lundi 9 janvier 2017

EURAMES Info Service 01/2017

1. Conference: “Rethinking Media through the Middle East”, American University of
Beirut, 12-13 January 2017 
2. Media Studies Research Design Workshop, American University of Beirut, 14 January
3. Journée d’étude: « Une histoire transversale du Moyen-Orient : nouvelles
approches historiographiques (1876-1980) », Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin,
Yvelines, 25 janvier 2017 
4. Conference: “The ‘Dangerous Classes’ in the Middle East and North Africa”,
University of Oxford, 26 January 2017 
5. International Workshop: “The Ibāḍīyya in the Context of Early Islamic Theology
and Law”, Orient-Institut Beirut, 27 January 2017 
6. Workshop: "Illegalism, Violence, and State Avoidance in Libya, Chad and Central
African Republic", All Souls College, University of Oxford, 6-7 April 2017
7. Colloque: « Justice et politique dans le Maghreb post-révoltes arabes : réforme,
institutions, réconciliation », Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Tunis, 21-22 avril 2017
8. Journée d’étude : « Les usages du vers : éthique et poésie dans la littérature
arabe classique », Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales
(INALCO), Paris, 25 avril 2017
9. 32nd Annual Middle East History and Theory Conference: “Center and Periphery”,
University of Chicago, 5-6 May 2017 
10. International Conference: “Before Orientalism: The ‘Images’ of Islam in the
Iberian Peninsula (15th–17th Centuries) and their Mediterranean Connections”,
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid, 18-19 May 2017 
11. Journées d’études : « Petits espaces en Méditerranée : Iles, présides, et
enclaves. Le contrôle du territoire dans la géopolitique méditerranéenne à l’époque
moderne et au début de l’époque contemporaine (XVIe-première moitié du XIXe
siècle) », Centre de la Méditerranée Moderne et Contemporaine, Nice, 1-2 juin 2017 
12. 3rd China and the Middle East Conference: “Asia to the Middle East: Asianization
of the Middle East with Economic Characteristics?”, Shanghai University, 7-8 June
13. Workshop: “Circulating Translations in the 19th Century from the Eastern
Mediterranean to the Arabian Sea: Texts in Practice”, University of Oxford, 20-22
September 2017 
14. Conference: “Cultures, Hopes and Conflicts. The Mediterranean between Land and
Sea”, University of Salerno, Italy, 26-28 September 2017 
15. Colloque international: « Genre, sexualité, et culture : les enjeux de l’espace
public autour de la Méditerranée. Comparaison Union européenne / Maghreb », Centre
Emile Durkheim, Casablanca, Maroc, 23-24 novembre 2017
16. Assistant Professor of International Relations, Johns Hopkins University,
Bologna, Italy
17. Evans-Pritchard Lectureship 2017-2018, All Souls College, Oxford
18. Gerda Henkel Foundation Research Scholarships: “Islam, the Modern Nation State
and Transnational Movements”
19. Researcher in the Field of Modern and Contemporary History of Islam, Czech
Academy of Sciences
20. Multiple Open Rank Positions in Various Fields of Humanities and Social
Sciences, University of Tyumen, Russia 
21. 2 Post-Doctoral Research Fellows: “Muslim Converts and the Formation of Islamic
Civilization”, Center for the Study of Conversion and Inter-Religious Encounters,
22. Session for Doctoral Studies : “Islam, the Body and the Self”, Institut d'études
de l'Islam et des sociétés du monde musulman (IISMM), Sarajevo, Bosnia, 13-17 March
23. Up to 56 PhD Studentships in the Arts and Humanities, South, West and Wales
Doctoral Training Partnership, September 2017
24. Pears Foundation PhD Scholarships, University of Sussex, September 2017
25. Summer Institute: "Critical Security Studies in the Arab World", Beirut, 17-21
July 2017
26. Articles on "Global Identities and Communities" for "Glocalism – Journal of
Culture, Politics and Innovation"
27. Articles for Second Issue of “Middle East Review” 
28. Appel à contributions pour l’Année du Maghreb Dossier de recherche 18: «
Économies morales et controverses publiques »
29. Appel à contributions pour numéro 275 des « Cahiers d’Outre-Mer »
30. Appel à contribution : « MIDÉO » 33 (2018)
31. Articles for Open Access Journal “Contemporary Levant”

If you want to distribute an announcement via DAVO-Info-Service (about 1500
recipients) and EURAMES Info Service (more than 6000 recipients, only English and
French announcements), please apply the usual format of the text with no more than
50 words and no attachment. Please send only the most important information to
 and refer to further details with a link to the respective
website or an email address.
Best regards,
Guenter Meyer, Center for Research on the Arab World, University of Mainz
1. Conference: “Rethinking Media through the Middle East”, American University of
Beirut, 12-13 January 2017 
This conference is organized in collaboration with the Arab Council for the Social
Sciences and AUB’s Center for Arab and Middle Eastern Studies. 

2. Media Studies Research Design Workshop, American University of Beirut, 14 January
This workshop will give MA students at the thesis proposal stage and beyond, and
early PhD students, the opportunity to work with senior scholars to develop their
research design and methodology. 
3. Journée d’étude: « Une histoire transversale du Moyen-Orient : nouvelles
approches historiographiques (1876-1980) », Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin,
Yvelines, 25 janvier 2017 
Cette journée d’études s’adresse aux étudiants préparant les concours du Capes et de
l’Agrégation d’histoire. Les intervenants proposeront de nouvelles approches
historiographiques sur des questions d’histoire politique, sociale et culturelle en
relation avec les principales aires géographiques au programme.
Information :

4. Conference: “The ‘Dangerous Classes’ in the Middle East and North Africa”,
University of Oxford, 26 January 2017 
This conference takes as its central theme this notion of the “dangerous classes”
and invites abstracts examining its explanatory power when applied to the Middle
East and North Africa in the period from around 1800 to the present. 

5. International Workshop: “The Ibāḍīyya in the Context of Early Islamic Theology
and Law”, Orient-Institut Beirut, 27 January 2017 
This workshop will attempt to situate the Ibāḍī case in the wider context of
theological and legal thinking and its articulation in different kinds of writing
during the early period (2nd/ 8th century).

6. Workshop: "Illegalism, Violence, and State Avoidance in Libya, Chad and Central
African Republic", All Souls College, University of Oxford, 6-7 April 2017
This workshop aims to question common temporal and regional boundaries. There is a
growing corpus of work on militarism, new modes of governance, and the political
economy of illegalism, but there still remains a need to historicize contemporary
patterns of politics and violence, and to understand them in local and regional
terms. Presentation will be held in English and French.
Deadline for abstracts: 30 January 2017. Information:

7. Colloque: « Justice et politique dans le Maghreb post-révoltes arabes : réforme,
institutions, réconciliation », Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Tunis, 21-22 avril 2017
Le premier axe analyse les logiques politiques qui sous-tendent la thématique
réformatrice de la justice; le second se focalise sur le positionnement des
professions juridiques dans le fonctionnement de la justice au cours de ces
dernières années; le troisième axe s’intéresse aux procès consécutifs à la chute
d’un régime autoritaire. 
Date limite : 30 janvier 2017. Information :

8. Journée d’étude : « Les usages du vers : éthique et poésie dans la littérature
arabe classique », Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales
(INALCO), Paris, 25 avril 2017
En quoi consiste l’exemplarité de la parole poétique ? À quelles conditions le poète
peut-il s’ériger en autorité ? Comment a été pensé et dépeint, dans la prose et la
poésie même, le statut de la parole poétique et du poète ? 
Date limite : 18 février 2017. Information :

9. 32nd Annual Middle East History and Theory Conference: “Center and Periphery”,
University of Chicago, 5-6 May 2017 
We invite proposals from graduate students, faculty, and independent scholars about
the Middle East and Islamic World from the coming of Islam until the present day.
Deadline for abstracts: 10 February 2017. Information:
10. International Conference: “Before Orientalism: The ‘Images’ of Islam in the
Iberian Peninsula (15th–17th Centuries) and their Mediterranean Connections”,
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid, 18-19 May 2017 
The purpose of this conference is to analyse from a pluri-disciplinar perspective,
which conceptions or images of Islam were developed, from the end of the Middle Ages
to the decline of the Austria dynasty in the Iberian Peninsula and other
Mediterranean enclaves closely connected to the Hispanic Crown.
Deadline for abstracts: 1 February 2017. Information:
11. Journées d’études : « Petits espaces en Méditerranée : Iles, présides, et
enclaves. Le contrôle du territoire dans la géopolitique méditerranéenne à l’époque
moderne et au début de l’époque contemporaine (XVIe-première moitié du XIXe
siècle) », Centre de la Méditerranée Moderne et Contemporaine, Nice, 1-2 juin 2017 
Ces journées d’études s’intéresseront précisément à l’histoire de cette Méditerranée
de petits espaces et aux stratégies déployées par les Etats pour les contrôler.
Date limite : 31 janvier 2017. Information :

12. 3rd China and the Middle East Conference: “Asia to the Middle East: Asianization
of the Middle East with Economic Characteristics?”, Shanghai University, 7-8 June
All submissions should be related to contemporary themes of sociology, political
science, international relations, history and anthropology during and post-Cold War
Era: China, Islam and the Middle East; Central Asia, Islam and the Middle East;
Japan, Islam and the Middle East. 
Deadline for abstracts: 3 April 2017. Information:
13. Workshop: “Circulating Translations in the 19th Century from the Eastern
Mediterranean to the Arabian Sea: Texts in Practice”, University of Oxford, 20-22
September 2017 
This workshop will bring together scholars of translation and intellectual history
in the nahda period to work intensively on single texts or authors or translators,
working between any relevant language pair (or trio, such as
Deadline for abstracts: 15 February 2017. Information:

14. Conference: “Cultures, Hopes and Conflicts. The Mediterranean between Land and
Sea”, University of Salerno, Italy, 26-28 September 2017 
The conference is jointly organized by the ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge and the
Consortium Mediterranean Worlds and aims to collect contributions that address the
most important questions related to the Mediterranean Basin from the point of view
of different social and human sciences.
Deadline for abstracts: 31 March 2017. Information:
15. Colloque international: « Genre, sexualité, et culture : les enjeux de l’espace
public autour de la Méditerranée. Comparaison Union européenne / Maghreb », Centre
Emile Durkheim, Casablanca, Maroc, 23-24 novembre 2017
Ce colloque propose ainsi de comparer les enjeux, les problèmes, les tensions et
contradictions qui se déploient simultanément au sein des sociétés européennes et
des sociétés maghrébines et au sein de leurs interactions historiques via les
mouvements migratoires.
Date limite : 28 février 2017. Information :



16. Assistant Professor of International Relations, Johns Hopkins University,
Bologna, Italy
Candidates who combine their work in international relations with an interest in
international security would have an advantage; candidates with an interest in
international law, conflict management, international development, or the foreign
policy of the United States are also encouraged to apply. The position is to start 1
July 2017.
17. Evans-Pritchard Lectureship 2017-2018, All Souls College, Oxford
A doctorate is required for eligibility. The Lecturer will receive a stipend of
£3,000, and reasonable travel expenses, Common Table rights in College, and free
accommodation in the College or one of its properties for the period of the
Deadline for application: 21 April 2017. Information:

18. Gerda Henkel Foundation Research Scholarships: “Islam, the Modern Nation State
and Transnational Movements”
A research scholarship is usually applied for by one scholar who will work on a
specific project on his own. The simultaneous receipt of salary or retirement
pension and a research scholarship is not possible. The funding period is generally
between one and 24 months.  
Deadline for application: 25 April 2017. Information:

19. Researcher in the Field of Modern and Contemporary History of Islam, Czech
Academy of Sciences
This position is open to researchers with a PhD degree in Iranian Studies, Middle
Eastern History, Islamic Studies or a related field. The candidates must hold their
PhD degree at the time of applying for the position or guarantee that they will
receive it before the beginning of the position.
Deadline for application: 13 January 2017. Information:

20. Multiple Open Rank Positions in Various Fields of Humanities and Social
Sciences, University of Tyumen, Russia 
We invite applications from scholars with any area of expertise in the humanities
and social sciences at different stages of their academic careers (PhD or ABD
required) who want to use a unique chance to shape a new institution. It is also a
rare opportunity of multiple simultaneous appointments that can be granted to those
wishing to work together on a research project.
21. 2 Post-Doctoral Research Fellows: “Muslim Converts and the Formation of Islamic
Civilization”, Center for the Study of Conversion and Inter-Religious Encounters,
Preference will be given to candidates who are well immersed in Islamic history and
proficient in at least two Near Eastern languages, especially, but not exclusively,
Arabic, Classical Armenian, Classical Greek, Hebrew, Middle Persian, and Syriac.
Deadline for application: 1 February 2017. Information:
22. Session for Doctoral Studies : “Islam, the Body and the Self”, Institut d'études
de l'Islam et des sociétés du monde musulman (IISMM), Sarajevo, Bosnia, 13-17 March
We invite researchers explicitly working on the body, but also those not explicitly
addressing the body, to explore the relevance of the body and the self in their
Deadline for application: 15 January 2017. Information:  
23. Up to 56 PhD Studentships in the Arts and Humanities, South, West and Wales
Doctoral Training Partnership, September 2017
We are keen to encourage excellent applicants whose research interests fall within,
or range across, a variety of academic disciplines, including Classics and Ancient
History, Archaeology, Theology and Religion, Medieval History, Arab and Islamic
Studies, and Celtic Studies.
Deadline for application: 12 January 2017. Information:
24. Pears Foundation PhD Scholarships, University of Sussex, September 2017
The Middle East and North Africa Centre offers three PhD scholarships. The doctoral
project proposed must fall into one of the Centre's main areas of study: Middle
Eastern, Israeli and North African Studies. 
Deadline for application for PhD: 26 January 2017. Deadline for application for
scholarship: 9 February 2017. Information: 
25. Summer Institute: "Critical Security Studies in the Arab World", Beirut, 17-21
July 2017
The aim of the summer institute is to bring together doctoral students, junior
scholars, and researchers working within critical approaches to questions of
security in the Arab World with established faculty members who will provide
sessions on a range of methodological, theoretical, and professional issues. 
Deadline for application: 30 January 2017. Information: (click on "English")
26. Articles on "Global Identities and Communities" for "Glocalism – Journal of
Culture, Politics and Innovation"
The analysis of migratory flows have led some scholars to agree upon the theory of
“double absence”, where the migrant experiences in his own dealings a loss of
“belonging” to his origins as well as lack of “recognition” as a citizen in his
newly adopted country. The protean reality of globalisation permits, however, to
identify different points of view and particular concrete cases that suggest the
necessity for more complex hermeneutical paradigms.
Deadline for papers: 30 April 2016. Information:

27. Articles for Second Issue of “Middle East Review” 
Papers will be considered for the research section (presenting original material
from any discipline that engages critically with Middle East and/or North Africa
affairs, issues, or the study of these regions) and the policy section (influencing
contemporary debate or policy making). 
Deadline for papers: 23 January 2017. Information: 
28. Appel à contributions pour l’Année du Maghreb Dossier de recherche 18: «
Économies morales et controverses publiques »
Axe 1 : Les controverses morales et leurs « raisons » : intrication des répertoires,
variation des échelles. Axe 2 : La morale dans l’espace public et politique :
enjeux, institutions et acteurs 
Date limite : 31 janvier 2017. Information :
29. Appel à contributions pour numéro 275 des « Cahiers d’Outre-Mer »
Ce numéro propose d’interroger le religieux dans les sociétés contemporaines des
« Suds » et dans les territoires investis par leurs migrations.
Date limite : 20 février 2017. Information : 
30. Appel à contribution : « MIDÉO » 33 (2018)
Le MIDÉO 33 (2018) accueille la publication d’articles ou d’éditions de texte qui
permettent de contribuer à la mise en perspective d’une théologie musulmane des
Date limite : 1 avril 2017. Information : 
31. Articles for Open Access Journal “Contemporary Levant”
Open call for submissions of articles grounded in original research on contemporary
politics, society and culture in the Levant region, its diasporas and
neighbouring countries that have a clear relevance to it.

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