lundi 29 septembre 2014

Αραβικός και Βυζαντινός πολιτισμός. 3 και 6 Οκτωβρίου, Αθήνα

Με την αφορμή της άφιξης στην Ελλάδα της κυρίας Νάντια Μαρία ελ-Σέιχ, διαπρεπούς ιστορικού καθηγήτριας Πανεπιστημίου,
για την παρουσίαση του βιβλίου της 'Το Βυζάντιο όπως το είδαν οι Άραβες'
Το Μουσείο Ισλαμικής Τέχνης και 
Η Ελληνική Επιστημονική Εταιρεία Σπουδών Μέσης Ανατολής, 
σας προσκαλούν στη διάλεξη της κας 
Νάντια Μαρία ελ-Σέιχ 
με θέμα 
Ibn Khaldun, a Late Historian of Byzantium
Ο Ιμπν Χαλντούν (1332-1406) 
όπως τον φαντάστηκε ο Λιβανέζος ποιητής Χαλίλ Γκιμπράν (1883-1931).

την Παρασκευή 3 Οκτωβρίου 2014, ώρα 6.30', στο Μουσείο
(διεύθυνση: οδός Αγ. Ασωμάτων 22 & Διπύλου 12, Αθήνα, κοντά στο σταθμό ηλεκτρικού "Θησείο")

Tο βιβλίο της κας ελ-Σέιχ Byzantium viewed by Arabs, Harvard University Press, 2004, έχει δεχτεί πολύ καλές κριτικές από διάσημα ονόματα του επιστημονικού χώρου. Την ελληνική μετάφραση του έργου ανέλαβαν και εξέδωσαν οι Εναλλακτικές Εκδόσεις (Αθήνα 2013).

Οι Εναλλακτικές Εκδόσεις και η Ελληνολιβανική Πολιτιστική Ένωση σας προσκαλούν στην παρουσίαση του βιβλίου:
Το Βυζάντιο όπως το είδαν οι Άραβες
Το βιβλίο θα παρουσιάσουν οι:
Κονδύλη Ελένη, καθηγήτρια Παν/μίου Αθηνών
Δημητρακόπουλος Φώτης, καθηγητής Παν/μίου Αθηνών
Κελέρμενος Νίκος, επιμελητής της έκδοσης
και η συγγραφέας:
Νάντια Μαρία Ελ Σέιχ
Θα συντονίσει ο εκδότης Γιώργος Καραμπελιάς
Χαιρετισμό θα απευθύνει ο Φουάντ Αμπντούλ Μάλακ
γραμματέας της Ελληνολιβανικής Πολιτιστικής Ένωσης.
Τη Δευτέρα 6 Οκτωβρίου και ώρα 19:30,
στον χώρο πολιτισμού Ξενοφώντος 4, στην πλ. Συντάγματος.

mardi 23 septembre 2014

μέση Ανατολή και εκκλησιαστικά θέματα, Αθήνα 29/9/2014

Την 29η Σεπτεμβρίου 2014, ημέρα Δευτέρα και ώρα 19.00, στη Μεγάλη Αίθουσα  του Εθνικού και Καποδιστριακού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών, θα αναγορευθεί επίτιμος διδάκτωρ του Τμήματος Θεολογίας της Θεολογικής Σχολής του Εθνικού και Καποδιστριακού   Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών ο Μακαριώτατος Πατριάρχης των Αρμενίων του Μεγάλου Οίκου της Κιλικίας  κ.κ. Αράμ Α΄.
Σας προσκαλούμε να παραστείτε.
                                                                              Ο Πρύτανης
                                                                   Θεόδωρος Π. Φορτσάκης
Χρονικό όριο προσέλευσης 18:45’,
Προσφώνηση από τον Πρύτανη του Εθνικού και Καποδιστριακού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών, καθηγητή κύριο Θεόδωρο Π. Φορτσάκη.
Παρουσίαση του έργου του τιμωμένου από τον Πρόεδρο του Τμήματος Θεολογίας, Σεβασμιώτατο Μητροπολίτη Μεσσηνίας κ.κ. Χρυσόστομο.
Αναγόρευση του τιμωμένου:
- Ανάγνωση των κειμένων του Ψηφίσματος  του Τμήματος, της Αναγόρευσης και του Διδακτορικού Διπλώματος από τον Πρόεδρο του Τμήματος Θεολογίας, Σεβασμιώτατο Μητροπολίτη Μεσσηνίας κ.κ. Χρυσόστομο.
- Περιένδυση του τιμωμένου με την τήβεννο της Σχολής  από τον Κοσμήτορα της Θεολογικής Σχολής, καθηγητή κύριο Μάριο Μπέγζο.

Ομιλία του τιμωμένου με θέμα: «Challenges facing the Churches in the Middle East».

dimanche 21 septembre 2014

EURAMES Info Service 32/2013 (μάλλον 2014) :)

Dear Madame, dear Sir, dear colleague and friend,

Please find below the following announcements:


1. 21st Annual Symposium of the Sociedad Española de Estudios Árabes (SEEA),
Córdoba, Spain, 2- 5 October 2014

2. Twelfth Beirut Exchange, 4-15 January 2015 

3. Eleventh Conference of AIDA (Association Internationale de Dialectologie Arabe),
University of Bucharest, Romania, 25-30 May 2015

4. Call to Direct Workshops  for the 6th Annual Gulf Research Meeting, University of
Cambridge, 24-27 August 2015


5. Assistant Professor in the History of the Islamic World before 1850,  University
of Washington, Seattle

6. 15 PhD Students for Doctoral Program of the Berlin Graduate School Muslim
Cultures and Societies (BGSMCS)

7. Tenure-track or Tenured Position in Pre-Islamic Iranian Studies, Hebrew
University of Jerusalem

8. Tenure-track or Tenured Position in Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies - The
History of the Middle East and its Cultures ca 600-2000 CE., Hebrew University of

9. 14-month Postdoctoral Position on "Medieval Islam and Christendom", Madrid 

10. Other Positions


11. Articles on "Islamophobia, Gender, Sexuality and Racism" for Special Issue of
the "Islamophobia Studies Journal" 

12. New Micro Data on the Egyptian Household Survey of the Economic Research Forum


If you want to distribute an announcement via EURAMES Info Service (more than 5000
recipients, only English and French announcements), please apply the usual format of
the text with no more than 100 words and no attachment. Please send only the most
important information and refer to further details with a link to the respective
website or an email address.

Best regards,

Guenter Meyer, Center for Research on the Arab World (CERAW), University of Mainz,


1. 21st Annual Symposium of the Sociedad Española de Estudios Árabes (SEEA),
Córdoba, Spain, 2- 5 October 2014

- 2 Oct.:  Projection documentary Al-Mariya, Puerta del Levante, on the occasion of
the city of Almería's millennium 1014-2014.
- 3 Oct.:  Award of the 1st "Cálamo de Honor" prize and sessions on Cordoba and on
feminism in literature;  session on Andalusi history and culture.
- 4 Oct.:  Session in Arabic (ideological-Linguistic Systems, science during Cordoba
caliphate), session on Andalusian place-names.
- 5 Oct.: Guided visit to the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba. 

In addition, a variety of activities related to Arabic Studies to be held in
Cordoba. Information .


2. Twelfth Beirut Exchange, 4-15 January 2015 

The Beirut Exchange program rests on two tracks:
1) Academic - Participants will attend a series of lectures and colloquia led by
leading academics and public intellectuals in Lebanon.
2) Dialogue with Leaders - Participants will have the opportunity to meet, listen
and engage leading social, political and economic actors from across the spectrum in

Application Deadline I: November 15, 2014 / Deadline II:  December 1, 2014. Limited
spaces available/Rolling acceptance. Request an application: .


3. Eleventh Conference of AIDA (Association Internationale de Dialectologie Arabe),
University of Bucharest, Romania, 25-30 May 2015

AIDA , founded in 1993, in Paris, with the aim to encourage and promote the study of
Arabic dialects, is nowadays the leading international association in this field of
research and it has become a center that joins scholars from all over the world who
are interested in any aspect of Arabic dialectology. The languages of the conference
will be:  Arabic, English and French.

Deadline for abstracts: 30 October 2014. Information:


4. Call to Direct Workshops  for the 6th Annual Gulf Research Meeting, University of
Cambridge, 24-27 August 2015

Scholars are invited to apply to direct a workshop focusing on political, economic
or security issues of the Gulf. The Gulf Research Centre Cambridge (GRCC) welcomes
any proposals dedicated to the study of the Gulf region within the context of social

Deadline for proposals: 31 October 2014. Information:



5. Assistant Professor in the History of the Islamic World before 1850,  University
of Washington, Seattle

This position is a full-time, nine-month appointment and will begin September 2015.
We encourage applications from those conducting research on any part of the Islamic
world. Successful candidates will be expected to teach courses on the pre-modern
Islamic world. Applicants should have the Ph.D. degree or foreign equivalent.

Deadline for application 1 November 2014. Information:


6. 15 PhD Students for Doctoral Program of the Berlin Graduate School Muslim
Cultures and Societies (BGSMCS)

The Graduate School investigates the plurality, changeability, and global
connectedness of Muslim cultures and societies. It invites applications from
candidates whose dissertation project fits one of the Graduate School's Research

The program  is to begin on 1 October 2015. Up to ten of these candidates will
receive a Graduate School grant; the other candidates will be supported in their
search for funding. The application deadline is 15 November 2014. Information:


7. Tenure-track or Tenured Position in Pre-Islamic Iranian Studies, Hebrew
University of Jerusalem

Job requirements: Comprehensive knowledge of pre-Islamic Iranian history from the
beginning of the Achaemenian period to the rise of Islam; knowledge of the history
of religions in Iran; first-hand acquaintance with the historical, literary and
religious sources relating to Iran (in its widest historical definition. The
eligible candidates should be in possession of a doctoral degree in one of the
following fields: History, Archaeology, Iranian Languages, Religious Studies,
Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Classical Studies, Near Eastern Studies, Linguistics,
Art History, or any other appropriate field. The language of instruction at the
Hebrew University is Hebrew, but candidates who do not possess a mastery of Hebrew
will be given the time to acquire facility with Hebrew during the first years of
their appointment.

Deadline for applications: 2 November 2014. Information: Contact  Dr. Julia Rubanovich at


8. Tenure-track or Tenured Position in Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies - The
History of the Middle East and its Cultures ca 600-2000 CE., Hebrew University of

Preference will be given to those candidates who specialize in early Islamic history
or in the history of the early-modern Muslim empires (Ottoman,  Safavid or Mughal). 
The language of instruction is Hebrew, but candidates who do not possess a mastery
of Hebrew will be given the time to acquire facility of Hebrew during the first
years of their appointment.

Deadline for application: 2 November 2014.  Information; contact  Prof. Ron Shaham at


9. 14-month Postdoctoral Position on "Medieval Islam and Christendom", Madrid 

The position for an experienced researcher is starting November 2014  in the Marie
Curie Initial Training Network Power and Institutions in Medieval Islam and
Christendom (PIMIC). The Postdoctoral position will be based in an audiovisual
company (Lopez Li Films-Spain). The Fellow will receive an annual living allowance
of 57,000 Euros/year (base rate) and a mobility allowance of 700-900 Euros/month
(base rate). She/he will participate in PIMIC, a project combining academic research
on medieval institutions with training in wider dissemination, based on
collaboration between universities and private sector companies and funded by the
European Union.

Required skills: PhD or at least 4 years of research experience with specific
studies related to audiovisual media, film, communication, cultural management
and/or applied media sciences. Some educational background in History is a plus.
Experience on documentary production will be appreciated. Languages: English and
Spanish (understanding only)

Closing date of applications: 30 September 2014. Information


10. Other Positions

- American University Beirut - Faculty positions in the Civilization Sequence
Program the American University of Beirut,

- Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Mandel Postdoctoral Fellowships in Humanities and
Jewish Studies for 2015-2018,

- Zayed University - Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in History, Humanities and
Social Sciences Campus Dubai,

- Virginia Commonwealth University in Qatar - Assistant Professor, Director of
Liberal Arts and Sciences,

- University of Colorado - Boulder - Assistant Professor in Islam Studies,

- Washington University in St. Louis - Islamic Studies & South Asian Studies

- Agnes Scott College - Assistant Professor in Modern Middle East History,



11. Articles on "Islamophobia, Gender, Sexuality and Racism" for Special Issue of
the "Islamophobia Studies Journal" 
We welcome a range of critical contributions about flagrant as well as more subtle
mechanisms and manifestations of gendered, sexualized and racialized Islamophobia.
Abstracts due: 10 October 2014; full articles due: 2 March 2015. Information:
. See also  


12. New Micro Data on the Egyptian Household Survey of the Economic Research Forum

ERF is pleased to announce the dissemination of a new harmonized household income
and expenditure survey: Egypt Harmonized Household Income, Expenditure and
Consumption Survey, 2012/2013 at:

To know more about the newly harmonized data, or access any of the data sets, please
visit the ERF's Open Access Micro Data Initiative (OAMDI) page at

lundi 15 septembre 2014 και
παρόμοια, σχετικά με το πετρέλαιο και την πολιτική σε διάφορα μέρη του πλανήτη συμπεριλαμβανομένης και της μεσογείου και μέσης ανατολής:
Le pétrole, entre nationalismes et régionalismes
Mercredi 24 septembre 2014 | Études du politique | Colloque | Paris (75013)
Les problématiques liées à l’extraction des hydrocarbures sont peu traitées ou maltraitées par les sciences sociales, en particulier à propos des pays en développement. Il apparaît donc nécessaire d’affiner des analyses qui sont trop souvent orientées par des présupposés déterministes ou idéologiques telles que la malédiction pétrolière (oil curse) ou la maladie hollandaise (dutch disease). Dans une perspective comparatiste et pluridisciplinaire qui a pour ambition de croiser les regards des anthropologues, des sociologues, des politologues, des économistes et des géographes, ce colloque vise ainsi à enrichir la réflexion en conviant des spécialistes de plusieurs pays à parler de cas d’études comme l’Irak, le Nigeria, l’Algérie, le golfe Arabo-Persique, la Colombie, le Venezuela, le Mexique, la Libye, etc.

Soi, l’autre et l’ailleurs : images et imaginaires des villes portuaires de l’Europe atlantique et méditerranéenne (XVIIIe-XXIe siècle)
Dimanche 12 octobre 2014 | Europe | Appel à contribution | Bordeaux (33)
Ce colloque international s'intéresse à l'histoire des représentations des villes portuaires de l'Europe atlantique et de la Méditerranée du XVIIIe siècle à nos jours. La relation entre ville et port – nous traiterons ici exclusivement des ports maritimes – ne va pas de soi selon les types d'activités et les époques. Le rapport des sociétés urbaines à l'espace et aux activités portuaires a en effet pu varier d'intensité et de nature et la longue période considérée permet d'envisager des phases de développement de l'activité, de déclin et de restructuration urbaine. Les quais sont à cet égard la ligne de contact entre ville et port qui portent le plus la trace de ces transformations. En outre, la ville portuaire est dans son « identité », particulièrement tributaire des rapports entretenus avec l'extérieur, les autres peuples, les autres mondes. On analysera aussi bien le regard qu'elle porte sur elle-même, que le regard qui est porté sur elle depuis l'extérieur, on envisagera également sa perception de l'autre (migrants, touristes...) et des mondes lointains. Des sources variées pourront être mobilisées : artistiques, littéraires, administratives, orales, écrites, photographiques, radiophoniques, cinématographiques, télévisuelles, numériques, etc.

Les villes du monde arabe
Jeudi 23 octobre 2014 | Études urbaines | Colloque | Paris (75004)
Les révolutions de 2011 ont porté au devant de la scène la centralité des villes arabes dans les évolutions en cours. En révolte, détruite ou recomposée, la ville est un observatoire original et pertinent des grandes mutations sociales, économiques et culturelles que traverse une société. Où se situe aujourd’hui la ville arabe sur la toile des villes du monde ? Issue d’une riche construction historique, comment fait-elle face aux nouveaux défis et à l’émergence dans l’aire arabe d’une citoyenneté ? Dès lors, l’ambition de ce colloque est d’analyser l’ensemble de l’aire géographique, dans sa diversité, depuis le centre d’observation que constituent ses cités.

La fabrique des lieux de désir
Lundi 3 novembre 2014 | Géographie | Appel à contribution | Genève
Comment un lieu touristique est-il imaginé, produit et pratiqué comme un lieu érotique ? Ce colloque vise à explorer comment certains lieux peuvent être fabriqués, transformés ou investis par les imaginaires et les pratiques érotiques des touristes. Il ne s’agit bien sûr pas d’essentialiser l’érotisme des lieux, mais de saisir les processus (géographiques, historiques, culturels, économiques, etc.) de leur érotisation, d’en identifier les logiques, les acteurs et les conséquences. L’enjeu de ce colloque est de tenter de mieux comprendre le tourisme, dans toute la variété de ses formes, en questionnant l’érotisation des lieux. Les destinations privilégiées du tourisme sexuel comptent parmi ces lieux érotisés, mais il en existe bien d’autres.

να κι ένα ωραίο θέμα πτυχιακής στο τουρκικών, ή σε ανθωπολογικών, ή γεωγραφίας κλπ κλπ:
αρχεία τουριστικής κρατικής και ιδιωτικής διαφήμισης πόλεων, οικισμών, κλπ. πώς παρουσιάζεται η ιστορία τους, ποιες φωτο επιλέγονται, κλπ κλπ... (μην πω φυσικά και για παραπάνω)

EURAMES Info Service 31/2014.

EURAMES Info Service 31/2014

Dear Madame, dear Sir, dear colleague and friend,

Please find below the following announcements:


1. Seminar: “Democracy in Contemporary Egypt”, Pembroke College, Oxford, 17-18
September 2014

2. Authors' Presentations: "Businessmen in Arms. How the Military and Other Armed
Groups Profit in the MENA Region",  Bonn International Center for Conversion BICC, 1
October 2014

3. Colloque final du projet européen RELMIN . "Minorités et Cohabitations
Religieuses du Moyen-Âge à nos Jours", Nantes, France,  20-22 octobre 2014

4. Third International Conference on Iran’s Economy, Boston College, 24-25 October 2014
5. International Conference: "The Visual World of Persianate Culture", University of
Edinburgh, 24-26 October 2014

6. Workshop: "“Land and Sea in the Mediterranean World” , University of California
Santa Barbara, 7-8 November 2014

7. Conference: "Charity in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Traditions",  Saint Louis
University, 26-27 March 2015 

8. Tenth Arab Media Centre Annual Conference: “History in the Making: Arab Media and
Processes of Remembering”, London, 24 April 2015


9. PhD Position at the Arab Forum for Alternatives (AFA), Cairo

10. PhD Position "Mecca in Morocco: Negotiating the Meanings of Hajj in Everday
Life", University of Groningen, The Netherlands

11. Positions at American Universities


If you want to distribute an announcement via EURAMES Info Service (more than 5000
recipients, only English and French announcements), please apply the usual format of
the text with no more than 100 words and no attachment. Please send only the most
important information and refer to further details with a link to the respective
website or an email address.

Best regards,

Guenter Meyer, Center for Research on the Arab World (CERAW), University of Mainz,



1. Seminar: “Democracy in Contemporary Egypt”, Pembroke College, Oxford, 17-18
September 2014

The seminar will showcase the results of survey research conducted by Prof Stephen
Whitefield, Dr Mazen Hassan and Dr Elisabeth Kendall following Egypt’s parliamentary
elections in 2011 and presidential elections in 2014. It will provide an opportunity
for international scholars and policy-makers to engage with this research as well as
to present their own work and conclusions.



2. Authors' Presentations: "Businessmen in Arms. How the Military and Other Armed
Groups Profit in the MENA Region",  Bonn International Center for Conversion BICC, 1
October 2014

Nine authors and partners in the cooperative research project "Economic Interests
and Actors during and after the Arab Spring" will present and discuss their draft
papers for a planned book publication, which will be the final output of a two-years
project funded by the Volkswagen Foundation in its funding initiative
"Transformations in the Arab World / Pilot Studies".

Registration for participation until 23 September 2014 through .


3. Colloque final du projet européen RELMIN . "Minorités et Cohabitations
Religieuses du Moyen-Âge à nos Jours", Nantes, France,  20-22 octobre 2014

Le programme de recherche RELMIN, qui travaille depuis 2010 sur l’étude des règles
de cohabitations et sur le statut des minorités religieuses, dresse le bilan d’une
recherche scientifique approfondi et livre, à l’occasion de ce colloque
international, ses observations pour une meilleure compréhension de l’héritage
multi-religieux et pour favoriser et susciter un dialogue apaisé et éclairé pour
lutter contre les formes d’obscurantisme, d’intolérance, de communautarisme.

Information :


4. Third International Conference on Iran’s Economy, Boston College, 24-25 October 2014
The International Iranian Economic Association (IIEA) is organizing this Conference.
It was initiated by 25 senior economists from various institutions around the globe
who act as its ‘Founding Members’. 
Pre-registration required at


5. International Conference: "The Visual World of Persianate Culture", University of
Edinburgh, 24-26 October 2014

This international conference will explore the importance of the visual in the
Persian world and examine the historic role of visual culture in the shaping,
influencing, and transforming of Persian cultures across the various historical
periods, ranging from pre-Islamic cultures, medieval / early modern Islamic
cultures, to Iran’s modern visual cultures. An immensely rich visual culture has
always existed in Iran and the surrounding regions from early antiquity, often
shaped by encounters with different zones of contact and patronised by ruling elites
and dynasties with a myriad of artistic and cultural traditions, needs and agendas.
This conference is sponsored by the Iran Heritage Foundation.

Preliminary programme is available / registration is required:


6. Workshop: "“Land and Sea in the Mediterranean World” , University of California
Santa Barbara, 7-8 November 2014

The Workshop will be held in conjunction with a symposium organized by the Medieval
Studies Program at UC Santa Barbara. We invite proposals for workshop papers  on the
topics relating to the land and sea in the Mediterranean which may include works on
Mediterranean methodologies or perspectives, or studies strongly informed by such.
We seek papers in any relevant discipline, especially comparative or
interdisciplinary work that uses the Mediterranean as a frame of analysis.

Deadline for workshop proposals:  21 September 2014. Information


7. Conference: "Charity in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Traditions",  Saint Louis
University, 26-27 March 2015 

The conference is focusing on the following themes:
•To what extent is there a common paradigm in the ways Jews, Christians, and Muslims
have addressed the needs of the more vulnerable members of their respective
• How do the three religions differ in their understanding of poverty and wealth,
and in their justifications for giving charity? How does religious duty to be
charitable translate into private and public virtue?
•How do charitable institutions affect cross-cultural interactions--between
different cultures and religions, as well as between dominant and minority groups? 

Deadline for submissions: 10 December 2014. Information


8. Tenth Arab Media Centre Annual Conference: “History in the Making: Arab Media and
Processes of Remembering”, London, 24 April 2015

This one-day conference will seek to address issues raised by the place of Arab
media in history, the function of media artefacts as historical sources, and the
processes involved in documenting and storing media images and accounts that will
make the past accessible to future generations.

Deadline for abstracts: 3 November 2014. Information



9. PhD Position at the Arab Forum for Alternatives (AFA), Cairo

The PhD student will collaborate in the research project "Socioeconomic protests and
political transformation: dynamics of contentious politics in Egypt and Tunisia
against the background of South American experiences", which is conducted in
cooperation with the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF),  the Volkswagen
Foundation in Germany, and the University of Sfax, Tunisia. The positions is open
for all who have completed Masters degree in social sciences (preferably political
sciences) and are fluent speaking and writing skills in English and Arabic; working
knowledge of French is an advantage; etc.

Deadline for application: 30 October 2014. Information Dr. Nadine Abdalla:


10. PhD Position "Mecca in Morocco: Negotiating the Meanings of Hajj in Everday
Life", University of Groningen, The Netherlands

 The research project consists of extensive ethnographic fieldwork in Morocco  to
investigate the meanings and sociocultural embeddedness of pilgrimage to  Mecca in
contemporary Moroccan society.

The PhD student is expected:  •  to have an excellent master’s diploma (preferably a
Research > master) in Cultural Anthropology or another relevant discipline •  ample
experience with ethnographic fieldwork •  to have an excellent profiency in (oral)
Arabic, preferably the  Moroccan-Arabic dialect  •  to have the abilities to finish
the PhD thesis in four years; etc.

Deadline of application 27 October 2014. Information:


11. Positions at American Universities

a) University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign - Assistant Professor in Islamic
Studies, information

b) University of Virginia - Visiting Faculty in Israel Studies, information

c) New York University Abu Dhabi - Faculty Position, Ethnomusicology, NYU Abu Dhabi;

d) San Diego State University - Assistant Professor, Historian of Modern Middle
East/North Africa (MENA), information

samedi 13 septembre 2014

ΕΛΙΑΜΕΠ, 11.09.2014.

News Flash
11 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014
11 September 2014
Αγαπητές φίλες, Αγαπητοί φίλοι
Dear Friends of ELIAMEP,
Από τις 24 ως τις 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014 τo ΕΛΙΑΜΕΠ και το Κέντρο Ενεργειακής Πολιτικής του Πανεπιστημίου Λευκωσίας διοργανώνουν την 2η Ετήσια Συνάντηση Ενεργειακής Ασφάλειας & Διπλωματίας. Η συνάντηση θα πραγματοποιηθεί υπό την αιγίδα των Υπουργείων Εξωτερικών & Ενέργειας της Ελλάδος.
Our Foundation and the Centre for Green Development and Energy Policy (University of Nicosia) will co-organise the 2nd Annual Meeting on Energy Security and Diplomacy. This Meeting will take place from 24 until 26 September 2014 in the premises of the Representation of the European Commission in Greece.
Επιπροσθέτως, τη Δευτέρα 29 Σεπτεμβρίου, από τις 9.00 μέχρι τις 17.00,το ΕΛΙΑΜΕΠ θα διοργανώσει ημερίδα με θέμα: «Πολιτικές ένταξης των μεταναστών: Παρακολούθηση, αξιολόγηση και αποτελέσματα». Η ημερίδα αυτή διοργανώνεται στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος ASSESS.
Moreover, ELIAMEP will organise a conference on ‘Integration Policies of Immigrants: Monitoring, evaluation and outcomes’ on Monday 29 September 2014 from 9:00 until 17:00. The conference will take place in the framework of ASSESS project
Επίσης, ήδη ξεκίνησε η διαδικασία υπόδειξης υποψηφίων για την επιλογή των υποτρόφων του προγράμματος Marshall Memorial Fellowship του German Marshall Fund of the US για το 2015. Η Ελλάδα συμμετέχει στο πρόγραμμα και το ΕΛΙΑΜΕΠ θα λάβει μέρος στην επιλογή των Ελλήνων υποψηφίων.
Additionally, the German Marshall Fund of the United States invites you to nominate potential fellows from Europe, including Greece. The Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) will be involved in the selection of Greek applicants
Ακόμα, το ΕΛΙΑΜΕΠ θα συμμετάσχει στο Security Jam 2014. Πρόκειται για ένα φόρουμ στο οποίο συμμετέχουν σημαντικές δεξαμενές σκέψης με σκοπό την ανταλλαγή απόψεων για ζητήματα άμυνας και εξωτερικής πολιτικής. Οι δέκα πιο σημαντικές προτάσεις πολιτικής του Security Jam 2014 θα παρουσιαστούν στη νέα ηγεσία της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και του ΝΑΤΟ
ELIAMEP is also a partner of the 2014 Security Jam. The Security Jam focuses the brain power of thousands of experts around the world on key security issues. The Jam’s top 10 recommendations will provide a roadmap for the new EU and NATO leaderships and will be presented to them at a high-level event in Brussels.
Κείμενο Εργασίας του Δρος Ιωάννη Αρμακόλα και του κου Αναστάσιου Βάλβη για την οικονομική κρίση και ελληνική εξωτερική πολιτική στα Βαλκάνια
Working Paper by Dr Ioannis Armakolas and Mr Anastasios Valvis  on  Greek foreign policy in the Balkans
Άρθρο της Καθηγήτριας Άννας Τριανταφυλλίδου και της Δρος Αγγελικής Δημητριάδη για την παράτυπη μετανάστευση και το ρόλο των Νότιων κρατών της ΕΕ
Article by Professor Anna Triandafyllidou and Dr Angeliki Dimitriadion irregular migration and the role of Southern states
Μελέτη του Προγράμματος Νοτιοανατολικής Ευρώπης του ΕΛΙΑΜΕΠ για την προοπτική ένταξης των βαλκανικών χωρών στην ΕΕ και την Ελληνική Προεδρία της ΕΕ
ELIAMEP΄s South-East Europe Programme report on the Western Balkan EU accession process and the Greek EU Presidency
Μελέτη του Δρος Δημήτρη Α. Σωτηρόπουλου για την ελληνική κοινωνία πολιτών την περίοδο της οικονομικής κρίσης
Report by Dr Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos on Greek civil society during the economic crisis
Με φιλικούς χαιρετισμούς,
Η ομάδα του ΕΛΙΑΜΕΠ
With best wishes,

Ελληνικό Ίδρυμα Ευρωπαϊκής & Εξωτερικής Πολιτικής (ΕΛΙΑΜΕΠ)
Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP)
Β.Σοφίας 49, Αθήνα 10676 - 49, Vas. Sofias, 10676 Athens, Greece
Tel. +30 210 7257 110, Fax +30 210 7257 114, E-mail

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dimanche 7 septembre 2014

EURAMES Info Service 30/2014

EURAMES Info Service 30/2014

Dear Madame, dear Sir, dear colleague and friend,

Please find below the following announcements:


1. International Conference: "Undisciplined: German Jewish Studies Today", Leo Baeck
Institute London, 14-15 September 2014
2. International Workshop: "In Motion: Movements, Crossings & Transfers in Turkey.
From Prehistoric Heartlands to the Modern Nation-State", Ankara, 26-27 September
3. VIIe édition des Rencontres internationales des doctorants en études byzantines,
Paris, 3-4 octobre 2014 
4. The Sixth International Society for Arabic Papyrology (ISAP) Conference: "Writing
Semitic: Scripts, Documents, Languages in Historical Context",  Munich, 7-10 October
ακολουθεί όλο το πρόγραμμα:
Writing Semitic: Scripts, Documents, Languages in Historical Context The Sixth International Society for Arabic Papyrology (ISAP) Conference Munich, 7-10 October 2014
Conference website:
Participation with no lecture: Please send a notice of intent to participate to Dr. Kathrin Müller ( asap. There will be no conference fee charged. Yet, participants will be asked, on spot, to be or become members of ISAP. Information on membership can be found on the ISAP website (
Tuesday, October 7th
BAdW (Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften) 09:00 – 11:00 Registration 11:00 – 13:00 Opening
         Address of welcome by the BAdW and the ISAP          Opening lecture – Manfred Krebernik, Jena: The Genesis and Early History of the Alphabet - New Perspectives and Problems          Opening lecture – Hartmut Bobzin, Erlangen: The Qur'an and Semitic Studies
13:00 – 15:00 Lunch 15:00 – 16:30 Session 1: Administration of Empires
         Chair: to be confirmed  Respondent: Ursula Bsees          Petra M. Sijpesteijn, Leiden: Networks of Dependency: Requests and Petitions on Papyrus          Dieter Weber, Berlin: Reading History Anew: Pahlavi Documents from Early Islamic Times          Peter T. Daniels, New York: Aramaic Documents from Achaemenid Bactria: Connections to the West – and the East          Response by Ursula Bsees          Discussion
16:30 – 17:00 Coffee break 17:00 – 18:00 Session 2: Geniza Documents seen by new Perspectives
         Chair: to be confirmed Respondent: Oded Zinger          Tonio Sebastian Richter, Leipzig: Coptic Magic in the Cairo Geniza          Munther al-Sabbagh, Santa Barbara: Suhba          Response Oded Zinger          Discussion
19:00 – 20:30 Evening Lecture and Reception in the Ludwig-Maximillians-Universität München (LMU)
         Welcome          Evening lecture – Peter Stein, Jena: Writing Semitic on wooden sticks: The manuscript tradition of pre-Islamic South Arabia          Reception and buffet
Wednesday, October 8th
Carl Friedrich von Siemens-Stiftung 09:30 – 11:00 Session 3: Literature and Documents
         Chair: to be confirmed Respondent: W. Matt Malczycki
         Daniel Potthast, Munich: Parallel transmissions of documents: On the value of the inshāʾ-literature for Arabic papyrology          Ursula Bsees, Vienna: Early evidence for the second source of Islam: A preliminary study of four ḥadīth papyri from the Austrian National Library          Abdulmalik Ahmad Essayed Shetewy, Riyadh: Sharḥ Ghunyat al-Kuttāb fī l-Khaṭṭ by Abi Baqr bin Shihāb ad-Dīn Aḥmad bin al-Himsīya          Response by W. Matt Malczycki          Discussion
11:00 – 11:30 – Coffee break 11:30 – 13:00 Session 4: Business and Daily Life according to Documents
         Chair: Petra M. Sijpesteijn Respondent: Marina Rustow
         W. Matt Malczycki, Auburn: Using Papyri to Determine the Purchasing Power of a Dinar in Early Islamic Egypt          Oded Zinger, Princeton: Patronage in the Legal Arena according to Geniza Letters          Sobhi Bouderbala, Tunis: The waqf system in Early Islam and its Characteristics based on Documentary Evidence          Response by Marina Rustow          Discussion
13:00 – 15:30 – Lunch and Visit to Nymphenburg Castle Park 15:30 – 17:00 Session 5: Inputs from Neighboring Fields
         Chair: to be confirmed Respondent: Ahmad Al-Jallad
         Shamsiddin S. Kamoliddin, Tashkent: Medallion of Mansur Ibn Nuh: Historical Interpretation          AbdulSalam Eleasely, Riyadh: Tools and Techniques for the documentary Evidence of Early Arabic Paper Manuscripts: Discovered complementary Proofs under the written Arabic Scripts          Mohamed Ahmed Abd Ellatif Ibrahim, Cairo: Archaeological and Cultural Study for Three Tombstones Newly Discovered in Elephantine Island in Aswan          Response by Ahmad Al-Jallad          Discussion
17:00 – 17:30 – Coffee break 17:30 – 18:30 Session 6: Documents from Bilād al-Shām
         Chair: to be confirmed Respondent: Lucian Reinfandt          Ronny Vollandt, Berlin: The Non-Muslim Fragments from the Qubbat al-Khazna of the Umayyad Mosque at Damascus          Mohamed Nasr Abdelrahman, Cairo: Marriage and Divorce Contracts from the Mamluk Jerusalem           Response by Lucian Reinfandt
18:30 – 19:30 - Snack 20:30 – 23:00 – Evening Tea in the Institut für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten
Thursday, October 9th
BAdW (Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften) 09:30 – 11:00 Session 7: Language and Formulae
Chair: to be confirmed Respondent: Andreas Kaplony
         Craig Perry, Atlanta: The Practice of Domestic Slavery in Medieval Egypt: an analysis of Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic bills of sale from the Cairo Geniza          Hazem Hussein Abbas Ali, Beni-Suef: Words and Phrases of Arabic Papyri: Are they Systematic?          Lucian Reinfandt, Vienna: Arabic papyri, elite migration, and the Persianisation of Egypt in the 9th century AD          Response by Andreas Kaplony          Discussion
11:00 – 11:30 – Coffee break 11:30 – 13:00 Session 8: New Documents from Egypt
         Chair: to be confirmed Respondent: Petra Sijpesteijn          Mohamed Mohamed Morsy, Cairo: Two Unpublished Arabic Papyri from the Dār al-Kutub al-Miṣrīya          Ayman Aly Shahin, Bamberg: Three Arabic letters          Ahmed Nabil, Sadat City: Fāṭimid letter of designation related to Alexandria          Response by Petra Sijpesteijn          Discussion
13:00 – 15:00 - Lunch 15:00 – 16:30 Session 9: Multilingualism, Arabicization, and Cultural Transfer
         Chair: to be confirmed Respondent: Daniel Potthast          Lajos Berkes, Heidelberg: The Archive of the Fayum Pagarchy in the 8th century          Maher Eissa, Fayoum/Anne Boud’hors, Paris: The Coptic Papyri in the Egyptian Library and Archives          Alia Hanafi, Cairo: Treatment of Conjunctivitis in the Light of P. Grenf. I 52, P. Princ. III 155 and Arabic Manuscripts          Response by Daniel Potthast
17:00 – 18:00 – Presentation of Oriental Manuscripts in the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek 19:30 – 22.00 – Dinner
Friday, Oktober 10th
BAdW (Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften) 09:30 – 11:00 Session 10: Signs, Numerals, and Orthography
         Chair: Andreas Kaplony Respondent: Jessica Goldberg          Johannes Thomann, Zurich: Arabic Abjad Numerals: Origin, Usage and Form          Saied Maghawry Mohammed, Cairo:Numerals and Signs in Arabic Papyri          Ahmad Al-Jallad, Leiden: The phonetic Origins of Arabic Orthography          Response by Jessica Goldberg          Discussion
11:00 – 11.30 – Coffee break 11:30 – 13:00 – General Meeting of the ISAP 13:30 – 20:00 – Excursion with dinner (optional)
Prof. Dr Barbara Michalak-Pikulska Professor of Arabic Literature, Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies The Head of the Department of Arabic Studies Jagiellonian University in Krakow ul. Podwale 7 31-118 Krakow, Poland ------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Colloque: ”Les Villes Arabes”, Hôtel de Ville, Paris, 23 October 2014 6. Qatar Annual Research Conference (ARC’14), Doha, 18-19 November 2014 7. Third Islamic Economics Workshop: “Labor in Islamic Economics”, Istanbul, 3-5 April 2015 8. Panel: "Slave Narratives from the Mediterranean and Middle East", Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association, Toronto, 30 April - 3 May 2015 9. Symposium: "Sharing the Holy Land Perceptions of Shared Sacred Spaces", London, 12-13 June 2015 and Leeds, 6-9 July 2015 POSITIONS 10. PhD Scholarships for Research in Jewish, Christian and Muslim Relations, Woolf Institute Cambridge, UK 11. Positions in American Universities OTHER INFORMATION 12. MA in Mediterranean Studies, University of the Peloponnese, Greece 13. Call for Papers: "The Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire" for Special Issue of "Journal for Genocide Studies" 14. Call for Papers: "History and Civilization of the Byzantine or the Eastern Roman Empire" for Special Issue of "History Studies" 15. Call for Entries in "Islam: A Worldwide Encyclopedia" (4 Volumes) ______________ If you want to distribute an announcement via EURAMES Info Service (more than 5000 recipients, only English and French announcements), please apply the usual format of the text with no more than 100 words and no attachment. Please send only the most important information and refer to further details with a link to the respective website or an email address. Best regards, Guenter Meyer, Center for Research on the Arab World (CERAW), University of Mainz, Germany _____________ CONFERENCES 1. International Conference: "Undisciplined: German Jewish Studies Today", Leo Baeck Institute London, 14-15 September 2014 The conference aims to represent and reflect on the diversity of German Jewish studies. It will bring together scholars working within a variety of disciplines and on a wide range of topics, periods and communities, in an attempt to rethink and radically expand the borders of the field. We will explore new and often unfamiliar points of entry into a rich and complex, but also poignant history of languages, emotions, bodies, and beliefs. Reservation required. Information _______________ 2. International Workshop: "In Motion: Movements, Crossings & Transfers in Turkey. From Prehistoric Heartlands to the Modern Nation-State", Ankara, 26-27 September 2014 ‘In Motion’ opens a cross-disciplinary dialogue between Archaeology and Archaeology-related disciplines, History, Political Science, Sociology and Social Anthropology to explore diverse itineraries across temporal, geographical and cultural borders in Turkey. Researchers from both Turkish and international institutions will present recent and unpublished work on a variety of themes relating to the conditions and regimes that facilitated, permitted and enforced the movement of people, things and ideas. Online registration required. Information ______________ 3. VIIe édition des Rencontres internationales des doctorants en études byzantines, Paris, 3-4 octobre 2014 Organisées sur deux jours, ces Rencontres internationales ont pour but de rassembler des étudiants de troisième cycle, français et étrangers, travaillant sur la civilisation byzantine. Quels que soient le champ de recherche et le domaine de spécialisation (histoire, histoire de l’art, archéologie, philologie, etc.), il s’agit de partager les recherches des doctorants en études byzantines ou de disciplines proches (Moyen Âge occidental, monde islamique, peuples des steppes, etc.), les interactions étant toujours fructueuses. Information _____________ 4. The Sixth International Society for Arabic Papyrology (ISAP) Conference: "Writing Semitic: Scripts, Documents, Languages in Historical Context", Munich, 7-10 October 2014 Participation with no lecture: Please send a notice of intent to participate to Dr. Kathrin Müller () asap. Information ______________ 5. Colloque: ”Les Villes Arabes”, Hôtel de Ville, Paris, 23 October 2014 L'inscription pour le public est obligatoire à l'adresse suivante : ; information et programme: _______________ 6. Qatar Annual Research Conference (ARC’14), Doha, 18-19 November 2014 The deadline for abstract submission in in English or Arabic has been extended to 10 September 2014. Information ___________ 7. Third Islamic Economics Workshop: “Labor in Islamic Economics”, Istanbul, 3-5 April 2015 ILKE Association for Science Culture and Education; Scientific Studies Society (İLEM); and Association of Entrepreneurship and Business Ethics (İGİAD) will together be organizing the workshop in collaboration with Istanbul Commerce University. This year a high level of international participation is expected for the workshop. Transportation and accommodation will be covered. Deadline for abstracts 30 October 2014. Information ___________ 8. Panel: "Slave Narratives from the Mediterranean and Middle East", Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association, Toronto, 30 April - 3 May 2015 This panel seeks to explore various slave narratives in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cultures and literatures. Panel topics include, but are not limited to, slave narratives in Ottoman Empire, Greece, and Egypt. We will explore multiplicity of slave voices and experiences and ask how slavery was maintained as a social, economic, and cultural institution. We will examine how these narratives are represented, documented, transmitted, and remembered. Abstract deadline: 30 September 2014. Information http:// __________ 9. Symposium: "Sharing the Holy Land Perceptions of Shared Sacred Spaces", London, 12-13 June 2015 and Leeds, 6-9 July 2015 The first part will be held at The Warburg Institute in London, featuring keynote speakers, Prof. Bernard Hamilton, Prof. Benjamin Kedar, and Prof. Ora Limor. Following on this, three sessions are being organized for the International Medieval Conference to be held at Leeds addressing how both Western pilgrims, and the indigenous Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Levantine populations perceived the sharing of religious shrines with other faiths during c.1000 to c.1500. Deadline for proposals: 12 September 2014. Information __________ POSITIONS 10. PhD Scholarships for Research in Jewish, Christian and Muslim Relations, Woolf Institute Cambridge, UK Scholars will be selected from amongst applicants in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Their research must be relevant to the focus of the Woolf Institute - the multi-disciplinary study of relations between Jews, Christians and Muslims. Each scholarship will cover the full cost of studying for a PhD at the University of Cambridge. Deadline for application: 2 December 2014. Information:, contact Dr Emma Harris at __________________ 11. Positions in American Universities - Assistant Professor in Islamic Studies, Washington University in St. Louis - - Assistant Professor in Modern Middle East Studies and Jewish History, Pennsylvania State University - - Assistant/Associate Professor in Comparative and International Education (relevant to educational reform in the Middle East), American University in Cairo - __________________ OTHER INFORMATION 12. MA in Mediterranean Studies, University of the Peloponnese, Greece Collaborative Postgraduate Program Master of Arts (M.A.) for the Academic year 2014/2015 by the Department of Political Science and International Relations of the University of the Peloponnese in partnership with Universities in Italy, France, Turkey and Cyprus. The program covers a wide variety of issues and problems across different disciplines (i.e., Political Science, International Relations, Cultural Studies, and Economics). Deadline for application 24 September 2014. Information _____________ 13. Call for Papers: "The Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire" for Special Issue of "Journal for Genocide Studies" The "Zeitschrift für Genozidforschung" is published twice a year by the Institute for Diaspora and Genocide Studies (IDG) at the University of Bochum, Germany. Submissions that focus on one of the following issue areas are particularly welcome: local and regional implementation structures of genocidal policies; specific actors or groups of actors directly involved in acts of genocide; the attitudes and reactions (or non-reactions) of international actors; gender-specific aspects of the violence and its experience; the Armenian genocide in discourses of international law. Deadline for submissions: 31 December 2014. Information __________ 14. Call for Papers: "History and Civilization of the Byzantine or the Eastern Roman Empire" for Special Issue of "History Studies" We welcome articles from a wide array of disciplines covering history, geography, and theology, archeology, and art history, law and architecture of the Byzantine Empire. The special issue will primarily include articles focusing on the history and civilization of Byzantine in Anatolia but articles covering the history and civilization of the Byzantine Empire outside Anatolia will also be considered for publication either in the special issue or in the subsequent issues. Deadline for papers: 15 April 2015. Information ______________ 15. Call for Entries in "Islam: A Worldwide Encyclopedia" (4 Volumes) This is a call for entries for a major reference work on Islamic faith contracted with ABC-CLIO. Inquiries should be addressed to Editor, Dr. Cenap Çakmak, at . Potential authors are kindly requested to send a brief CV indicating their areas of expertise and major scholarly works. Entry list will be subsequently sent to the interested parties for selection. Information