samedi 18 octobre 2014


Το Άρδην και η Επιτροπή Αλληλεγγύης στον Κουρδιστάν τη Δευτέρα 20 Οκτωβρίου στις 19.30 οργανώνουν συζήτηση με θέμα: “Η Αντίσταση του Κουρδικού λαού καταλύτης εξελίξεων στην ευρύτερη περιοχή”.
Για το θέμα θα μιλήσουν:
  • Μάριος Ευρυβιάδης, καθηγητής Διεθνών Σχέσεων Παντείου Πανεπιστημίου.
  • Γιώργος Καραμπελιάς, Άρδην
  • Ιμπραήμ Μουσλέμ, εκπρόσωπος του κουρδικού Κόμματος Δημοκρατικής Ένωσης (PYD).
Συντονιστής, Δημήτρης Δημόπουλος.
Στο χώρο πολιτικής και πολιτισμού “Ρήγας Βελεστινλής”, Ξενοφώντος 4, 6ος όροφος, πλ. Συντάγματος.

EURAMES Info Service 36/2014

Dear Madame, dear Sir, dear colleague and friend,

Please find below the following announcements:


1. Fifth International Research Colloquium "Diversities of the Arab World", in the Context of the Arab Week,  Mexico City, 3-7 November 2014

2. International Symposium: "East-West Dialogue in Art History and Visual Culture: Europe, North Africa and the Middle East", Trinity College Dublin, Ireland,  13 November 2014

3. Panel on „Studying Socioeconomic Protest and Political Change in the Global South: Potential and Limitations of the Contentious Politics Approach”,  DVPW Comparative Political Science Section Conference, GIGA, Hamburg, 25-27 February 2015

4. Workshop: "Gender, Law, and Social Change in North Africa", Al Akhawayn University,  Ifrane, Morocco, 25-27 March 2015

5. International Conference: "Eurasian Politics & Society", CESRAN International and Konya Necmettin Erbakan University, Konya, 8 – 10 May 2015

6. Conference: “Syria: Moving Beyond the Stalemate”, Centre for Syrian Studies (CSS), University of St Andrews, 1-3 July 2015

7. Sixth Annual Gulf Research Meeting, University of Cambridge, 24-27 August 2015


8. Assistant Professor of Persian Literature and Culture, Stanford University

9. Other Positions in the USA

9a) Smith College - Janet Wright Ketcham 1953 Professorship in Middle East Studies,

9b) University of California - Berkeley - Modern Arabic Literature (#1500),

9c) California Lutheran University - Assistant Professor, Mediterranean History,


10. Articles on “Periphery" for peer-reviewed online journal “Middle East – Topics & Arguments”

11. Articles on "Beyond the European Theatre of 14-18: The Other Great War in the Muslim World" for Special Issue of "Revue des mondes musulmans et de la méditerranée (in French or English)

12. Articles for Collective Book: "Modern Turkey: Opportunities and Challenges"

13. Articles on "Turkey, Europe, Mediterranean: A Common Destiny? Cultural Interactions in a Comparative Perspective from the Second Half of the 19th Century" in Special Issue of "DIACRONIE Studi di Storia Contemporanea"

14. Training Opportunities for Arabic Teachers – eLearning and Communicative Teaching, University of Edinburgh, April 2015

15. Course on Palestine Refugees and International Law, Amman or Beirut, March 2015


If you want to distribute an announcement via EURAMES Info Service (more than 5000 recipients, only English and French announcements), please apply the usual format of the text with no more than 100 words and no attachment. Please send only the most important information and refer to further details with a link to the respective website or an email address.

Best regards,

Guenter Meyer, Center for Research on the Arab World (CERAW), University of Mainz, Germany



1. Fifth International Research Colloquium "Diversities of the Arab World", in the Context of the Arab Week,  Mexico City, 3-7 November 2014

The Colloquium will be hosted by  El Colegio de México and Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas. Information:; email 

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