εκτός από τις άμεσα προηγούμενες αναρτήσεις σχετικά με συνέδρια, ομιλίες και
ημερίδες κλπ που γίνονται στη χώρα μας, δημοσιεύουμε εδώ αυτούσια λόγω φόρτου εργασίας,
ό,τι κυκλοφορεί μέσω της Γιουραμές. Επίσης έχετε το νου σας στις 2 ημερίδες
11 και 12 απριλίου (επόμενη εβδομάδα!!) συν την ομιλία του μέλους μας
Άγγελου Νταλαχάνη τη δευτέρα 8, για τη γαλλική αποικιοκρατία.
CONFERENCES 1. Twenty-First Annual Symposium of the Cairo Papers in Social Science (American University in Cairo): "The Political Economy of the New Egyptian Republic", Cairo, 6 April 2013 Speakers: Ellis Goldberg (University of Washington); David Sims, Independent Consultant, Cairo; Clement Henry (The American University in Cairo); Yasmine Moataz (Cambridge University); Dina Makram Ebeid (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology); Hans-Christian Nielsen (Aarhus University); Zeinab Abul-Magd (Oberlin College); Mona Abaza (The American University in Cairo); Hania Sholkamy (The American University in Cairo); Sandrine Gamblin (The French University in Egypt). For the program and detailed information contact cairopa@aucegypt.edu. _________________ 2. International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the Levant “Levant, Cradle of Cultural Diplomacy: Rediscovering the Mediterranean", Bucharest, 23-25 May 2013 Information http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/academy/index.php?en_cdm-2013 ________________ 3. Conference: “Labour, Livelihood and Culture: Crafts and Music in the Middle East, South and Central Asia”, University of London, 24 May 2013 Organised by the Middle East, South and Central Asia Forum (MESCAF), Institute of Musical Research (IMR), School of Advanced Studies, University of London & Art and Design Research Institute, Middlesex University, London. This one-day conference explores arts, crafts, music and dance of the Middle East, South and Central Asia through a focus on labour and livelihood. This focus aims to bring to light little-researched angles of social and political economies of culture, and ways in which they have changed and shifted in different historical eras and different political, economic and social formations. In this conference, we aim to spread a wider focus on labour and livelihood looking at it through a variety of lenses as performing arts and crafts, from courtly and classical to mass-produced and contemporary practice, and in epochs ranging from colonial or feudal to globalised and neoliberal. Deadline for abstracts 15 April 2013. Information http://www.h-net.org/announce/show.cgi?ID=202621 ____________ 4. 11th Conference or SeSaMO: "Doing Citizenship. Practices of Exclusion, Demands of Inclusion and New Subjectivities in the Middle East and Europe", Pavia, 17-19 September 2013 The conference of the Italian Academic Association of Middle Eastern Studies aims to encourage the analysis of the issue of citizenship in specific historical contexts spanning from the Middle East to Europe alongside the observation of continuity and discontinuity in the long term. Deadline for paper proposals and panels: 15 April 2013. For a detailed English version of the Call for Papers see http://www-5.unipv.it/sesamo13/Call_for_panels_and_papers.htm or contact sesamo2013@unipv.it ________________ 5. Conference: “Whither the Nation? National Identity in the Twentieth-century and Contemporary Middle East and South Asia”, Beirut, 27-29 September 2013 The Orient Institut and the Center for Arab and Middle Eastern Studies at the American University of Beirut will be convening this conference. The aim of the conference will be to discuss recent research on the different political and social ideologies that emerged in the Middle East and South Asia during the following historical times: late nineteenth and early twentieth century; inter-war period; post second-world war with a specific focus on the 1970s-1990s; and the post-cold war period leading to contemporary times. The purpose of this sampling is to allow for a historicization of ideas that is based on the central principle of recognizing the historical specificity and material reality of any theory. The conference seeks to bring together research on identity formation within specific historical moments, both synchronically and diachronically. It thus places importance on the transformations of identitarian politics across time and within the specific temporal intervals mentioned above. Most importantly, the conference seeks to explore the enduring links between nationalism and modernity as a specific political economic project. The aim is to publish the conference proceedings in an edited volume. The deadline for abstract is May 25, 2013. For the detailed call for paper contact Dr.Nadia Bou Ali at BouAli@orient-institut.org. Information http://www.orient-institut.org/Library/Files/Uploaded%20Files/WhithertheNation.pdf __________________ 6. Workshop: "Dispossession and Collective Action: Neoliberal (Re-)Structuring of the Rural in Egypt, Morocco and Turkey", ZMO and CAS, Berlin, 25-26 October 2013 This workshop is organized by the Zentrum Moderner Orient and the Center for Area Studies. We seek to explore the new quality of current resource extractions with a particular focus on the collective practices that they have set in motion in rural areas. Deadline for abstracts 10 May 2013. For more information please contact the organizers Yasmine Berriane: yasmine.berriane@zmo.de; Erdem Evren: erdem.evren@zmo.de; Sarah Ruth Sippel: sippel@uni-leipzig.de. Information: http://www.zmo.de/Ausschreibungen/Call_ZMO-CAS_WS_2013.pdf _______________ 7. Conference: “Everyday Life Practices of Muslims in Europe: Consumption and Aesthetics”, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 28-29 November 2013 Organiser: KU Leuven Gülen Chair for Intercultural Studies (GCIS). This workshop sets out to understand the everyday practices of Muslims living in Europe. The diverse and various (non)-religious daily life practices indicate the non-defined boundaries of Muslims whose practices can be a part of the stigmatised-open spaces in public discourses. Examining the relationship between Islam and liberal democratic values, it is important to note what kind of practices and daily life experiences are exercised in private-public areas, which also determine the views and public perception of Muslims. Deadline for abstracts 1 June 2013. Information www.gcis-kuleuven.com/workshops/. Contact: saliha.ozdemir@soc.kuleuven.be _______________ POSITIONS 8. Program Coordinator Heinrich Böll Stiftung, North Africa – Tunis Heinrich Böll Stiftung, North Africa – Tunis seeks a full time employee for the position of Program Coordinator: Resource Politics MENA to: • Assist in developing the hbs Resource Politics Program in the MENA region. • Manage cooperation projects and networking activities with partner organizations in Tunisia, Egypt and the region. For further information, please download vacancy note in English or French from www.tn.boell.org or contact hbs Tunis via: info@tn.boell.org. Applications should be received by 14 April 2013. _______________ 9. Position in Modern Middle East History, American University in Cairo The History Department at the American University in Cairo invites applications for a one-year replacement position in modern Middle East History for academic year 2013-2014. Candidates should demonstrate teaching experience and research competence in the modern Middle East and North Africa. The successful candidate will teach six courses per year including surveys on modern Arab history, an introductory course on the Arab-Israeli conflict, as well as upper-division undergraduate courses in her or his field of specialization. Requirements: ABD or PhD by September 1, 2013, with evidence of teaching experience. Position is open until filled. Short-listed candidates will be interviewed by video-conference or skype starting April 15. Information https://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=46553 _________________ 10. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in Middle Eastern History, Williams College, Williamstown, MA The Department of History at Williams College seeks to appoint a two-year Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the history of the Middle East, beginning in the fall of 2013. Period and specialization are open, but scholars trained in the premodern Middle East and the Ottoman Empire are particularly encouraged to apply. The successful candidate will teach one course per semester and be expected to offer survey courses on the Middle East as well as specialized courses based on their interests. Ph.D. in hand or expected by September 2013; new Ph.D.s are especially encouraged to apply. The fellowship includes a salary of $42,500 plus benefits and funds to support research and travel. Deadline for application 12 April 2013. Further information http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=46524 _____________ 11. Fellowship Award 2014-2015, Princeton, NJ Each year, the School of Social Science at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, NJ, invites about twenty scholars to be in residence for the full academic year to pursue their own research. The School welcomes applications in economics, political science, law, psychology, sociology and anthropology. It encourages social scientific work with an historical and humanistic bent and also entertains applications in history, philosophy, literary criticism, literature and linguistics. Applicants must have a Ph.D. at time of application. Each year there is a general thematic focus that provides common ground for roughly half the scholars; for 2014-2015 the focus will be Egalitarianisms. The application deadline is November 1, 2013. Information www.h-net.org/announce/show.cgi?ID=202378 _______________ 12. Five PhD Opportunities Available in the Cluster of Excellence for “Religion and Politics in Pre-Modern and Modern Cultures”, University of Münster, Germany An exciting opportunity exists for potential PhD students to fill up to five positions by October 1, 2013 in the Graduate School within the interdisciplinary Cluster of Excellence. The Cluster involves a large number of academics from the areas of History, Catholic and Protestant Theology, Jurisprudence, as well having capacity in the areas of Islamic Studies, Islamic Theology, Jewish Studies, Philosophy, Philology, Ethnology, Political Science, and the Sociology of Religion. Each of these positions is half an E13 TV-L position (approximately € 1.100 net monthly income per month). Initially the positions are available for two years, with an extension of up to one year possible. PhD students must also participate in the Cluster’s Doctoral Studies Programme. Information at http://www.uni-muenster.de/Religion-und-Politik/graduiertenschule/index.shtml. We are seeking students who have demonstrated exceptional ability in the Humanities, Cultural Studies, Social Sciences, Law/Jurisprudence, or Theology/Religious Studies. Applicants are kindly requested to provide a five page description of their intended project (including a bibliography). Deadline for application 15 May 2013. Information https://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=46560 _______________ 13. PhD Position in the Area of "Integration and International Migration: Pathways and Integration Policies", Central European University, Budapest, Hungary The Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology and the Center for Policy Studies at Central European University is pleased to announce a Special Doctoral Position focusing on the study of integration and international migration. The CEU doctoral project in the framework of the larger INTEGRIM Marie Curie Network will be situated in the thematic area of Labour and Social Integration. The Network is interested in the principles of non-discrimination on the basis of nationality or ethnic origin, which underpin systems of social provision across the EU, where systematic patterns of inequality persist. The focus here is on the patterns of access to core social services for migrants and ethnic minorities, with a particular concentration on employment. The selected doctoral student will be both a regular PhD student and an early-stage researcher (ESR) at the Central European University. He/she will be offered 36 months of full funding. The student participates in the doctoral program at the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, while she/he takes part in the INTEGRIM Network through the Center for Policy Studies, one of the research centers of CEU. Application deadline: 15 April 2013. Information http://cps.ceu.hu/news/2013-03-24/doctoral-fellowship-announcement-integration-and-international-migration ______________ OTHER INFORMATION 14. Funding by the Gerda Henkel Foundation for Research on "Islam, the Modern Nation State and Transnational Movements" This special programme is aimed at researchers who, with an eye to current developments, are examining the emergence of political movements in the Islamic world at the national and/or transnational level. Historical studies are encouraged and supported, together with projects in the areas of religious, cultural or political science. The special programme takes a look at the dynamics between Islamic teachings, Islamism, nationalism and transnational orientations and environments. Scientific discussion of the countries and regions of the Islamic world should bring together expertise possessing regional and thematic focus in order to allow the problems associated with areas of conflict to be expounded upon, particularly with regard to global influences and processes of cultural exchange. Applications are invited for funding research scholarships and research projects. Academic coordination is provided by the Institut für Diaspora- und Genozidforschung in Bochum. Application deadline 31 May 2013. Information http://www.gerda-henkel-stiftung.de/content.php?nav_id=195&language=en&nav_id=195#810 _______________ 15. Funding by the Gerda Henkel Foundation for Research on "Security, Society, and the State" This research programme reflects targets new security-related issues that are prime examples of the post-Cold-War era but have been largely neglected in mainstream research. The programme is intended to encourage junior scholars to pursue unconventional research agendas that are nonetheless crucial, while providing senior scholars with the opportunity to focus intensively on work in progress for a limited period. The research programme addresses scholars of all disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. Types of funding mainly include grants for research scholarships and research projects, but also conferences and workshops. The Gerda Henkel Foundation sponsors the programme in cooperation with the “Cultural Foundations of Social Integration” Center of Excellence at the University of Constance and scholars of the “Normative Orders” Center of Excellence at the University of Frankfurt. The maximum amount of funding is € 100.000 per project application. Application deadline 31 May 2013. Information http://www.gerda-henkel-stiftung.de/content.php?nav_id=195&language=en&nav_id=195 ______________ 16. Doctoral Seminar: "Turkish Nationalism: Approaching Ottoman and Islamic Legacies beyond Ethnicity, Secularism, and Westernism", University of Basel, Switzerland, 13-14 September 2013 The aim of the doctoral seminar is to explore the complex relationship between Turkish nationalism, Islam, and the Ottoman imperial legacy. The seminar is a two-day intensive seminar organized by Prof. Dr. Maurus Reinkowski and Alp Yenen (M.A.) at the University of Basel. Two leading scholars of Turkish nationalism will take over the instruction. Prof. Dr. Erik Zürcher will introduce an advance study of the emergence and development of Turkish nationalism from empire to republic. Prof. Dr. Hakan Yavuz will lecture on nationalism theories and the complex relationship between Turkish nationalism and Islam. For more information: http://orientsem.unibas.ch/aktuelles/newseintrag/article/13044/call-for-applications-mubit-doctoral-seminar/ _____________ 17. Summer Intensive Course: "Reading Siyaq! The Secret Script of Iranian Chanceries", University of Marburg, 19-23 August 2013 The Iranian Studies Department at the University of Marburg organizes a summer intensive course teaching Persian siyaq to graduate students and researchers. For centuries, all accounting in state chanceries and divans of the Middle East has been conducted through a modified system of Arabic numerals, a kind of shorthand known as siyaq. For anyone interested in first-hand archival sources treating questions of social and economic history, a basic knowledge of this script is indispensable. Deadline for applications is 15 May 2013. More information on http://www.uni-marburg.de/cnms/iranistik/siyaq ______________ 18. First Politics Exchange in Tunis, 14 June - 12 July 2013 Mideastwire.com and its partners - Université Paris-Dauphine I Tunis, Tunisia Live and The ACT Center - are announcing this four-week course. It will immerse the participants in the language and politics of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), with a particular emphasis on direct engagement with some of the leading academic, political, intellectual and religious figures active across the spectrum in Tunisia. This summer's Exchange will also be opened by a two-day conference, June 15-16, led by more than a dozen MENA experts from the International Crisis Group. The consecutive weekend sessions will cover a broad range of topics addressed by ICG's country analysts and moderated by their senior staff. Different participation modules are available: Including morning Arabic classes only, afternoon and weekend Politics seminars only, attendance at the opening ICG conference only, and two-weeks of Politics seminars instead of the full month. For information and application form contact info@mideastwire.com. Deadline for application 20 April 2013. Limited spaces available/Rolling acceptance. ___________ 19. Third Turkey Exchange, Istanbul and Ankara, 3-13 June 2013 Politicsinthefield.com and Mideastwire.com will be jointly hosting this course, with the first seven days convened in Istanbul and the three final days held in Ankara. Application deadline 10 April 2013. Limited spaces available/Rolling acceptance. For more information, as well as the previous schedule of events and meetings, visit: http://www.thebeirutexchange.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=148&Itemid=106
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