vendredi 3 février 2017

EURAMES Info Service 05/2017

1. Workshop: "Building Confessional Identities in the Ottoman Empire (16th-18th
Centuries)", École Francaise de Rome, 6 February 2017
2. Atelier d'historiographie critique de la Revue « Studia Islamica », Paris, Salons
de l'INALCO, 10 février 2017
3. International Symposium: "Continuity and Change in North Africa, Turkey & Iran",
IRAM Center for Iranian Studies, Ankara, 20-22 April 2017 
4. Conference: "Dynamics of Global Inequality: New Thinking in Global Affairs",
Rutgers Division of Global Affairs, Newark, New Jersey, 21 April 2017 
5. 32nd Annual Middle East History and Theory Conference: "Center and Periphery",
University of Chicago, 5-6 May 2017
6. 2nd Annual Pre-Tenure Faculty Workshop of the International Institute of Islamic
Thought (IIIT), Herndon, VA, 15-16 May 2017
7. Summer School: "Water is Life - Water in Science, Technology, Architecture, and
Literature", Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Research Foundation for the History of Science in
Islam, Istanbul, 17-21 May 2017 
8. Colloque : « Les transitions politiques en Méditerranée (XIXe-XXe siècles) -
Acteurs et réseaux, moments d'exception et de ruptures, pratiques et
representations », Porticcio (Corse du sud, baie d'Ajaccio), 2-3 juin 2017
9. Deuxième Congrès du GIS Moyen-Orient et Mondes Musulmans, Paris, 5-7 juillet 2017
10. 8th Annual Gulf Research Meeting (GRM), University of Cambridge, 1-4 August 2017
11. 51st Seminar for Arabian Studies, British Museum, London, 4-6 August 2017
12. Convention: "Globalisation", Postcolonial Studies Association, London, 18-20
September 2017 
13. Workshop: "Circulating Translations in the 19th Century from the Eastern
Mediterranean to the Arabian Sea: Texts in Practice", University of Oxford, 20-22
September 2017 
14. International Conference of ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge and MedWorlds:
"Cultures, Hopes and Conflicts. The Mediterranean between Land and Sea", University
of Salerno, Italy, 26-28 September 2017
15. Conference: "Muslims and the City", North American Association of Islamic and
Muslim Studies (NAAIMS), Boston College, MA, 29 September 2017
16. Colloque: « Le dialogue inter-religieux. Histoire, cultures et lien social »,
l'Université d'Artois, Arras,  12-13 octobre 2017
17. 10th Annual ASMEA Conference: "The Middle East and Africa: Assessing the Regions
Ten Years On", Washington, D.C., 19-21 October 2017
18. Dialogues interculturels à l'époque coloniale et postcoloniale :
« Représentations littéraires et culturelles - Orient, Maghreb et Afrique
occidentale (de 1830 à nos jours) », l'Institut Historique Allemand, Paris, 8-10
novembre 2017
19. Colloque international : « Genre, sexualité, et culture : les enjeux de l'espace
public autour de la Méditerranée. Comparaison Union européenne / Maghreb »
Casablanca, Maroc, 23-24 novembre 2017
20. 4 Doctoral Posts in Cultural and Social Studies (Media Research), University of
Siegen, Germany
21. University Assistant (Post Doc), Institut fuer Islamisch-theologische Studien,
University of Vienna
22. University Assistant (Prae Doc), Institut fuer Islamisch-theologische Studien,
University of Vienna
23. Evans-Pritchard Lectureship 2017-2018, All Souls College, Oxford
24. Assistant Professor in International Relations (Focus International Organization
and Middle East), Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
25. 6 Scientific Positions at the Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale in Cairo
26. Post-doctoral Fellowship in Druze and Arab Studies, Georgetown University

27. Articles on "19-20th Century Levant (Bilad al Sham)" for Edited Book on "From
Christianisations and Islamisations to (Hetero)Europeanisations: Transformations of
Cultural-Historical Heritage on the European Margins"
28. Article sur "Prier aux Suds : les lieux de culte entre territorialisations,
cohabitations et mobilités du religieux", pour numéro 275 des "Cahiers d'Outre-Mer"
29. International Parliamentary Scholarship Programme for Arab Countries, Berlin,
September 2017
30. "Adopt an Academic", Initiative of the Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and
Humanities (AGYA) and Freie Universität Berlin 

If you want to distribute an announcement via DAVO-Info-Service (about 1500
recipients) and EURAMES Info Service (more than 6000 recipients, only English and
French announcements), please apply the usual format of the text with no more than
50 words and no attachment. Please send only the most important information to
 and refer to further details with a link to the respective
website or an email address.
Best regards,
Guenter Meyer, Centre for Research on the Arab World, University of Mainz
1. Workshop: "Building Confessional Identities in the Ottoman Empire (16th-18th
Centuries)", École Francaise de Rome, 6 February 2017
This workshop will reflect upon the construction of confessional identities within
the communities of the Ottoman Empire which was determined by the clash with a rival
religious group (Sunni vs. Shiite Muslims, Orthodox vs. Catholic Christians,
Sephardic vs. charismatic and mystic Jewish movements) or with other communities.

2. Atelier d'historiographie critique de la Revue « Studia Islamica », Paris, Salons
de l'INALCO, 10 février 2017
Atelier pour rassembler des spécialistes d'horizons divers venant présenter un état
des lieux critique de la production récente dans un domaine spécifique de la
recherche en histoire de l'Islam et/ou en islamologie.
Programme : 
3. International Symposium: "Continuity and Change in North Africa, Turkey & Iran",
IRAM Center for Iranian Studies, Ankara, 20-22 April 2017 
IRAM, in partnership with Yıldırım Beyazıt University in Ankara, invites experts
from all over the world to explore the trajectory, extent and the future of change
and continuity in the Middle East in the First International Semi-Annual Trilogy
Conference. The papers can be specific to one country or region or can tackle issues
comparatively between them.

4. Conference: "Dynamics of Global Inequality: New Thinking in Global Affairs",
Rutgers Division of Global Affairs, Newark, New Jersey, 21 April 2017 
This conference seeks to create an interdisciplinary conversation, and we welcome
participants from multiple disciplines, including, but not limited to: Political
Science and International Relations, Sociology, Anthropology, Geography, Critical
Ethnic Studies, American Studies, African and African American Studies, History and
the Humanities.
Deadline for abstracts: 15 February 2017. Information: 
5. 32nd Annual Middle East History and Theory Conference: "Center and Periphery",
University of Chicago, 5-6 May 2017
We invite proposals from graduate students, faculty, and independent scholars about
the Middle East and Islamic World from the coming of Islam until the present day.
Deadline for abstracts: 10 February 2017. Information: 
6. 2nd Annual Pre-Tenure Faculty Workshop of the International Institute of Islamic
Thought (IIIT), Herndon, VA, 15-16 May 2017
The workshop is designed to provide a forum and support for pre-tenure faculty in
Islamic Studies and related disciplines, and to help them navigate the straits of
tenure-track and pre-tenure faculty life - both personally and professionally.
Deadline for application: 1 March 2017. Information: 
7. Summer School: "Water is Life - Water in Science, Technology, Architecture, and
Literature", Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Research Foundation for the History of Science in
Islam, Istanbul, 17-21 May 2017 
We cordially invite you to participate in the Summer School with workshops,
presentations, papers, and other teaching formats. Contributions will be published
in Gülhane Studies (Yearbook of the Prof. Dr. Sezgin Foundation). 
Deadline for abstracts: 28 February 2017. Information:
8. Colloque : « Les transitions politiques en Méditerranée (XIXe-XXe siècles) -
Acteurs et réseaux, moments d'exception et de ruptures, pratiques et
representations », Porticcio (Corse du sud, baie d'Ajaccio), 2-3 juin 2017
Le thème invite à des approches comparées, et à des études portant sur les deux
rives de la Méditerranée, des littoraux européens au Maghreb et au Machrek. 
Propositions : 15 mars 2017. Information : 
9. Deuxième Congrès du GIS Moyen-Orient et Mondes Musulmans, Paris, 5-7 juillet 2017
Les inscriptions à ce Congrès seront ouvertes courant février 2017. Programme : 
10. 8th Annual Gulf Research Meeting (GRM), University of Cambridge, 1-4 August 2017
Some workshops will be receiving applications until 15 February 2017:
- Public-private partnerships for infrastructure delivery in the GCC: Challenges and
the opportunities
- Brexit and GCC
- The GCC and Australia
- The GCC and the Indian Ocean: Economic Opportunities and Political Challenges
- Electoral Frameworks, Party Systems and Electoral Outcomes: Comparing Elections in
the Gulf
- Transforming Business Education in the GCC. Transitioning from Theoretical to
Applied, and Applied to Impactful
- The Gulf States and the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict
- The Arab Gulf in the West: Perceptions and Realities; Opportunities and Perils
- Migration Policies in the Gulf: Continuity and Change
All interested persons are invited to apply online on GRM website:    
11. 51st Seminar for Arabian Studies, British Museum, London, 4-6 August 2017
The seminar presents the latest academic research in the humanities on the Arabian
Peninsula from the earliest times to the present day or, in the case of political
and social history, to the end of the Ottoman Empire (1922).
Deadline for abstracts: 28 February 2017. Information: 
12. Convention: "Globalisation", Postcolonial Studies Association, London, 18-20
September 2017 
The 2017 convention seeks to investigate the crucial role of postcolonial studies in
furthering newer understandings of economic, political and cultural globalisation in
the light of the current international climate: the complex socio-political
ramifications of the Brexit verdict, Trump's electoral victory, or the European
refugee crisis, which have come to be regarded as the reactionary 'whitelash'
against globalisation. 
Deadline for abstracts: 28 February 2017. Information:

13. Workshop: "Circulating Translations in the 19th Century from the Eastern
Mediterranean to the Arabian Sea: Texts in Practice", University of Oxford, 20-22
September 2017 
This workshop will bring together scholars of translation and intellectual history
in the nahda period to work intensively on single texts or authors or translators,
working between any relevant language pair (or trio, such as Arabic/Persian/French).
Deadline for abstracts: 15 February 2017. Information:

14. International Conference of ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge and MedWorlds:
"Cultures, Hopes and Conflicts. The Mediterranean between Land and Sea", University
of Salerno, Italy, 26-28 September 2017
The conference aims to collect contributions that address the most important
questions related to the Mediterranean Basin from the point of view of different
social and human sciences. 
Deadline for abstracts: 31 March 2017. Information:

15. Conference: "Muslims and the City", North American Association of Islamic and
Muslim Studies (NAAIMS), Boston College, MA, 29 September 2017
How might a "traditional" Islamic city function in today's digital age and address
issues from natural and social science perspectives? Can it be instrumental in
addressing the socio-economic and cultural identity crises in the modern Muslim
world of the 21st century? What role can Islamic ideals of the "city" play in
addressing the destruction brought on by wars? 
Deadline for abstracts: 20 February 2017. Information: 
16. Colloque: « Le dialogue inter-religieux. Histoire, cultures et lien social »,
l'Université d'Artois, Arras,  12-13 octobre 2017
L'Institut d'études des faits religieux (IEFR), dans le cadre d'un cycle de
réflexion et d'études sur la rencontre entre les religions, organise un colloque
international sur la notion complexe de dialogue inter-religieux.
Propositions : 15 mars 2017. Information :

17. 10th Annual ASMEA Conference: "The Middle East and Africa: Assessing the Regions
Ten Years On", Washington, D.C., 19-21 October 2017
The conference will feature roundtable discussions, film screenings, panel
presentations on scholarly topics from Middle Eastern and African studies, and
related disciplines, etc.
Deadline for proposals: 15 April 2017. Information: 
18. Dialogues interculturels à l'époque coloniale et postcoloniale :
« Représentations littéraires et culturelles - Orient, Maghreb et Afrique
occidentale (de 1830 à nos jours) », l'Institut Historique Allemand, Paris, 8-10
novembre 2017
L'objectif du colloque est d'étudier la façon dont les dialogues interculturels sont
représentés, aussi bien dans des textes narratifs de fiction que dans des ouvrages
non fictionnels ainsi que dans d'autres médias pendant une période allant de la
conquête d'Alger à nos jours.
Propositions (en français, en allemand ou en anglais) : 28 février 2017.
19. Colloque international : « Genre, sexualité, et culture : les enjeux de l'espace
public autour de la Méditerranée. Comparaison Union européenne / Maghreb »
Casablanca, Maroc, 23-24 novembre 2017
Les langues du colloque sont le français, l'anglais et l'arabe, avec traduction
simultanée assurée.
Propositions : 28 février 2017. Information:

20. 4 Doctoral Posts in Cultural and Social Studies (Media Research), University of
Siegen, Germany
Profile: Relevant postgraduate degree (Magister, Master or Diploma) in one of the
following areas of study: media studies, ethnology, geography, history, information
science, science of art, cultural studies, literary studies, linguistics, political
science, sociology or science and technology studies.
Deadline for application: 31.03.2017. Information:
21. University Assistant (Post Doc), Institut fuer Islamisch-theologische Studien,
University of Vienna
Profile: Degree (diploma or master degree) in the field of Islamic Theology /
Islamic Studies or equivalent disciplines with emphasis on the Sciences of the
Qur'an (Ulûm al-Qur'an); high command of written and oral English, Turkish and
Persian skills are an advantage.
Deadline for application: 28 February 2017. Information:;jsessionid=BDD2ABCDF94DA88E3D64281B99843243?_flowExecutionKey=_cD472BFEF-DC8F-DCCE-D4FA-D334CAB4C331_k4E5B48ED-7A3C-F9FC-1962-9C9CB7346464&tid=60676.28&_language=en

22. University Assistant (Prae Doc), Institut fuer Islamisch-theologische Studien,
University of Vienna
Profile: PhD in Islamic Theology / Islamic Studies or equivalent disciplines with
emphasis on the Sciences of the Qur'an (Ulûm al-Qur'an) or Qur'an Exegesis (Tafsir);
high command of written and oral English, Turkish and Persian skills are an
Deadline for application: 28 February 2017. Information:;jsessionid=B544470BCE47CFF35EF328BE109A6BAE?_flowExecutionKey=_c486B23D2-E33C-5DBA-35ED-ACBC9B51C21D_kFBA8E8E9-7665-2FB1-36AF-C8EFB622FABC&tid=60695.28&_language=en

23. Evans-Pritchard Lectureship 2017-2018, All Souls College, Oxford
The lecturer should give 4 to 6 lectures over the course of one month. The lectures
should provide an empirical analysis of social relations, and should be based on
fieldwork or on indigenous primary materials from Africa, the Middle East or the
Deadline for application: Information:

24. Assistant Professor in International Relations (Focus International Organization
and Middle East), Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
The position is encompassing teaching and research responsibilities related to
transnational or  international  integration  processes,  and  formal  and  
informal  international  institutions. Preference will be given to applicants with
rigorous methodological training and commitment to methodological pluralism. 
Deadline for application: 21 March 2017. Information:
25. 6 Scientific Positions at the Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale in Cairo
The Ifao is recruiting scientific members for one-year positions, renewable up to
three times. Research is focusing on the cultures of Egypt from prehistory to the
modern period, in the fields of history, archaeology and philology.
Deadline for application: 14 May 2017. Information: 
26. Post-doctoral Fellowship in Druze and Arab Studies, Georgetown University
The purpose of the fellowship is to promote specialized social scientific research
on the Druze communities centrally and primarily, and on collective political and
cultural identities in the Arab world more generally.
Deadline for application: 1 March 2017. Information:
27. Articles on "19-20th Century Levant (Bilad al Sham)" for Edited Book on "From
Christianisations and Islamisations to (Hetero)Europeanisations: Transformations of
Cultural-Historical Heritage on the European Margins"
The book shall be based on papers delivered at a conference held in Sofia last
spring and on some invited contributions and shall be published as a special issue
of 'Annali di Ca' Foscari. Serie orientale'.
Deadline for proposal: 15 February 2017. Information:

28. Article sur « Prier aux Suds : les lieux de culte entre territorialisations,
cohabitations et mobilités du religieux », pour numéro 275 des « Cahiers d'Outre-Mer
Ce numéro propose d'interroger le religieux dans les sociétés contemporaines des «
Suds » et dans les territoires investis par leurs migrations.
Information : 
29. International Parliamentary Scholarship Programme for Arab Countries, Berlin,
September 2017
The programme is intended for talented Arab people who are interested in politics
and who are keen to play an active role in promoting core democratic values in their
home countries.
New deadline for application: 15 February 2017. Information: 
30. "Adopt an Academic", Initiative of the Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and
Humanities (AGYA) and Freie Universität Berlin 
Both institutions have launched an initiative that seeks to open up new perspectives
for refugee academics and aims to provide a safe space for independent research. On
the basis of a peer-to-peer mentoring program, the project intends to create a
network of solidarity that not only fosters academic freedom but also promotes the
advancement of durable research collaborations between excellent Arab and German
scholars. Mentors act on a voluntary basis and may represent all academic

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