lundi 4 février 2013

σχετικά με τα ενδιαφέροντα της ΕΕΕΣΜΑ


Conference; ‘Yemen: Challenges for the Future’ Conference", SOAS London, 11-12 January 2013
 Twenty-two years after unification, and in the context of recent conflicts and uprisings, Yemen finds itself at yet another historical juncture. The political transition and the forthcoming national dialogue offer a rare opportunity for the country and its people to address the multitude of social, economic, environmental, and regional problems they face. This international conference brings together academic and professional specialists on Yemen to discuss recent research on the country and the challenges ahead.
 For detailed information on the program contact Thanos Petouris <>. Further information
Conference on "Labour in the Oil Industry", International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, 13-16 June 2013

The IISH invites the submission of papers for a conference on the comparative social histories of labour in the oil industries of producing countries in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe.

This conference is tentatively organized around 4 general panels dealing with the themes of: ( Migration and labour process
( Formation of class and other social and cultural identities ( Social and political agency, organizations, and mobilizations ( The built environment and the urban life of labour

Deadline for abstracts: 1 February 2013. The IISH covers the travel expenses and arranges the accommodation in Amsterdam. Information

Symposium  "The Idea of Iran: From Saljuq Collapse to Mongol Conquest", SOAS, London, 9 February 2013
The symposium will explore the complex political dynamics of this age – up to the second Mongol invasion under Hulegu in the 1250s and the establishment of the Il-Khanid state – and will focus on its extraordinary literary, scientific and cultural achievements. The symposium is organized by the Centre for Iranian Studies, LMEI, SOAS and the Faculty of Oriental Studies, Oxford.
Course: "Political Islam - Global and Local Manifestations and Challenges", SOAS, University of London, 11 - 15 February 2013

This course is aimed at international corporate and public organisations, NGOs and journalists who work with these regions and require a sound understanding of Islamism. Course participants will have a basic knowledge of Islam and a general awareness of at least one global region in which Islamism is an active political force. Participants will be provided with pre-course reading and course materials.


New York
Conference on the Middle East, South Asia, and Africa: "Paradigmatic Conflict and Crisis",  Columbia University, New York, 28 February – 1 March 2013
 The annual Graduate Student Conference at Columbia University's Department of Middle Eastern South Asian and African Studies (MESAAS) is soliciting papers exploring the debates and spaces in which paradigms undergo crisis and conflict, or challenge the dominant theoretical positions underpinning its very constitution. Papers can focus on any topic within the humanities and social sciences.
 Deadline for submission 15 January 2013. Information

Mini Conference on the Languages of the Mediterranean Basin, Athens, Greece, 26-29 March 2013

The Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) is organizing a special mini conference as part of its 6th Annual International Conference on Mediterranean Studies.

Topics of interest: New developments and insights into Language Planning and Language Policy in the region; the role of Human Language Technologies (HLT) in the processing of Mediterranean languages; the Synchronic and Diachronic Comparison of Linguistic Types of languages in this region; Literary Analyses; Comparative Literature Studies; Perspectives on the intercontinental histories of the Mediterranean Languages and their Literatures.

Deadline for abstracts 18 February 2013. Information

Bandar Abbas, I.R.Iran
International Conference: "Geopolitical Developments in the Islamic World & the Persian Gulf", Bandar Abbas, I.R.Iran, 5-7 March  2013

The Institute for Political and International Studies (IPIS) is holding its 21st International Conference on the Persian Gulf by collaboration of the Governor Generalship of Hormozgan Province. The conference aims to provide opportunity for exchange of viewpoints among Iranian and International experts and scholars on current regional issues, and analyzing of upcoming situations in the Persian Gulf as affected by the Islamic awakening. The conference proceeds on the following panel discussions:
- The Geopolitics of the Islamic World in light of Int'l and Regional Developments
- Uprisings in the Arab World and Persian Gulf Region: Mutual Interactions
- The Arab World Revolutions and the Axis of Resistance; the Chances for Islamic Solidarity
- Regional Developments in Transitional Period of Int'l System: the Role of Internal and External Actors

Deadline for abstracts of papers: 24 January 2013. For more information please visit:
The Arab Council for the Social Sciences Inaugural Conference: "Arab Transformations: Interrogating the Social Sciences", Beirut, 19-20 March 2013

The conference is open to papers from all social science and allied disciplines. Paper presenters will be covered fully for economy-class travel and accommodation costs. Deadline for proposals 11 February 2013. 


Conference: "Difficult Transition: Iraq`s Road to Democracy", SOAS, University of London, 2 March 2013           

This one-day conference will bring together academics, policy-makers, politicians,
journalists and civic organisations from both inside and outside of Iraq to examine
the country's experiences with democratic governance since the fall of the Baath
regime in April 2003. The relationship between democracy and the country's
political, social and cultural trends will be explored from retrospective, current
and prospective angles.

Proposals are invited for twenty-minute papers dealing with following themes:
.   The Iraqi constitution and its limits/possibilities .  The sociology of power
and the impact on democratic nation-building .  Culture and ideology - political
ideas, practices and discourse.

Deadline for abstracts 18 February 2013. Information

Fourth International Conference on Religious Texts and Translation:  "Problematics of Translating Qur’anic Stories: Stylistic, Structural and Semantic Aspects", Marrakech 05-06 March, 2014

Dar Al-Hadith Al-Hassania Institute, Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs Rabat, the Research Laboratory for the Holy Quran Translation Faculty of Letters Marrakech and the Faculty of the Arabic Language Al Qarawiyyin University Marrakech organize this conference.

Deadline for abstract 30 April 2013. Information

 International Conference: „Religion, Family and ConflictA Cross-Cultural Approach to Succession and Inheritance in the Ancient and Medieval Mediterranean and Near East“, Paris, 21 March 2013

International Conference at the Collège de France funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), the Laboratoire dExcellence "Religion et Sociétés dans le Monde Méditerranéen" (Labex RESMED), Collège de France, and the Unité Mixte de RechercheOrient & Méditerranée” (UMR 8167), CNRS, Paris.

Detailed program and registration see
 CSID-Tunisia's 2nd Annual Conference: "Democratic Transitions in the Arab World: The Case of Tunisia as a Model", Tunis, 29-30 March 2013   
 Over 200-300 international experts, scholars, politicians, and democracy activists are expected to attend this international conference, from Tunisia and from outside Tunisia, to shed light on the main issues and challenges facing Tunisia and the rest of the post-revolutionary Arab Spring countries, and to discuss lessons learned from democratic transitions in other countries. The main conference themes are:
A. Transitional Justice and reforming the Judicial System.
B. Security Sector reforms - How to build/maintain security during a Difficult transition period.
C. Relations between Islamists and Secularists, and how to build a common ground between them.
D. Writing A Constitution and Building National Consensus
E. Parliamentarian vs. Presidential regimes
E. The Role of the International Community in Building and Strengthening Democracy in the Arab World.
 Paper proposals (no more than 400 words) are due by January 20, 2013 and should be sent in either Arabic or English to Speakers and panelists coming from outside Tunisia will receive a contribution of $500 from CSID-Tunisia to help defray travel expenses. 
Session d‟études doctorales IISMM: ‟Etat dans le monde musulman", Hammamet, Tunisie, 18 - 22 mars 2013, Tunisie
 Information complète disponible sur le site de l‟IISMM : Date limite de réception des candidatures: 14 janvier 2013

Atelier international : "Les microfondations du djihadisme dans la région sahélo-saharienne", Paris, 19 avril 2013

Atelier dans le cadre du programme : Les catégories idéologiques et les modes d'organisation sociale du djihadisme au niveau local. (Une approche du djihadisme par les sciences sociales), organisé par l'IISMM et Salma Belaala, chercheur Marie-Curie avancée, PCRD

À la différence des approches sécuritaires qui étudient le djihadisme au plan logistique et opérationnel, le présent appel à communication s'inscrit dans une approche de sciences sociales. En effet, le djihadisme est étudié, dans le cadre de ce programme, en tant qu'idéologie radicale. Le colloque a par conséquent pour objectif de rassembler des chercheurs en sciences sociales s'inscrivant dans une approche pluridisciplinaire sur la violence politique. Ces chercheurs développeront une analyse de l'Etat et des acteurs politiques au niveau local, de la géographie politique et sociale des territoires sahariens, de la démographie des flux migratoires et de l'économie parallèle, de l'anthropologie culturelle de l'islam local et de l'herméneutique de la propagande écrite djihadiste.

Langues de travail : français et anglais. Demandes d'informations et propositions (800 mots) à envoyer à et  avant le 28 février 2013

Graduate Student Conference “'Failure' in Islamic Reform”, Princeton, 12-13 April 2013
 This conference seeks to problematize the notion of "reform" and how the canon of "reformers" was established, as well as to evaluate the metrics that have been used to evaluate such Muslim reformers and reform movements. We seek papers from graduate students in multiple disciplines and on diverse geographic and political contexts, from colonial India to contemporary Egypt. Students who are interested in presenting a 20-minute paper should submit a 300-word abstract to by January 11, 2013.  Limited funds will be available to support travel and accommodation.  Further information can be found at 12-13 2013
 This conference seeks to problematize the notion of "reform" and how the canon of "reformers" was established, as well as to evaluate the metrics that have been used to evaluate such Muslim reformers and reform movements. We seek papers from graduate students in multiple disciplines and on diverse geographic and political contexts, from colonial India to contemporary Egypt.
 Students who are interested in presenting a 20-minute paper should submit a 300-word abstract to by January 11, 2013.  Limited funds will be available to support travel and accommodation.  Further information can be found at

Workshop: "Muslim Religious Media and the Arab Spring", Doha, Qatar, 8-10 April 2013
 A Workshop Organised by the Center for the Study of Contemporary Muslim Societies of the Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies, in collaboration with the New Islamic Public Sphere Programme of the University of Copenhagen
 The workshop will explore the processes of the creation, dismantling and reproduction of religiously-defined political influence in the context of the on-going political upheavals across the Arab World. It aims to trace the evolution of the political role of Muslim Arab religious media and to speculate about its future. It will discuss the claims to consensus it makes and the areas of debate it creates. Papers presented are expected to give special attention to the use of various textual sources and material for creating and deconstructing political arguments.
 If interested, please send abstracts (no more than 250 words) to no later than 20 January 2013. Final papers are not to be more than 8000 words. We will cover all expenses, including air travel (economy). Please note that this workshop aims to produce an edited volume, participants are expected to wish to contribute to this publication.

Call for Papers for Researchers in Lebanon, Syria, Egypt and the Wider Arab Region: "The Evolution of Scientific Knowledge in the Eastern Mediterranean under European Colonial Rule. Local Conditions and Global Contexts of Intellectual Encounters", Orient-Institut Beirut, 16-18 May 2013

The conference focuses on two fields of investigation that will add innovative insights to the existing literature of Arab-European encounters: 1. Which social and politico-cultural transformations were at the basis of the establishment of various academic institutes and institutions of higher education? Pointing to institutions such as the Société de Géographie d'Egypte (1875), the École des Beaux Arts in Cairo (1908) or the Majma' al-Lugha al-'Arabiyya in Damascus
(1918/19), the local contexts of these institutions and their responsiveness to changing concerns and ambitions in society shall be worked out.

2. How were the newly emerging academic disciplines linked to changing social discourses and political visions - and how did the quest for cultural authenticity and the confrontation with cultural domination of European colonial powers impact on intellectual thought and academic research of Arab scholars?

By following this line of investigation and building on original research, the conference aims at contributing both valuable historical case studies and new theoretical perspectives on intellectual encounters in times of social transformation and colonial rule.

Researchers are invited to send their abstract before February 16, 2013 to Dr. Goetz Nordbruch ( or Dr. Thomas Scheffler

BRISMES Graduate Student Conference: "Minorities: Between Marginality and Participation in the Middle East",  Oxford, 8 May 2013

The conference will analyse traditional and innovative modes of participation, and discuss how recent political events have changed, challenged or maintained these. The organisers welcome papers which focus on alternative ways in which minorities have sought or rejected involvement, thereby alleviating or reinforcing their marginality. The Graduate Section of BRISMES and its co-hosts, the Oxford Middle East Centre and Ertegun House, extend this call to all young researchers and PhD candidates.

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 22 February 2013. Further information

International Workshop "Machiavelli, Islam and the East", Pisa, Italy, 6 May 2013
 The aim of the workshop, organized by the research project "Beyond the Holy War", is to explore the less known connections among Machiavelli's work - written in a period of successful Ottoman expansion in the Mediterranean region -, the Muslim world, and the East. The languages of the workshop are English and Italian.
 Deadline for proposals: 20 February 2013. Information

Heybeliada, Turkey
Third International Neighbourhood Symposium:  "The Eastern Neighbourhood and the Mediterranean South - Tackling the Issues of Security, Democracy and Business", Heybeliada, Turkey, 25 - 30 June 2013

The Center for International and European Studies (CIES) at Kadir Has University will host this Symposium. It aims to discuss, assess, and understand these changes and challenges as well as explore the synergies between the two regions and the rest of Europe. Consequently, it will focus on the theme of security and its challenges in each region. Attention will also be paid to the economic context and the role of business as well as on the prospects of social entrepreneurship as there is a growing interest in both profit making and a positive return to society in both regions. Additionally, the energy issue will be presented from a business perspective. Finally, the themes of democracy and democratization will be debated to assess the state of play in both regions and their prospects for the future.

Young professionals and graduate students primarily from the countries of the Eastern Neighbourhood, the Mediterranean South, EU member states, and the United States are the Symposium target group. In addition, applicants from the fields of public policy, politics, journalism, and business are especially encouraged to
apply. The target age group is 22-35 years of age.

The deadline for applications is 24 March 2013. Information at

Two-Day Workshop on Ibn Rushd / Averroes and His Philosophy, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI.  27-28 June 2013. Sponsored by the Aquinas and 'the Arabs' International Working Group for the deeper understanding of Arabic philosophy and its influence. Initial deadline 1 March 2013. Organizer:  Richard C. Taylor. Website: (Conferences of the Aquinas and "the Arabs" International Working Group)

Eighth Annual Marquette University Summer Seminar on Aristotle and the Aristotelian Tradition: "Virtue, Emotion and Practical Reason in Aristotle and the Aristotelian Tradition", Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI. 24-26 June 2013. Initial deadline 1 March 2013. Organizers: Owen Goldin, Franco Trivigno & Richard C. Taylor. Website: (Conferences of the Aquinas and "the Arabs" International Working Group)

International Conference: "Islamic Family Law in Modern Europe and T´the Muslim World. Normative, Legal and Empirical Analyses beyond the Women's Rights Issue",
Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 19-21 June 2013

Keynote speakers will be Prof. Lynn Welchman, Dr. Ziba Mir-Hosseini and Dr. Prakash Shah. We welcome abstracts on the study of Islamic Family Law in Muslim Majority Countries as well as in Europe or North-America. Abstracts of no more than 300 words
can be submitted to before 11 March 12.

Limited grants available for early career researchers from low income economies. Information

Conference of the Maghreb Studies Association / L’Association des Études du Maghreb, “Colonial Heritage in the Middle East and the Maghreb: the Shaping of Hopes and Perspectives”, Mansfield College, Oxford, 24-25 June  2013

Further information:   www.  or from Ben-Madani:  ben-madani

- "Thomas d'Aquin et ses sources arabes / Aquinas and 'the Arabs'", Université de Paris - Sorbonne & Institut Catholique de Paris, 3-4 June 2013. " Call for papers on Aquinas and the Arabic Tradition. Initial deadline 15 February 2013.  Organizers: J.-B. Brenet, Isabelle Moulin & Richard C. Taylor. Website: (Conferences of the Aquinas and "the Arabs" International Working Group)

Premières rencontres de la Halqa association des doctorants travaillant sur les mondes musulmans aux époques moderne et contemporaine, Inalco et IISMM-EHESS, Paris, 6-7 juin 2013

Les premières rencontres des doctorants travaillant sur les mondes musulmans aux époques moderne et contemporaine proposent aux membres (doctorants et jeunes docteurs) de présenter dans une forme brève (15 mn suivies d'une discussion) leurs travaux, en mettant au choix l'accent sur un point ou une question précise de leur recherche, ou en exposant une problématique plus générale illustrée par le sujet
qu'ils étudient, autour de quatre axes de discussion, non exclusifs car toute proposition est bienvenue.
- L'islam au prisme de la recherche en sciences sociales
- Approches épistémologiques, problèmes de « terrains » et de sources
- Circulations et transferts culturels
- Empires, nations, formes du politique dans les mondes musulmans

Propositions à envoyer avant le 31 mars 2013. Pour toutes informations :

"Aquinas and Arabic Metaphysics". University of Wuerzburg, Germany, 3-4 June 2013, Conference Announcement: 7-8 June 2013, Universität Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany. (For complete listing of presenters, see website.) Additional Ph.D. Workshop 7 June 2013. Organizers: Jörn Müller, Dag Hasse & Richard C. Taylor. Website: (Conferences of the Aquinas and "the Arabs" International Working Group)

Workshop: “The Gulf and Asia: Political Relations and Strategic Options in a Developing Scenario (China, India, South Korea and Japan)”. At the Gulf Research Meeting, Cambridge, 2-5 July 2013
 This workshop, extending over the three days of the Gulf Research Meeting in July 2013, focuses on how political and strategic relations between the Gulf and leading Asian powers may develop over the next 10 years. The intention is to look at the existing political and defence strategies being pursued by all the states and powers concerned, take into account the extent to which their economic development depend on what the other states/powers can provide, assess whether the Gulf States will in fact need external strategic support, compare the potential Asian strategic contribution with that which can be obtained from elsewhere, and assess the potential for different non-Gulf powers to work together under a common security umbrella.
The directors of the workshop are Professor Tim Niblock (University of Exeter) and Professor Yangguang (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences).
 Details on registration for the workshop can be found on the Gulf Research Meeting website: Queries on the workshop can be raised with Professor Niblock at Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 31 January, 2013

Sixth Annual Summer Conference sponsored by the University of Denver and Marquette University: "Philosophy in the Abrahamic Traditions", University of Denver, Denver, CO. 10-12 July 2013.  Initial deadline 1 March 2013. Organizers: Sarah Pessin & Richard C. Taylor. Website: (Conferences of the Aquinas and "the Arabs" International Working Group)

. International Congress of the German Middle East Studies Association (DAVO) / German Oriental Studies Conference (DOT), University of  Muenster, 23 - 27 September 2013:  Deadline for the Call for Proposals for Pre-organized Panels: 15 February 2013

If you are interested in organizing a  panel for the International Congress of DAVO / German Oriental Studies Conference (DOT) at the University of Muenster and look for paper presenters, you are kindly requested to send the title and summary (up to 100 words) to the Secretariat of the German Middle East Studies Association (DAVO) (email: before 15 February 2013. The call for contributions to the pre-organized panels will then be forwarded to the recipients of the EURAMES Info Service who should send their paper proposals directly to the organizer of the specific panel before 20 March 2013.

General deadline for the registration of papers and panels including abstract of about 250 words: 31 March 2013.

For further information see

Section on  "Critical Relations between International Relations and Islam" during 8th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Warsaw, Poland,18-21 September 2013
 It is organized by the Standing Group on International Relations (European International Studies Association) in cooperation with the Institute of International Relations of the University of Warsaw and the Polish Association for International Studies. The website of the general conference is
 For more details about the particular section on IR and Islam, which is chaired by Nassef Manabilang Adiong and Dr. Adis Duderija,  please visit

International Symposium:  "History of the Islamic Civilization in Eastern Africa", Zanzibar, 3-6 September 2013
 The OIC Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA) and the National Records & Archives Authority of the Sultanate of Oman are jointly organizing this symposium in cooperation with Zanzibar University. The conference aims at highlighting various aspects of Islamic civilization in Eastern Africa and promoting the exchange of findings of research on the impact of Islamic civilization in the region, with a strong focus on the role of Omanis in the dissemination of Islam in the region and their cultural impact.
 Deadline for abstracts: 15 March 2013. Information

Conference “Arab Revolutions and Beyond: Change and Persistence”, Cairo, 19 - 21 October 2013 
Young Researchers Conference in the Framework of the DAAD Project “Challenges and Transformations in the Wake of the Arab Spring”
 This interdisciplinary conference assesses changes and continuities in the field of economic, political and institutional developments, as well as in the cultural and knowledge-production dimension that have taken place in the course of the two years since. It will tackle economic, political and social questions in three parallel sessions. It specifically invites young researchers from the Arab region to participate. Proposals dealing with one or more of the following subjects are highly welcomed: • Economic transformations • Political and institutional transformations • Social and cultural transformations.
 The conference languages are English and Arabic. The organizers call on PhD students, Post-Docs and senior researchers, specifically those based in the Arab region, to submit their abstracts by 25 January 2013 to the following address: The travel expenditures will be covered to a large extent by a DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) fund. Information
- Freie Universität Berlin: Prof. Dr. Cilja Harders, Center for Middle Eastern and North African Politics
- University of Tunis El Manar: Prof. Dr. Mohamed Kerrou, Department of Political Science
- Cairo University: Prof. Dr. Abla el Khawaga  and Prof. Dr. Ola Al-Khawaga, Faculty for Economic and Political Sciences
- German-Jordanian University Amman: Prof. Dr. Serena Sandri, School of Management and Logistics Sciences

International Conference: "Inter-Asian Connections IV",  Istanbul, 2-5 October 2013
 Organized by the Social Science Research Council, Yale University, the National University of Singapore (NUS), the Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences (HKIHSS) at the University of Hong Kong, Göttingen University, and Koç University. The Workshops will focus on themes of particular relevance to Asia, reconceptualized as a dynamic and interconnected historical, geographical, and cultural formation stretching from the Middle East through Eurasia and South Asia, to East Asia.
 Information: Deadline for application 11 February 2013.

Conference: "Traveler and Law in 19th Century North Africa", University of Lorraine – Campus of Letters and Social Sciences, 18 October 2013
 Information Deadline for proposals: 30 April 2013

New Orleans
Panel: "The Local Production of Neoliberal Forms of Governance in the Middle East", Middle East Studies Association Meeting (MESA), New Orleans, 10-13 October 2013

We are especially interested in studies which examine the ways in which neoliberal ethics, practices and subjectivities are reconstituted differently in various local settings. Possible topics include: economic crises, Arab Spring, blending of religious values and neoliberal ethics, democratic politics, developmental states, gender issues, welfare programs, poverty reduction, civil society, social movements, higher education, cities and health.

Please submit abstracts (200-300 words) to both and by 1 February 2013. Information

. Colloque international : " Vous avez dit halal ? Normativités islamiques, globalisation et secularization", IISMM-EHESS,  Paris,  7-8 novembre 2013
 L‟étude des dynamiques normatives islamiques sera au coeur de ce colloque qui s’intéressera aux processus de qualification/déqualification « halal » dans tous les domaines : comment et par qui, à l’intention de qui, en vertu de quoi, les objets, discours, pratiques peuvent-ils être ou sont-ils qualifiés de « halal »/« haram ». Quels sont les modes, institutions, argumentaires de légitimation/ délégitimation islamiques ? Quelles sont les procédures de contrôle de conformité de la norme et comment et par qui sont-elles élaborées voire institutionnalisées ? Cet appel à contributions s’adresse aux disciplines des sciences humaines et sociales : l’histoire, l’anthropologie, la sociologie, le droit, les sciences politiques, la philosophie etc.
 Propositions de communications à envoyer avant le 31 janvier 2013, Information

Inaugural Australasian Conference on Islam: "Muslim Identity Formation in Religiously Diverse Societies", Sydney, 24 – 26 November 2013
 Abstracts are welcome in two broad areas:  1. How Islam in its theology, practices and ethical teachings impacts on Muslim identity formation,  2. How living in a religiously diverse society influences identity formation of contemporary Muslims
 Abstract submission date: 28 February 2013. Information


PhD Fellowships on: “Power and Institutions in Medieval Islam and Christendom”, an Integrated Training Network in Research and Diffusion for Comparative History The project combines academic research on medieval power and institutions with training in the wider dissemination of researchbased knowledge, based on a formal network established between universities and private sector companies and funded by the European Union. It provides funding for 10 PhDs (each worth c. 50,000 Euros per annum for three years) at universities in Spain, Britain, Italy, France, and Israel, and two postdoctoral positions, one based at a Dutch publisher (Brill), one at a Spanish TV/film company (LopezLi). During their studies, the PhD students will all have secondments to the publisher and the film company, the postdocs will come to the Universities to run sessions on print and media diffusion of research. Further training workshops are provided, on academic and other skills, as well as a largerscale ‘Media School for Historians’. The project concludes with a conference on ‘Consequences in the Contemporary World.’

Deadline 24 March 2013. More info:

 (Junior)-Advisor for "Capacity Development for Good Governance Reforms in Yemen", GIZ
 GIZ ( is looking for an (Junior)-Advisor (m/f) Capacity Development for Good Governance Reforms in Yemen (JOB-ID: 12336; Assignment period 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2015). The Program aims at strengthening the capacity of governmental and non-governmental partner organizations. You will support the program manager. You have a university degree e.g. of political science, Islamic/Middle East studies and studied or worked for at least one year in Arabic countries. You have practical work experience in organizational development, project management. You are proficient in German and English and have good knowledge of Arabic.
 Deadline for application is January 18th, 2013. Please apply online:

- “Integrated Urbanism and Sustainable Design (IUSD)“, University of Stuttgart and Ain Shams University Cairo, Egypt; (Deadline for application 31 January 2013)
"Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency for the MENA Region (REMENA)”, at the University of Kassel and Cairo University, Egypt; (Deadline for application 15 March 2013)
DAAD scholarships for International Masters Programme “Integrated Urbanism and Sustainable Design”, Hosted by Stuttgart University and Ain Shams University Cairo

The MSc Integrated Urbanism and Sustainable Design aims to train a new generation of experts and decision-makers to face the tremendous environmental, cultural and social challenges resulting from the rapid urbanisation and ongoing societal transformation currently taking place in the Middle East and North Africa. Students will be equipped with the skills to develop integrated, trans-disciplinary solutions, which combine ecology-oriented engineering with a social approach to the design of landscapes and buildings, urban planning and urban management. The programme will provide access to a wide range of advanced expertise in the fields of participatory planning and building, energy-efficient construction, urban management and governance.

The Masters Programme is hosted by Stuttgart University in collaboration with Ain Shams University Cairo. The two universities enjoy a long-standing and successful academic collaboration and a number of joint research activities. The first and second semesters are taught in Stuttgart and the third and fourth semesters in Cairo in partnership with Ain Shams University and external partners leading in the development sector.

We strongly encourage applications from young professionals working in public institutions, private sector or civil society initiatives in Egypt, the Arab-speaking Middle East and North Africa region (MENA countries Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen) and Germany. Applicants should have an internationally recognised Bachelor degree (or equivalent) in Architecture, Urban Planning, Landscape Architecture, Regional Planning or Civil Engineering. Applicants with a Bachelor degree in Geography, Urban Sociology, Sociology and Cultural Studies, Political Science or Economics will also be considered but should provide proof of relevant professional experience in fields related to architecture, urban and development planning or infrastructure design.

The Masters Programme is part of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) «Emerging Country Programme» funded by the DAAD with resources from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE). 30 DAAD scholarships are available for students participating at the MSc IUSD in 2013/2014

The application deadline for the next intake (Winter Semester 2013/14) is 31 January 2013. Further Information

Ibrahim Abu-Lughod Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Palestine Studies at Columbia University

This post-doctoral fellowship seeks to recognize and foster innovative and ground-breaking scholarship on issues related to Palestine and Palestinians. The award will support a scholar working on a book project in any field of the humanities or social sciences. The Fellow will spend one semester at Columbia University in New York, pursuing her or his research and writing, and participating in the intellectual life of the Center for Palestine Studies.

The international competition is open to all post-doctoral scholars who share the mission of the Center for Palestine Studies to advance the production and circulation of knowledge on Palestinian history, culture, society, and politics through outstanding scholarship. The one-semester fellowship at Columbia carries a stipend of $25,000 and the status of post-doctoral research fellow or visiting scholar, as appropriate.

Application deadline is 15 February 2013. Information

Post-Doctoral Position for Research on Late Antique Historiography (A.D. 300-800), Ghent University, Belgium

In the Department of History, a post-doctoral position is available for four years (consisting of two two-year periods), as part of an ERC-funded research project on late antique historiography (A.D. 300-800). The project will a) establish a complete inventory of late ancient historiography; b) produce editions of fragmentary texts; c) study medieval compilations; and d) situate late-antique historiography in its cultural and literary context.

Your profile: You possess a Ph.D.  in a relevant discipline (or will possess one by 30/9/2013) and have an excellent knowledge of Classical Arabic and, if possible, knowledge of Syriac. Acquaintance with Greek and/or languages such as Coptic and Armenian constitutes an advantage. You have an interest in historiography, literature, and their wider historical and cultural context. You are able to work independently, but can also work in a  team.

Your duties: You will be given the chance to write a monograph on a topic of your own choice within the framework of the general project. You will contribute to a database of all late antique histories, co-organise workshops and a conference, do limited amounts of teaching and administrative duties, and contribute to other research carried out within the project.

Our offer: We offer you the possibility to work as part of a high-quality team of scholars specialised in late antique and Byzantine history and literature at one of Belgium’s leading universities, a competitive salary with full health insurance, the possibility of developing a wide network and of co-supervising Ph.D. students, and the option to carry out one year or semester of your research abroad (depending on additional funding).

The successful candidate is expected to start in 2013, preferably 1 October. S/he shall have to live in Belgium. Further information from Prof. Peter Van Nuffelen ( Deadline for applications before 1 April 2013.

Full-time Tenure Track Position in Middle Eastern Studies (Maof Fellowship), University of Haifa
 The Department of Middle Eastern History invites applications for this position commencing October 1, 2013. Applicants must hold a PhD in Middle Eastern History or a related discipline. The ideal candidate will have a proven track record in international research and will be experienced in tertiary teaching.
 Applications, including full CV, a letter of interest and three letters of reference, should be sent via e-mail to Dr. Mahmoud Yazbak, Chair, Department of Middle Eastern History, University of Haifa (, by January 20, 2013.  Announcement in Hebrew:

Helwan, Αίγυπτος
"International Education Management (INEMA)", at the University of Education Ludwigsburg and Helwan University, Egypt; (Deadline for application 31 March 2013)
Grants for PhD or MA in Civilization Studies in Istanbul, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakif University

--- Successful applicants will automatically be given positions as Research Assistants and/or Teaching Assistants and be exempted from tuition and health insurance fees.
--- Students meeting the highest standard of academic excellence and language competency will be given a monthly stipend of 2,000.00 TRY (the highest financial support to be given to a foreign student nationwide) while subsequent students based on admission rankings will receive monthly stipends ranging from 1,000.00 to 1,500.00 TRY to cover their living expenditures.
--- Foreign applicants who cannot provide Turkish proficiency will be given a full financial support for a one-year program of Turkish language proficiency course which is usually held at TÖMER in Istanbul.
--- There are also grants available for students who would like to take a summer language (Arabic) program in a selected Arab country.


Master of Arts in Muslim Cultures, Aga Khan University Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations, London

Employing the tools of the humanities and social sciences as a framework for learning, the MA Programme stresses the plurality and complexity of past and present Muslim cultures, studying them as part of world cultures. Students study the arts, architecture, literature, history of science, economics and social conditions of Muslims, alongside the more contemporary disciplines of jurisprudence, doctrine,
religious practices and political sciences. A four week field-based language immersion programme, co-curricular activities and field work, coupled with the development of research tools, are integral components of the MA Programme.

Deadline for applications: 28 February 2013 for September 2013 start. Information

Lecturer in Twentieth-Century Middle Eastern History, King's College London

The Department of History and the Middle East and Mediterranean Studies Programme (MEMS) jointly seek to appoint a lecturer in twentieth-century Middle Eastern history with effect from 1 September 2013.
The successful candidate will contribute to the teaching of both units, as well as conducting top-quality research in their area of specialization. Candidates with interests across the region and the century are encouraged to apply. Applications are particularly welcome from those with expertise in the first half of the twentieth century, and/or in the social and cultural history of the region.

All candidates should have completed a PhD degree, and be in a position to make a strong submission to the Research Excellence Framework (REF). They should be prepared to teach both specialist undergraduate and MA modules in their area of expertise.
Closing date: 20 February 2013. Information

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in the History of Iran, SOAS, London

Applications are invited for the post of Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in the History of Iran since c.1500. Preference will be given to candidates with a research specialization in the period from the 18th to the 20th centuries. Candidates should demonstrate research and teaching excellence. The person appointed will be expected to contribute to teaching at both BA and MA levels and to attract and supervise research students working on the history of the Middle East.

This post commences on 1 September 2013. Closing date 31 January 2013. Information,3436473636&key=32143936&c=765225230256&pagestamp=sewgtrhpihuyqonpvc

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in the History of Iran, SOAS, University of London
 Applications are invited for the post of Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in the History of Iran since c.1500. Preference will be given to candidates with a research specialization in the period from the 18th to the 20th centuries. Candidates should demonstrate research and teaching excellence. The person appointed will be expected to contribute to teaching at both BA and MA levels and to attract and supervise research students working on the history of the Middle East.
 This post commences on 1 September 2013. Closing date for applications is 31 January 2013.  Further information,3436473636&key=32020772&c=685402406948&pagestamp=dbbipecqresblxjqpb

New Jersey
Full Professor, Pre-modern Persia, University of New Jersey
 Princeton University seeks a distinguished scholar for a full-time position specializing in pre-modern Persia. The specific disciplinary home and specialization are open. The ideal candidate will combine significant scholarly accomplishments with proven skills in teaching and institutional leadership.
 Evaluation of applications will begin on February 1, 2013, and continue until the position is filled. Information

Proposals for Research on Arab Migrant Communities in the GCC
 The Center for International and Regional Studies (CIRS) at the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Qatar announces a major research initiative designed to enhance our understanding of Arab Migrant Communities in the GCC. Despite the increasing dominance of Asian migrants to the region, current estimates are that there are still somewhere around 4 million non-Gulf Arabs throughout the GCC states, or over 25 percent of the total migrant population. The Arab migrant community in the Gulf is predominantly composed of Egyptians, Yemenis, Palestinians, Jordanians, and Syrians. While the study of migration to the Gulf is increasingly garnering attention from a number of academics and interested observers, the bulk of ongoing empirically-based research efforts are focused on non-Arab migrants. The Arab migrant communities present in the Gulf have been a neglected area and merit further scholarly discussion and focus. In line with this, CIRS is launching a new multi-disciplinary research initiative entitled “Arab Migrant Communities in the GCC.” Our goal is to explore questions related to the topic through funding empirically-grounded, theoretically informed research proposals.
CIRS seeks to stimulate the collection of reliable data and the production of sound analysis on this topic. Priority will be given to projects that propose original, empirically-grounded research involving fieldwork on topics related to Arab Migrant Communities in the GCC. Award recipients are expected to become active participants in the CIRS research initiative on the issue. This may include travel to Doha for working group meetings, public talks, or authorship of a chapter for an edited volume. ‎ ‎
 The maximum amount per grant award is US $10,000 and the awards can last up to a maximum of one year. Researchers interested in applying should send a cover letter and detailed research proposal that conforms to the guidelines outlined in the Request for Proposals on the CIRS website. Proposal submissions are due January 15, 2013.
For inquiries and grant application submission, contact

Grants for Research on „The State and Innovation in the Persian Gulf “, Center for International and Regional Studies (CIRS), Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Qatar

Increasingly, the GCC
countries are speaking about their aspiration to develop knowledge-based economies, with the understanding that the region has to participate as a greater contributor to global intellectual achievement. The establishment of “education” or “knowledge” cities in the GCC region demonstrates state-driven initiatives to create future knowledge-based industries. How are these publically-funded efforts impacting on Gulf society, and are they visibly paying off in terms of across the board technological development as well as economic achievement?

CIRS seeks to stimulate the collection of reliable data
and the production of sound analysis on this topic. Priority will be given to projects that propose original, empirically-grounded research involving fieldwork on this topic. Award recipients are expected to become active participants in the CIRS research initiative on the issue. This may include travel to Doha for working group meetings, public talks, or authorship of a chapter for an edited volume.

The maximum amount per grant award is US $10,000 and the awards can last up to
a maximum of one year. Proposal submissions are due February 15, 2013. Information
Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum
Professor for Islamic Religion Past and Present (W3), Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum – Center for Religious Studies (CERES) and Faculty of History
The position will  start  on 1 October 2013. Applicants are expected to cover the entire field of the history of Islamic religion within the BA and MA in Religious Studies, to build up and develop a focus in the history of Islamic religion within the master program, to participate in the promotion of young researchers within the context of Religious Studies and to coordinate their own research with the focus of the Kaete Hamburger Kolleg “Dynamics in the History of Religions between Asia and Europe”, which is dedicated to research on religious contacts and transfers. They should also integrate themselves into the Faculty of History.
 Positive evaluation as a junior professor or equivalent academic achievement (e.g. habilitation) and evidence of special aptitude are just as much required as the willingness to participate in the self-governing bodies of the RUB and to generally get involved in university processes according to RUB’s mission statement.
 Deadline for application 23 January 2013. Information

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Literary Cultures of Muslim South Asia,  Stanford University, CA
 Stanford University’s Sohaib and Sara Abbasi Program in Islamic Studies, the Center for South Asia, and the Division of International, Comparative and Area Studies invite applications for a one-year postdoctoral position under the general rubric “Literary Cultures of Muslim South Asia.” The postdoctoral fellow will teach two courses over three academic quarters related to his/her interests, pursue his/her own research, and participate in the activities of Stanford University programs and departments.
 Candidates must specialize in literary or cultural studies connected to a major language of South Asian Muslim literary production such as Urdu-Hindi, Persian, or Bengali. The position is open to scholars in any historical period. Disciplinary training may be in area studies (South Asia or Near East), Anthropology, Comparative Literature, History, or Religious Studies. All applicants must have completed the Ph.D. by the time of appointment on September 1, 2013.
 Deadline for application February 18, 2013. Information

Travel Grant to Attend ASMEA 6th Annual Conference: "Tides of Change: Looking Back and Forging Ahead in the Middle East and Africa", Washington, DC, 21-23 November 2013

The Association for the Study of the Middle East & Africa announces the opportunity for students & professors, engaged in the study of the Middle East or Africa, to apply for travel grants for this conference. The deadline for applications is 30 April 2013. Website at

"Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)” at Cologne University of Applied Sciences and the University of Jordan, Jordan; (Deadline for application 31 March 2013)

Call for application: CrossCulture Internships 2013 – Institute of Foreign Cultural Relations          
 The CrossCulture Internships Programme is an exchange and dialogue programme of the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen/ifa (Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations), funded by the German Federal Foreign Office. CrossCulture Internships give young people from Islamic countries and Germany the chance to do an internship in Germany (for Germans an Islamic country) within their field of professional activity. Fields of activity include e. g. media & culture, civic education and environment. 
 The target groups are young professionals and committed individuals in different areas of civil society as well as multipliers in media and other relevant organisations. Requirements for taking part in the programme include a good command of English and a permanent employment or volunteer involvement in an organisation or institution in one’s own country. Currently enrolled university students will not be considered for selection.
 The deadline for submission of the application documents is 15 February 2013 (date of receipt at the German diplomatic mission in your home country). Germans send their application directly to
More information on the application procedure is available at

Call for Articles for IJMES Special Issue: "World War I in the Middle East and North Africa"

For this special issue, the International Journal of Middle East Studies (IJMES) invites manuscript submissions that employ new scholarly approaches to examine the social, political, military, environmental, economic, literary, or cultural histories of World War I. Submissions may focus on any element of this great transformation, including but not limited to civilian life during wartime, the battle experience of the common soldier, military and economic planning, effects on gender and family life, the role of technology, artistic and cultural expressions, public health and disease, famine, population transfer and ethnic violence, relief workers and civilian organizations, long-term socioeconomic and demographic impacts, and ways in which the war has been remembered and commemorated.

Guest editor Mustafa Aksakal with IJMES editors Beth Baron and Sara Pursley. The deadline for submissions is 8 April 2013.  Guidelines for submitting an article manuscript: All articles in special issues must be accepted individually through the IJMES peer review process.

Call for Articles for the Maghreb Review Special Issue: "China’s  Policy towards the Middle East, Maghreb, Africa, Iran and Turkey

We welcome original papers  in English or French for a special issue on any topics related to China’s policy towards the Middle East, Maghreb, Africa, Iran, and Turkey  from the earliest time to the present.
The deadline for submission is: 10  March  2013 for publication in May  2013. Further information from Mohamed Ben-Madani, email: maghreb@Maghreb Guideline at
Call for Articles on "Arab Linguistic, Literary and Cultural Studies", Journal "Romano-Arabica",  Center for Arab Studies, University of Bucharest

You are kindly invited to contribute with a paper to the 13th issue of Romano-Arabica, entitled Arab Linguistic, Literary and Cultural Studies. Deadline paper proposals 1 February 2013. The Journal is peer reviewed and available online at Details:

Call for Articles on "Travels to the “Holy Land”: Perceptions, Representations and Narratives", for Journal "Quest. Issues in Contemporary Jewish History"
«Quest» N. 6 aims at investigating the relationship between travels and the “Holy Land” between the XVIII and the XX century. By focusing on travel as main topic of research, this volume intends to analyze the way the “Holy Land” was perceived, represented and narrated in order to shed light on similarities/differences, continuities/fragmentations that might have occurred during three centuries.

Deadline for abstracts 17 February 2013. Information

Call for Articles on “Calendars, Measures and Rhythms of Time: Associations and Conflicts", Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée (REMMM)

This edition of REMMM would like to provide an opportunity to give an initial inventory of techniques for measuring time, and of the rhythms they induce, reconsidered within their social and historical context. This is an essential preliminary work which addresses issues related to the transformation of the awareness of time and of the idea of time as an experience.

Deadline for paper proposals March 29th  2013. All articles must be accepted individually through the REMMM peer review process. Information (English text below)

Call for Articles on Arabian Humanities, International Journal of Archaeology and Social Sciences on the Arabian Peninsula

The contribution, which can be written in English, French or Arabic, must be devoted to the Arabian Peninsula in one of the following fields: Archaeology, Islamic History, Modern and Contemporary History, Anthropology, Sociology, Linguistics, Literature, Political Sciences, Urban Studies and Geography.

The proposals must be submitted before 1st June 2013 and sent to the secretary, Sylvaine Giraud (, and to the editorial director Juliette Honvault ( For further information: (

Call for Articles  for Early Career Scholars - the "New Middle Eastern Studies Journal"
 Please consider the call for papers for early career scholars put forth by the BRISMES-sponsored e-journal 'New Middle Eastern Studies' ( Please read here the highlights of 2012.
 NMES is a peer-reviewed journal and hosts different types of contributions. NMES is seeking journal articles, quick studies, book reviews falling within the broad field of Middle East Studies. Please find out more here:

New Electronic Journal “Revue Géographie et Développement au Maroc”

This newly created electronic journal publishes articles in four languages (Arabic, English, French and Spanish). It is peer reviewed by an international scientific committee and will publish a continuous stream of articles. The main objective of this journal is to bring together research in social sciences focusing on space, territory, region, environment and development. We kindly invite you to visit our website and to submit articles.

Link: _______

New International Association for Sports Sciences in the Arab World

A new international association dedicated to the study of Sports Sciences in the Arab World ( including sport and education; sport, culture and society; sport policy, management and tourism; sport and health; football sciences and technology) was recently launched by academics/ sport scientists and practitioners in Europe and
in the Arab World. For more information about our mission, research themes and activities visit / or

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