λόγω φόρτου εργασίας, παραθέττω όπως έλαβα απόσπασμα από την Eurames
1. Workshop on Arab(ic) Media - "Framing the Revolution, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Institut für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten, 17-18 January 2013
Our present workshop (term 2012/13) concentrates on the revolutions of the “Arab Spring” and their (re-)presentation by the satellite channels. Based on considerations of revolutionary theories and the concepts of media/news framing we will strive to analyze and discuss two talkshows (al-Jazeera & al-‘Arabiyya) to the effect of how different channels with differing political agendas (re-)present, (re-)construct and construe the political upheavals in the MENA region in distinctive ways.
All researchers interested in Arab media are most welcome to participate in this workshop (no fee); an informal e-mail to David Arn (david.arn@lmu.de) is sufficient for registration. Further information: http://www.naher-osten.uni-muenchen.de/studium_lehre/promotion/maw1/index.html
2. École doctorale : " L'Etat dans le monde musulman", Hammamet, Tunisie, 18-22 mars 2013
Session d’études doctorales de l’Institut d’études de l’Islam et des Sociétés du Monde Musulman (IISMM/EHESS, Paris). L’un des objectifs est de permettre, dans une session encadrée par plusieurs enseignants-chercheurs, la rencontre de doctorants français avec des doctorants européens et du monde musulman.
Disciplines: Anthropologie – Droit – Histoire – Islamologie - Littérature – Philosophie – Sciences Politiques – Sociologie – Géographie. Date limite de réception des candidatures : 14 janvier 2013. Information http://iismm.ehess.fr/index.php?/ecole-doctorale/1161-document-sans-titre
3. Annual International Conference on Mediterranean Studies, Athens, Greece, 26-29 March 2013
The Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) organizes this conference. The aim of the conference is to bring together scholars, researchers and students from all areas of Mediterranean Studies, such as history, arts, archaeology, philosophy, culture, sociology, politics, international relations, economics, business, sports, environment and ecology, etc.
Deadline for abstract submission 24 December 2012. Information: www.atiner.gr/mediterranean.htm.
4. 35th Annual Conference of MELCom International, European Association of Middle East Librarians, Moscow, Russia, 27-29 May 2013
The conference will be held at the All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature (http://www.libfl.ru/). The conference sessions will be dedicated to the following topics:
· Collection development and acquisition policies · Cataloguing policies and practices · Catalogues and bibliographies · Electronic resources and digitization programmes · Cooperation projects between libraries holding Middle Eastern collections · History of libraries, ownership and readership · Manuscripts, rare books and documents · Current issues of information science in Middle East area studies And any other aspect within our fields of interest
Deadline for registration and paper abstracts before 1 February 2013. Working languages of the MELCom International are English and French. Information http://www.melcominternational.org/?page_id=415
5. Second CSS Postgraduate Conference: “The Syrian Uprising: Drivers and Dynamics”, St Andrews, UK, 17-19 June 2013
The Centre for Syrian Studies (CSS) at the University of St Andrews in Scotland invites proposals for this conference which aims at attracting postgraduate researchers and postdoctoral scholars from a broad range of disciplines. Original research based on empirical data and/or new theoretical approaches are encouraged. Contributions by Syrian scholars are especially welcome.
Submission deadline is 28th February 2013.. More information: www.st-andrews.ac.uk/intrel/css/
6. Colloquium: "Literature of Inebriation / Inebriation by Literature", INALCO - CERMOM, Paris, 21 June 2013
Inebriation (sukr) is the state of psychological exaltation that can trigger indifference towards morality, as well as a temporary loss of inhibition and self-control (ḥilm). The effects of intoxicants have often been associated with ecstasy and suspension of reality, during which the subject discovers sensations never felt in normal conditions of sobriety (ṣaḥw). Thus, he can open for himself a space of intellectual freedom and imagination, similar to that of dreams and madness. Therefore, in the poetic experience, the simple reading or the repetition of some poems or texts can provoke a state or a succession of states similar to sukr. The aim of this colloquium is to examine some aspects of inebriation in and by literature in the classical and post- classical periods in the Arab world and beyond.
Deadline: 17 February 2013. Info: danilo.marino@inalco.fr. Information http://www.inalco.fr/ina_gabarit_article.php3?id_rubrique=2696&id_article=5738&id_secteur=1
7. 5th International Conference of Mediterranean Worlds: “Light Colour Line - Perceiving the Mediterranean: Conflicting Narratives and Ritual Dynamics”, Bern, Switzerland, 9-11 September 2013
Papers are required to be thought-provoking and methodically inventive, preferably addressing the following subjects:
- Light and Colour in Mediterranean Arts and Architecture.
- Perspectivism, Optics and Islam.
- Cinematographic Views: Perception and Reconstruction of the Mediterranean.
- Predominant and Counter-Narratives in Literature and Mythology.
- Oral Tradition and Artistic Performance: Means of Communication.
- Conflicting Narratives: Respect and War.
- The Osmosis of Honour and Shame.
- Inconsistence and Resistance.
- Performance of Mediterranean Rituals.
- Ritual Perception of History in the Mediterranean.
- The Mediterranean Sea as Colour Line.
- Migration: Sought Horizons and Lines of Sight.
Deadline for abstracts 1 March 2013. Further information http://www.medworlds5.com/
8. Colloque international : "Vous avez dit halal ? Normativités islamiques, globalisation et secularization", IISMM-EHESS, Paris, 7-8 novembre 2013
Organisé par Florence Bergeaud-Blackler, Marie Curie fellow ULB, avec le soutien de l’IISMM et la participation du LAS ; du LABEXMed (AliMed); de l’IREMAM et du réseau IRENE. Propositions à envoyer impérativement avant le 31 janvier 2013.
Information http://iismm.ehess.fr/index.php?/journees-d-etudes-amp-colloques/journees-etudes/colloques-et-journees-d-etudes-2013/1172-7-amp-8-novembre-vous-avez-dit-halal-normativites-islamiques-globalisation-et-secularisation
9. Assistant Professorship in Arabic Cultural Production, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
The Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies invites applications for an assistant professorship in Arabic cultural production to be filled by 1 August 2013 or as soon as possible thereafter. This Department works with languages, cultures, religion and society, primarily in the world outside Western Europe and the US. Cross-cultural competences and knowledge of the complexity of the world are of vital importance in the globalised world - politically, economically, and culturally.
An assistant professorship is a three-year, fixed-term academic position involving research and teaching. The closing date for applications is 21 January 2013. For further information about the position, please contact Head of Department, Ingolf Thuesen, e-mail: i-leder.tors@hum.ku.dk.
10. Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Middle East Studies, George Washington University, D.C.
The Institute for Middle East Studies at the George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs invites applications for the position of Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Middle East Studies. Fellows may come from any academic discipline, as long as their primary substantive specialization is in the Middle East/North Africa (to include Iran and Turkey). Candidates should receive their Ph.D. on or before September 1 of the fellowship year, and must be in residence at IMES for the duration of the grant period (September 1 - May 31).
IMES will begin reviewing applications for the 2013-2014 academic year on January 31, 2013. Information http://www.gwu.edu/~imes/about/postdoc.cfm
11. Postdoctoral Fellowship in Arabic Language and Culture, University of the South, Tennessee
The two-year postdoctoral fellowship is to begin August 2013. The successful candidate will have a strong commitment to teaching as well as demonstrated interest and competence in innovative language pedagogy and instructional technologies.
Applications received by December 31, 2012 will receive full consideration. Information https://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=46016
12. Director of the Peace Studies Program at New York University (NYU) Abu Dhabi, UAE
Applicants should have a strong record of scholarly and administrative leadership in the study of peace. Peace Studies at NYU Abu Dhabi is a multi-disciplinary enterprise for teaching and research. Applicants are encouraged to apply from a wide variety of fields, but scholars from the fields of political science, psychology, economics and history are particularly encouraged to apply,
The appointment might begin as soon as September 1, 2013, but candidates may elect to start as late as September 1, 2014. Selection will begin January 15, 2013. Information http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=46005
13. Nachwuchsförderung von Hochschulabsolventen und kurz vor dem Abschluss stehende Studierende, die internationale Führungspositionen anstreben
Hochschulabsolventen und Young Professionals aller Fachrichtungen, die internationale Führungspositionen anstreben, können sich seit 25. Oktober 2012 für eine Aufnahme in das Mercator Kolleg für internationale Aufgaben (Programmjahr 2013/2014) bewerben. Ziel des Programms ist die Stärkung der Präsenz deutschsprachigen Personals in internationalen Organisationen und NGOs sowie die Qualifizierung von international denkenden und handelnden Nachwuchsmanagern für die globalen Herausforderungen unserer Zeit. Aussichtsreiche Bewerberinnen und Bewerber werden zu einem Auswahlseminar eingeladen, das vom 16. – 18. Februar 2013 in Berlin stattfindet.
Das Bewerbungsformular und weitere Informationen unter http://www.stiftung-mercator.de/kompetenzzentren/internationale-verstaendigung/mercator-kolleg-fuer-internationale-aufgaben/bewerbung-mercator-kolleg.html
14. Praktikum in der euro-mediterranen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, EMA, Hamburg
Im Team der EMA - Euro-Mediterranean Association for Cooperation and Development e. V. werden ab Januar 2013 Praktikumsstellen frei! Für diejenigen, die im Anschluss an oder parallel zur theoretischen Ausbildung den Einstieg in die Entwicklungszusammenarbeit suchen, bietet die EMA einen spannenden Praxiseinsatz mit möglichen Schwerpunkten:
• Marketing & Fundraising
• Public Relations
• Projekt- und Eventmanagement
Thematischer Fokus unserer Arbeit liegt auf der deutsch-arabischen Zusammenarbeit, insbesondere in den Bereichen Wasser- und Umweltmanagement, Erneuerbare Energien, Grüne Logistik, Infrastruktur & Stadtentwicklung. Die Praktikumsdauer sollte 3 Monate nicht unterschreiten. Bei Interesse lesen Sie mehr unter www.ema-germany.org/go/Praktikum
15. Call for Articles on the History, Archeology and Heritage of the United Arab Emirates and the Arabian Gulf Region in the Journal "Liwa"
"Liwa" is a refereed academic journal dedicated to the study of the history, archeology and heritage of the United Arab Emirates and the Arabian Gulf Region. This journal is published every June and December on the internet as well as in print form by the National Center for Documentation and Research in the United Arab Emirates. We welcome contributions in both English and Arabic. All material should be sent as an e-mail attachment to the managing editor at liwa@ncdr.ae. Further information http://www.ncdr.ae/liwa/Liwa-En/MainEn.htm
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