dimanche 29 mai 2016

EURAMES Info Service 21/2016


1. Conference: "A Player and not Just a Payer? The Work of German Political Foundations Abroad with a Special Focus on Israel and the Palestinian Territories", Ruhr University Bochum, 1-3 June 2016

2. Workshop: "Time(s) in Comparison: Transregional Approaches to Contemporary Philosophical Thought in the Middle East and South Asia", Berlin, 3-4 June 2016

3. Conference: “The Middle East: World Crisis?”, German Council on Foreign Relations, Berlin, 4-5 June 2016 

4. Conference: "Habsburg Jewry in the Silver Age", Jerusalem, 5-6 June 2016

5. Conference: “Borders and Beyond in the Middle East Since 1914: Legacies, Changes, Continuities”, York St John University, UK, 17-18 June 2016

6. Cadbury Conference: “Bodies of Text: Learning to be Muslim in West Africa”, University of Birmingham, 30 June - 1 July 2016

7. Workshop: “Pilgrimages, Ontologies, and Subjectivities in Neoliberal Economies”, University of Sussex, UK, 18 July 2016

8. Workshop: “The Avant-garde and its Networks: Surrealism in Paris, North Africa and the Middle East from the 1930s”, Orient-Institut Beirut, 14-15 November 2016

9. Conference:  “The Heritage of Al-Andalus II, Iberia-Persia”, University of Seville, Spain, 16-17 November 2016

10. 3rd International Congress of Pontic Studies: “Pontus in the Late Ottoman Empire (1774-1908): Society and Economy”, University of Thessaloniki, Greece, 18-20 November 2016

11. Workshop: "Skills, Organisations and Gendered Mobilities",  ETMU Conference, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, 25-26 November 2016

12. Conference: "Texts, Knowledge, and Practice: The Meaning of Scholarship in Muslim Africa", Harvard University, 16-18 February 2017

13. Workshop and Author Symposium: "Modernity, Islamic Traditions and the Good Life - Constructing Images of Modern Muslim Selfhoods", Spring 2017, Odense, Denmark

14. Conference: “The Globalization of Science in the Middle East and North Africa, 18th-20th Centuries”, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA, 24-25 March 2017

15. Conference: "Spatial Thought in Islamicate Societies, 1000–1600: The Politics of Genre, Image, and Text", University of Tübingen, Germany, 30 March - 1 April 2017

16. Conference:  “Medicine, Environment and Health in the Eastern Mediterranean World, 1400-1750”, University of Cambridge, 3-4 April 2017 


17. Two-Year Postdoctoral Researcher in Israeli Studies, SOAS Centre for Jewish Studies, University of London

18. ACSS Postdoctoral Fellowships Program for Junior Arab Scholars


19. Summer School: “The Indian Ocean World and Eurasian Connections”, Center for Interdisciplinary Area Studies (ZIRS), Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, 25-30 July 2016

20. MA Program in Mediterranean Studies, University of Malta, 2016-2017

21. Submissions for Brill’s Middle East and Islamic Studies Early-Career Paper Prize 2016

22. Proposals for New Peer-reviewed Book Series: “The Modern Muslim World”

23. Contributions to Series: "Islam of the Global West"

24. Articles on “Interculturality"  for "Journal of Mediterranean Knowledge"


If you want to distribute an announcement via EURAMES Info Service (more than 6000 recipients, only English and French announcements), please apply the usual format of the text with no more than 50 words and no attachment. Please send only the most important information to davo@geo.uni-mainz.de and refer to further details with a link to the respective website or an email address.

Best regards,,

Guenter Meyer, Center for Research on the Arab World, University of Mainz



1. Conference: "A Player and not Just a Payer? The Work of German Political Foundations Abroad with a Special Focus on Israel and the Palestinian Territories", Ruhr University Bochum, 1-3 June 2016

For registration and the detailed program see www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/political-foundations/


2. Workshop: "Time(s) in Comparison: Transregional Approaches to Contemporary Philosophical Thought in the Middle East and South Asia", Berlin, 3-4 June 2016

The workshop is organized by Roman Seidel and Nils Riecken at the Berlin Graduate School for Muslim Cultures and Societies, Freie Universität Berlin / Zentrum Moderner Orient.

Information and program: www.bgsmcs.fu-berlin.de/dates/workshop_2016_times_in_comparison.html


3. Conference: “The Middle East: World Crisis?”, German Council on Foreign Relations, Berlin, 4-5 June 2016 

This conference will contribute towards an understanding of the region’s multiple crises, and explore paths to their solution.

Deadline for registration: 30 May 2016. Information and program: http://www.nybooks.com/event/middle-east-world-crisis/  


4. Conference: "Habsburg Jewry in the Silver Age", Jerusalem, 5-6 June 2016

See the program at https://networks.h-net.org/node/73374/announcements/124645/conf-habsburg-jewry-silver-age-jerusalem-june-5-6-2016


5. Conference: “Borders and Beyond in the Middle East Since 1914: Legacies, Changes, Continuities”, York St John University, UK, 17-18 June 2016

This international interdisciplinary conference will examine the effects of World War One and the post-war settlement in the Middle East, especially those which are still felt today e.g. state borders, migrations, secular and religious ideologies and movements, and struggles over power.

Information: www.yorksj.ac.uk/news---events/news---events-home/events/borders-and-beyond-in-the-midd.aspx


6. Cadbury Conference: “Bodies of Text: Learning to be Muslim in West Africa”, University of Birmingham, 30 June - 1 July 2016

The 2016 Cadbury program explores the practices, disciplines and debates through which West Africans learn to be Muslims. Five visiting fellows from Africa have been appointed and will participate in the programme of seminars, discussion groups, and other activities on 1 June, 8 June, 15 June and 28 June.

Information: www.birmingham.ac.uk/schools/historycultures/departments/dasa/events/cadbury/index.aspx


7. Workshop: “Pilgrimages, Ontologies, and Subjectivities in Neoliberal Economies”, University of Sussex, UK, 18 July 2016

In this workshop, we discuss the ways pilgrimages are imbricated in local, national and transnational economies. The workshop will also focus on the worshippers' own subjectivity especially of holy sites as being situated in their imaginations of historical continuity and discontinuity and their transformative experiences of worshiping using both modern and traditional forms of infrastructures.  

Deadline for abstracts: 10 June 2016. Information: https://networks.h-net.org/node/73374/announcements/125600/call-abstract-pilgrim-economies-university-sussex


8. Workshop: “The Avant-garde and its Networks: Surrealism in Paris, North Africa and the Middle East from the 1930s”, Orient-Institut Beirut, 14-15 November 2016

The aim is to gather information about the networks and the reception of Surrealism and thereby to approach its dissemination in the region more systematically. In addition to this structural dimension, the workshop will attempt to look at the qualitative aspects of the movement’s literary and artistic production and possible lineages.

Deadline for abstracts: 15 June 2016. Information: https://oib.hypotheses.org/807


9. Conference:  “The Heritage of Al-Andalus II, Iberia-Persia”, University of Seville, Spain, 16-17 November 2016

The international conference encourages intercultural research approaches aimed at finding out how, when and where the encounter between these two cultures has provided more fertile ground.

Deadline for abstracts: 9 September 2016. Information: http://departamento.us.es/fintegradas/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Al-Andalus-II-Iberia-Persia.pdf


10. 3rd International Congress of Pontic Studies: “Pontus in the Late Ottoman Empire (1774-1908): Society and Economy”, University of Thessaloniki, Greece, 18-20 November 2016

The objective of this international conference is the scientific approach to issues associated with the multiple effects and aftereffects of the aforementioned changes, with the aim of giving an opportunity to both old and new scholars to discuss the findings of their recent studies, to illuminate uncharted so far fields and to get answers to new questions.

Extended deadline for abstracts: 30 May 2016. Information: https://networks.h-net.org/node/73374/announcements/126080/extension-cfp-3rd-international-congress-pontic-studies-general


11. Workshop: "Skills, Organisations and Gendered Mobilities",  ETMU Conference, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, 25-26 November 2016

This workshop invites empirical and conceptual papers which focus on analyzing the intersections of skills and organisations in the context of gendered mobilities. Organisations are understood broadly to refer to various kinds of institutional practices and policies, including but not limited to policy, legislative, workplace, school or home contexts.

Deadline for abstracts: 10 September 2016. Information: driss.habti@uef.fi


12. Conference: "Texts, Knowledge, and Practice: The Meaning of Scholarship in Muslim Africa", Harvard University, 16-18 February 2017

The conference seeks to consider both pre-modern scholarship in Islamicate Africa and the ways in which Islamic scholarship is experienced in Africa today, i.e. contemporary knowledge practices, paying close attention to both continuities and ruptures linking modern with pre-modern scholarship in Africa.

Deadline for abstracts: 1 June 2016.  Information: https://networks.h-net.org/node/13790/discussions/126920/harvard-islam-africa-conference-call-papers-due-june-1st 


13. Workshop and Author Symposium: "Modernity, Islamic Traditions and the Good Life - Constructing Images of Modern Muslim Selfhoods", Spring 2017, Odense, Denmark

The workshop will look at different ways in which Islamic traditions have contributed to the construction of collectively acknowledged modern ways of construction meaningful Muslim selfhoods. It will focus on three major fields of modern subjectivity formation: work, education and intimacy.

Deadline for abstracts: 31 July 2016. Information: http://www.sdu.dk/en/om_sdu/institutter_centre/ih/forskning/forskningsprojekter/mmsp/call


14. Conference: “The Globalization of Science in the Middle East and North Africa, 18th-20th Centuries”, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA, 24-25 March 2017

This conference brings together scholars from the Middle East, Europe, the United States, and Canada, and will explore important issues related to the history of science in the MENA region during the 18th-20th centuries—a critical period of change and modernization when Middle Easterners were concerned about the rising power of European states and societies and the weakness of Islamic ones in relation to them.

Deadline for abstracts: 15 June 2016. Information: http://middleeastbrown.org/cfp-the-globalization-of-science-in-the-middle-east-and-north-africa-18th-20th-centuries/


15. Conference: "Spatial Thought in Islamicate Societies, 1000–1600: The Politics of Genre, Image, and Text", University of Tübingen, Germany, 30 March - 1 April 2017

Place and space are now increasingly understood as invented reference systems that are entangled with political, religious, cultural, and intellectual history. This conference explores the ongoing shift of the history of geography and cartography to a diversely linked spatial history of the Islamicate world. Special emphasis is placed on genre, authorship, theme, and reception.

Deadline for abstracts: 30 June 2016. Information: www.spatial-thought.uni-tuebingen.de


16. Conference:  “Medicine, Environment and Health in the Eastern Mediterranean World, 1400-1750”, University of Cambridge, 3-4 April 2017 

Taking as our focus the politically heterogeneous southern Europe and eastern Mediterranean, the Mamluk Kingdom, and the Ottoman Empire, we aim to reconstruct the healthscape of this region in the early modern period, exploring its medical unity and disunity and the human and environmental factors that played a part in it.

Deadline for abstracts: 30 June 2016. Information: http://us9.campaign-archive2.com/?u=e1ae5bef9757e58afec01a89a&id=4eba999427&e=82aeb6c61d



17. Two-Year Postdoctoral Researcher in Israeli Studies, SOAS Centre for Jewish Studies, University of London

Requirements are: a good understanding of one or more of the key research areas in Israeli Studies pertaining to history, society or culture; ability to carry out high quality, publishable research; excellent proficiency in Hebrew, and ideally also knowledge of Arabic.

Deadline for applications: 5 June 2016. Information: https://jobs.soas.ac.uk/fe/tpl_soasnet01.asp?s=4A515F4E5A565B1A&jobid=67197,6912231234&key=18818043&c=824762218758&pagestamp=sefiolmewamkutzwrj


18. ACSS Postdoctoral Fellowships Program for Junior Arab Scholars
This 9-month Fellowship program of the Arab Council for the Social Sciences aims at enabling young researchers, up to three years out of the PhD, to pursue their research and publishing plans, become part of Arab research networks and plan a research career in the Arab region.

Deadline for application: 13 June 2016. Information: www.theacss.org/pages/post-doc-fellowships



19. Summer School: “The Indian Ocean World and Eurasian Connections”, Center for Interdisciplinary Area Studies (ZIRS), Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, 25-30 July 2016

The summer school will focus on “Networks of Connectivities: Routes, Commodities, and the Politics of the Indian Ocean”. The landmass extending from the Mongolian grasslands to the Black Sea is usually portrayed as the conduit for Eurasian interactions and exchanges. However, even more of the links across Eurasia were initiated by sea. The summer school foregrounds these links, demonstrating that the Indian Ocean has been an integral and essential aspect of trans-Eurasian connections from the early historical period to contemporary times. Travel, accommodation and meals for the participants will be covered.

Deadline for application: 15 June 2016. Information: www.zirs.uni-halle.de/dokumente/2016-07-25-Call-for-Applications.pdf


20. MA Program in Mediterranean Studies, University of Malta, 2016-2017

This is an inter-disciplinary program with a broad range of study-units. Students can explore a variety of perspectives highlighting the diversity and the unity of the Mediterranean region, including its geo-political, cultural, sociological, historical, anthropological, linguistic, archaeological and sociological aspects.

Information: www.um.edu.mt/arts/MAmediterraneanstudies%20and%20https:/www.facebook.com/uom.mamedstudies


21. Submissions for Brill’s Middle East and Islamic Studies Early-Career Paper Prize 2016

The author of the winning article will receive a € 750,- cash prize and the article will be published in one of Brill’s leading journals. The Prize is open to students who are currently registered for doctoral research at a higher education institution, or have obtained their doctoral degree after 1 September 2013.

Deadline for submissions: 1 September 2016. Information: www.brill.com/paperprize


22. Proposals for New Peer-reviewed Book Series: “The Modern Muslim World”

The series will provide a platform for scholarly research on Islamic and Muslim thought, emerging from any geographic area and dated to any period from the 17th century until the present day. Academics dealing with any aspect of the Muslim world (history, theology, philosophy, anthropology, science, art, economics, etc.) are invited to contribute to the series. The series is open to established and early career academics, as well as to postgraduate researchers intending to publish revised doctoral theses.

Information: www.gorgiaspress.com/bookshop/t-modern_muslim_world.aspx


23. Contributions to Series: "Islam of the Global West"

This is a pioneering series that examines Islamic beliefs, practices, discourses, communities, and institutions that have emerged from 'the Global West.' The geographical and intellectual framing reflects both the role played by the interactions between people from diverse religions and cultures in the development of Western ideals and institutions in the modern era, and the globalization of these very ideals and institutions. Editors: Kambiz GhaneaBassiri and Frank Peter.

Information: www.bloomsbury.com/us/series/islam-of-the-global-west/


24. Articles on “Interculturality" for “Journal of Mediterranean Knowledge”

This issue aims at investigating and rethinking the notion of “interculturality” understood in its broadest meaning, encompassing various dimensions, perspectives and approaches, with special attention to the Mediterranean area.

Deadline for submissions: 31 July 2016. Information: www.mediterraneanknowledge.org/download/CallJMK-Issue_2.pdf

jeudi 26 mai 2016

αθήνα, 3 Ιουνίου, Μουσείο Ισλαμικής Τέχνης


mardi 24 mai 2016

Η Τζιχάντ στην Ευρώπη, συζήτηση 30.5.2016 στο ΓΑΛΛΙΚΟ ΙΝΣΤΙΤΟΥΤΟ | AUDITORIUM THEO ANGELOPOULOS | ΣΙΝΑ 31 | ΑΘΗΝΑ

Η Εταιρεία Σπουδών Νεοελληνικού Πολιτισμού και Γενικής Παιδείας – Σχολή Μωραΐτη διοργανώνει, σε συνεργασία με το Γαλλικό Ινστιτούτο, συζήτηση με θέμα:
Η Τζιχάντ στην Ευρώπη
Δευτέρα 30 Μαΐου, 18:30

Κεντρικός ομιλητής: Gilles Kepel, Καθηγητής Ινστιτούτου Πολιτικών Επιστημών του Παρισιού - Sciences Po και διακεκριμένος αναλυτής του Ισλάμ και του αραβικού κόσμου.
Εισήγηση και σχολιασμός: Σωτήρης Ρούσσος, Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής του Πανεπιστημίου Πελοποννήσου και επιστημονικός υπεύθυνος του Κέντρου Μεσογειακών, Μεσανατολικών και Ισλαμικών Σπουδών (ΚΕΜΜΙΣ).
Συντονισμός: Γιάννης Καρτάλης, δημοσιογράφος.
Ταυτόχρονη μετάφραση | Είσοδος ελεύθερη

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Centre for Mediterranean, Middle East and Islamic Studies (CEMMIS)
Department of Political Studies & International Relations
University of Peloponnese
1 Aristotelous str & Leof. Athinon
201 00 Corinth, Greece
+30 2741040049

dimanche 22 mai 2016



Compte rendu de Mathilde Rouxel, au Caire

Yves Gonzalez-Quijano, enseignant chercheur, spécialiste de littérature arabe, auteur de l’ouvrage Arabités numériques et du blog Culture et politique arabes, s’est proposé d’offrir un bilan d’étape sur la situation des médias arabes en 2016. Un bilan qui semble pour le moins négatif ; l’actualité récente de l’Egypte le prouve, si l’on s’attarde sur l’infraction policière du 1e mai 2016 dans les locaux du syndicat des journalistes au Caire. Cet événement est d’ailleurs le point de départ d’Yves Gonzalez-Quijano pour sa conférence : après cet incident en effet, les journalistes s’entendent à ne plus faire apparaître le ministre de l’intérieur égyptien qu’en négatif dans leurs journaux. C’est une manière pour eux de protester contre l’arrestation des journalistes par les forces de la sécurité égyptienne suite à ce qu’ils ont pu écrire sur la rétrocession de deux îles égyptiennes à l’Arabie saoudite ; mais comment lire cette protestation ? Ne serait-ce, comme le propose Gonzalez-Quijano, qu’un ultime sursaut qui ne s’organiserait que pour la forme avant la chute des médias dans un âge sombre ?
La situation semble en effet aujourd’hui très négative, notamment lorsque l’on se souvient des espoirs formulés et incarnés en 2011 suite à la chute du régime du président Hosni Moubarak. Les médias, à cette époque, jouaient la carte populaire : on se souvient de la une devenue désormais célèbre du journal égyptien, « officieux » comme le qualifie Gonzalez-Quijano, qui titrait début février 2011 « Le peuple a fait tomber le régime ». Ce message journalistique annonce le début d’une reconfiguration de la presse, les journalistes officiels se voyant dans l’obligation de transformer leurs méthodes de travail et de s’adapter à de nouvelles exigences. Si ce paysage médiatique, riche de multiples initiatives éphémères, a aujourd’hui disparu, l’espoir d’une nouvelle ère s’est ouvert à ce moment, en Egypte comme dans toute la région.
La question des réseaux sociaux n’est pas sans lien avec cette transformation des pratiques médiatiques. Si Gonzalez-Quijano ne défend pas le concept de la « Révolution Facebook », il ne nie pas pourtant ses effets irréversibles sur les grands médias de masse, qui se sont vus bouleversés par le surgissement d’autres moyens et de nouvelles pratiques d’information : les réseaux sociaux, auxquels ils se sont vus contraints de s’associer. Ce phénomène, en réalité, touche toutes les presses du monde : on constate l’établissement d’un véritable maillage entre ce que produisent les réseaux sociaux et les chaînes satellitaires. Durant les révolutions arabes, Al-Jezeera avait ainsi délégué une équipe spéciale d’une dizaine de personnes consacrée à la consultation des réseaux sociaux ; une équipe de journalistes qui ont, à l’échelle régionale et internationale, aidé à la propagation de cette grande idée d’une révolution Twitter ou Facebook, réfutée aujourd’hui. Leurs programmes d’information étaient en effet nourris par ces images de journalisme citoyen. Les frontières médiatiques sont de plus en plus poreuses, floues ; de nombreuses institutions de presse en Amérique du Nord, mais aussi, comme le souligne le conférencier, au Moyen-Orient, tentent désormais d’inventer de nouveaux formats, en explorant d’autres moyens d’informations via internet.
Les cinq dernières années ont cependant connu un bouleversement des plus totaux. Le discours utopique sur les réseaux sociaux s’est renversé, à l’extrême – s’il était en effet trop ambitieux de vouloir considérer les réseaux sociaux comme des instruments de changement politique, il s’agit néanmoins de reconnaître qu’ils en sont des outils, qui s’inscrivent dans un paysage politique dominé par des rapports de force régionaux, et qu’ils ont fait, à leur échelle, une révolution que l’on peut qualifier de culturelle, en ce qu’ils ont drastiquement transformé le rapport des citoyens à la politique.
Aujourd’hui, le constat sur la situation égyptienne est très négatif. Selon un rapport du syndicat des journalistes égyptiens, l’année 2015 recense 782 violations de droits de la presse (prison, arrestations) - soit 2,1 par jour -, 14 interdictions de publication, 27 journalistes en prison. Cette attaque d’une certaine liberté de la presse répond à une polarisation générale des médias, notamment les médias dominés par les Etats du Golfe, qui se replient de plus en plus autour des lignes de confrontation régionale. Il est important, aujourd’hui, de faire système : les médias de la région fonctionnent sur une imbrication complexe de médias locaux et de médias plus larges, qui diffusent à une échelle régionale ou internationale – comme c’est le cas l’Al-Jezeera. Cette caractéristique transnationale des médias arabes n’est pas tout à fait une nouveauté : dès le début de la révolution technique (avec le fax, la photocopie, le traitement de texte), et la possibilité de digitaliser le langage humain, l’information s’est mise à circuler par-delà les frontières. L’introduction des techniques numériques a par ailleurs permis l’émergence de journaux panarabes, qui furent suivis par les chaînes satellitaires, puis internet. L’information fait alors système : les interactions se faisaient en fonction de la carte politique, qui existait alors, et en fonction des différents courants politiques qui se développaient dans la région. La polarisation s’est intensifiée depuis 2011, opposant les deux principaux camps de la région, l’un dominé par l’influence saoudienne, l’autre par l’Iran.
Les tensions politiques se traduisent aussi politiquement sur le plan médiatique, notamment depuis le début des conflits en Syrie. En janvier 2016, la chaîne satellitaire Arab Sat, dominée par l’Arabie saoudite, impose la sortie du bouquet satellitaire de la chaîne de télévision libanaise soutenant le Hezbollah (désormais considéré comme organisation terroriste par la Ligue arabe) Al Manar, très suivie dans la région du Golfe et d’ailleurs. Quelques jours avant la visite du régent du royaume saoudien en Egypte, Nile Sat, le second principal satellite du monde arabe prend la même décision, ce qui fut interprété par les Libanais comme un cadeau de bienvenue aux Saoudiens, renforçant par-là encore les tensions.
Cependant, avant même 2011, la Ligue arabe s’était réunie pour discuter de cette question médiatique dans la région. En 2008 en effet se sont rencontrés les ministres des pays de la ligue – seulement, Yves Gonzalez-Quijano a tenu à préciser qu’il s’agissait des ministères de l’Intérieur, non pas les ministres chargés de l’information, de la communication ou des médias. Les différents pays, habitués à des consensus difficiles, ont rapidement su établir une charte de bonnes intentions réclamant différents engagements de la part des médias arabes qui limitent l’exercice de leur travail – notamment sur une question de sécurité régionale. Seul le Liban, qui ne gagnait rien à suivre cette charte, a refusé de signer. Très récemment, à nouveaux, face à la difficile coopération régionale dans le domaine médiatique, la Ligue arabe tente de discuter la mise en place d’un mécanisme régional spécial pour la liberté de l’information dans le monde arabe. Face à ce dangereux contrôle de l’information, seules quelques ONG de défense des droits de l’homme égyptiennes et tunisiennes réagissent et se mobilisent.
Sur le plan des données néanmoins, le constat est plus optimiste, puisque l’on peut noter une explosion des chaînes satellitaires (plus de 2000, dont 1320 publiques, 750 privées, 151 chaînes généralistes, 146 sportives, 125 religieuses et 66 d’informations). Il est estimé qu’en 2018, un Arabe sur deux sera connecté à internet ; 95% des internautes sont aujourd’hui sur les réseaux sociaux, qui sont pour 62% d’entre eux une source d’information.
Ainsi, face au constat du quasi-monopole dans le système médiatique de la région des puissances du Golfe, on remarque des fractures, des fêlures, qui mènent aujourd’hui jusqu’au déclin d’Al-Jezeera par exemple, qui, après avoir bouleversé à partir de 2005 le paysage de l’information dans le monde arabe en introduisant des standards professionnels supérieurs à ce qui se faisait précédemment, se trouve aujourd’hui à la remorque des directives des autorités qatari et de leurs choix politiques, notamment dans la relation entretenue avec le conflit syrien. Par ailleurs, la multiplication des chaînes – et donc de la concurrence – est également une conséquence des bouleversements politiques post-2011 ; dans un pays comme la Tunisie par exemple, on a vu apparaitre un certain nombre de nouveaux médias, ce qui est aussi le cas d’un pays resté en marge des printemps arabes, comme l’Algérie où de nouvelles entreprises voient le jour. Pour beaucoup d’acteurs politiques comme de citoyens arabes, la chute des régimes a permis de nouveaux équilibrages et diffusions de l’information locale. En Algérie, les médias nationaux sont rachetés par des puissances locales. Les médias traditionnels se trouvent contrôlés par le pouvoir politique et l’argent, ce qui provoque, comme dans le cas d’Al-Jezeera, une forte baisse de la qualité de l’information proposée, mais l’évolution des médias sociaux, qui se sont développés dans un vide juridique total pendant longtemps, ont permis un contre-pouvoir que les puissances arabes évaluent et tentent de légiférer aujourd’hui.
Face aux nouvelles représentations qui se construisent aujourd’hui, on découvre finalement que les réseaux sociaux ne sont qu’un outil, par lequel la transmission de l’information médiatique sera condamnée à se transformer.

Βυζαντινή Θεσσαλονίκη: σταθμοί στην ιστορία, κοινωνία και καθημερινότητα, πνευματική ζωή, τέχνη και ακτινοβολία

 Διημερίδα του Διεπιστημονικού Μεταπτυχιακού Σεμιναρίου «Νίκος Οικονομίδης» 2015 που διοργανώνουν από κοινού το Ινστιτούτο Ιστορικών Ερευνών/ΕΙΕ και το Τμήμα Ιστορίας και Αρχαιολογίας/ΕΚΠΑ με θέμα: «Βυζαντινή Θεσσαλονίκη: σταθμοί στην ιστορία, κοινωνία και καθημερινότητα, πνευματική ζωή, τέχνη και ακτινοβολία», που θα πραγματοποιηθεί  την Πέμπτη, 26 Μαΐου 2016, ώρα 17.00 ,στο Εθνικό Ίδρυμα Ερευνών (Αίθουσα Σεμιναρίων, Ισόγειο) και την Παρασκευή, 27 Μαΐου 2016, ώρα 9.00, στο Πολιτιστικό Κέντρο «Κωστής Παλαμάς» (Αίθουσα Πολλαπλών Εκδηλώσεων).

Ινστιτούτο Ιστορικών Ερευνών
Εθνικό Ίδρυμα Ερευνών
Βασ. Κωνσταντίνου 48, 116 35 Αθήνα
Τηλ.: 2107273619
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η-διεύθυνση: iie@eie.gr

EURAMES Info Service 20/2016


1. Workshop: "Islam, Urban Life and the Production of (Moral) Norms", Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin, 26-27 May 2016

2. Workshop: “Abraham Ibn Ezra, a Twelfth-Century Polymath who Straddled Arabic, Hebrew and Latin Culture”, Institut d'Etudes Avancées, Paris, 22 June 2016

3. Conference: “The East & Europe”, University of Amsterdam, 24-25 June 2016

4. Conference: “Rethinking Media through the Middle East”, American University of Beirut, 12-13 January 2017

5. International Workshop: "Authority in Islam: Dialectics of Fragmentation & Plurality in Muslim Eurasia", Indiana University, Bloomington, 24-25 March 2017


6. PhD Position Political Geographies of Infrastructure and the Global South, Department of International Relations and International Organizations, University of Groningen

7. Two Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Gulf Studies, Centre for Gulf Studies, IAIS, University of Exeter

8. University Lectureship in Classical Arabic Studies, Department of Middle Eastern Studies, University of Cambridge


9. BRAIS-De Gruyter Prize 2017 for the Best English-language Doctoral Thesis on the Study of Islam and the Muslim World, Past and Present


If you want to distribute an announcement via EURAMES Info Service (more than 6000 recipients, only English and French announcements), please apply the usual format of the text with no more than 50 words and no attachment. Please send only the most important information to /src/compose.php?send_to=davo@geo.uni-mainz.de and refer to further details with a link to the respective website or an email address.

Best regards,

Guenter Meyer, Centre for Research on the Arab World, University of Mainz



1. Workshop: "Islam, Urban Life and the Production of (Moral) Norms", Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin, 26-27 May 2016

This workshop is focusing on the ways in which Islam as a public force shapes urban space and is shaped by the livelihood of Muslims.

For registration contact Abdoulaye.Sounaye@zmo.de. Information and program: http://www.zmo.de/veranstaltungen/2016/einzelveranstaltungen/Workshop%20-%20Islam,%20Urban%20Life%20and%20the%20Production%20of%20(Moral)%20Norms_OnlineVersion.pdf


2. Workshop: “Abraham Ibn Ezra, a Twelfth-Century Polymath who Straddled Arabic, Hebrew and Latin Culture”, Institut d'Etudes Avancées, Paris, 22 June 2016

The conference attempts to approach Abraham Ibn Ezra from a hitherto neglected aspect, i.e. from a multi-cultural perspective. This will provide an opportunity to connect French and foreign scholars.

Information: http://www.paris-iea.fr/en/events/abraham-ibn-ezra-un-savant-a-la-croisee-des-cultures-arabe-hebraique-et-latine-du-xiie-siecle-2


3. Conference: “The East & Europe”, University of Amsterdam, 24-25 June 2016

Through critical, multidisciplinary, diachronic and comparative approaches this conference intends to explore the dynamics between the two geographical and conceptual constructs: ‘the East’, whether identified with Byzantium, Islam, Eastern Christianity, Asia, or other characteristics, and ‘Europe’, as the perceived counterpart of the variously defined ‘easts’ or as in itself the embodiment of western cultures’ self-ideal?

Information: http://artes.uva.nl/news-and-events/events/events/events/content-3/folder-2/conferences/2016/06/the-east--europe.html


4. Conference: “Rethinking Media through the Middle East”, American University of Beirut, 12-13 January 2017

The conference asks how the Middle East might serve to disrupt, interrupt, subvert, challenge, or transform our understanding of what media are and do. We are especially interested in papers that shift our focus to south-south comparisons and relationships or that challenge how we theorize US and European media.

Deadline for abstracts: 15 July 2016. Information: /src/compose.php?send_to=mediastudies@aub.edu.lb 


5. International Workshop: "Authority in Islam: Dialectics of Fragmentation & Plurality in Muslim Eurasia", Indiana University, Bloomington, 24-25 March 2017

The workshop is part of an ambitious long-term initiative that aims to assess and analyze the causes, spectrum, and consequences of (seemingly) increasingly diverse, decentralized and disjointed practices of religious authority in Muslim societies, both regionally and comparatively.

Deadline for abstracts: 15 July 2016. Information: https://authorityinislamblog.wordpress.com/contact/


6. PhD Position Political Geographies of Infrastructure and the Global South, Department of International Relations and International Organizations, University of Groningen

Invited are applications for one 4-year PhD position. Proposals are encouraged that  investigate emerging political geographies around infrastructure and take sites in Africa as starting point in which actors from Brazil or Latin America more broadly, the Gulf Monarchies, or China are engaged.

Deadline for application: 9 June 2016. More information: http://www.rug.nl/about-us/work-with-us/job-opportunities/overview?details=00347-02S0004YCP


7. Two Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Gulf Studies, Centre for Gulf Studies, IAIS, University of Exeter

The Centre for Gulf Studies is seeking to recruit two full-time postdoctoral research fellowships (for 2 years) whose area(s) of specialisation fit(s) and complement(s) the research interests of our academics. Salary: circa £33,574 per annum subject to knowledge, skills and experience.

Application deadline: 16 June 2016. Information and details: http://bit.ly/1rU1fTJ


8. University Lectureship in Classical Arabic Studies, Department of Middle Eastern Studies, University of Cambridge

The lecturer will be required to deliver lectures, hold classes and give seminars in Classical Arabic Studies, and to supervise graduate and undergraduate dissertations. The position is to begin 1 September 2016. This appointment is fixed term for one year.

Deadline for application: 12 June 2016. Information: http://www.ames.cam.ac.uk/faculty/jobs/classical_arabic-lecturer



9. BRAIS-De Gruyter Prize 2017 for the Best English-language Doctoral Thesis on the Study of Islam and the Muslim World, Past and Present

Applicants can be based in any country, and manuscripts will be assessed on the basis of scholarly quality and originality. The award includes publication of the winning manuscript and a prize of £1,000.

Submission deadline: 1 September 2016. Information: http://www.brais.ac.uk/prize