Welcome to the hompage of the 26th Congress of
Arabic and Islamic Studies in Europe and Beyond
Études arabes et islamiques en Europe et au-delà
Arabische und islamische Studien in und jenseits von Europa
Wednesday, 12th September - Sunday, 16th September 2012
Mercredi 12 Septembre - Dimanche 16 Septembre 2012
Mittwoch, den 12. September - Sonntag, den 16. September 2012
at Basel University, Basel, Switzerland
UEAI Congress Office:
Orientalisches Seminar, Universität Basel
Maiengasse 51
CH-4056 Basel
Tel. 41 / 61 / 267 28 60
Fax 41 / 61 / 267 28 64
Additional information will be continuously uploaded, please find here:
List of Participants [PDF/378 KB]
Second Circular (18 April 2012) [PDF/254 KB]
First Circular (1 November 2011) [PDF/147 KB]
Data for bank account of Union congress [PDF/70 KB]
το πρόγραμμα του συνεδρίου: http://orientsem.unibas.ch/fileadmin/orientsem/user_upload/redaktion/Dokumente_Sonstiges/Booklet_UEAI26.pdf