dimanche 7 mai 2017

EURAMES Info Service 18/2017

1. Université populaire : « La montée des islamismes », fondation Gabriel Péri,
Paris, 13 mai 2017
2. Conference: "Hajj, Umrah and Ziarah: Challenges and Opportunities in the New
Millennium", Universiti Teknologi, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, 19-20 September 2017 
3. Journées d'Études : « La participation sociale et politique des jeunes: problèmes
publics, représentations, contestations », l'IESA-CSIC (Cordoue, Espagne) et le CJB,
Rabat, Maroc, 28-29 Septembre 2017
4. Workshop: "The Politics of Culture in Contemporary Turkey", Bahçeşehir
Üniversitesi, Istanbul, 28-30 September 2017 
5. Workshop: "Arabic Pasts: Histories and Historiographies", Aga Khan University &
SOAS University of London, 6 October 2017 
6. Colloque international : « Patrimoines en péril : Action publique et politiques
de préservation au Maghreb », Institut de Recherche sur le Maghreb Contemporain,
Tunis, 13-14 octobre 2017 
7. Conference: "Renewal of Islamic Thought: Contemporary Issues", International
Institute of Islamic Thought, Herndon, VA, 23-24 October 2017 
8. Conference: "Beyond Oil: Mobilizing Alternative Futures", Space Lab, Bergen,
Norway, 25-27 October 2017
9. Rencontre : "La diplomatie des villes dans les mondes latins, musulmans et
byzantins (XIIe-XVIe siècle) : Normes et statuts de la négociation urbaine", Centre
d'études médiévales de Montpellier, 17-18 novembre 2017
10. Symposium: "Tourism: The Phenomenon and its Socio-Economic Consequences",
Tunisian-Mediterranean Association for Historical, Social and Economic Studies, 
Beja, Tunisia, 28-30 November 2017
11. International PhD Students Workshop, Italian Society for Middle Eastern Studies,
Pisa, 30 November - 1 December 2017 
12. ERF 24th Annual Conference: "The New Normal in the Global Economy: Challenges
and Prospects for MENA", Luxor, Egypt, 2-4 March 2018
13. 5 Postdoctoral Fellowships 2017/18 and 1 Irmgard Coninx Postdoc Fellowship for
Scholars at Risk: "Europe in the Middle East - The Middle East in Europe", Forum
Transregionale Studien, Berlin 
14. Postdoctoral Research Fellowship 2017/18, Orient-Institut Beirut (Max Weber
15. Postdoctoral Research Fellow, GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies,
16. Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor in Middle Easter and North African Studies,
Stockholm University 
17. Fully-Funded Doctoral Research Post/Graduate Teaching Assistantship in
Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology, University of Liverpool
18. 3 Research Fellowships for Early Stage Researchers in the Project: "CAPSAHARA:
Critical Approaches to Politics, Social Activism and Islamic Militancy the Western
Saharan Region", CRIA, Lisbon
19. Full-time Position in International Relations, Işık University, Istanbul
20. Multiple Open Rank Positions in Various Fields of Humanities and Social
Sciences, University of Tyumen, Russia
21. 40 Fellowships in the School of Historical Studies (Focus Islamic World),
Princeton, Academic Year 2018/2019
22. Gerda Henkel Foundation Research Scholarships: "Islam, the Modern Nation State
and Transnational Movements"
23. Study-in-America Program (5 June - 7 July 2017) at US National Archives II,
Texas State University, Office of Distance and Extended Learning 
24. Call for Abstracts for the Routledge "International Handbook of Religion in
Global Society"
25. Articles on "Foucault and the Historiography of the Iranian Revolution" for
Special Issue of "Iran Namag: A Quarterly of Iranian Studies", University of Toronto
If you want to distribute an announcement via DAVO-Info-Service (about 1500
recipients) and EURAMES Info Service (more than 6000 recipients, only English and
French announcements), please apply the usual format of the text with no more than
50 words and no attachment. Please send only the most important information to
 and refer to further details with a link to the respective
website or an email address.
Best regards,
Guenter Meyer, Centre for Research on the Arab World (CERAW), University of Mainz
1. Université populaire: « La montée des islamismes », fondation Gabriel Péri,
Paris, 13 mai 2017
Séances : La révolution khomeyniste, Frères musulmans et printemps arabes, Daech :
idéologie et propagande. 
Information :
2. Conference: "Hajj, Umrah and Ziarah: Challenges and Opportunities in the New
Millennium", Universiti Teknologi, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, 19-20 September 2017 
The main objectives are to discuss the main and current issues related to Hajj,
Umrah and Islamic Tourism Industry in various aspects based on the findings of
current studies.
Deadline for abstracts: 30 May 2017. Information:

3. Journées d'Études : « La participation sociale et politique des jeunes: problèmes
publics, représentations, contestations », l'IESA-CSIC (Cordoue, Espagne) et le CJB,
Rabat, Maroc, 28-29 Septembre 2017
Les journées d'études prétendent aborder ces questions en présentant des études de
cas de participation et représentation sociale et politique de la jeunesse.
Celles-ci ne sont pas limitées au Maroc et peuvent porter sur les pays du Maghreb,
voire du pourtour méditerranéen ou d'Afrique subsaharienne.
Les propositions de communications devront être envoyées avant le 31 mai 2017.
Information : http://www.lemaghreb.org/fr/appel-a-communication-2-2/
4. Workshop: "The Politics of Culture in Contemporary Turkey", Bahçeşehir
Üniversitesi, Istanbul, 28-30 September 2017 
The purpose of this workshop will be to investigate contemporary (counter)hegemonic
discourses on culture in Turkish society. The outcome of this workshop will function
as a starting point for a joint book project.
Deadline for abstracts: 1 June 2017. Information:
5. Workshop: "Arabic Pasts: Histories and Historiographies", Aga Khan University &
SOAS University of London, 6 October 2017 
This year's workshop will reflect on methodologies, research agendas, and case
studies for investigating history writing in Arabic in the Middle East and North
Africa in any period from the seventh century to the present. The emphasis will be
on informal discussion and exchange of ideas. 
Deadline for abstracts: 15 May 2017. Information: https://iismm.hypotheses.org/27036
6. Colloque international : « Patrimoines en péril : Action publique et politiques
de préservation au Maghreb », Institut de Recherche sur le Maghreb Contemporain,
Tunis, 13-14 octobre 2017 
Cette rencontre interdisciplinaire a pour objectif de mettre en lumière et d'ouvrir
le débat sur les politiques et les processus de patrimonialisation dans les villes
Information : https://iismm.hypotheses.org/26847 
7. Conference: "Renewal of Islamic Thought: Contemporary Issues", International
Institute of Islamic Thought, Herndon, VA, 23-24 October 2017 
The conference is held in honor of Shaykh Dr. Taha Jabir Alwani. It will focus on
major ideas and issues he developed and contributed to during his academic career. 

Deadline for abstracts: 31 May 2017. Information:
8. Conference: "Beyond Oil: Mobilizing Alternative Futures", Space Lab, Bergen,
Norway, 25-27 October 2017 
Transformations to societies beyond oil involve deliberate choices that lead to
different outcomes with regards to power, justice, inequality and human-nature
relations. A task for social scientists is to analyze the structures of inertia and
capacities for change in current societies-
Deadline for abstracts: 15 May 2017. Information:
9. Rencontre : "La diplomatie des villes dans les mondes latins, musulmans et
byzantins (XIIe-XVIe siècle) : Normes et statuts de la négociation urbaine", Centre
d'études médiévales de Montpellier, 17-18 novembre 2017
La première rencontre vise à étudier le développement d'un droit d'ambassade. Le
statut de la diplomatie et des ambassadeurs a en effet été abordé essentiellement «
par le haut », c'est-à-dire à partir des manifestations des pouvoirs princiers ;
aucune enquête d'envergure ne s'est préoccupée de la façon dont les villes géraient
leurs relations extérieures.
Résumé avant le 31 mai 2017. Information: http://calenda.org/390578 
10. Symposium: "Tourism: The Phenomenon and its Socio-Economic Consequences",
Tunisian-Mediterranean Association for Historical, Social and Economic Studies,
Beja, Tunisia, 28-30 November 2017
The theme could be approached from different perspectives, which include the
phenomenon of tourism; the socio-cultural dimension of tourism and the economic
dimension of tourism.  
Deadline for abstracts: 30 June 2017. Information:
11. International PhD Students Workshop, Italian Society for Middle Eastern Studies,
Pisa, 30 November - 1 December 2017 
This workshop is open to PhD students working on research projects dealing either
with Middle East and North Africa countries, or nearby areas inhabited by Muslim
populations, such as the Horn of Africa and Western India, or regions characterized
by immigrants coming from those countries.
Deadline for abstracts: 30 May 2017. Information:

12. ERF 24th Annual Conference: "The New Normal in the Global Economy: Challenges
and Prospects for MENA", Luxor, Egypt, 2-4 March 2018 
The authors of accepted papers will be invited to present and take part in the
deliberations of the conference at ERF's expense.
Deadline for abstracts: 4 June 2017. Information:
13. 5 Postdoctoral Fellowships 2017/18 and 1 Irmgard Coninx Postdoc Fellowship for
Scholars at Risk: "Europe in the Middle East - The Middle East in Europe", Forum
Transregionale Studien, Berlin 
The fellowships are intended for scholars of art history, history, literature,
philology, political philosophy, political science, religion and sociology.
Applicants should be at the postdoctoral level and should have obtained their
doctorate within the last seven years. 
Deadline for application: 15 May 2017. Information:
14. Postdoctoral Research Fellowship 2017/18, Orient-Institut Beirut (Max Weber
The fellowship will be granted for up to 12 months, beginning 15 September 2017 (or
later this year). Requirements: Excellent research project; PhD in a region related
discipline; excellent command of Arabic and English; etc. 
Deadline for application: 15 June 2017. Information:
15. Postdoctoral Research Fellow, GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies,
The successful candidate will contribute to the GIGA-based research of the IDCAR
network from July 2017 until June 2018 and should have knowledge of conceptual and
empirical debates on authoritarian diffusion, cooperation, and learning. 
Deadline for application: 17 May 2017. Information:
16. Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor in Middle Easter and North African Studies,
Stockholm University 
In order to qualify the applicant must have demonstrated teaching proficiency,
gained from teaching Middle Eastern and North African studies, and have a doctoral
degree  in Social Sciences and/or History within MENA Studies. Good knowledge of
modern Arabic is a requirement. Other well-developed language skills are also
Deadline for application: 5 June 2017. Information:

17. Fully-Funded Doctoral Research Post/Graduate Teaching Assistantship in
Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology, University of Liverpool
Candidates must have a good first degree in Criminology, Social Policy, Sociology or
cognate discipline, and should have completed (or be near to completing) a
postgraduate degree at Masters or an equivalent level.
Deadline for application: 9 June 2017. Information:
18. 3 Research Fellowships for Early Stage Researchers in the Project: "CAPSAHARA:
Critical Approaches to Politics, Social Activism and Islamic Militancy the Western
Saharan Region", CRIA, Lisbon
Admission requirements: Master degree in Anthropology; interest in carrying-out
field research in the extended Western Saharan Region; language skills in English,
Arabic, and French.
Deadline for application: 17 May 2017. Information:
19. Full-time Position in International Relations, Işık University, Istanbul
The appointment is expected to begin on 1 September 2017. Qualification: Ph.D. in
International Relations/Political Science with an expertise in international
politics and/or foreign policy and combination of teaching with an active research
Deadline for application: 18 May 2017. Information: 
20. Multiple Open Rank Positions in Various Fields of Humanities and Social
Sciences, University of Tyumen, Russia
School of Advanced Studies is a greenfield project to be launched in the Fall of
2017. We invite applications from scholars with any area of expertise in the
humanities and social sciences at different stages of their academic careers (PhD or
ABD required) who want to use a unique chance to shape a new institution. 
Information: https://iismm.hypotheses.org/26207 
21. 40 Fellowships in the School of Historical Studies (Focus Islamic World),
Princeton, Academic Year 2018/2019
Scholars focused on intellectual inquiry are free from teaching and other university
obligations.  Each year scholars from around the world apply to come to the
Institute to pursue their own research.
Deadline for application: 1 November 2017. Information:
22. Gerda Henkel Foundation Research Scholarships: "Islam, the Modern Nation State
and Transnational Movements"
Applications are invited by German and foreign academics in the fields of historical
humanities who are Postdocs or scholars with Post Doctoral Lecture Qualification and
who will work on a specific project on her/his own. The funding period is generally
between one and 24 months.
Deadline for application: 24 May 2017. Information: https://iismm.hypotheses.org/26154
23. Study-in-America Program (5 June - 7 July 2017) at US National Archives II,
Texas State University, Office of Distance and Extended Learning 
Students seeking an equivalent to "senior seminar" are welcome, also MA students
seeking directed research (transfer credit at home institutions' discretion). 
24. Call for Abstracts for the Routledge "International Handbook of Religion in
Global Society"
This book will capitalise on the emergence of a new paradigm, which considers
religion in the 21st century as globally interconnected and mediated by new
geopolitical and market logics. This volume will showcase new approaches to
religion, which work across boundaries of religious tradition, academic discipline,
and region. 
Deadline for abstracts: 15 July 2017. Information:

25. Articles on "Foucault and the Historiography of the Iranian Revolution" for
Special Issue of "Iran Namag: A Quarterly of Iranian Studies", University of Toronto
We invite well-documented and original historiographical contributions exploring
Iranian modernity and the Iranian Revolution utilizing Foucauldian analytics such as
biopolitics, governmentality, regimes of truth, voluntary insubordination, reflected
intractability, and political spirituality.
Deadline for abstracts in English or Persian: 1 June 2017. Information:

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