CONFERENCES 1. International Workshop: "Left-wing Trends in the Arab World (1948-1979): Bringing the Transnational Back in", Orient-Institut Beirut, 12-13 December 2016 2. International Colloquium: "Inhabited Space in the Dâr al-Islâm", Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 15-17 December 2016 3. International Symposium: "Crossing Boundaries: Youth, Migration and Development", Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane, 2-3 March 2017 4. Conference: “Understanding ISIL/ISIS”, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand, 11 March 2017 5. Workshop: "The British Empire and the Turkish Republic in the 1920s and 30s", Churchill College Cambridge, 31 March - 1 April 2017 6. 32nd Annual Middle East History and Theory Conference, University of Chicago, 5-6 May 2017 7. 3rd International Conference on Shi'i Studies, Islamic College, London, 6-7 May 2017 8. Conference: “Small Mediterranean Spaces: Islands, Presìdi and Enclave. Territorial Control in the Mediterranean Geopolitics of the Modern Age (16th - first half of 19th c.)”, Centre de la Méditerranée Moderne et Contemporaine, Nice, France, 1-2 June 2017 9. 17th International Conference on Migration: "Migration and Belonging", University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Olten, 22-24 June 2017 10. Thematic Session: "Love Thy Neighbour? The Roles of Christianity in Shaping Attitudes and Policies to Muslim Immigrants in Europe" at the "34th Conference of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion", Lausanne, 4-7 July 2017 11. Conference: “Making Space in the Maghrib”, American Institute for Maghrib Studies, Tunisia, 8-9 July 2017 12. 51st Seminar for Arabian Studies, British Museum, London, 4-6 August 2017 13. Panel: "Unravelling Contemporary Settler-Colonial Relations: Realities, Knowledge and Decolonisation" at the "11th Pan-European Conference on International Relations", Barcelona, 13-16 September 2017 14. Panel: "Reassessing Religion in the Gulf" at the "Annual Meeting of the German Association for the Study of Religions (DVRW)", Philipps-Universität Marburg, 13-16 September 2017 15. 11th Pan-European Conference on International Relations: "The Politics of International Studies in an Age of Crises", Barcelona, 13-16 September 2017 16. Section: “Islam in World Affairs: Politics and Paradigms” at the "11th Pan-European Conference on International Relations", European International Studies Association, Barcelona, 13-16 September 2017 POSITIONS 17. Two PhD Positions Arabic Studies and New Testament Studies, University of Leipzig 18. Full-time, Open-rank Position on the Professorial Scale in Journalism, Doha Institute for Graduate Studies 19. Three Open-rank Positions on the Professorial Scale at Zayed University, Campus Abu Dhabi-Dubai OTHER INFORMATION 20. Summer School: "Social Justice: A Normative Foundation for Social Work?", University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Olten, 6-9 June 2017 21. NEH Summer Institute for College and University Teachers: "Islam in Asia: Traditions and Transformation", Honolulu, Hawaii, 12 June - 7 July 2017 22. PhD Studentships at the Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations, Coventry University, UK 23. Articles for Journal "Cyber Orient" __________________ Wenn Sie Mitteilungen über den DAVO-Info-Service (ca. 1500 Empfänger) und den EURAMES Info Service (mehr als 6000 Empfänger, nur Mitteilungen auf Englisch und Französisch, sonst gleicher Inhalt wie DAVO-Info-Service) veröffentlichen wollen, beachten Sie bitte, dass der Text dem üblichen Format entspricht, 50 Wörter nicht überschreitet und keinen Anhang enthält. Geben Sie bitte nur die relevanten Informationen an und verweisen Sie in Ihrer E-Mail an auf weitere Details mit einem Link zu der entsprechenden Website oder durch den Hinweis auf eine E-Mail-Kontaktadresse. If you want to distribute an announcement via DAVO-Info-Service (about 1500 recipients) and EURAMES Info Service (more than 6000 recipients, only English and French announcements), please apply the usual format of the text with no more than 50 words and no attachment. Please send only the most important information to and refer to further details with a link to the respective website or an email address. Beste Gruesse, Guenter Meyer, Zentrum fuer Forschung zur Arabischen Welt, Universitaet Mainz ____________________ KONFERENZEN/CONFERENCES 1. International Workshop: "Left-wing Trends in the Arab World (1948-1979): Bringing the Transnational Back in", Orient-Institut Beirut, 12-13 December 2016 Information: _____________ 2. International Colloquium: "Inhabited Space in the Dâr al-Islâm", Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 15-17 December 2016 The colloquium is organized by Prof. Alastair Northedge, Dr Sterenn Le Maguer and Apolline Vernet. Information:âr-al-islâm-paris-inha-15 _____________ 3. International Symposium: "Crossing Boundaries: Youth, Migration and Development", Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane, 2-3 March 2017 The symposium is seeking contributions in English, French or Arabic around the following themes: Refugees/Migrants and Fundamental Rights; Are Development Policies Failing the Youth? Left Behind: Single Parent Households as Result of Migration; Gender in the Development Discourse; Youth and Sexuality; Youth, Education, and Employment. Deadline for submissions: 10 January 2017. Information: _____________ 4. Conference: “Understanding ISIL/ISIS”, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand, 11 March 2017 This interdisciplinary workshop attempts to look beyond popular hysteria to consider the significance of the Islamic State for the Middle East, for the Islamic world, for Russia, and/or for the Western powers. The event will be free and open to the public. Deadline for abstracts: 6 February 2017. Information: _____________ 5. Workshop: "The British Empire and the Turkish Republic in the 1920s and 30s", Churchill College Cambridge, 31 March - 1 April 2017 Themes: The Turkish War of Independence, the Çanak Crisis and Occupation of Istanbul; the Treaty of Lausanne; the End of the Caliphate in Turkey and the British Empire; Turkey in British Middle Eastern Policy; Secularism, the Women’s Movement, and Ataturk’s Reforms; the Mosul Dispute; Kurdish Nationalism in Turkey and Iraq. Deadline for abstracts: 7 January 2017. Information: _____________ 6. 32nd Annual Middle East History and Theory Conference, University of Chicago, 5-6 May 2017 This year’s conference has the broad theme of “Center and Periphery,” which raises a number of possible issues: How are center and periphery defined? How is the hierarchy of center and periphery maintained through economic, political and social power? In what ways do shifting fortunes upset that hierarchy for individuals, communities, and nations? Etc. Deadline for abstracts: 10 February 2017. Information: _____________ 7. 3rd International Conference on Shi'i Studies, Islamic College, London, 6-7 May 2017 This conference will provide a broad platform for scholars in Shi‘i studies to present their latest research. Papers are welcome on any aspect of Shi‘i studies. Deadline for abstracts: 31 January 2017. Information: _____________ 8. Conference: “Small Mediterranean Spaces: Islands, Presìdi and Enclave. Territorial Control in the Mediterranean Geopolitics of the Modern Age (16th - first half of 19th c.)”, Centre de la Méditerranée Moderne et Contemporaine, Nice, France, 1-2 June 2017 The workshop’s purpose goes beyond the mere juxtaposition of micro-histories: it aims at reconstructing a whole scenario, in which these small entities help outlining a history of the Mediterranean in which such small territories are not only included, but also assessed for their past importance. Deadline for abstracts: 31 January 2017. Information: _____________ 9. 17th International Conference on Migration: "Migration and Belonging", University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Olten, 22-24 June 2017 Through the multiple lenses of a range of disciplines, researchers will describe and analyze what significance is ascribed to social, cultural, religious and political (multiple) forms and types of belonging in the context of migration, how forms of belonging change within the process of migration, and what influence this has on social relations and central features of identification in the destination countries. Deadline for abstracts: 31 December 2016. Information: _____________ 10. Thematic Session: "Love Thy Neighbour? The Roles of Christianity in Shaping Attitudes and Policies to Muslim Immigrants in Europe" at the "34th Conference of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion", Lausanne, 4-7 July 2017 Contributions with various methods that address the roles that Christianity has in shaping and justifying attitudes to Muslim refugees and immigrants and policies on immigration from Muslim majority countries are invited. Convener: Professor Torkel Brekke, University of Oslo ( Deadline for proposals: 10 January 2017. Information: _____________ 11. Conference: “Making Space in the Maghrib”, American Institute for Maghrib Studies, Tunisia, 8-9 July 2017 The aim of this conference is to develop an interdisciplinary suite of papers examining processes of space-making into, out of, and within northern Africa (broadly defined) at various levels of analysis, throughout all historical periods, and through multiple theoretical frameworks across the humanities and social sciences. Deadline for abstracts: 1 February 2017. Information: _____________ 12. 51st Seminar for Arabian Studies, British Museum, London, 4-6 August 2017 This international forum meets annually for the presentation of the latest academic research in the humanities on the Arabian Peninsula from the earliest times to the present day or, in the case of political and social history, to the end of the Ottoman Empire (1922). Deadline for abstracts: 28 February 2017. Information: and contact _____________ 13. Panel: "Unravelling Contemporary Settler-Colonial Relations: Realities, Knowledge and Decolonization" at the "11th Pan-European Conference on International Relations", Barcelona, 13-16 September 2017 The panel is organized by Elian Weizman (CBRL) and Sharri Plonski (SOAS). Deadline for abstracts: 10 February 2017. Information: _____________ 14. Panel: "Reassessing Religion in the Gulf" at the "Annual Meeting of the German Association for the Study of Religions (DVRW)", Philipps-Universität Marburg, 13-16 September 2017 We welcome papers analyzing Islam or religious plurality in one of the Gulf states as well as contributions focusing on the Khaleeji presence in other parts of the World. Deadline for abstracts: 19 December 2016. Information: Danijel Cubelic ( _____________ 15. 11th Pan-European Conference on International Relations: "The Politics of International Studies in an Age of Crises", Barcelona, 13-16 September 2017 Sections include: "International Migration and International Relations: Forced Movements of People Across Borders", "Islam in World Affairs: Politics and Paradigms", "Remote Interventionisms", "Politics of Global Economic Governance in Times of Change", etc. Deadline for paper, panel and roundtable submissions: 10 February 2017. Information: _____________ 16. Section: “Islam in World Affairs: Politics and Paradigms” at the "11th Pan-European Conference on International Relations", European International Studies Association, Barcelona, 13-16 September 2017 The section addresses the role of Islam in world affairs. It seeks to explore the empirical experiences and ideational perspectives of the Islamic civilisation on world affairs with regards to statecraft, governance, transnational movements, Islamic State phenomenon, and Islamic contributions to the field of International Relations. Deadline for abstracts: 10 February 2017. Information: _____________ STELLENANGEBOTE / POSITIONS 17. Wiss. MitarbeiterIn (PostDoc) für Erforschung des Salafismus in Deutschland, Frankfurter Forschungszentrum Globaler Islam, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt Die auf drei Jahre befristete Stelle (100 %, E13) ist ab Beginn 2017 mit einer Laufzeit von drei Jahren mit Option eines weiteren Jahres zu besetzen. Voraussetzung: überdurchschnittliche Promotion in Ethnologie, Soziologie, Politik-, Religions- oder Islamwissenschaft. Bewerbungsschluss: 27. Dezember 2016. Informationen: _____________ 18. Wiss. MitarbeiterIn im Bereich der Kultur-/Sozialgeographie/Politischen Geographie, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen Die Stelle ist ab 1. April 2017 befristet für zunächst 12 Monate am Lehrstuhl für Kulturgeographie zu besetzen . Wir erwarten: Bezüge zur interdisziplinären Islam-, Nahost- oder Migrationsforschung sowie Interesse an und grundlegende Kenntnisse der neueren konzeptionellen Ansätze der Kultur-/Sozialgeographie und der Politischen Geographie, einen sehr guten zur Promotion qualifizierenden Abschluss in (Human-/Kultur-) Geographie bzw. einer benachbarten Sozial- oder Kulturwissenschaft, gute Englischkenntnisse. Bewerbungsschluss: 15. Januar 2017. Information: _____________ 19. Two PhD Positions Arabic Studies and New Testament Studies, University of Leipzig These two PhD positions are part of a Junior Research Group (limited to 3 years, salary according to TVL E13) at the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Digital Humanities and will start on 1 April 2017. Deadline for application: 20 January 2017. Information: _____________ 20. Wiss. MitarbeiterIn für Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Outreach, Museum für Islamische Kunst, Berlin Aufgabe: Entwicklung einer Gesamtkonzeption für die Bildungs- und Vermittlungsarbeit mit diversen Nutzergruppen und zur Entwicklung von Kommunikationsstrategien u.a. über Social-Media, Online-Kommunikation usw. durch Kooperationen mit muslimischen Ländern (Entgeltgruppe E 13 TVöD, Kennziffer: SMB-GD-32-2016) Bewerbungsschluss: 19. Dezember 2016. Informationen: Frau Kropff (Tel.: 030 – 266 42 2200) _____________ 21. Full-time, Open-rank Position on the Professorial Scale in Journalism, Doha Institute for Graduate Studies The appointments will commence in September 2017. Candidates will have a Ph.D. in Journalism or related field, an excellent research and publication record, and/or an extensive professional experience in journalism. Deadline for application: 31 January 2017. Information: _____________ 22. Three Open-rank Positions on the Professorial Scale at Zayed University, Campus Abu Dhabi-Dubai A) Arabic Language, Literature, and Culture B) History of the Middle East C) International Relations with a background in the Arab Gulf/Middle East Information:; click on ‘Employment’ to be directed to the recruitment website. _____________ SONSTIGE INFORMATIONEN / OTHER INFORMATION 23. Summer School: "Social Justice: A Normative Foundation for Social Work?", University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Olten, 6-9 June 2017 International participants 2017 will debate views about social justice, and develop a broad perspective on social justice and social work, including generational justice, family justice, cultural justice, and distributive justice. Deadline for proposals: 15 January 2017. Information: _____________ 24. NEH Summer Institute for College and University Teachers: "Islam in Asia: Traditions and Transformation", Honolulu, Hawaii, 12 June - 7 July 2017 The Institute will explore Islam as an evolving system of thought and practice in South and Southeast Asia, including its impacts on social dynamics, the arts and politics. Participants will receive a stipend of $3300. Deadline for application: 1 March 2017. Information: _____________ 25. PhD Studentships at the Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations, Coventry University, UK Successful applicants will have a taught Masters degree in a relevant discipline, involving a dissertation written in English in the relevant subject area; the potential to engage in innovative research and to complete the PhD within a three-year period of study; a minimum of English language proficiency. Deadline for application: 17 February 2017. Information: _____________ 26. Articles for Journal "Cyber Orient" This issue aims to bring together the state of the art research dealing with the multifaceted social, cultural, and political aspects of the internet and new media in the Middle East. Deadline for full papers: 30 March 2017. Information:
dimanche 11 décembre 2016
EURAMES Info Service 48/2016
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