Παρόλο που η συνάντηση μόλις έγινε, είναι ενδιαφέρον να δει κανείς πως μελετώνται θέματα που στην Ελλάδα είναι ακόμη σχετικά σπάνια.
Arabic tables in Sanskrit, Chinese and Latin a first internationalization of sciences ?
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Publié le jeudi 18 octobre
2012 par
Loïc Le Pape
de la transmission des tables astronomiques arabes en chinois, sanskrit
ou latin est l’un des thèmes majeurs de la recherche en histoire de
l’astronomie. Cependant, les chercheurs étudiants ces sujets ont peu
d’opportunités de confronter leurs problématiques, leurs méthodologies
et leurs découvertes. Un certain nombre de questions méritent pourtant
d’être abordées de façon comparatiste et globale : De quelles façons les
tables astronomiques arabes ont été transmises et reçues dans ces
différentes cultures de recherches ? Quels types de travaux nouveaux ont
produit les tables astronomiques arabes dans les domaines sanskrit,
chinois ou latin ? Que nous apprennent ces phénomènes de transmission
sur les cultures intellectuelles qui en sont le théâtre ? Que nous
apprennent les sources chinoises, sanskrites ou latines sur les tables
astronomiques arabes ? Est-ce que ces processus de transmissions divers
ont abouti à une uniformisation des savoirs et des techniques
astronomiques au niveau mondial ou contraire à une diversification
croissante ?
24-25 octobre 2012
Journées d’étude dans le cadre du projet Histoire des tables numériquesOrganisers : Matthieu Husson (Sphère-Paris Diderot ; Saprat-EPHE), Clemency Montelle (University of Canterbury, Nouvelle Zelande) et Li Liang (Sphère-Paris Diderot)
University Paris Diderot, sîte Paris Rive Gauche, Bat. Condorcet
Salle Klein, 612B
4 rue Elsa Morante, 75013 Paris
It is well known that in
Baghdad during the eighth and ninth centuries, Arabic astronomers relied
on Greek and Persian sources as well as ideas and models coming from
the Indian subcontinent to design their first astronomical tables, or
zijes. The circulation of these works in various parts of the Islamic
world and the specific astronomical schools it produced, for instance in
al-Andalus (Toledo) or ancient Iran (Ulugh Begh), is also documented.
The subsequent transmission and reception of these Arabic astronomical
zijes in Latin, Sanskrit and Chinese in the following centuries has also
been a major theme of research in the history of astronomy, yet
scholars studying these different transmission and reception processes
have had so far little opportunity to gather and contrast their
questions, methodology, and findings. We seek to address this, by
convening a two-day workshop which will function as a forum for scholars
who focus on these different aspects to share and synthesise their
researches in mutually beneficial ways.
We envisage that the following provisional list
of questions will be relevant. Material transmitted from astronomical
zijes to Latin, Sanskrit and Chinese works was not always from the
same ; how precise can we be about the sources and which texts proved to
be popular in which contexts ? Under what circumstances did the tables
and their related texts circulate and what sorts of peoples were
involved ? Questions relating to the integration of foreign astronomical
materials and tabular data into the traditions of the inheritor
cultures of inquiry are significant too. For instance, there were
long-standing astronomical traditions in Chinese, Sanskrit : how well
was data from the zij literature accommodated into these contexts ? What
proved attractive and influential to these cultures of inquiry and how
was it assimilated into its new setting ? In contrast, in Latin, the
transmission of Arabic astronomical tables in fact initiated new
direction and vigour into the astral sciences. What can we surmise from
such contrasts ? More broadly, to what extent did the large-scale
transmission of Arabic astronomical tables produce a standardisation of
astronomical science, or rather did it result in ongoing
diversification ?
10:00 Accueil et introduction (Liang Li, Clemency Montelle, Matthieu Husson)10 :30 Glen van Brummellen (Quest university, Canada)
Circulation of Arabic astronomical tables in Arabic
12 :00 Lunch break
13 :30 José Chabas (University of Barcelona, Espagne)
Arabic Influence on Astronomical Tables in Medieval Europe
15 :00 Coffee break
15 :15 Matthieu Husson (Sphère-Paris Diderot ; Saprat-EPHE)
Is the Chinese « European Layout » of the Mingshi (1738) realy european ? A case study in layout transmission : first part from Arabic to Latin sources.
16 :45 End of the day
10:00 Accueil10 :30 Clemency Montelle (University of Canterbury, Nouvelle Zelande)
The emergence of “cyclic tables in the seventeenth century : Haridatta’s Jagadbhûsạnạ and its Islamic inspiration.
12 :00 Lunch break
13 :30 Yunli Shi (University of Science and technology of China, Chine)
The Chinese and Korean Appropriation of Islamic astronomy
15 :00 Coffee break
15 :15 Liang Li (Sphère-Paris Diderot)
Double entry arrays and tables of Huihui Calendar (Arabic Calendric System) in China, A case study in layout transmission : second part from Arabic and Latin to Chinese sources”
16 :45 Discussion, General Conclusion
17 :15 End of the day
- Études des sciences (Catégorie principale)
Université Paris Diderot, bâtiment Condorcet, 6e
etage, salle 612B Klein -
4 rue Elsa Morante
Paris, France (75013)
- mercredi 24 octobre 2012
- jeudi 25 octobre 2012
Fichiers attachés
- transmission, tables astronomiques, Arabe, Chinois, Sanskrit, Latin, astronomical tables, arabic, chinese
- Matthieu Husson
courriel : hussonmatthieu [at] gmail [dot] com
URLS de référence
Source de l'information
- Nad Fachard
courriel : nad [dot] fachard [at] univ-paris-diderot [dot] fr
Pour citer cette annonce
« Arabic tables in Sanskrit, Chinese and Latin a first internationalization of sciences ? », Journée d'étude , Calenda, Publié le jeudi 18 octobre 2012, http://calenda.org/224229
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