field of visual and material culture are preferable.

Deadline for application: 27 December 2018. Information: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/354794


11.  PhD Position (E 13 TV-L / 50%) for Islam Studies, University of Bayreuth

The successful candidate will work part time (until 30 September 2022) in a research group addressing questions of religious difference, sectarianism or sectarian indifference among Muslims in the European diaspora and in the respective countries of origin. Especially welcomed are projects on Shiis or Alevis, dealing with contemporary issues or topics of modern history, thereby focusing either on the diaspora or on the Near and Middle East.


12.  University Assistant (post-doc) at the Department of Islamic-Theological Studies, University of Vienna

Reference No. 9110. Job-Description: Participation in research, teaching and administration at the Institute for lslamic-Theological Studies for four years. Profile: PhD in lslamic studies, lslamic theology, legal science; relevant knowledge of lslamic theology with a focus on Fiqh and Usul al-fiqh or in a similar discipline.

For information contact Prof. Dr. Ebrahim Afsah: ebrahim.afsah@univie.ac.at.


13.  (Senior) Research Associate on Governance of Religious Diversity and Radicalisation, University of Bristol

The successful candidate will have specialist knowledge in relation to state-religion relations and/or governance of religious diversity and/or religious radicalisation/preventing radicalisation; or in some related field up to doctoral standard.

Deadline for applications: 16 December 2018. For information contact Professor Tariq Modood: t.modood@bristol.ac.uk


14.  Doctoral or Post-doctoral Research Associate (12 months) for Project "Digital Health and Self-Tracking in Turkey", Orient-Institut Istanbul

Applicants are expected to hold at least a masters degree, ideally in social science or humanities and should be interested in topics of health or medicine. Academic Turkish and English skills are required; German is preferable.

Deadline for application: 15 December 2018. Information: https://www.oiist.org/offenestellen/


15.  Assistant Professor in Islamic Studies, University of Alberta

The Faculty of Arts invites applications for a full-time tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor in Islamic Studies, with a starting date of July 1, 2019. Applicants must hold a PhD in a humanities or social science discipline with a research focus on Islamic Studies, or have a strong expectation of completing such a PhD before July 1, 2019.

Review of applications start on 2 January 2019. Information: https://www.careers.ualberta.ca/Competition/A107337623/


16.  Lecturer in Arabic Language and Middle Eastern Studies, Virginia Commonwealth University

The School of World Studies invites applications for a non-tenure-track position at the instructor level. Requirements: PhD in hand by August 2019 in Arabic studies or closely related field with preference given to specialists in Arabic language acquisition, linguistics, applied linguistics, Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language, etc.

Deadline for applications: 10 January 2019. Information: https://www.vcujobs.com/postings/84511


17.  Visiting Assistant Professor in Iranian Studies, Brown University

Middle East Studies invites applications for a two-year position. The position is open to all disciplines in the humanities and the social sciences and is designed for scholars at the Assistant Professor level. Teaching experience and a record of publication and professional service are desirable. Residence in the Providence area is required for most of the duration of the appointment. 

Review of applications start 20 January 2019. Information: https://watson.brown.edu/mes/news/2018/visiting-assistant-professor-iranian-studies



18.  Granada ENIS Spring School 2019 on "Patronage and Clientelism in the Muslim World", Granada, 18-22 March 2019

We invite doctoral students and Early Stage Researchers working on or being interested in aspects of patronage and clientelism in the Muslim world from different disciplines in humanities and social sciences (history, anthropology, sociology, economics, cultural studies, political sciences, religious studies) to explore and present the relevance of these concepts for their work.


19.  PhD Scholarship in Islamic & Middle Eastern Studies, University of Edinburgh

The Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies is delighted to invite applications for one PhD scholarship in any area within its expertise.The scholarship will be funded by IMES and will cover tuition fees for the PhD in Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies.


20.  Articles for Edited Book with Brill on "Ḥadīth and Ethics: Concepts, Approaches and Theoretical Foundations"

Full papers will be discussed in a seminar at the Research Center for Islamic Legislation and Ethics (CILE) in Doha, 7-5 May 2019 (travel expenses will be covered).

Deadline for proposals: 15 December 2018. For information contact Dr. Mutaz al-Khatib: malkhatib@hbku.edu.qa.


21.  New Arabian Peninsula Research Resource Guides of the “Association for Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Studies (AGAPS)”

Current guides include Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, the UAE and Yemen. Bahrain and Saudi Arabia are forthcoming. Each guide contains valuable information about resources available within each country for people conducting fieldwork, including research centers, archives, libraries, museums, galleries, etc.

To get access to these guides and benefit from other advantages for AGAPS members login at  https://agaps.org/login/


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