CONFERENCES 1. Conference: "Innovative Forms of Islamic Higher Education in Western Europe", Leiden Islam Academy, Netherlands, 3-4 April 2017 2. Conference: "Medicine, Environment and Health in the Eastern Mediterranean World 1400-1750", University of Cambridge, 3-4 April 2017 3. Workshop: "Deconstructing Unitary Statehood: Hybrid Governance in Comparative Perspective (Focus MENA Region)", Naples, 5-6 May 2017 4. Conference: "Sociology in Islamic Geographies", Sociological Association in Turkey, Istanbul, 12-13 May 2017 5. Symposium: "Open Civilization: Encounters, Differences and Uncertainties", Ibn Khaldun University, Istanbul, 19-21 May 2017 6. Conference: "Difficult Conversations: Thinking and Talking About Women, Genders, and Sexualities Inside and Outside the Academy", Berkshire Conference of Women Historians, Hempstead, NY, 1-4 June 2017 7. Workshop: "Migration and Empire: The Roman Experience from Marcus Aurelius to Muhammad", University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 19 June - 14 July 2017 8. Panel: "Religion in Social Movements, Rebellions and Revolutions" at the Annual Meeting of the "Association for the Sociology of Religion", Montreal, Canada, 13-14 August 2017 9. 8th International Conference on Popular Cultures of the Middle East and North Africa - "Popular Culture between Site and Flow", Tbilisi, Georgia, 28-30 September 2017 10. Conference: ''Faces of the Infinite: Neoplatonism and Poetics at the Confluence of Africa, Asia and Europe'', University of London, 9-11 November 2017 11. Panels/Papers on "Contemporary Islam, "Islamic Mysticism", "Islam, Gender, Women", "Middle Eastern Christianity", "Study of Islam", "Study of Judaism" at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion (AAR), Boston, 18-21 November 2017 12. Workshop: "From Oriens Christianus to the Muslim Near East: Theological, Historical and Cultural Cross-Pollination in the Eastern Mediterranean of Late Antiquity", Freie Universität Berlin, 4 December 2017 13. Conference: "Migrations in Mongol Eurasia: People, Ideas, Artifacts", Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 18-20 December 2017 Workshop: "The Illustration of History in Medieval Manuscripts", Centre for theStudy of Manuscript Cultures, University of Hamburg, 3-4 March 2017 This workshop brings together scholars working on illustrated chronicles and other primarily secular texts produced in both the Western and Persian medieval period. The workshop aims to explore issues of the choice of texts for illustration, the choices of scenes to illustrate, and the purpose for which the illustrations were made. For further details and registration, see: 14. Ten PhD Candidates and One Post-Doc for Research on "World Politics: The Emergence of Political Arenas and Modes of Observation in World Society", Bielefeld University, Germany 15. Two PhD Candidates in Central Asian / Middle Eastern Studies, Leiden Institute for Area Studies 16. Associate Professor of Ottoman History, University of Oxford 17. Postdoctoral Fellowships Program for Junior Arab Scholars in Social Science OTHER INFORMATION 18. International Summer University (ISU) on the Middle East: "Business, Politics, and Conflicts in a Changing World", University of Marburg, Germany, 22 July - 19 August 2017 19. Summer School: "Critical Muslim Studies: Decolonial Struggles and Liberation Theologies", Granada, Spain, 3-14 July 2017 20. Arabic Immersion Course, SOAS, University of London 21. Articles on "Russia and the Middle East" for Special Issue of "Journal of Middle Eastern Studies" If you want to distribute an announcement via DAVO-Info-Service (about 1500 recipients) and EURAMES Info Service (more than 6000 recipients, only English and French announcements), please apply the usual format of the text with no more than 50 words and no attachment. Please send only the most important information to and refer to further details with a link to the respective website or an email address. Best regards,, Guenter Meyer, Centre for Research on the Arab World (CERAW), University of Mainz ____________________ CONFERENCES 1. Conference: "Innovative Forms of Islamic Higher Education in Western Europe", Leiden Islam Academy, Netherlands, 3-4 April 2017 The conference explores the following questions: What are current 'moments of meeting and merging' between public and private universities, secular and confessional approaches, and academic and non-academic audiences? What challenges do the stakeholders face and how do they reflect upon their roles? Which new directions or models are emerging in the study of Islamic higher education within the Western European setting? Information: _____________ 2. Conference: "Medicine, Environment and Health in the Eastern Mediterranean World 1400-1750", University of Cambridge, 3-4 April 2017 This conference will offer, for the first time, a comprehensive picture of medicine and healing in the eastern Mediterranean and the Near East, ca. 1400-1750. Information: _____________ 3. Workshop: "Deconstructing Unitary Statehood: Hybrid Governance in Comparative Perspective (Focus MENA Region)", Naples, 5-6 May 2017 Joint Workshop of the Università L'Orientale di Napoli, Universite' Libre de Bruxelles and Tallinn University of Technology. The main aim of this workshop is to investigate the synergies generated by the co-existence, competition and conflict between competing actors of governance. Deadline for abstracts: 17 March 2017. Information:!topic/sociologuesdelenseignementsuperieur/j3Fj4WKfdbY _____________ 4. Conference: "Sociology in Islamic Geographies", Sociological Association in Turkey, Istanbul, 12-13 May 2017 Flights, hotel and meal expenses will be reimbursed. Deadline for registration: 27 February 2017. Information: _____________ 5. Symposium: "Open Civilization: Encounters, Differences and Uncertainties", Ibn Khaldun University, Istanbul, 19-21 May 2017 We encourage studies that focus on reflections of Ibn Khaldun's thoughts on today's world and the applied analysis of his model. The papers can be presented in Turkish, Arabic and English. Transportation and accommodation will be covered for the authors of the accepted papers. Deadline for abstracts: 6 March 2017. Information: _____________ 6. Conference: "Difficult Conversations: Thinking and Talking About Women, Genders, and Sexualities Inside and Outside the Academy", Berkshire Conference of Women Historians, Hempstead, NY, 1-4 June 2017 To a greater extent than ever before, we are involving K-12 teachers, activists, artists, public intellectuals, writers, performers, veterans, and formerly incarcerated people in our discussions of the importance of studying our history and how we might utilize this knowledge to make people's lives better. Information: _____________ 7. Workshop: "Migration and Empire: The Roman Experience from Marcus Aurelius to Muhammad", University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 19 June - 14 July 2017 We seek applicants from the widest possible range of relevant disciplines and institutions who are eager to explore the Roman experience of migration and empire with intent to share it in the college classroom, and to integrate it with coverage of the movements of peoples in other times and places. Deadline for application: 1 March 2017. Information: _____________ 8. Panel: "Religion in Social Movements, Rebellions and Revolutions" at the Annual Meeting of the "Association for the Sociology of Religion", Montreal, Canada, 13-14 August 2017 We are interested in both the progressive and reactionary roles that religions have played in: peasant, slave, and plebeian rebellions; successful modern revolutions such as the French, Russian, Chinese, Iranian and Nicaraguan as well as failed ones; and social movements. We are particularly interested in prophetic and messianic movements, heretical sects, religious communism, secular religions, and liberation theology. Deadline for abstracts: 15 March 2017. Information: _____________ 9. 8th International Conference on Popular Cultures of the Middle East and North Africa - "Popular Culture between Site and Flow", Tbilisi, Georgia, 28-30 September 2017 In what ways can or should the idea of popular culture be adapted to account for the significant patterns of contemporary movement of MENA peoples? In what ways are the spectacular demographic flows towards, through, and away from the region leading to the fetishization of movement, hybridity, and exchange in MENA cultural production? Etc. Extended deadline for paper and panel proposals: 15 March 2017. Information: _____________ 10. Conference: ''Faces of the Infinite: Neoplatonism and Poetics at the Confluence of Africa, Asia and Europe'', University of London, 9-11 November 2017 The conference examines the extent to which Neoplatonist philosophy has permeated poetic theory and practice in Arabic, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Persian, Spanish and Turkish, from late antiquity to the modern period. Information: _____________ 11. Panels/Papers on "Contemporary Islam, "Islamic Mysticism", "Islam, Gender, Women", "Middle Eastern Christianity", "Study of Islam", "Study of Judaism" at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion (AAR), Boston, 18-21 November 2017 Deadline for submissions: 1 March 2017. Information: _____________ 12. Workshop: "From Oriens Christianus to the Muslim Near East: Theological, Historical and Cultural Cross-Pollination in the Eastern Mediterranean of Late Antiquity", Freie Universität Berlin, 4 December 2017 The workshop seeks to shed new light on the crossroads at which the Late Antique world of the Eastern Mediterranean heralded diverse exchanges between Oriental Christendom, Byzantine culture and the Islamic world. Furthermore, how these exchanges impacted the development of diverse regions, cultures, languages, and religions. Deadline for abstracts: 1 May 2017. Information: _____________ 13. Conference: "Migrations in Mongol Eurasia: People, Ideas, Artifacts", Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 18-20 December 2017 The conference seeks to illuminate various facets of migrations, of people, both groups and individuals; knowledge, including science, art, religion, technologies, political culture, and imperial institutions; as well as material goods. Deadline for abstracts: 15 March 2017. Information: _____________ POSITIONS 14. Ten PhD Candidates and One Post-Doc for Research on "World Politics: The Emergence of Political Arenas and Modes of Observation in World Society", Bielefeld University (Germany) Doctoral researchers will receive contracts as research associates (65% of salary level E13) for three years and are expected to complete their dissertations during that time. Start date: 1 October 2017. Deadline for application: 15 April 2017. Information: _____________ 15. Two PhD Candidates in Central Asian / Middle Eastern Studies, Leiden Institute for Area Studies The PhD candidates will study a specified topic within the project focusing on a particular linguistic resource related to the interaction between imperial ideology and literary and artistic production in the medieval Turko-Persian world between 1000-1500. Vacancy number 17-050. Deadline for application: 30 April 2017. Information: Dr. Gabrielle van den Berg, _____________ 16. Associate Professor of Ottoman History, University of Oxford With a doctorate in the field of Ottoman history, the successful applicant will have an outstanding record of internationally excellent publication and research in Ottoman history of the period. She/he will have an excellent command of Ottoman Turkish, being able to carry out research using primary sources in that language, and to teach it to students; a working knowledge of Arabic and/or Persian is also necessary. Deadline for application: 24 March 2017. Information: _____________ 17. Postdoctoral Fellowships Program for Junior Arab Scholars in Social Science This 9-month fellowship program aims at enabling young researchers, up to three years out of the PhD, to pursue their research. There is a special interest in attracting foreign-trained Arab scholars back to the region. Deadline for application: 24 February 2017. Information: _____________ OTHER INFORMATION 18. International Summer University (ISU) on the Middle East: "Business, Politics, and Conflicts in a Changing World", University of Marburg, Germany, 22 July - 19 August 2017 The ISU offers a well-balanced combination of academic courses and a carefully planned social program for students from more than 70 countries. Deadline for application: 1 June 2017. Information: _____________ 19. Summer School: "Critical Muslim Studies: Decolonial Struggles and Liberation Theologies", Granada, Spain, 3-14 July 2017 The school welcomes participations from Muslim and non-Muslim heritages and associations. The focus of the course is to inquire into Islam as a postcolonial/decolonial perspective. Deadline for application: 12 March 2017. Information: _____________ 20. Arabic Immersion Course, SOAS University of London This intensive language training is designed and will be delivered by an experienced team of language teachers. In addition to simulating the environment of studying in the Middle East, the course will also offer diverse activities and interaction to complement the learning process. Deadline for early-bird registration: 10 March 2017. Information: _____________ 21. Articles on "Russia and the Middle East" for Special Issue of "Journal of Middle Eastern Studies" This special issue targets research addressing recent political developments in the Middle East. Currently, there is a strong need for additional knowledge to inform our understanding of Russia's new involvement in the region. Deadline for abstracts: 10 March 2017. Information:
mardi 28 février 2017
EURAMES Info Service 08/2017
vendredi 24 février 2017
Ιnvitation to the Recipients of the EURAMES Info Service to Participate in the Most Important Global Event in Middle Eastern Studies in 2018!
Ιnvitation to the Recipients of the EURAMES Info Service to Participate in the Most Important Global Event in Middle Eastern Studies in 2018!
Fifth World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES-5)
Three Cultures Foundation of the Mediterranean, Seville, Spain, 16-20 July 2018
The World Congress seeks to address questions, exchange and explore information on the Middle East in the broadest sense. The invitation is aimed at scholars, researchers, educators, students, professionals and other groups interested in studies on North Africa, Middle East, Muslim states of Central Asia as well as other regions of the world which are directly or indirectly affected by affairs in these areas.
The overall objective of the Congress is to offer the possibility to share and exchange research, experiences and ideas between more than 2000 interdisciplinary experts from all branches of the humanities, social sciences and related disciplines, from all over the world.
A large number of associations, research centers, universities, international organizations and other institutions from all over the world have already started to organize meetings, exhibitions, symposia, plenary sessions, panels, roundtables and poster presentations.
The hosting Three Cultures Foundation of the Mediterranean in Seville - heart of Andalusia and cradle of Al Andalus where Muslims, Christians and Jews lived together in a missed period of coexistence and mutual understanding - will undoubtedly be an exciting setting to meet and discuss Middle Eastern Studies.
Cultural and artistic works on different aspects of the region will also be placed under the spotlight, thanks to a variety of exhibitions; a film festival with roundtable discussions and a book fair attended by booksellers, publishers and authors; as well as a selection of artistic events.
WOCMES-5 will be a great opportunity for all participants to visit Seville with its outstanding monuments featuring in the UNESCO´s World Heritage List: the Cathedral, Alcázar and Archivo de Indias. Trips to Cordoba and Granada offer the chances to visit the most important and well-kept examples of Al-Andalus’ legacy and yet living parts of our heritage: Cordoba’s Great Mosque-Cathedral and Granada’s Alhambra.
The conference’s working languages are English and French.
The deadline for the registration of panels and papers, roundtables, poster presentations and additional activities is 9 December 2017 (see
Further information:
WOCMES Seville 2018 Secretariat
Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo
Calle Max Planck nº2, Isla de la Cartuja
41092 Sevilla
Phone: 0034 954 08 80 30, Fax: 0034 954 08 15 06, E-Mail:
lundi 20 février 2017
EURAMES Info Service 07/2017
CONFERENCES 1. "Middle East Dialogue 2017: A New Collective Vision", Washington DC, 10 March 2017 2. Workshop: "Unlocking the Medinan Qur'an", Pembroke College, Oxford, 19-21 March 2017 3. Workshop: "Spatialising the Social Sciences in Post-colonial Contexts", University of Oxford, 5-6 May 2017 4. Postgraduate Symposium: "Muslims in the UK and Europe", Centre of Islamic Studies, University of Cambridge, 12-13 May 2017 5. Conference: "The Medieval Iberian Treasury in the Context of Muslim-Christian Interchange", Princeton University, Madrid, 19-20 May 2017 6. Postgraduate Conference: "Conflict, Borders and Contested Space", IAIS, University of Exeter, 24-25 May 2017 7. 2017 Exeter Gulf Conference: "Hegemonic Boundaries and Asymmetric Power in the Gulf", IAIS, University of Exeter, 10-11 July 2017 8. "MENA Political Science Research and Publication Conference", Tunis, 25-27 July 2017 9. Panel on "Refugees Welcome? The Politics of Hospitality and Care in Turkey and Europe" at the "6th Bi-annual Peace and Conflict Studies in Anthropology Meeting", Amsterdam, 28-30 August 2017 10. 3rd Balkan Visual Meeting: "Cities on the Move: Turkey and Yugoslavia in the Interwar Period", University of Basel, 14-16 September 2017 11. Panel on "Certainty and Ambiguity in Modern Islam" at the "33rd Deutscher Orientalistentag", University of Jena, 18-22 September 2017 12. Conference: "Gender in Revolution: Women and Men Experiencing Revolutionary Change 1917-2017", Odessa, Ukraine, 30 September - 2 October 2017 13. Conference: "Museums in Arabia 2017", Bahrain National Museum, Manama, Bahrain, 11-13 October 2017 14. Symposium: "The Mediterranean in Motion", Izmir Mediterranean Academy, Turkey, 16-18 November 2017 15. International Conference: "In Partibus Fidelium. Missions in the Levant and Understanding the Christian East (XIX-XXIth Centuries)", École Française de Rome, 27-29 November 2017 16. Panel on "Trade and Material Culture in the Mediterranean" at the "Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America", Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, 1-3 March 2018 POSITION 17. Post-doctoral Research Associate in Palestine and Palestinian Studies, Brown University, Providence, RI OTHER INFORMATION 18. Lebanon Dissertation Summer Institute, Arab Studies Institute & Center for Arab and Middle Eastern Studies, Beirut, 12-23 June 2017 19. Intensive Arabic Summer Program, Center for Arab and Middle Eastern Studies, American University of Beirut, 21 June - 9 August 2017 20. 3rd NAREM Summer School: "Renewable Energy and Development", Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies (CNMS), University of Marburg, 21-28 August 2017 21. "Yemen Exchange", Sanaa Center for Strategic Studies &, Beirut, 12-16 April 2017 22. Chapters for Edited Book on "Islamophobia in Muslim Societies" 23. Articles for "The Canadian Journal for Middle East Studies" 24. Articles on "Media and Violence" for "Marmara Journal of Communication" 25. Articles on "Russia's 21st Century Middle East: Geopolitics, Hegemonies, Alliances and Contestations" If you want to distribute an announcement via DAVO-Info-Service (about 1500 recipients) and EURAMES Info Service (more than 6000 recipients, only English and French announcements), please apply the usual format of the text with no more than 50 words and no attachment. Please send only the most important information to and refer to further details with a link to the respective website or an email address. Best regards, Guenter Meyer, Centre for Research on the Arab World (CERAW), University of Mainz ____________________ CONFERENCES 1. "Middle East Dialogue 2017: A New Collective Vision", Washington DC, 10 March 2017 The consideration deadline has been extended: due to recent events we are looking for talk proposals that address pressing policy concerns under the Trump administration. Information and preliminary program: _____________ 2. Workshop: "Unlocking the Medinan Qur'an", Pembroke College, Oxford, 19-21 March 2017 Attendance of the workshop is free, but prior registration is required. Information: _____________ 3. Workshop: "Spatialising the Social Sciences in Post-colonial Contexts", University of Oxford, 5-6 May 2017 Although theoretical work is welcome, priority will be given to papers relying on some level of empirical investigation, including that which utilizes archives, the study of textual documents, or any other form of first-hand investigation. Deadline for abstracts: 15 March 2017. Information: _____________ 4. Postgraduate Symposium: "Muslims in the UK and Europe", Centre of Islamic Studies, University of Cambridge, 12-13 May 2017 The Centre of Islamic Studies invites current Masters and PhD candidates to present their research on issues pertaining to Muslims in the UK and Europe, from any discipline. Deadline for application: 13 March 2017. Information: _____________ 5. Conference: "The Medieval Iberian Treasury in the Context of Muslim-Christian Interchange", Princeton University, Madrid, 19-20 May 2017 The conference brings together scholars from multiple disciplines, with specializations including Islamic law and sumptuary production, patronage and royal studies, identity and gender studies, and political history across the cultures of medieval Spain. Information: _____________ 6. Postgraduate Conference: "Conflict, Borders and Contested Space", IAIS, University of Exeter, 24-25 May 2017 This conference seeks to explore changing formations of conflict, contestation and dissent, as well as their implications for contemporary academia. We encourage papers that take up the theme in innovative ways, exploring not only conflict, borders and the contestation of space, but also how differing research approaches can stimulate new academic findings and contest the largely neoliberal dominance of studies in the field. Deadline for abstracts: 7 April 2017. Information: _____________ 7. 2017 Exeter Gulf Conference: "Hegemonic Boundaries and Asymmetric Power in the Gulf", IAIS, University of Exeter, 10-11 July 2017 This conference asks how boundaries have been actively constructed and constituted throughout the Gulf region (Arabian Peninsula, Iran and Iraq) in the production of social, ethnic, linguistic, religious, political and even ontological distinctions. Deadline for abstracts: 1 April 2017. Information: _____________ 8. "MENA Political Science Research and Publication Conference", Tunis, 25-27 July 2017 The conference is targeted at Ph.D. students and early-career faculty based at institutions in the Middle East and North Africa. Scholars based outside the MENA region are also welcome. The cost of airfare and hotel accommodation for all invited scholars will be covert. Deadline for abstracts: 19 March 2017. Information: _____________ 9. Panel on "Refugees Welcome? The Politics of Hospitality and Care in Turkey and Europe" at the 6th Bi-annual Peace and Conflict Studies in Anthropology Meeting (PACSA), Amsterdam, 28-30 August 2017 We particularly welcome submissions of papers based on ethnographic research and deal with the questions of hospitality/hostility, care and compassion in the context of the refugee influx with a critical eye. Deadline for abstracts: 2 April 2017. Information: _____________ 10. 3rd Balkan Visual Meeting: "Cities on the Move: Turkey and Yugoslavia in the Interwar Period", University of Basel, 14-16 September 2017 The conference will explore how urban landscapes and everyday life in these cities changed under the new national order. Deadline for abstracts: 20 February 2017. Information: _____________ 11. Panel on "Certainty and Ambiguity in Modern Islam" at the 33rd Deutscher Orientalistentag", University of Jena, 18-22 September 2017 The panel seeks to unearth the mechanisms behind the production, dissemination, regulation, and displacement of certainty in modern Islam in the 19th and 20th centuries. Deadline for abstracts: 15 March 2017. Information: _____________ 12. Conference: "Gender in Revolution: Women and Men Experiencing Revolutionary Change 1917-2017", Odessa, Ukraine, 30 September - 2 October 2017 The conference will explore different aspects of the social and political transformations in gender relations, especially the life of women, resulting from one century of revolutions, in South Yemen, Kurdish Rojava, etc. Deadline for proposals: 2 April 2017. Information: _____________ 13. Conference: "Museums in Arabia 2017", Bahrain National Museum, Manama, Bahrain, 11-13 October 2017 This conference will be of interest to academics, practitioners and students interested in museum and heritage theory and practice in the Gulf, Creative and artistic practices, and, more broadly, those with an interest in the cultural, economic and political landscape of the region. Deadline for abstracts: 31 March 2017. Information: _____________ 14. Symposium: "The Mediterranean in Motion", Izmir Mediterranean Academy, Turkey, 16-18 November 2017 This symposium aims to discuss the questions of the Mediterranean through the lens of its endemic mobility and motion. It seeks to open up questions and debates on this subject in an interdisciplinary manner. In order to approach these questions from different angles, we invite contributions from humanities, art, architecture, design, anthropology, sociology, philosophy, geography, political science, literature, as well as other disciplines in conversation with them. Deadline for abstracts: 20 March 2017. Information: _____________ 15. International Conference: "In Partibus Fidelium. Missions in the Levant and Understanding the Christian East (XIX-XXIth Centuries)", École Française de Rome, 27-29 November 2017 This international conference will look at the assimilation in Europe of knowledge concerning Eastern Christian cultures, especially from the last third of the XIXth century, and the role the missions played in this process. Deadline for abstracts: 11 March 2017. Information: _____________ 16. Panel on "Trade and Material Culture in the Mediterranean" at the "Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America", Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, 1-3 March 2018 Papers are invited from economic, social, and institutional history, art and cultural history (including music and literature) that examine the trade and material culture in the medieval Mediterranean in relation to the formation of religious, ethnic, linguistic and cultural identities. Deadline for abstracts: 20 April 2017. Information: _____________ POSITION 17. Post-doctoral Research Associate in Palestine and Palestinian Studies, Brown University, Providence, RI The position is open to all the humanities and social science disciplines. Scholars who received PhDs within five years of the application deadline are eligible to apply. We especially welcome candidates who thrive in an interdisciplinary environment and whose work is informed by comparative and global perspectives. Review of application will begin 1 March 2017. Information: _____________ OTHER INFORMATION 18. Lebanon Dissertation Summer Institute, Arab Studies Institute & Center for Arab and Middle Eastern Studies, Beirut, 12-23 June 2017 By bringing together PhD students of various disciplinary training and topical foci, this program creates a space to interrogate, modify, and develop critical approaches to the study of Lebanon. Central to this process is increasing students' familiarity with the contours of knowledge production as well as field research in Lebanon. Deadline for application: 5 March 2017. Information: _____________ 19. Intensive Arabic Summer Program, Center for Arab and Middle Eastern Studies, American University of Beirut, 21 June - 9 August 2017 There will be a seven-week program in Arabic language and culture that is designed for students interested in developing overall proficiency in Arabic in both its Standard and Lebanese varieties. There will also be a program in Lebanese Arabic (LA) that offers intensive instruction in LA at the intermediate level. Deadline for application: 12 April 2017. Information: _____________ 20. 3rd NAREM Summer School: "Renewable Energy and Development", Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies (CNMS), University of Marburg, 21-28 August 2017 In cooperation with University of Tehran, Tarbiat Modares University and Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. This academic program will provide a great opportunity to expand knowledge on renewable energy and network with experts from Germany and Iran. Deadline for application: 15 March 2017. Information: _____________ 21. Yemen Exchange, Sanaa Center for Strategic Studies &, Beirut, 12-16 April 2017 During the five day program, participants from around the world will listen and engage Yemeni politicians, civil society figures and analysts in order to provide direct and intensive insight into Yemen, from several differing perspectives. In order to promote small group dynamics, the number of participants will be capped at 35. Deadlines for application: 15 March 2017 and 1 April 2017. Information: _____________ 22. Chapters for Edited Book on "Islamophobia in Muslim Societies" This interdisciplinary book will cover various topics on history, culture, media, education, politics, international relations etc. in Albanian, Algiers, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bosnia Herzegovina, Chechnya, Cyprus, Egypt, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Kosovo, Libya, Malaysia, Morocco, Pakistan, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan. Deadline for abstracts: 15 March 2017. Information: _____________ 23. Articles for "The Canadian Journal for Middle East Studies" Papers are invited on The Arab Spring, Political Sociology of the Middle East, Culture in the Middle East, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Iran-Arabs Relations, Political Economy of the Middle East, Religions of the Middle East, History of the Middle East, Women in the Middle East, etc. Deadline for article submissions: 30 March 2017. Information: _____________ 24. Articles on "Media and Violence" for "Marmara Journal of Communication" Including: Mediatization of traumatic events and disasters in Turkey; Military coup and the media in Turkey, etc. Deadline for papers: 20 April 2017. Information: _____________ 25. Articles on "Russia's 21st Century Middle East: Geopolitics, Hegemonies, Alliances and Contestations" Selected abstracts will be submitted in total as a special issue proposal to Political Geography, Geopolitics, or Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space. Papers will be presented at the 2018 AAG Annual Meeting. An edited volume is planned. Deadline for abstracts: 24 April 2017. Information:
vendredi 17 février 2017
Διάλεξη Στ. Κορδώση στην Αθήνα, Δευτέρα 20 Φεβρουαρίου 2017
Η Ελληνική Επιστημονική Εταιρεία Σπουδών Μέσης Ανατολής,
υπό την αιγίδα της Κοσμητείας της Σχολής Οικονομικών και Πολιτικών Επιστημών ΕΚΠΑ
υπό την αιγίδα της Κοσμητείας της Σχολής Οικονομικών και Πολιτικών Επιστημών ΕΚΠΑ
Σας προσκαλούν σε διάλεξη με θέμα
Ελληνιστικές και βυζαντινές προεκτάσεις
του βουδιστικού έπους του Kesar του gLing (Καίσαρος
του Λιν, Θιβέτ)
Δρ Στέφανος Κορδώσης
Διδάσκων στο Παν/μιο Xibei Daxue, Xi’an, Shaanxi, Κίνα
εξωτερικός συνεργάτης
Ινστιτούτου Ιστορικών Ερευνών, Εθνικό Ίδρυμα Ερευνών
20 Φεβρουαρίου 2017, ώρα 6.45μμ
και Παλαιογραφικό Αρχείο ΜΙΕΤ
Σκουζέ 3, 105 60 Αθήνα, 1ος Όροφος, (πλατεία Αγίας Ειρήνης οδός Αιόλου, μετρό
jeudi 16 février 2017
Μια πολύ ενδιαφέρουσα βιβλιοπαρουσίαση
Υπάρχουν έργα, που περνώντας ο καιρός αναδεικτνύονται πάντα χρήσιμα, όπως το βιβλίο του L. Gardet, Islam, religion et communauté, ή το παρακάτω έργο του Paréja, που πρωτοεκδόθηκε πριν 50 χρόνια. τι κάνει ένα βιβλίο σύγχρονο σε κάθε εποχή; ενδεχομένως όχι (μόνο) η πληροφόρηση -που με την έρευνα εμπλουτίζεται-, αλλά κυρίως η οργάνωση. στη Σεβίλλη λοιπόν η επανέκδοση. για για να καταλάβουμε τι σημαίνει αραβικές σπουδές, και τι σημαίνει γενικά ΣΠΟΥΔΕΣ, δείτε και τη σειρά στην οποία επανεκδίδεται, και καταλάβετε πόσο σημαντικό είναι να αναπτύξουμε, επιτέλεους, σοβαρές αραβικές σπουδές στην Ελλάδα.
mardi 14 février 2017
Περί ακαδημαϊκής ελευθερίας, περί ακαδημαϊκής ύπαρξης, περί ακαδημαϊκής επιβίωσης. από τη EURAMES σχετικά με την Τουρκία
Since September 1st, Turkish government is firing academics, confiscating their passports and banning them from any kind of public work. Since then 4,811 academics from 112 universities have been discharged by 5 Statutory Decrees. The largest number of discharges occurred at Süleyman Demirel University (193), İstanbul University (192), Gazi University (169) and Pamukkale University (164). There are 191 universities in Turkey and 15 of them were closed by the statutory decrees. There were 64,533 students and 2,805 academic members at those universities. There are 146,124 people at universities, according to the data of Higher Education Council of Turkey.
330 academics from 48 universities were discharged by the new statutory decree issued February 7 under State of Emergency in Turkey. The largest number of discharges were at Ankara University (78). Greater part of it was from the Faculty of Political Science, a school which has been found in 1859 and always known for its engagement to critical thought.
184 of 330 academics who have been expelled by the Statutory Decree announced in February 7 are "We will not be a party to this crime" declaration signatories well known as the “Academics For Peace”, condemning Turkish government's attacks and heavy violations of basic human rights in Kurdish cities in southeast Turkey. 26 of the 184 academics were previously either sacked or they resigned.
Education and Science Laborers Union (Eğitim-Sen) of Turkey had announced a “Grand Rally” in Ankara University Cebeci Campus due to the latest government decrees. Police have prevented expelled academics and more who came to support from entering Cebeci Campus of Ankara University. With shutting down the campus door, riot police beat academics. 11 people including academics were taken into custody.
The academics who were dismissed from their universities with a recent executive decree wanted to rally against the unlawful decision in Ankara University Cebeci Campus. The protestors gathered in front of Ankara University Faculty of Political Science, known by its historical name “Mülkiye”, including dismissed academicians, their colleagues and students, as well as the former Dean Prof. Karatepe. Academics put their gowns down on the floor in front of the campus entrance to protest the police attack. The most striking photo of the day was taken when the police trampled over the gowns and attacked the academicians.
As students and academics live in foreign countries, we decided to take photos and videos from our cities to show solidarity and to demonstrate that our schools are more than just a building. We kindly invite all academics worldwide to show their support returning our call with their solidarity messages. Our tags are as follows in Turkish;
Siyasal Her Yerde (Faculty of Political Science is Everywhere)
Akademi Biat Etmez (Academy Does Not Obey)
Hocama Dokunma (Hands Off My Professor)
Please help us spread our word.
Ankara University Faculty of Political Science alumnis
Turkish -
Turkish -
EURAMES Info Service 06/2017
CONFERENCES 1. International Conference: "Syria - Six Years On: From Destruction to Reconstruction", London, 4-6 April 2017 2. Colloquium: "History, Memory, Identity", Diyanet Islamic Research Institute, Lanham, MD, 8 April 2017 3. Conference: "Qur'anic Manuscript Studies: State of the Field", Central European University, Budapest, 4-6 May 2017 4. Conference: "The Medieval Mediterranean: Cultural, Religious and Economic Exchange", Institute for Medieval Studies, Leeds, 20 May 2017 5. Conference: "Reassessing Nineteenth-Century Art in Islamic Countries", University of Vienna, 6-8 July 2017 6. Workshop: "Colonial Morocco Revisited", Mediterranean Seminar, Rabat, 12-13 July 2017 7. Conference: "Religion and Division: Causes, Consequences and Counters", Association for the Sociology of Religion, Montreal, 13-14 August 2017 8. Conference: "Cities on the Move: Turkey and Yugoslavia in the Interwar Period", University of Basel, 14-16 September 2017 9. Workshop: "Infrastructure and the Making of Urban Space: Critical Approaches (Focus MENA Region)", Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin, 21-22 September 2017 10. International Conference: "Religion(s) and Power(s)", Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania, 5-6 October 2017 11. International Conference: "Women and Politics in an Age of Uncertainty: The Road to Sustainable Democracy and Democratization", Polydiscilinary Faculty of Ouarzazate, Ibn Zohr University, 24-26 October 2017 POSITIONS 12. Visiting Research Fellowship on Turkey at the Centre for Southeast European Studies, University of Graz, Austria 13. Open Rank Professorship in the Field of Politics, Culture and Society of the Contemporary Middle East, University of Leuven, Belgium 14. Lectureship in Middle Eastern Studies, Leiden Institute for Area Studies 15. Post-Doctoral Research Associate in Palestine and Palestinian Studies, Brown University, Providence, RI 16. Library of Congress Mellon Fellowship for Dissertation Research in the Humanities, Washington, DC 17. Postdoctoral Fellowships in Mediterranean Studies, Haifa Center for Mediterranean History (HCMH) 18. Research Scholar: "Islamic Definition of the Nuclear Family in the Wake of Modern Biomedical Technology", Georgetown University, Qatar 19. Faculty Openings at the American University of Kuwait (2017/18) 20. Assistant Professor in Arabic, American University of Kuwait OTHER INFORMATION 21. Proposals for Research Project "Localizing the SDGs: Listening to the Voices of the 'Furthest-behind'", American University of Beirut and United Nations in Lebanon 22. 2 Vacancies for non-US / non-UK Applicants: 4th International Course on Shi'a Islamic Studies, University of Religions and Denominations, Qom, 4-14 March 2017 23. 2nd EUMedEA Crash Course: "Managing Crises at EU Med Borders", University of Catania, Italy, 25 June - 1 July 2017 24. 3-year PhD Scholarship for a Project Relating to the Pre-Modern History of the Mediterranean, Haifa Center for Mediterranean History (HCMH) 25. Chapters for Book on "State, Religion and Muslims. Between Discrimination and Protection at the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Levels" 26. Articles on "Media, Identity, and Online Communities in a Changing Arab World" for Special Issue of "New Media & Society" 27. Articles on "Socio-spatial Dynamics in Contemporary Iran" for Journal "EchoGeo" If you want to distribute an announcement via DAVO-Info-Service (about 1500 recipients) and EURAMES Info Service (more than 6000 recipients, only English and French announcements), please apply the usual format of the text with no more than 50 words and no attachment. Please send only the most important information to and refer to further details with a link to the respective website or an email address. Best regards, Guenter Meyer, Centre for Research on the Arab World (CERAW), University of Mainz ____________________ CONFERENCES 1. International Conference: "Syria - Six Years On: From Destruction to Reconstruction", London, 4-6 April 2017 This conference is organised by the European Centre for the Study of Extremism, Cambridge (EuroCSE) and seeks to kick start the creation of effective dialogue, by promoting national reconciliation across Syria. Deadline for abstracts: 27 February 2017. Information: _____________ 2. Colloquium: "History, Memory, Identity", Diyanet Islamic Research Institute, Lanham, MD, 8 April 2017 To further the conversation among increasingly specialized and differentiated research interests in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, the colloquium will address three broad themes: history, memory, and identity. Graduate students who are engaged in innovative research with interdisciplinary perspectives are particularly encouraged to apply. Deadline for abstracts: 24 February 2017. Information: _____________ 3. Conference: "Qur'anic Manuscript Studies: State of the Field", Central European University, Budapest, 4-6 May 2017 The conference hopes to consider the new directions provided to the field of Qur'anic studies by the digital revolution, in terms of access to the manuscripts and tools for editing their texts, and by the new understanding of philology accruing from digital philology. Information: _____________ 4. Conference: "The Medieval Mediterranean: Cultural, Religious and Economic Exchange", Institute for Medieval Studies, Leeds, 20 May 2017 We welcome papers from a variety of disciplines and methodological approaches (historical, literary, and linguistic) to the problem of the Mediterranean as a place of exchange at all levels. Deadline for abstracts: 18 March 2017. Information: _____________ 5. Conference: "Reassessing Nineteenth-Century Art in Islamic Countries", University of Vienna, 6-8 July 2017 We invite papers that help to reassess works, genres, media, aesthetics, artistic processes and oeuvres in nineteenth-century art and architecture in the Islamic world and to define formal and intellectual concepts with a view to local or indigenous contexts and attitudes. In addition to this main topic, there will be also a panel for presenting current research on other themes. Deadline for abstracts: 1 March 2017. Information: _____________ 6. Workshop: "Colonial Morocco Revisited", Mediterranean Seminar, Rabat, 12-13 July 2017 Our goal is to promote a reassessment of the impact and meaning of the colonial period through analyses of the environment, gender relations and the intersection of gender with other axes of power such as race, class/prestige and sexuality, spatial-architectural boundaries, medical and educational epistemologies and projects, the politics of the body, rural colonial Morocco. Deadline for abstracts: 12 March 2017. Information: _____________ 7. Conference: "Religion and Division: Causes, Consequences and Counters", Association for the Sociology of Religion, Montreal, 13-14 August 2017 This meeting is open to all topics within the sociology of religion, focusing on any aspects of religion and division, conflict, or violence; religion and unity, peace, justice, and other social movements. Deadline for abstracts: 30 April 2017. Information: _____________ 8. Conference: "Cities on the Move: Turkey and Yugoslavia in the Interwar Period", University of Basel, 14-16 September 2017 The Third Balkan Visual Meeting will explore how urban landscapes and everyday life changed under the new national order. The main focus is on the cities which are under investigation in the ongoing Basel SIBA project: Sarajevo, Istanbul, Belgrade, Ankara, but also other cases are welcome. Deadline for abstracts: 20 February 2017. Information: _____________ 9. Workshop: "Infrastructure and the Making of Urban Space: Critical Approaches (Focus MENA Region)", Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin, 21-22 September 2017 Topics from history, sociology, anthropology, political science, architecture, and urban planning include: Theoretical perspectives to infrastructure; Infrastructure and capital; Labor forces; Municipal governments, urban planning, and concession of public services; Gendered perspectives to infrastructure; Urban integration and segregation; Green infrastructure. To be published in an edited volume. Deadline for abstracts: 1 April 2017. Information: ____________ 10. International Conference: "Religion(s) and Power(s)", Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania, 5-6 October 2017 The Lithuanian Society for the Study of Religions in cooperation with Latvian Society for the Study of Religions and Estonian Society for the Study of Religions invites proposals for this conference. Deadline for abstracts: 1 April 2017. Information: _____________ 11. International Conference: "Women and Politics in an Age of Uncertainty: The Road to Sustainable Democracy and Democratization", Polydiscilinary Faculty of Ouarzazate, Ibn Zohr University, 24-26 October 2017 The conference invites academics, researchers, students and professionals to share their work from perspectives in gender studies, political science or other associated disciplines. The aim of this conference is to explore the relationship between women's empowerment and democracy/democratization. Deadline for abstracts: 20 April 2017. Information: _____________ STELLENANGEBOTE / POSITIONS 12. Visiting Research Fellowship on Turkey at the Centre for Southeast European Studies, University of Graz, Austria This fellowship is for junior scholars from Turkey for four months in 2017. We encourage PhD Students, Postdocs and early career academics with research interest in the society and politics of Turkey and Southeast Europe to apply. Deadline for application: 3 March 2017. Information: Florian Bieber _____________ 13. Open Rank Professorship in the Field of Politics, Culture and Society of the Contemporary Middle East, University of Leuven, Belgium The candidate must have a PhD degree in Arabic and Islamic Studies as well as an excellent research portfolio in the field of the politics, culture and society of the contemporary Middle East. Proficiency in English is required. Deadline for applications: 18 March 2017. Information: _____________ 14. Lectureship in Middle Eastern Studies, Leiden Institute for Area Studies We are interested in scholars with a PhD in Comparative Middle Eastern Studies, Modern Middle Eastern History, Cultural Studies, Politics, or Sociology and with a specialization in the Mashriq region and knowledge of Arabic (Vacancy number 17-021). Deadline for application: 1 March 2017. Information: _____________ 15. Post-Doctoral Research Associate in Palestine and Palestinian Studies, Brown University, Providence, RI The one-year position with a possibility of renewal for a second year is part of the ongoing initiative "New Directions in Palestinian Studies" which seeks to critically explore academic inquiry in this field. Candidates who thrive in an interdisciplinary environment and whose work is informed by comparative and global perspectives are welcome. Review of applications will begin 1 March 2017. Information: _____________ 16. Library of Congress Mellon Fellowship for Dissertation Research in the Humanities, Washington, DC To be eligible, an applicant will: be enrolled in a doctoral program in a graduate school in the United States, plan to do dissertation research with original source material at the Library of Congress for a period of 9-12 months, write the dissertation in a field of the humanities or in a related element of the social sciences. Maximum award $31,000. Deadline for application: 28 February 2017. Information: _____________ 17. Postdoctoral Fellowships in Mediterranean Studies, Haifa Center for Mediterranean History (HCMH) HCMH seeks applications for two postdoctoral fellowships for the academic year 2017-18. Applicants must hold a Ph.D. by the beginning of the fellowship tenure period, and no longer than 5 years. We expect the successful candidate to be present on the Haifa campus and to take an active role in the academic life of HCMH. The Fellowship offers an annual stipend of $34,000. Deadline for application: 15 April 2017. Information: _____________ 18. Research Scholar: "Islamic Definition of the Nuclear Family in the Wake of Modern Biomedical Technology", Georgetown University, Qatar The successful candidate will possess sufficient knowledge and expertise in the social sciences (preferably sociology or anthropology) with a particular focus on the Muslim world or Muslim populations. PhD in hand or expected by the start date is required. Proficiency in Arabic language is strongly desired. Deadline for application: 1 March 2017. Information: _____________ 19. Faculty Openings at the American University of Kuwait (2017/18) The University is seeking terminally qualified faculty committed to excellence in teaching, scholarly research, and service. American education or teaching experience is preferred as is evidence of research activity. Information: _____________ 20. Assistant Professor in Arabic, American University of Kuwait Candidates should have native or near-native fluency in Arabic. They should be familiar with the Gulf region and with teaching experience in language and literature. PhD required. Position Code No. 17- 401- MESA 01. Information: _____________ OTHER INFORMATION 21. Proposals for Research Project "Localizing the SDGs: Listening to the Voices of the 'Furthest-behind'", American University of Beirut and United Nations in Lebanon This project uses a participatory action research approach in generating information on the needs of those left 'furthest-behind' and will contribute to the localization of the SDG agenda based on target community perceptions, needs, and priorities. Deadline for proposals: 6 March 2017. Information: _____________ 22. 2 Vacancies for non-US / non-UK Applicants: 4th International Course on Shi'a Islamic Studies, University of Religions and Denominations, Qom, 4-14 March 2017 After a one-week workshop in Qom and Mashhad, a 5-day tour of acquaintance with Iran's cultural and religious environment is intended for the participants, in which the ancient monuments and tourist attractions in the cities of Isfahan and Tehran will be visited. Information: _____________ 23. 2nd EUMedEA Crash Course: "Managing Crises at EU Med Borders", University of Catania, Italy, 25 June - 1 July 2017 This is an advanced study and training course run by leading scholars, civil society organizations' representatives and practitioners. It aims to support young researchers. PhD students are invited to present their ongoing research projects. 10 full grants are available for PhD students. Deadline for applications: 1 April 2017. Information: _____________ 24. 3-year PhD Scholarship for a Project Relating to the Pre-Modern History of the Mediterranean, Haifa Center for Mediterranean History (HCMH) Starting in October 2017, the scholarships will be offered to students who will be admitted to doctoral studies at the University of Haifa. Deadline for application: 1 July 2017. Information: _____________ 25. Chapters for Book on "State, Religion and Muslims. Between Discrimination and Protection at the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Levels" The editors Dr. Melek Saral and Dr. Serif Onur Bahcecik are looking for contributors to a peer-reviewed edited book on discrimination against and protection of Muslims in Western countries: Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States. Deadline for abstracts: 14 March 2017. Information: _____________ 26. Articles on "Media, Identity, and Online Communities in a Changing Arab World" for Special Issue of "New Media & Society" What characterizes the online users' communities? What are their motivations? How do they perceive the role of news websites' commenting functions in promoting political engagement? Edited by Aziz Douai, Eid Mohamed, and Adel Iskandar. Deadline for abstracts: 25 March 2017. Information: _____________ 27. Articles on "Socio-spatial Dynamics in Contemporary Iran" for Journal "EchoGeo" Editors: Amin Moghadam, Mina Saïdi and Serge Weber. Deadline for the articles in French or English: 6 June 2017. Information: ________________________________________
vendredi 3 février 2017
EURAMES Info Service 05/2017
CONFERENCES 1. Workshop: "Building Confessional Identities in the Ottoman Empire (16th-18th Centuries)", École Francaise de Rome, 6 February 2017 2. Atelier d'historiographie critique de la Revue « Studia Islamica », Paris, Salons de l'INALCO, 10 février 2017 3. International Symposium: "Continuity and Change in North Africa, Turkey & Iran", IRAM Center for Iranian Studies, Ankara, 20-22 April 2017 4. Conference: "Dynamics of Global Inequality: New Thinking in Global Affairs", Rutgers Division of Global Affairs, Newark, New Jersey, 21 April 2017 5. 32nd Annual Middle East History and Theory Conference: "Center and Periphery", University of Chicago, 5-6 May 2017 6. 2nd Annual Pre-Tenure Faculty Workshop of the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), Herndon, VA, 15-16 May 2017 7. Summer School: "Water is Life - Water in Science, Technology, Architecture, and Literature", Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Research Foundation for the History of Science in Islam, Istanbul, 17-21 May 2017 8. Colloque : « Les transitions politiques en Méditerranée (XIXe-XXe siècles) - Acteurs et réseaux, moments d'exception et de ruptures, pratiques et representations », Porticcio (Corse du sud, baie d'Ajaccio), 2-3 juin 2017 9. Deuxième Congrès du GIS Moyen-Orient et Mondes Musulmans, Paris, 5-7 juillet 2017 10. 8th Annual Gulf Research Meeting (GRM), University of Cambridge, 1-4 August 2017 11. 51st Seminar for Arabian Studies, British Museum, London, 4-6 August 2017 12. Convention: "Globalisation", Postcolonial Studies Association, London, 18-20 September 2017 13. Workshop: "Circulating Translations in the 19th Century from the Eastern Mediterranean to the Arabian Sea: Texts in Practice", University of Oxford, 20-22 September 2017 14. International Conference of ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge and MedWorlds: "Cultures, Hopes and Conflicts. The Mediterranean between Land and Sea", University of Salerno, Italy, 26-28 September 2017 15. Conference: "Muslims and the City", North American Association of Islamic and Muslim Studies (NAAIMS), Boston College, MA, 29 September 2017 16. Colloque: « Le dialogue inter-religieux. Histoire, cultures et lien social », l'Université d'Artois, Arras, 12-13 octobre 2017 17. 10th Annual ASMEA Conference: "The Middle East and Africa: Assessing the Regions Ten Years On", Washington, D.C., 19-21 October 2017 18. Dialogues interculturels à l'époque coloniale et postcoloniale : « Représentations littéraires et culturelles - Orient, Maghreb et Afrique occidentale (de 1830 à nos jours) », l'Institut Historique Allemand, Paris, 8-10 novembre 2017 19. Colloque international : « Genre, sexualité, et culture : les enjeux de l'espace public autour de la Méditerranée. Comparaison Union européenne / Maghreb » Casablanca, Maroc, 23-24 novembre 2017 POSITIONS 20. 4 Doctoral Posts in Cultural and Social Studies (Media Research), University of Siegen, Germany 21. University Assistant (Post Doc), Institut fuer Islamisch-theologische Studien, University of Vienna 22. University Assistant (Prae Doc), Institut fuer Islamisch-theologische Studien, University of Vienna 23. Evans-Pritchard Lectureship 2017-2018, All Souls College, Oxford 24. Assistant Professor in International Relations (Focus International Organization and Middle East), Central European University, Budapest, Hungary 25. 6 Scientific Positions at the Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale in Cairo (2017-2018) 26. Post-doctoral Fellowship in Druze and Arab Studies, Georgetown University OTHER INFORMATION 27. Articles on "19-20th Century Levant (Bilad al Sham)" for Edited Book on "From Christianisations and Islamisations to (Hetero)Europeanisations: Transformations of Cultural-Historical Heritage on the European Margins" 28. Article sur "Prier aux Suds : les lieux de culte entre territorialisations, cohabitations et mobilités du religieux", pour numéro 275 des "Cahiers d'Outre-Mer" 29. International Parliamentary Scholarship Programme for Arab Countries, Berlin, September 2017 30. "Adopt an Academic", Initiative of the Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA) and Freie Universität Berlin If you want to distribute an announcement via DAVO-Info-Service (about 1500 recipients) and EURAMES Info Service (more than 6000 recipients, only English and French announcements), please apply the usual format of the text with no more than 50 words and no attachment. Please send only the most important information to and refer to further details with a link to the respective website or an email address. Best regards, Guenter Meyer, Centre for Research on the Arab World, University of Mainz ____________________ CONFERENCES 1. Workshop: "Building Confessional Identities in the Ottoman Empire (16th-18th Centuries)", École Francaise de Rome, 6 February 2017 This workshop will reflect upon the construction of confessional identities within the communities of the Ottoman Empire which was determined by the clash with a rival religious group (Sunni vs. Shiite Muslims, Orthodox vs. Catholic Christians, Sephardic vs. charismatic and mystic Jewish movements) or with other communities. Programme: _____________ 2. Atelier d'historiographie critique de la Revue « Studia Islamica », Paris, Salons de l'INALCO, 10 février 2017 Atelier pour rassembler des spécialistes d'horizons divers venant présenter un état des lieux critique de la production récente dans un domaine spécifique de la recherche en histoire de l'Islam et/ou en islamologie. Programme : _____________ 3. International Symposium: "Continuity and Change in North Africa, Turkey & Iran", IRAM Center for Iranian Studies, Ankara, 20-22 April 2017 IRAM, in partnership with Yıldırım Beyazıt University in Ankara, invites experts from all over the world to explore the trajectory, extent and the future of change and continuity in the Middle East in the First International Semi-Annual Trilogy Conference. The papers can be specific to one country or region or can tackle issues comparatively between them. Information: _____________ 4. Conference: "Dynamics of Global Inequality: New Thinking in Global Affairs", Rutgers Division of Global Affairs, Newark, New Jersey, 21 April 2017 This conference seeks to create an interdisciplinary conversation, and we welcome participants from multiple disciplines, including, but not limited to: Political Science and International Relations, Sociology, Anthropology, Geography, Critical Ethnic Studies, American Studies, African and African American Studies, History and the Humanities. Deadline for abstracts: 15 February 2017. Information: _____________ 5. 32nd Annual Middle East History and Theory Conference: "Center and Periphery", University of Chicago, 5-6 May 2017 We invite proposals from graduate students, faculty, and independent scholars about the Middle East and Islamic World from the coming of Islam until the present day. Deadline for abstracts: 10 February 2017. Information: _____________ 6. 2nd Annual Pre-Tenure Faculty Workshop of the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), Herndon, VA, 15-16 May 2017 The workshop is designed to provide a forum and support for pre-tenure faculty in Islamic Studies and related disciplines, and to help them navigate the straits of tenure-track and pre-tenure faculty life - both personally and professionally. Deadline for application: 1 March 2017. Information: _____________ 7. Summer School: "Water is Life - Water in Science, Technology, Architecture, and Literature", Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Research Foundation for the History of Science in Islam, Istanbul, 17-21 May 2017 We cordially invite you to participate in the Summer School with workshops, presentations, papers, and other teaching formats. Contributions will be published in Gülhane Studies (Yearbook of the Prof. Dr. Sezgin Foundation). Deadline for abstracts: 28 February 2017. Information: _____________ 8. Colloque : « Les transitions politiques en Méditerranée (XIXe-XXe siècles) - Acteurs et réseaux, moments d'exception et de ruptures, pratiques et representations », Porticcio (Corse du sud, baie d'Ajaccio), 2-3 juin 2017 Le thème invite à des approches comparées, et à des études portant sur les deux rives de la Méditerranée, des littoraux européens au Maghreb et au Machrek. Propositions : 15 mars 2017. Information : _____________ 9. Deuxième Congrès du GIS Moyen-Orient et Mondes Musulmans, Paris, 5-7 juillet 2017 Les inscriptions à ce Congrès seront ouvertes courant février 2017. Programme : _____________ 10. 8th Annual Gulf Research Meeting (GRM), University of Cambridge, 1-4 August 2017 Some workshops will be receiving applications until 15 February 2017: - Public-private partnerships for infrastructure delivery in the GCC: Challenges and the opportunities - Brexit and GCC - The GCC and Australia - The GCC and the Indian Ocean: Economic Opportunities and Political Challenges - Electoral Frameworks, Party Systems and Electoral Outcomes: Comparing Elections in the Gulf - Transforming Business Education in the GCC. Transitioning from Theoretical to Applied, and Applied to Impactful - The Gulf States and the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict - The Arab Gulf in the West: Perceptions and Realities; Opportunities and Perils - Migration Policies in the Gulf: Continuity and Change All interested persons are invited to apply online on GRM website: _____________ 11. 51st Seminar for Arabian Studies, British Museum, London, 4-6 August 2017 The seminar presents the latest academic research in the humanities on the Arabian Peninsula from the earliest times to the present day or, in the case of political and social history, to the end of the Ottoman Empire (1922). Deadline for abstracts: 28 February 2017. Information: _____________ 12. Convention: "Globalisation", Postcolonial Studies Association, London, 18-20 September 2017 The 2017 convention seeks to investigate the crucial role of postcolonial studies in furthering newer understandings of economic, political and cultural globalisation in the light of the current international climate: the complex socio-political ramifications of the Brexit verdict, Trump's electoral victory, or the European refugee crisis, which have come to be regarded as the reactionary 'whitelash' against globalisation. Deadline for abstracts: 28 February 2017. Information: _____________ 13. Workshop: "Circulating Translations in the 19th Century from the Eastern Mediterranean to the Arabian Sea: Texts in Practice", University of Oxford, 20-22 September 2017 This workshop will bring together scholars of translation and intellectual history in the nahda period to work intensively on single texts or authors or translators, working between any relevant language pair (or trio, such as Arabic/Persian/French). Deadline for abstracts: 15 February 2017. Information: _____________ 14. International Conference of ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge and MedWorlds: "Cultures, Hopes and Conflicts. The Mediterranean between Land and Sea", University of Salerno, Italy, 26-28 September 2017 The conference aims to collect contributions that address the most important questions related to the Mediterranean Basin from the point of view of different social and human sciences. Deadline for abstracts: 31 March 2017. Information: _____________ 15. Conference: "Muslims and the City", North American Association of Islamic and Muslim Studies (NAAIMS), Boston College, MA, 29 September 2017 How might a "traditional" Islamic city function in today's digital age and address issues from natural and social science perspectives? Can it be instrumental in addressing the socio-economic and cultural identity crises in the modern Muslim world of the 21st century? What role can Islamic ideals of the "city" play in addressing the destruction brought on by wars? Deadline for abstracts: 20 February 2017. Information: _____________ 16. Colloque: « Le dialogue inter-religieux. Histoire, cultures et lien social », l'Université d'Artois, Arras, 12-13 octobre 2017 L'Institut d'études des faits religieux (IEFR), dans le cadre d'un cycle de réflexion et d'études sur la rencontre entre les religions, organise un colloque international sur la notion complexe de dialogue inter-religieux. Propositions : 15 mars 2017. Information : _____________ 17. 10th Annual ASMEA Conference: "The Middle East and Africa: Assessing the Regions Ten Years On", Washington, D.C., 19-21 October 2017 The conference will feature roundtable discussions, film screenings, panel presentations on scholarly topics from Middle Eastern and African studies, and related disciplines, etc. Deadline for proposals: 15 April 2017. Information: _____________ 18. Dialogues interculturels à l'époque coloniale et postcoloniale : « Représentations littéraires et culturelles - Orient, Maghreb et Afrique occidentale (de 1830 à nos jours) », l'Institut Historique Allemand, Paris, 8-10 novembre 2017 L'objectif du colloque est d'étudier la façon dont les dialogues interculturels sont représentés, aussi bien dans des textes narratifs de fiction que dans des ouvrages non fictionnels ainsi que dans d'autres médias pendant une période allant de la conquête d'Alger à nos jours. Propositions (en français, en allemand ou en anglais) : 28 février 2017. Information: _____________ 19. Colloque international : « Genre, sexualité, et culture : les enjeux de l'espace public autour de la Méditerranée. Comparaison Union européenne / Maghreb » Casablanca, Maroc, 23-24 novembre 2017 Les langues du colloque sont le français, l'anglais et l'arabe, avec traduction simultanée assurée. Propositions : 28 février 2017. Information: _____________ POSITIONS 20. 4 Doctoral Posts in Cultural and Social Studies (Media Research), University of Siegen, Germany Profile: Relevant postgraduate degree (Magister, Master or Diploma) in one of the following areas of study: media studies, ethnology, geography, history, information science, science of art, cultural studies, literary studies, linguistics, political science, sociology or science and technology studies. Deadline for application: 31.03.2017. Information: _____________ 21. University Assistant (Post Doc), Institut fuer Islamisch-theologische Studien, University of Vienna Profile: Degree (diploma or master degree) in the field of Islamic Theology / Islamic Studies or equivalent disciplines with emphasis on the Sciences of the Qur'an (Ulûm al-Qur'an); high command of written and oral English, Turkish and Persian skills are an advantage. Deadline for application: 28 February 2017. Information:;jsessionid=BDD2ABCDF94DA88E3D64281B99843243?_flowExecutionKey=_cD472BFEF-DC8F-DCCE-D4FA-D334CAB4C331_k4E5B48ED-7A3C-F9FC-1962-9C9CB7346464&tid=60676.28&_language=en _____________ 22. University Assistant (Prae Doc), Institut fuer Islamisch-theologische Studien, University of Vienna Profile: PhD in Islamic Theology / Islamic Studies or equivalent disciplines with emphasis on the Sciences of the Qur'an (Ulûm al-Qur'an) or Qur'an Exegesis (Tafsir); high command of written and oral English, Turkish and Persian skills are an advantage. Deadline for application: 28 February 2017. Information:;jsessionid=B544470BCE47CFF35EF328BE109A6BAE?_flowExecutionKey=_c486B23D2-E33C-5DBA-35ED-ACBC9B51C21D_kFBA8E8E9-7665-2FB1-36AF-C8EFB622FABC&tid=60695.28&_language=en _____________ 23. Evans-Pritchard Lectureship 2017-2018, All Souls College, Oxford The lecturer should give 4 to 6 lectures over the course of one month. The lectures should provide an empirical analysis of social relations, and should be based on fieldwork or on indigenous primary materials from Africa, the Middle East or the Mediterranean. Deadline for application: Information: _____________ 24. Assistant Professor in International Relations (Focus International Organization and Middle East), Central European University, Budapest, Hungary The position is encompassing teaching and research responsibilities related to transnational or international integration processes, and formal and informal international institutions. Preference will be given to applicants with rigorous methodological training and commitment to methodological pluralism. Deadline for application: 21 March 2017. Information: _____________ 25. 6 Scientific Positions at the Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale in Cairo (2017-2018) The Ifao is recruiting scientific members for one-year positions, renewable up to three times. Research is focusing on the cultures of Egypt from prehistory to the modern period, in the fields of history, archaeology and philology. Deadline for application: 14 May 2017. Information: _____________ 26. Post-doctoral Fellowship in Druze and Arab Studies, Georgetown University The purpose of the fellowship is to promote specialized social scientific research on the Druze communities centrally and primarily, and on collective political and cultural identities in the Arab world more generally. Deadline for application: 1 March 2017. Information: _____________ OTHER INFORMATION 27. Articles on "19-20th Century Levant (Bilad al Sham)" for Edited Book on "From Christianisations and Islamisations to (Hetero)Europeanisations: Transformations of Cultural-Historical Heritage on the European Margins" The book shall be based on papers delivered at a conference held in Sofia last spring and on some invited contributions and shall be published as a special issue of 'Annali di Ca' Foscari. Serie orientale'. Deadline for proposal: 15 February 2017. Information: _____________ 28. Article sur « Prier aux Suds : les lieux de culte entre territorialisations, cohabitations et mobilités du religieux », pour numéro 275 des « Cahiers d'Outre-Mer » Ce numéro propose d'interroger le religieux dans les sociétés contemporaines des « Suds » et dans les territoires investis par leurs migrations. Information : _____________ 29. International Parliamentary Scholarship Programme for Arab Countries, Berlin, September 2017 The programme is intended for talented Arab people who are interested in politics and who are keen to play an active role in promoting core democratic values in their home countries. New deadline for application: 15 February 2017. Information: _____________ 30. "Adopt an Academic", Initiative of the Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA) and Freie Universität Berlin Both institutions have launched an initiative that seeks to open up new perspectives for refugee academics and aims to provide a safe space for independent research. On the basis of a peer-to-peer mentoring program, the project intends to create a network of solidarity that not only fosters academic freedom but also promotes the advancement of durable research collaborations between excellent Arab and German scholars. Mentors act on a voluntary basis and may represent all academic disciplines. Information:
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