of the Economic Research Forum (ERF): “GCC in the Midst of Global Changes:
Responding to a New Economic Order”, Muscat, 8 December 2019
Conference: “Towards a New Social History of Sudan”, University of Chicage
Center in Paris, 10-12 December 2019
Conference: “Historicity and Islamicity: Perceptions of Early Islamic History
in Contemporary Muslim Thought”, Centre for Islamic Studies, Frankfurt
University, 12-14 December 2019
Tübingen Hadith Studies
Workshop: „Intersecting Perspectives on Texts, Methods and Interpretation in
Hadith Studies“, Tübingen University, 13-14 December 2019
Workshop: “God’s Justice
and Animal Welfare“, University Erlangen-Nuremberg, 13-14 December 2019
International Workshop:
“Multilateral Dynamics between the Middle East and Asia in the Mongol Era“,
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 15 December 2019
“Archaeological Perspectives on Conversion to Islam and Islamisation in
Africa”, Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter, 17-18
December 2019
Conference: “Multilateral Dynamics between the Middle East and Asia: Current
Perspectives”, University of Haifa, 17-18 December 2019
Journée d’études sur le Coran Byzantin projet EuQU,
Nantes, 18 décembre 2019
7e Colloque annuel du Cercle des Chercheurs
sur le Moyen-Orient : « Images et imaginaires au Moyen-Orient et en
Afrique du Nord », EHESS, Paris, 23-24 janvier 2020
11. Workshop: "Historiography of the Perception of Islam through
Manuscripts, Korans and their Displacement", Naples, 11 February 2020
12. International Conference on Qur'anic Studies, Tehran, 24-25 February
13. Conference of the Islamicate Graduate Student Association: "Who
Speaks for Islam?: Approaches to Authority within the Academy and Beyond",
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 29 February 2020
14. 7th Annual Workshop of New Directions in Palestine Studies:
“Who Owns Palestine?”, Brown University, 6-7 March 2020
15. Workshop: "Western Intervention in the Wake of the Arab
Uprisings: Political Containment, Neoliberalism, and Imperial Legacies",
University of Oxford, 10-11 March 2020
16. Panel on “National and Regional Dimension of Mediterranean
Studies", during the Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature
Association (ACLA), Chicago, 19-22 March 2020
17. Institute of Islamic Studies, McGill University Graduate Student
Symposium, 26-27 March 2020
18. Islam Section of the AAR Midwest Regional
Conference, Muncie (Indiana), 27-28 March 2020
19. 6th Conference on Sustainable Tourism in Asia: “Tourism for Peace
and Sustainability” (COSTA 2020), Osaka City, 27-28 March 2020
20. Seminar: "Internationalism, Anti-Authoritarianism and Anarchism in
the Eastern and Southern Mediterranean (1860 - 1920)", UCLouvain, Belgium,
21-22 April 2020
21. 8th International Symposium on the
History of Cartography “Mapping the Ottoman Realm: Travelers, Cartographers and
Archaeologist”, German Archaeological Institute (DAI), Istanbul, 21-23 April
22. Conference of the Collaborative Research Group
Africa in the Indian Ocean: “New Gulf Streams – Middle East and Eastern Africa
Intersected”, Lisbon, 23-24 April 2020
23. Early Career Academics Symposium in Honour of Fred Halliday, Middle East
Centre, London School of Economics, 30 April 2020
24. 10th International Conference on Religion and Spirituality in
Society with Special Focus on: "Conservation, Environmentalism, and
Stewardship – Ecological Spirituality as Common Ground", University of
British Columbia, Vancouver, 30 April – 1 May 2020
25. Conference: "Migration via the Sea or Desert: Recourse to Religious
Figures in the Migratory Dynamics of Africa", Université Alassane
Ouattara, Bouaké, Côte d'Ivoire, 7-8 May 2020
26. International Conference on Middle Eastern
Studies: “Conflicts and Struggles of the Contemporary”, Altınbaş University
Istanbul, 14-15 May 2020
27. International Conference “Crossroads: European Cultural Diplomacy and
Eastern Christianity in Syria and Palestine: A Connected History in Late
Ottoman Times and the British Mandate”, Thessaloniki, 14-15 May 2020
28. 11th Annual Conference of the “Project on Middle East
Political Science (POMEPS)“, George Washington University, 21-22 May 2020
29. International Conference: "The Outsiders' Arabic: from Peripheral
to Diaspora Arabic Varieties", University of Bucharest, 25-27 May 2020
30. 23rd Annual International Congress of the Mediterranean
Studies Association, University of Gibraltar, 27-30 May 2020
31. International Conference: “The Discourse of
Anger in the Arab World since 2011”, Grenoble Alpes University, 28-29 May 2020
32. Annual Meeting of the French Colonial
Historical Society: “Francophone Borderlands”, Buffalo, NY, 28-31 May 2020
33. Workshop: "Making Sense of Climate Change – Models, Cosmologies and
Practices from North Africa and the Middle East", Leibniz Zentrum Moderner
Orient, Berlin, 8-9 June 2020
34. Workshop: “Travelling Practices and the
Emergence of Tourism in the Middle East (16th-20th
Centuries), Department of Near Eastern Studies, University of Vienna, 12-13
June 2020
35. 24th Conference of the Comité International des Études
Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes, Thessaloniki, 23-27 June 2020
36. International Conference: “Africa and the
Middle East and North Africa: Understanding Paradoxical Outcomes of Contemporary
Transformations”, Ifrane, Morocco, 23-25 June 2020
37. Roundtable on "Decolonizing Islamicate Manuscript Studies"
during the Annual Meeting of the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies
(BRISMES), University of Kent, Canterbury, 29 June - 1 July 2020
38. 7th Conference of the School of Mamluk Studies, Centre for
Visual Arts and Research, Nicosia, 2-4 July 2020
Congrès International des Sociologues de Langue
Francaise : « GTO4 – Sociétés arabes en mouvement – La société moral
(in)justifiée… », Tunis, 6-10 julliet 2020
40. "Future Past: Memory and Imaginal Politics in Conflicts and for
Conflicts", Amsterdam, 14-15 July 2020
41. Conference of the International Association for the Study of Arabia
(IASA): „Seminar for Arabian Studies“, Cordoba, 15-18 July 2020
42. Panel on “Migrants, law and the state in and beyond Europe” during the
Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists
(EASA), Lisbon, 21-24 July 2020
43. Conference on Mediterranean and European Linguistic Anthropology
(COMELA), American College of Greece, Athens, 2-5 September 2020
44. Panel on "Ottoman Cultural Mobilities: 19th Century Modes of
Travel, Collecting and Display", within the "International Conference
of European Urban Historians Network", Antwerp, 2-5 September 2020
45. Fifth Arabic Natural Language Processing
Workshop (WANLP 2020), Barcelona, 13-18 September 2020
46. International Conference: “An African
Metropolis: Cairo and its African Hinterland in the Middle Ages”, IFAO, Cairo,
15-17 September 2020
47. 27th International Congress of the
German Middle East Studies Associatiion (DAVO), University of Osnabrück, 24-26
September 2020
48. 3rd ANU Religion Conference:
“Religion and Migration: Culture and Policy”, Australian National University,
Canberra, 8-10 December 2020
49. Conference: “Rethinking Narratives of China and
the Middle East – The Silk Roads and Beyond”, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
8-10 April 2021
50. Postdoc Resident Fellowships, "RomanIslam. Center for Comparative
Empire and Transcultural Studies", University of Hamburg
51. Early-career Permanent Research Positions in the Humanities and Social
Sciences Offered by French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)
52. “Global Professorships 2020“: Funding of Scholars in Humanities and
Social Sciences Based Abroad to Do Research at UK Universities
53. Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Politics of the Middle East, SOAS University
of London
54. PhD Studentship in the Research Project "Colophons, Community, and
the Making of the Christian Middle East, 1500-1900", University of Oxford
55. Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track) in Middle Eastern Diasporic
Literatures and Cultures, York University
56. Assistant Professor in Gender, Post-Colonialism, and the Islamic World,
York University
de doctorant.e/ Post-doctorant.e, Centre Jacques-Berque pour les études en
sciences humaines et sociales, Rabat
58. Director of the Middle East Studies Center (MESC), American University
in Cairo
59. Faculty Positions for Middle Eastern History & Arabic Language plus
others, Gulf University for Science & Technology (GUST), Kuwait
60. Hamad bin Khalifa Endowed Chair in Islamic Art, Virginia Commonwealth
University School of the Arts, Qatar
61. Assistant/Associate Professor in Sociology, Department of Global &
Social Studies, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran
62. Assistant/Associate Professor in Cultural Anthropology, Department of
Global & Social Studies, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals,
63. Associate or Full Professor, College of
Humanities and Social Sciences, Islamic World Studies Department, Zayed
University, United Arab Emirates
64. Associate/Full Professor in Political Sciences and International
Relations, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Social
Sciences, Zayed University, United Arab Emirates
65. Postdoctoral Researcher in Political Sciences,
Sociology and Economics, Division of Social Science, New York University
(Global), Abu Dhabi
66. Postdoctoral Fellowship in North African
Studies, 2020-2021, Yale University, MacMillan Center
67. Assistant Professor in Comparative Politics of
the Middle East / North Africa, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
68. Tenure-Track Instructur in Persian Language and
Culture, Department of Asian Studies, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
69. Assistant Professor of Arabic (Tenure-Track),
Virginia Military Institute, Lexington
70. Teaching Assistant Professor of Arabic, George
Washington University, Washington, D.C.
71. Assistant or Associate Professor of Iranian Studies, University of
California, Berkeley
72. Assistant or Associate Professor in Israel
Studies, University of Florida
73. Marash and Ocuin Chair in Ottoman, Mizrahi, and
Sephardic Jewish Studies, Brandeis University
74. Postdoctoral Research Position in Iran and the
Persian Gulf Studies (19th – 21st Centuries), Princeton
75. One-year Visiting Assistant Professor of Modern
or Early Modern Middle Eastern History, Reed College, Portland
76. Grant of the "Society for Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies
(GTOT)" for Innovative Projects by Young Scholars (Funding Period:
77. Scholarship Programme of the German Bundestag for Highly Motivated
Graduates from the Arab Region, Berlin, 1-30 September 2020
78. Richard Gillespie Mediterranean Prize of the Journal "Mediterranean
Politics" for the Best Research Article on the Contemporary Social and Political
Dynamics of the Mediterranean Region
79. New Professional One-year Master Program in English on
"Contemporary Art in the Arab World, Iran and Turkey", Ca’ Foscari
University of Venice in Collaboration with the University of Geneva
80. Three-months Internship with the Moroccan
Institute for Policy Analysis, Rabat
81. Summer School: “Critical Muslim Studies:
Decolonial Struggles and Liberatiion Theologies”, Granada, 15-19 June 2020
82. Articles on “Human-Animal Encounters in the Middle East” for Special
Issue of Journal „Diyâr – Journal of Ottoman, Turkish and Middle Eastern
83. Articles on
“Human-Animal Encounters in the Middle East” for Special Issue of Journal
„Diyâr – Journal of Ottoman, Turkish and Middle Eastern Studies
sur « Les grands pèlerinages : histoire, territoires,
pratiques » pour « Revue de Géographie Historique »
sur « Les grands pèlerinages : histoire, territoires, pratiques »
pour « La Revue de Gèographie Historique »
86. Articles for “Labors of Need: Lives of African
and Asian Workers in the Middle East” for Special Issue of the Journal “Mashriq
& Mahjar: Journal of Middle East and North African Migration Studies”
on “Narrative Forms and Co-production in Arab Cinemas: Norms,
Constraints, and Margins of Freedom“ for Journal « Regards - Revue
des arts du spectacle »
88. Articles for Journal "Contemporary Arab Affairs (CAA)"
pour livre sur „Représentations de l’Islam dans les productions artistiques
françaises et francophones contemporaines“
90. Article for Edited Book on “International Response to Domestic Violence
in the Middle East“ (Rutledge Publication)
91. Monographs and Edited Books on the MENA Region for the Peter Lang’s
Series “Global Politics”
92. New Book Series: "Ecclesiastica Ottomanica"
If you want to distribute an announcement via
DAVO-Info-Service (about 1300 recipients) and EURAMES Info Service (more than
6000 recipients, only English and French announcements), please apply the usual
format of the text with no more than 50 words and no attachment. Please send
only the most important in-formation to and refer to further details with a link to
the respective website or an email address.
Best regards,
Guenter Meyer, Centre for Research on the Arab World
(CERAW), University of Mainz, in cooperation with the University of Sharjah/UAE
of the Economic Research Forum (ERF): “GCC in the Midst of Global Changes:
Responding to a New Economic Order”, Muscat, 8 December 2019
See program at
Conference: “Towards a New Social History of Sudan”, University of Chicage
Center in Paris, 10-12 December 2019
See program at
Conference: “Historicity and Islamicity: Perceptions of Early Islamic History
in Contemporary Muslim Thought”, Centre for Islamic Studies, Frankfurt
University, 12-14 December 2019
Tübingen Hadith Studies
Workshop: „Intersecting Perspectives on Texts, Methods and Interpretation in
Hadith Studies“, Tübingen University, 13-14 December 2019
See program at
Workshop: “God’s Justice
and Animal Welfare“, University Erlangen-Nuremberg, 13-14 December 2019
See program at
International Workshop:
“Multilateral Dynamics between the Middle East and Asia in the Mongol Era“,
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 15 December 2019
See program at
“Archaeological Perspectives on Conversion to Islam and Islamisation in
Africa”, Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter, 17-18
December 2019
Although it is fully
acknowledged that conversion to Islam and Islamisation processes are not
universal, but subject to significant variation and complexity, this conference
has considerable value for the paradigmatic structure of our archaeological
understanding of becoming Muslim in sub-Saharan Africa. This conference will
explore these issues through a comparative perspective, and discuss and
summarise the ‘state of the art’.
Conference: “Multilateral Dynamics between the Middle East and Asia: Current
Perspectives”, University of Haifa, 17-18 December 2019
See program at
Journée d’études sur le Coran Byzantin projet EuQU,
Nantes, 18 décembre 2019
le programme :
7e Colloque annuel du Cercle des Chercheurs
sur le Moyen-Orient : « Images et imaginaires au Moyen-Orient et en
Afrique du Nord », EHESS, Paris, 23-24 janvier 2020
le programme :
11. Workshop: "Historiography of the Perception of Islam through
Manuscripts, Korans and Their Displacement", Naples, 11 February 2020
The aim of this workshop
is to approach the question of the relationship between Christianity and Islam
through the study of the production, circulation and uses of Arabic
manuscripts, and mainly Korans, in the late medieval and early modern
Mediterranean Europe.
12. International Conference on Qur'anic Studies, Tehran, 24-25 February
Scholars at any stage of
their careers, including early career researchers and PhD students,will present
papers on the Qur’an and its religious milieu; the reception history of the Qur’an,
from the beginnings to modern times; literary, historical-critical, and
comparative approaches to the Qur’an; etc.
13. Conference of the Islamicate Graduate Student Association: "Who
Speaks for
Islam?: Approaches to Authority within the Academy and Beyond", Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 29 February 2020
Islam?: Approaches to Authority within the Academy and Beyond", Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 29 February 2020
Papers will be presented
that interrogate questions of authority and power. Who gets to speak for Islam
and Muslims? What landscapes of authority exist in the Islamicate world? For
example, what geographies constitute the Islamicate world? Etc.
14. 7th Annual Workshop of New Directions in Palestine Studies:
“Who Owns Palestine?”, Brown University, 6-7 March 2020
Papers will analyse the
past, present, and future of ownership and on what it means to “own” Palestine.
On the material level, the use and distribution of immovable property in the
context of gender, generation, and class relations will be studied.
15. Workshop: "Western Intervention in the Wake of the Arab
Uprisings: Political Containment, Neoliberalism, and Imperial Legacies",
University of Oxford, 10-11 March 2020
Papers will focus on: 1.
Developments in Western humanitarianism and interventionism in the wake of the
Arab uprisings 2. The merging of development, humanitarianism and military
intervention 3. Ethnographic approaches to global discourses and policies 4.
Strategies of control, neoliberal reforms and popular discontent.
16. Panel on “National and Regional Dimension of Mediterranean
Studies", during the Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature
Association (ACLA), Chicago, 19-22 March 2020
The contributions will
engage with literary texts from any Mediterranean literary tradition, period or
genre, while being theoretically aware of their national and regional
dimension, and of their potential for challenging canonical interpretations of
critical issues relevant to their and/or other traditions in the region.
17. Institute of Islamic Studies, McGill University Graduate Student
Symposium, 26-27 March 2020
Graduate students at all
stages of research and dissertation-writing related to Islam and Islamicate
communities anywhere in the world will present papers in the fields of history,
political science, and anthropology; theology, philosophy, mysticism, and jurisprudence;
Urdu, Arabic, Persian, and Turkish literature.
18. Islam Section of the AAR Midwest Regional
Conference, Muncie, Indiana, 27-28 March 2020
Papers are invited
which focus on any aspect of the Islamic tradition, including its texts,
history, or practices and on any time period and be from any disciplinary
approach, so long as the topic is capable of engaging scholars of Islam.
Deadline for abstracts: 10 January
2020. Information:
19. 6th Conference on Sustainable Tourism in Asia: “Tourism for
Peace and Sustainability” (COSTA 2020), Osaka City, 27-28 March 2020
Through COSTA 2020 we
believe that by creating a platform for dialog of peaceful ideas for the
tourism industry, we can work together to better promote and achieve peace
through tourism. Main themes include: Cultural and Heritage Tourism: Dark
Tourism; Eco-Tourism and Geo-Tourism: Halal Tourism; Medical
Tourism; Religious Tourism; Sustainable Tourism, etc.
Deadline for abstracts: 17 January 2020.
20. Seminar: "Internationalism, Anti-Authoritarianism and Anarchism in
the Eastern and Southern Mediterranean (1860 - 1920)", UCLouvain, Belgium,
21-22 April 2020
The Seminar will question
why historians of radical movements have forgotten about this geographical
area; to reconstruct the history of individual or collective,
anti-authoritarian and anarchist internationalist experiences in this region;
to adopt a transnational perspective that considers travel, contacts and
exchanges between individuals and groups at the local, regional and
international levels; etc. Interventions will be in French and English.
21. 8th International Symposium on the
History of Cartography “Mapping the Ottoman Realm: Travelers, Cartographers and
Archaeologist”, German Archaeological Institute (DAI), Istanbul, 21-23 April
The symposium is open to
everyone with an interest in the cartography of the (former) Ottoman countries
during, but not limited to, the 16th to 20th centuries. The symposium will focus on two main
themes: 1) Cartography of the Ottoman Countries in Europe, Asia and Africa; 2)
Mapping Archaeological Sites, Landscapes and Excavations in the Ottoman Empire
in the 19th and 20th Centuries.
22. Conference of the Collaborative Research Group
Africa in the Indian Ocean: “New Gulf Streams – Middle East and Eastern Africa
Intersected”, Lisbon, 23-24 April 2020
The conference will be
organised in interdisciplinary thematic panels focussing on the
interconnections between Horn of Africa & Eastern Africa societies and the
Middle East countries, with a special focus on the challenges of recent
geopolitical, religious and economic ties between these regions.
Deadline for
abstracts: 31 January 2020.
23. Early Career Academics Symposium in Honour of Fred Halliday, Middle East
Centre, London School of Economics, 30 April 2020
The main objective will be to facilitate the
exchange of knowledge and ideas between researchers in the last year of their
PhD, or still within three years of having completed one, undertaking research
on any of the topics that Fred Halliday worked on: Greater West Asia/the Middle
East and the Horn of Africa, revolutions, historical sociology, gender,
nationalism and internationalism, historical International Relations.
Deadline for abstracts: 20 December 2020.
24. 10th International Conference on Religion and Spirituality in
Society with Special Focus on: "Conservation, Environmentalism, and
Stewardship – Ecological Spirituality as Common Ground", University of
British Columbia, Vancouver, 30 April – 1 May 2020
The "Religion in
Society Research Network" comprises a conference and journal founded in
2011, exploring the role of religion and spirituality in society. Themes:
Religious Foundations; Religious Community and Socialization; Religious
Commonalities and Differences; The Politics of Religion".
Deadline for abstracts:
30 March 2020.
25. Conference: "Migration via the Sea or Desert: Recourse to Religious
Figures in the Migratory Dynamics of Africa", Université Alassane
Ouattara, Bouaké, Côte d'Ivoire, 7-8 May 2020
The conference is
focusing on the illegal migration from Africa towards Europe and Middle East.
Areas of reflection are: 1) Faith, beliefs and religious practices in the
development / maturation of the migration project; 2) Socioeconomic uses and
magico-religious experience on migration paths; 3) Religion and migratory
networks; 4) Religious treatment of the migration issue.
26. International Conference on Middle Eastern
Studies: “Conflicts and Struggles of the Contemporary”, Altınbaş University
Istanbul, 14-15 May 2020
The conference will
focus on the role of global actors pursuing their own in the region and analyse
the intervention of regional and global actors in the various grievances and
struggles of local groups, people and communities. The positions of the
European Union and the United Nations towards these Middle Eastern issues
remain also problematic.
27. International Conference “Crossroads: European Cultural Diplomacy and
Eastern Christianity in Syria and Palestine: A Connected History in Late
Ottoman Times and the British Mandate”, Thessaloniki, 14-15 May 2020
The conference aims to
define and analyze how cultural diplomacy was deployed by the European powers
in interwar Palestine and Syria. It questions how these policies impacted the
cultural identification of indigenous Christians in a comparison with their
fellow Palestinian and Syrian compatriots. This conference will focus on
attempts at ideological and political domination by multiple actors, each with
a diversity of diplomatic and cultural ends.
28. 11th Annual Conference of the “Project on Middle East
Political Science (POMEPS)“, George Washington University, 21-22 May 2020
Papers are invited on
the politics of the contemporary Middle East. The conference will
include workshop sessions on each accepted paper, with each paper read by by
multiple senior scholars in the field with an eye towards preparing them for
submission for publication.
for abstracts: 15 December 2019.
29. International Conference: "The Outsiders' Arabic: from Peripheral
to Diaspora Arabic Varieties", University of Bucharest, 25-27 May 2020
The papers will focus on
the following topics of interest, adjacent to Arabic dialectology: Peripheral
Arabic varieties (main topic), Diaspora Arabic varieties (main topic), Pidgin
Arabic (main topic), Language contact (main topic), Historical linguistics,
Morphology, Syntax, Phonetics and Phonology, Creolization, Sociolinguistics.
30. 23rd Annual International Congress of the Mediterranean
Studies Association, University of Gibraltar, 27-30 May 2020
We are accepting
proposals for individual paper, panel discussions, and complete sessions on all
subjects related to the Mediterranean region and Mediterranean cultures around
the world from all historical periods. The official language of the Congress is
English, but we also welcome complete sessions in any Mediterranean language.
Deadline for
abstracts: 1 February 2020.
31. International Conference: “The Discourse of
Anger in the Arab World since 2011”, Grenoble Alpes University, 28-29 May 2020
Researchers in Arabic Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Political
Communication, Psycholinguistics, Sociology, History and other related
disciplines are invited to submit proposals to this conference. We particularly
welcome interdisciplinary research that tackles any aspect of the discourse of
anger in the Arab world. Papers are invited in Arabic and French.
Deadline for abstracts: 1 February 2020.
32. Annual Meeting of the French Colonial
Historical Society: “Francophone Borderlands”, Buffalo, NY, 28-31 May 2020
papers will
consider the peripheries of the French Empire as central to understanding the
French colonial empire and the people who inhabit it, as well as the ways zones
and points of contact are particularly revealing of imperial and colonial
experiences. In addition, other aspects of overseas France and its legacies
will be considered.
33. Workshop: "Making Sense of Climate Change - Models, Cosmologies and
Practices from North Africa and the Middle East", Leibniz Zentrum Moderner
Orient, Berlin, 8-9 June 2020
Scholars from the
humanities, social sciences and Middle Eastern studies will explore the wide
range of issues connected to climate change in the Middle East and North
Africa, for example: Which political, economic or environmental consequences
does, or will, global warming have in the region? Etc.
Workshop: “Travelling Practices and the Emergence of
Tourism in the Middle East (16th-20th Centuries),
Department of Near Eastern Studies, University of Vienna, 12-13 June 2020
This workshop will
analyse travel literature (travelogues and guidebooks) from the 16th
to the 20th centuries with regard to the practices, patterns and
significations of travel. In shifting the focus to routine and mundane aspects
of travelling, it will serve to place travel narratives in a relational
framework combining basic questions of infrastructure and transportation with
the movements and pathways of individual travellers.
Conference of the Comité International des Études Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes,
Thessaloniki, 23-27 June 2020
The aim is to provide a
platform of a high scholarly level, which will promote the knowledge and
sustain the memory of Ottoman history. Panels and individual papers will focus on
the following topics: the Ottoman Empire in the Age of Revolutions; Sources:
New Interpretations and Approaches; etc.
36. International
Conference: “Africa and the Middle East and North Africa: Understanding
Paradoxical Outcomes of Contemporary Transformations”, Ifrane (Morocco), 23-25
June 2020
The conference aims to
interrogate the ways in which Africa and the MENA have been studied in the
interdisciplinary field of International Studies. We are particularly
interested in addressing disciplinary debates with fresh analysis of local
empirics as well as local-international connections.
Deadline for
abstracts: 9 December 2019. Information:
37. Roundtable on "Decolonizing Islamicate Manuscript Studies"
during the Annual Meeting of the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies
(BRISMES), University of Kent, Canterbury, 29 June - 1 July 2020
The participating
scholars will critically engage with the possibilities for the decolonization
of Islamicate manuscript studies. How, and should decolonization be
operationalized in the field of Islamic manuscript studies?
38. 7th Conference of the School of Mamluk Studies, Centre for
Visual Arts and Research, Nicosia, 2-4 July 2020
Papers will analyse
issues such as the impact of the late Crusades and Papal policies on relations
be-tween the Mamluk Sultanate and Cyprus or Latin Europe more generally;
Mamluk-Byzantine relations; Islamic concepts of imperial and international law
(dār al-ḥarb and beyond); European trade and diplomacy; etc.
Congrès International des Sociologues de
Langue Francaise : « GTO4 – Sociétés arabes en mouvement – La société
moral (in)justifiée… », Tunis, 6-10 julliet 2020
Notre rencontre est
ouvertes, entre autres, aux questions suivantes : La démocratie est-elle la
forme la plus adéquate à la pratique juste et bonne de la politique ? La
violence est-elle justifiable dans certaines situations et à certains moments
et quand ne l’est-elle plus ? Les économies morales (surtout celles des pauvres
et des non-affranchis) suffisent-elles à les qualifier de sujets politiques ?
Deadline for abstracts:
15 January 2020.
40. "Future Past: Memory and Imaginal Politics in Conflicts and for
Conflicts", Amsterdam, 14-15 July 2020
We invite papers that
trace memory and commemoration within imaginal politics to highlight how future
past emerges, circulates and mobilizes. The conference focuses on future past
under authoritarian regimes across the world however, the papers with focus on
the Middle East, Central Asia and Caucasus are given priority.
Deadline for abstracts:
15 April 2020.
41. Conference of the International Association for the Study of Arabia
(IASA): „Seminar for Arabian Studies“, Cordoba, 15-18 July 2020
This is the only annual
international forum for the presentation of the latest academic research on the
Arabian Peninsula. The subjects covered include archaeology, history,
epigraphy, languages, literature, art, culture, ethnography, geography, etc.
from the earliest times to the present day or, in the case of political and
social history, to the end of the Ottoman Empire.
42. Panel on “Migrants, Law and the State in and beyond Europe” during the
Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists
(EASA), Lisbon, 21-24 July 2020
This panel interrogates
how migrants without settled legal status in the Global South and North use the
law to demand political, economic, social and cultural rights. It brings
together research on migrants' navigation of bureaucratic landscapes as well as
ethnographic work on state bureaucracies.
Deadline for
abstracts: 20 January 2020. Information:
43. Conference on Mediterranean and European Linguistic Anthropology
(COMELA), American College of Greece, Athens, 2-5 September 2020
COMELA invites academics
in Linguistics, Anthropology, Linguistic and Cultural Anthropology, and
Ethnology, to address the shifting boundedness of Language Communities of the
Mediterranean and Europe. Papers and posters should describe processes of
language shape, change, and ideology, pertinent to social, cultural, political
histories, and futures of Mediterranean and European regions.
44. Panel on "Ottoman Cultural Mobilities: 19th Century Modes of
Travel, Collecting and Display", within the "International Conference
of European Urban Historians Network", Antwerp, 2-5 September 2020
The panel focuses on the
mobility and circulation of people and objects around Ottoman and connected
contexts; Ottoman encounters and exchanges en route; the journeys of
intellectuals, collections and archives in the late Ottoman Empire.
45. Fifth
Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop (WANLP 2020), Barcelona, 13-18
September 2020
We invite submissions
on: - Basic core technologies: morphological analysis, disambiguation,
tokenization, POS tagging, semantic role labeling, sentiment analysis, Arabic
dialect modeling, etc. - Applications: machine translation, speech recognition,
speech synthesis, optical character recognition, pedagogy, assistive
technologies, social media, etc. - Resources: dictionaries, annotated data,
corpus, etc.
Deadline for abstracts:
20 May 2020. Information: and
46. International
Conference: “An African Metropolis: Cairo and its African Hinterland in the
Middle Ages”, IFAO, Cairo, 15-17 September 2020
This conference’s goal
is to portray, for the first time in the same frame, the relationships between
the capital city of Egypt and the African continent, on both shores of the
Sahara and from the western Maghreb to the Horn of Africa, in the Middle Ages.
Deadline for abstracts:
15 February 2020.
47. 27th
International Congress of the German Middle East Studies Associatiion (DAVO),
University of Osnabrück, 24-26 September 2020
Papers are invited in
all fields of social sciences and humanities related to the Middle East and
North Africa as well as the impact of this region on the development of other
parts of the world.
Deadline for proposals
of open panels: 30 April 2020.
Deadline for abstracts
of papers and closed panels: 30 June 2020.
48. 3rd
ANU Religion Conference: “Religion and Migration: Culture and Policy”,
Australian National University, Canberra, 8-10 December 2020
of human movement including global immigration, asylum-seeking, climate
migration, and the internal migration accompanying mass urbanisation, have
radically altered religious cultures around the world, especially in the
Asia-Pacific region. The aim of this conference is to explore the various
phenomena related to religion and migration; the political and social
transitions impacting upon the transnational religiosity of contemporary
Deadline for
abstracts: 30 April 2020.
49. Conference:
“Rethinking Narratives of China and the Middle East – The Silk Roads and
Beyond”, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 8-10 April 2021
Abstracts that examine the relationship between
China and the Middle East, both ancient and modern are encouraged, and papers that
incorporate additional regions, such as Europe, Central Asia, or
South/Southeast Asia are also encouraged.
Deadline for abstracts: 21 January 2020.
50. Postdoc Resident Fellowships, "RomanIslam. Center for Comparative
Empire and Transcultural Studies", University of Hamburg
Applicants should be
engaged in a research project from a wide range of disciplines working on
Romanization and Islamication in Late Antiquity with a focus but not
exclusively on the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa during the first
millennium CE. Applications are also welcome from scholars working on
comparative empire and transcultural studies in a broader historical (or
contemporary) perspective whose research has a strong focus on theoretical and
methodological issues.
Deadline for
applications: 31 December 2019. Information:; see also
51. Early-career Permanent Research Positions in the Humanities and Social
Sciences Offered by French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)
Tenured positions are
being offered in ancient and medieval history (7 positions), early modern and
modern history (4), anthropology (4), sociology and law (3), political science
(4), etc. Applicants may request the Centre for Turkish, Ottoman, Balkan and
Central Asian Studies to support their application.
Deadline: 12 December
2019. Information:
52. “Global Professorships 2020“: Funding of Scholars in Humanities and
Social Sciences Based Abroad to Do Research at UK Universities
This programme
provides mid-career to senior scholars in any discipline within the humanities
and social sciences, who are currently employed outside the United Kingdom,
with the opportunity to be based for four years in the UK and make a
contribution to UK research and higher education.
Deadline for
applications: 19 February 2020. Information:
53. Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Politics of the Middle East, SOAS University
of London
appointee will strengthen and work with the Department’s group of Middle East
scholars, and they will actively contribute to and shape the delivery of our
undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. Knowledge of Northern Africa (the
Maghreb) is an advantage to complement existing expertise in the Department. We
are open as to thematic specialism, but particularly welcome applications from
candidates with a background in comparative and/or international politics of
the Middle East.
Deadline for
applications: 15 December 2019. Information:
54. PhD Studentship in the Research Project "Colophons, Community, and
the Making of the Christian Middle East, 1500-1900", University of Oxford
Ideally, candidates will
be able to work with manuscripts in Arabic or Syriac. The scholarship will
cover course fees and provide a living allowance at Research Council rates.
Candidates from all backgrounds are welcome to apply.
Deadline for
applications: 10 January 2020. Information:
55. Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track) in Middle Eastern Diasporic
Literatures and Cultures, York University
We are particularly interested
in candidates whose research can be situated within the fields of Postcolonial
and World Literature in English within and across periods, genres, and regions.
Interdisciplinary and intermedial approaches are especially welcome. The
successful candidate will have a PhD in English Literature or a related field
with a specialization in Middle Eastern Diasporic Literatures and Cultures; a
dynamic, substantial, and ongoing research portfolio; etc.
Deadline for
applications: 25 January 2020.
56. Assistant Professor in Gender, Post-Colonialism, and the Islamic World,
York University
A PhD by the start of
the appointment in Political Science or an appropriate related field is
required. The successful candidate’s research should complement the present
scholarly profile of the Department of Politics in the study of gender,
post-colonialism, anti-imperialism, and the Islamic World, conceived to
encompass not only "Islamic countries" but in a diasporic sense, and
to develop the conception in new and innovative ways.
Deadline for
applications: 25 January 2020.
de doctorant.e/ Post-doctorant.e, Centre Jacques-Berque pour les études en
sciences humaines et sociales, Rabat
Le Centre est sous
cotutelle du Ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires Etrangères (MEAE). Ses
travaux portent sur le Maroc, la Mauritanie et plus largement le Maghreb, dans
les disciplines archéologie, histoire, sociologie, anthropologie, géographie,
science politique, droit, sciences économiques. La bourse est proposée pour 12
mois. Conditions d’éligibilité : Nationalité d’un pays de l’Union
Européenne ou du Maghreb. Inscription obligatoire en thèse de doctorat et dans
une école doctorale.
Date limite d’envoi des candidatures :
15 décembre 2019.
Information :
58. Director of the Middle East Studies Center (MESC), American University
in Cairo
Requirements: PhD degree
in a discipline relevant to MESC's field of study. Candidates should have well
established and extended experience in policymaking and implementation related
to the Middle East. They should have research and publications records showing
interest and contributions to the field of Middle East studies. They may also
bring evidence to contributions to negotiations, policymaking or policy advice
in the Middle East at a high level in government, international organizations
and/or think tanks.
Deadline for
applications: Open until position is filled.
59. Faculty Positions for Middle Eastern History & Arabic Language plus
others, Gulf University for Science & Technology (GUST), Kuwait
Faculty positions at GUST are to start in Fall 2020. Review of applications
begins in December and will continue until the positions are filled.
- Further vacancies:
60. Hamad bin Khalifa Endowed Chair in Islamic Art, Virginia Commonwealth
University School of the Arts, Qatar
Required qualifications:
PhD in art history; well-developed scholarly/research portfolio with evidence
of multi-disciplinary applications; university teaching experience.
61. Assistant/Associate Professor in Sociology, Department of Global &
Social Studies, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran
Applicants are expected
to hold a Ph.D. degree with a strong commitment to research and teaching.
Applicants are also expected to be proficient in English (spoken and written) as
the language of instruction at KFUPM is English. Candidates with Middle East
expertise and experience are encouraged to apply.
The position will remain
vacant until filled.
62. Assistant/Associate Professor in Cultural Anthropology, Department of
Global & Social Studies, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals,
Applicants are expected
to hold a Ph.D. degree with a strong commitment to research and teaching.
Applicants are also expected to be proficient in English (spoken and written)
as the language of instruction at KFUPM is English. Candidates with Middle East
expertise and experience are encouraged to apply.
The position will remain
vacant until filled.
63. Associate or Full Professor, College of
Humanities and Social Sciences, Islamic World Studies Department, Zayed
University, United Arab Emirates
PhD in Islamic Studies; a proven record of excellence at baccalaureate-level
teaching; dedication to curricular innovation; record of professional
accomplishment including peer-reviewed publications and/or presentations;
commitment to a sustained research program and interest in collaboration with
other faculty; familiarity and prior experience with the US model general
education is desirable.
review of applications will continue until the position is filled.
64. Associate/Full Professor in Political Sciences and International
Relations, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Social
Sciences, Zayed University, United Arab Emirates
Requirements: PhD in
Political Sciences or International Relations; a
proven record of excellence at baccalaureate-level teaching; dedication to
curricular innovation; record of professional accomplishment including
peer-reviewed publications and/or presentations; commitment to a sustained
research program and interest in collaboration with other faculty.
review of applications will continue until the position is filled. Information:,i5986.html
65. Postdoctoral Researcher in Political Sciences,
Sociology and Economics, Division of Social Science, New York University
(Global), Abu Dhabi
applicants must have received a PhD in the last three years or be within a few
months from completion. We encourage applications from very promising candidates with
a capacity to conduct innovative, high-quality scholarly research in the fields
of Economics, Political Science, Sociology and Public Policy. Successful
candidates are expected to develop a well-defined research program and to forge
productive collaborations with faculty at NYUAD.
The position will close
on 15 March 2020; candidates for Sociology will be evaluated beginning 1
November 2019; and candidates for economics will be evaluated starting 15
December 2019. Information:
66. Postdoctoral Fellowship in North African
Studies, 2020-2021, Yale University, MacMillan Center
Candidates must have
research and teaching experience relevant to North Africa, including any period
from early modern to contemporary (1500 - present). The Council invites
applications from across the social sciences and humanities.
67. Assistant Professor in Comparative Politics of
the Middle East / North Africa, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
Required qualifications: a Ph.D. in Political Science or a closely
related field is required by the time of appointment. Candidates must have a
research focus that involves comparative political analysis in the MENA region
and demonstrated excellence in research. They also must have evidence of
teaching effectiveness to meet the Department’s key teaching needs in its B.A.
and M.A. programs.
Screening of applications will begin 21 January 2020 and continue until
the position is filled. Information:
68. Tenure-Track Instructur in Persian Language and
Culture, Department of Asian Studies, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Requirements: advanced
proficiency in Persian; a Ph.D. in Persian Language and Linguistics, Persian
Applied Linguistics, Persian language pedagogy, or a closely related field;
evidence of substantial experience and excellent teaching ability in Persian
for both heritage and non-heritage learners at the post-secondary level in
North America; etc.
69. Assistant Professor of Arabic (Tenure-Track),
Virginia Military Institute, Lexington
Specialization open;
Ph.D. in Arabic, Arabic Studies, Middle Eastern Studies or related field
required. Native or near-native fluency in Modern Standard Arabic and at least
one dialect of Arabic required. The successful candidate should provide
evidence of excellence in teaching Arabic language, literature and culture at
the college-level using the integrated approach.
Position open until
filled. To ensure full consideration, please submit all materials by 15
December 2019. Information:
70. Teaching Assistant Professor of Arabic, George
Washington University, Washington, D.C.
Requirements: All
applicants must have PhD in hand in Arabic or a closely related field, teaching
excellence at the university level as demonstrated by course evaluation
summaries, potential for curricular development, native or near native fluency
in Arabic as well as in English, and experience in use of instructional
Review of applications
will continue until the position is filled.
71. Assistant or Associate Professor of Iranian Studies, University of
California, Berkeley
Applications are
encouraged from scholars with rigorous training in the languages and cultures
(textual and/or material) of Iran (broadly defined) and with a research
specialization within the period from antiquity to the advent of Islam.
Preference will be given to individuals whose research has strong philological
and/or material cultural foundations.
72. Assistant or Associate Professor in Israel
Studies, University of Florida
The position is open to
Israel specialists in any discipline in the social sciences and the humanities.
Ph.D. required by start date. A successful candidate must have an active
research agenda, must be able to integrate the study of Israel into theoretical
and comparative contexts that speak to the needs of the appropriate tenure
home, and be committed to developing the Jewish Studies major and certificate
73. Marash and Ocuin Chair in Ottoman, Mizrahi, and
Sephardic Jewish Studies, Brandeis University
The incumbent of the
Chair will be a scholar of the history and culture of Ottoman, Sephardi, and/or
Mizrahi Jewry in modern contexts, including Israel. The successful candidate
will display a record of scholarly achievement, teaching excellence, and
expertise in relevant languages.
Applications will be
accepted until the position is filled.
74. Postdoctoral Research Position in Iran and the
Persian Gulf Studies (19th – 21st Centuries), Princeton
The position, starting in September 2020, is open to scholars of all academic disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. The Center promotes interdisciplinary approaches to advancing understanding of Iran and the Persian Gulf, with special attention to the region's role and significance in the contemporary world.Qualifications: Applicants should have less than three years of postdoctoral experience, but more senior candidates may be considered.
for applications: 15 December 2019. Information:
75. One-year Visiting Assistant Professor of Modern
or Early Modern Middle Eastern History, Reed College, Portland
In addition to
teaching one course each semester in one's own area, the appointee will teach
one year-long discussion section in Reed’s writing-intensive, introductory Humanities
76. Grant of the "Society for Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies
(GTOT)" for Innovative Projects by Young Scholars (Funding Period:
The Society invites its
members to submit applications for the funding of small-scale projects. All
proposals aiming at supporting young scholars and/or Turkology as a study
program will be considered including: workshops / summer (winter) schools
focused on specific topics such as digital humanities, archival work, source
work etc.; - interdisciplinary (teaching) projects; - preparation and
presentation of projects / research results (new media, podcasts etc.); -
supporting students wishing to participate with a panel in the Turkologentag.
Deadline for
applications: 31 December 2019. Information:
77. Scholarship Programme of the German Bundestag for Highly Motivated
Graduates from the Arab Region, Berlin, 1-30 September 2020
This is an intensive four-week
programme for young graduates who are interested in the German
parliamentary system and play an active role in promoting core democratic
values in their home countries.
Deadline for applications extended
to 15 December 2019.
78. Richard Gillespie Mediterranean Prize of the Journal "Mediterranean
Politics" for the Best Research Article on the Contemporary Social and
Political Dynamics of the Mediterranean Region
We welcome contributions
on politics and international relations as well as economics, human geography,
sociology, anthropology and other relevant disciplines in the humanities and
social sciences.
Deadline for
submissions: 31 December 2019. Information:
79. New Professional One-year Master Program in English on
"Contemporary Art in the Arab World, Iran and Turkey", Ca’ Foscari
University of Venice in Collaboration with the University of Geneva
Starting in February
2020, the Program balances theory and practice. It starts from a global
perspective and focuses on modern and contemporary artistic production in the
Arab world, Iran and Turkey. The training course includes a six-week internship
at one of the partner institutions and concludes with the completion of a
project or a final paper.
Registration deadline:
11 December 2019. For further information see
80. Three-months Internship with the Moroccan
Institute for Policy Analysis, Rabat
A Master’s degree in political science, economics, international relations,
sociology, anthropology or other relevant social sciences disciplines;
proficiency in English and Arabic. Preference will be given to applicants who
are currently registered as doctoral students.
81. Summer School: “Critical Muslim Studies:
Decolonial Struggles and Liberatiion Theologies”, Granada, 15-19 June 2020
The course covers
several topics such as Introduction to Critical Muslim Studies, Islamic
Theology of Liberation, Islamic Decolonial Pedagogy, Inter-Faith Dialogues,
Women and Islam, and Islamic Spirituality. The focus of the course is to
inquire into Islam as a postcolonial/decolonial perspective.
82. Articles on “Human-Animal Encounters in the Middle East” for Special
Issue of Journal „Diyâr – Journal of Ottoman, Turkish and Middle Eastern
Submissions should
consider the interplay between human and non-human animals and provide a lens
to analyse the Middle East in an innovative, creative, and not exclusively
anthropocentric way. We welcome contributions from political science, history,
sociology, anthropology, literary studies, religious studies and art history.
Deadline for
abstracts: 31 December 2019.
83. Articles on
“Human-Animal Encounters in the Middle East” for Special Issue of Journal
„Diyâr – Journal of Ottoman, Turkish and Middle Eastern Studies
Submissions should
consider the interplay between human and non-human animals and provide a lens
to analyse the Middle East in an innovative, creative, and not exclusively
anthropocentric way. We welcome contributions from political science, history,
sociology, anthropology, literary studies, religious studies and art history.
Deadline for
abstracts: 31 December 2019. Information:
sur « Les
grands pèlerinages : histoire, territoires, pratiques » pour
« Revue de Géographie Historique »
Le but de ce numéro, en
mettant en avant la dimension géohistorique du phénomène, est de permettre
d’amorcer une réflexion transdisciplinaire. Les articles peuvent porter aussi
un grand site de pèlerinage, comme Lourdes ou Kerbala.
Les textes sont attendus
au plus tard le 20 décembre 2019.
sur « Les grands pèlerinages : histoire, territoires, pratiques »
pour « La Revue de Gèographie Historique »
but de ce numéro, en mettant en avant la dimension géohistorique du phénomène,
est de permettre une réflexion de fond sur le sujet, en permettant à tous les
chercheurs qui s'intéressent au religieux de proposer un article, soit
théorique, sur le phénomène du pèlerinage inscrit dans le temps. En effet, les
articles peuvent porter aussi un grand site de pèlerinage, comme Kerbala ou
textes sont attendus au plus tard le 20 décembre 2019.
86. Articles for “Labors of Need: Lives of African
and Asian Workers in the Middle East” for Special Issue of the Journal “Mashriq
& Mahjar: Journal of Middle East and North African Migration Studies”
Papers are invited on
Employment, sponsorship, and the legal regimes governing migration; the
migration process; migrants’ working lives in various sectors; gender and
migration; race, representation and migration; regional, religious, and social
distinctions among migrants; etc.
Deadline for full articles: 6 January 2020. Information:
on “Narrative
Forms and Co-production in Arab Cinemas: Norms, Constraints, and Margins of
Freedom“ for Journal « Regards - Revue des arts du
spectacle »
The aims of this edition are to address the impact of European film funds on the
co-funded films, the mechanism through which the margins of freedom can be
created, and alternative practices of cinema in the Arab world.
Deadline for full articles: 31
December 2019.
Articles for Journal "Contemporary
Arab Affairs (CAA)"
The editors of this
peer-reviewed journal published by the Centre for Arab Unity Studies and
University of California Press, invite authors to submit original
multidisciplinary articles on the Arab World (5,000-7,000 words) to the editor
pour livre sur „Représentations
de l’Islam dans les productions artistiques françaises et francophones
Le livre a pour but
d’explorer la pluralité des voix/voies et des points de vue dans la
représentation de l’Islam dans la société contemporaine en occurrence depuis
les attentats de 11 septembre. Comment parler de l’Islam dans les années 2000?
Comment revoir l’Islam après ces événements? Comment les artistes contemporains
représentent-ils l’Islam contemporain?
Les propositions sont attendus au plus tard le 30 décembre 2019.
90. Article for Edited Book on “International Response to Domestic Violence
in the Middle East“ (Rutledge Publication)
Special attention is
devoted to the evolution of anti-domestic violence laws, the way that law
enforcement agencies, non-governmental organizations and/or health agencies
deal with domestic violence, and how all these initiatives influence women’s
rights and interests.
Expressions of
Interest due by 15 January 2020.
91. Monographs and Edited Books on the MENA Region for the Peter Lang’s
Series “Global Politics”
We invite scholarly
monographs authored by academics on topical questions in international
relations and the modern and contemporary history of the Middle East and North
Africa. The aim is to promote deeper knowledge of emerging issues and trends.
Publications include original monographs and edited volumes which combine a
grasp of the past, an understanding of present dynamics, and a vision about
potential futures.
92. New Book Series: "Ecclesiastica Ottomanica"
The series welcomes
contributions beyond the confines of grand theories such as dhimmitude and the
millet system, and of traditional binaries such as toleration and persecution.
It has a cross-disciplinary perspective involving the fields of Ottoman
history, Middle Eastern studies, Balkan studies, African studies, religious
studies, church history, missiology, the history of interactions, connected
history, and diaspora studies.
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