dimanche 8 janvier 2023
EURAMES Info Service 01/2023
Dear Colleague,
Please find below the following announcements:
1. ONLINE Lecture "Kemeré Duzgı – The Protector of Dersim: Sacred Place Cults in Kurdish Alevism"
by Dr. Ahmet Kerim Gültekin (Freie Universität Berlin), Asien-Afrika-Institut, Hamburg University, 11
January 2023, 18.15-20:00 CET
2. HYBRIDE Rencontres & débats : "Quel avenir pour les Kurdes ?", Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris, 11
janvier 2023, 19h
3. ONLINE Webinar "A New State of Mind: The Learning State", Economic Research Forum, Cairo, 12
January 2023, 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
4. HYBRIDE Conférence publique "La traite des esclaves : une anthropologie historique de l'esclavage
au Maroc" avec Professeur Rahal Boubrik (Université Mohammed V), Centre Jacques Berque, 16
janvier 2023, 17h - 19h
5. HYBRID Lecture „The Dialectics of Cooptation and Resistance: A Comparative Look at Sharīʿa Courts
and Ecclesiastical Courts in Israel as Spaces of Identity and Action " by Prof. Dr. Ido Shahar (University of Haifa), University of Göttingen, 17 January 2023, 6:15 pm CET
6. ONLINE Webinar "Making and Unmaking Community: Urban Life in Persianate Rajasthan" with
Elizabeth Thelen (University of Exeter), British Institute for Persian Studies, 18 January 2023, 5:00
pm - 6:00 pm UK Time
7. HYBRIDE Atelier-rencontre avec Pierre Lory autour de l’ouvrage de Michel Dousse "La figure
d’Abraham dans la Bible et le Coran", IISMM, Paris, 19 janvier 2023, 10h-12h
8. ONLINE Webinar "The Findings of the 2022 Arab Opinion Index", Arab Center Washington DC, 19
January 2023, 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm ET
9. ONLINE Lecture Series "The Ottoman Constitutional Revolution in Post-Imperial Turkish Historiography" by Veronika Hager, Leibniz Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO), Berlin, 23 January 2023,
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
10. HYBRIDE Séminaire de recherche « Islams et musulmans de France: nouveaux terrains, approches
et paradigmes », MMSH/IREMAM, Aix-en-Provence, 25 janvier 2023, 11h-13h
11. ONLINE Lecture "(Un)Knowing Toxicity: Waste, Value, and Indeterminacy in Beirut’s Coastal
Landfills" by Hanna Baumann (UCL), Leibniz Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO), Berlin, 26 January
2023, 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
12. ONLINE IDHN Conference on "Shīʿī Ḥadīth and Legal Studies: Digital Perspectives", Georgetown
University, 26 January 2023, 9:00 am CT
13. HYBRIDE Atelier-rencontre avec Christian Jambet autour de son ouvrage "Le Philosophe et son
guide. Mullâ Sadrâ et la religion philosophique", IISMM, Paris, 26 janvier 2023, 10h-12h
14. HYBRIDE Séminaire "Droit et développement historique de la charia en islam", Christian Müller
(CNRS, IRHT), Paris, 9 février 2023, 10h-12 h
15. HYBRIDE Séminaire "Les mobilités entre Venise et l'Empire ottoman dans la seconde moitié du XVe
siècle : des déplacements humains aux adaptations du cadre légal", Pauline Guena (CNRS, UMR
7303 Telemme), Sorbonne, Paris, 13 février 2023, 17h-19h
16. HYBRIDE Séminaire "Normes partagées ou infrastructures en conflit ? À la recherche d’une bonne «
formule » pour aborder les ambiguïtés dans les relations entre chrétiens et musulmans dans l'espace
méditerranéen médiéval", Daniel König (University Konstanz), Sorbonne, Paris, 27 Mars 2023, 17h19h
17. Workshop “British Legacy in Palestine”, Centre for Palestine Studies, SOAS, University of London,
31 March 2023
18. HYBRID International Conference “Transnational Solidarity Amongst (Settler) Colonised People:
Palestine and Beyond”, European Centre for Palestine Studies, University of Exeter, Exeter, 3-4 April
19. HYBRID "9th Annual Graduate Student Research Seminar", Centre for Palestine Studies, SOAS
University of London, 11-12 May 2023
20. AIMS Conference "Remade by War: New Perspectives on Postwar North Africa", Centre d'Etudes
Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT), Tunis, 11-12 May 2023
21. International Conference "ImagiNation.s: Reconfigurations of National Imaginaries in the Cultural
Production of Contemporary Maghreb", Université Internationale de Rabat, 18 May 2023
22. International Conference "Audio/Vision/Culture – New Perspectives on Turkish German Cinema",
Freie Universität Berlin, 25-27 May 2023
23. International Workshop "Muslim Minorities and Questions of Secularity in China and Beyond", Leipzig
University, 9-10 June 2023
24. HYBRIDE Séminaire "Autour de la question de compétence : principes et pratiques des relations
judiciaires entre Byzantins, Génois et Vénitiens (XIIIe-XVe siècle)", Romain Goudjil (UMR 8167 Orient
& Méditerranée), Sorbonne, Paris, 19 juin 2023, 17h-19h
25. « 52nd-54th Conferences of the Aram Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies”, Oriental Institute,
University of Oxford, 5-15 July 2023
26. Conference "Early Modern Ottoman Studies (EMOS)", Hacettepe University & Middle East Technical
University (METU), Ankara, 12-15 July 2023
27. Workshop "Trajectories of Slavery in Islamicate Societies", Bern, Switzerland, 30 August – 1
September 2023
28. International Conference & Practice Workshop: "Memory as a Resource in Conflict Transformation:
The Role of Media and Journalists in Peacebuilding", Bogotá, Colombia, 20-21 September 2023
29. International Workshop “Positionality in the Study of Islamic Theology”, Berlin Institute for Islamic
Theology and Freie Universitaet Amsterdam, September 2023
30. “Annual Conference of Ibn Khaldon Center on Interdisciplinary Research”, Qatar University, 30 September 2023
31. Symposium "The Western Mediterranean and the Global Middle Ages", The American Academy of
Research Historians of Medieval Spain, UCLA, Los Angeles, 20-21 October 2023
32. Workshop “Legacy of the British Mandate in Palestine”, SOAS, University of London, 28 November
33. Cluster of Excellence for Doctoral Researchers: "Contestations of the Liberal Script" (SCRIPTS),
Berlin Graduate School for Global and Transregional Studies (BGTS)
34. 12 PhD Positions in Islamic Studies, Stockholm University and other Swedish Universities
35. Associate Professorship in Islamic Studies and Law, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of
36. Four Fellowships (2 Years) for Advanced Studies on "Slavery, Ethnicity and Race in the Mediterranean. Ideas and Attitudes from Homer to Columbus," 2020 Fondazione 1563, Turin
37. Four Scholarships for Nationals of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE for International
Master Programme in Urban Studies: 2 Year Study in Brussels, Vienna, Copenhagen and Madrid
38. PhD Research Grants for 2023/2024, Orient-Institut Istanbul
39. Assistant/Associate Professor of History, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Doha Institute
for Graduate Studies (DI), Qatar
40. Lecturer, Non-Tenure Track, International Studies (Focus Middle East/North Africa), University of
41. ONLINE Virtual Winter School on “Islam and Armed Conflict Ethics”, Research Center for Islamic
Legislation and Ethics (CILE), Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar, 18-19 January 2023
42. Spring School 2023 of the European Network for Islamic Studies (ENIS): "Shifting Boundaries in
Muslim Worlds", University of Catania, Sicily, 13-16 June 2023
43. Award for a European Ph.D. Thesis in Iranian Studies
44. Ibrahim Dakkak Award for Outstanding Essay on Jerusalem
45. 2nd Annual Khamseen Graduate Student Presentation Award for Islamic Art
46. Chapters for the "The Palgrave Handbook of Arab Film and Media"
47. Articles on "Child and Youth Migrants in Middle East and North African History" for Special Issue of
"Mashriq & Mahjar", Editors Dr. Ella Fratantuono and Dr. Lucia Carminati
48. Articles for "L’Année du Maghreb", New Section: “Issues and Debates”
49. Articles for New "Journal of Religious Minorities under Muslim Rule" (Brill)
50. Contributions sur « Occuper l’espace public autour de la Méditerranée. Perspectives croisées sur les
rapports de pouvoir et les espaces urbains » pour "Revue Genre, Sexualité et Société"
51. New Series "Studies in Pre-Modern Arab History and East-West Encounters" Edited by Ahmed M. A.
Sheir and Amar S. Baadj, Published by TRIVENT Publishing
If you want to distribute an announcement via DAVO-Info-Service (about 1300 recipients) and EURAMES
Info Service (more than 6000 recipients, only English and French announcements), please apply the usual
format of the text with no more than 50 words and no attachment. Please send only the most important
information to davo@geo.uni-mainz.de and refer to further details with a link to the respective website or an
email address.
Best regards,
Guenter Meyer, Centre for Research on the Arab World (CERAW), University of Mainz
1. ONLINE Lecture "Kemeré Duzgı – The Protector of Dersim: Sacred Place Cults in Kurdish
Alevism" by Dr. Ahmet Kerim Gültekin (Freie Universität Berlin), Asien-Afrika-Institut, Hamburg University, 11 January 2023, 18.15-20:00 CET
Information and registration:
2. HYBRIDE Rencontres & débats : "Quel avenir pour les Kurdes ?", Institut du Monde Arabe,
Paris, 11 janvier 2023, 19h
Comment expliquer la montée de la violence à l’égard des Kurdes ? Quelle est l'histoire de ce peuple, et
quelles sont ses revendications ? Quel avenir au Moyen Orient ?
Information et inscription : https://www.imarabe.org/fr/rencontres-debats/quel-avenir-pour-les-kurdes
3. ONLINE Webinar "A New State of Mind: The Learning State", Economic Research Forum,
Cairo, 12 January 2023, 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Heightened uncertainty, today, puts heavy demands on the state: to inform and coordinate individual action
during a pandemic; to sustain economic production through unprecedented cyclical swings; to protect the
most vulnerable from poverty; to dial back the rapid losses in schooling and ramp up the capacity of health
systems. Transparency and accountability are essential for a “learning state.”
Information and registration: https://erf.org.eg/events/seminar-on-a-new-state-of-mind-the-learning-state/
4. HYBRIDE Conférence publique "La traite des esclaves : une anthropologie historique de
l'esclavage au Maroc" avec Professeur Rahal Boubrik (Université Mohammed V), Centre
Jacques Berque, 16 janvier 2023, 17h-19h
Depuis le moyen âge, la traite des esclaves est au centre du commerce transsaharien caravanier entre le
Maroc et le Soudan occidental. Néanmoins, cette pratique est une institution sociale plutôt qu’une entreprise
économique. C’est à travers une relation tripartite (sociétés pillées, pillardes et acheteuses) que la reproduction des esclaves s’effectue.
En visioconférence sur Zoom via le lien suivant, sans inscription : https://zoom.us/j/92413338283
5. HYBRID Lecture „The Dialectics of Cooptation and Resistance: A Comparative Look at Sharīʿa
Courts and Ecclesiastical Courts in Israel as Spaces of Identity and Action " by Prof. Dr. Ido
Shahar (University of Haifa), University of Göttingen, 17 January 2023, 6:15 pm CET
Zoom Link: https://uni-goettingen.zoom.us/j/66879609243#success
6. ONLINE Webinar "Making and Unmaking Community: Urban Life in Persianate Rajasthan" with
Elizabeth Thelen (University of Exeter), British Institute for Persian Studies, 18 January 2023,
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm UK Time
How did diverse religious, occupational, and ethnic communities live side-by-side in precolonial Rajasthan’s
cities? This talk presents several case studies from the city of Nagaur that show how people ranging from
Sufi Shaikhs to cloth-dyers, and kings to cowherds understood and navigated social difference in the
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
Register to attend at: https://www.bips.ac.uk/event/urban-life-in-persianate-rajasthan-thelen/
7. HYBRIDE Atelier-rencontre avec Pierre Lory autour de l’ouvrage de Michel Dousse "La figure
d’Abraham dans la Bible et le Coran", IISMM, Paris, 19 janvier 2023, 10h-12h
Michel Dousse nous offre une lecture renouvelée de la figure d’Abraham, plus précisément sur la portée des
récits coraniques concernant le patriarche, mis en regard des textes de la Bible dans leurs interprétations
juives et chrétiennes. Son originalité est d’ouvrir au lecteur francophone une réflexion dense et argumentée
sur l’Abraham coranique.
Information et inscription : https://iismm.hypotheses.org/74287
8. ONLINE Webinar "The Findings of the 2022 Arab Opinion Index", Arab Center Washington DC,
19 January 2023, 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm ET
The 2022 Arab Opinion Index is based on findings from face-to-face interviews conducted between June and
December 2022 with 33,300 individual respondents in 14 Arab countries. How do Arab citizens assess the
economic and political conditions in their respective countries? Do Arab citizens yearn for democracy in the
Arab world? How do Arab citizens assess threats to their respective countries? Etc.
Information and registration:
9. ONLINE Lecture Series "The Ottoman Constitutional Revolution in Post-Imperial Turkish
Historiography" by Veronika Hager, Leibniz Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO), Berlin, 23
January 2023, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
The presentation gives an overview of how the Ottoman constitutional revolution of 1908 was represented in
Turkish historiographical texts from the 1930s to the 1950s. It explores how late Ottoman constitutionalism
and parliamentarism were evaluated and contextualized in the single-party and the multi-party era of the early
Republic of Turkey.
Information and registration:
10. HYBRIDE Séminaire de recherche « Islams et musulmans de France: nouveaux terrains,
approches et paradigmes », MMSH/IREMAM, Aix-en-Provence, 25 janvier 2023, 11h-13h
Simona Tersigni (Université de Paris-Nanterre, SOPHIAPOL): « Islam(s) en/de France au prisme des travaux
sur femmes et genre ». Loïc Le Pape (Université Paris 1, Sorbonne): « Étudier l'islam en France par celles
et ceux qui y adhèrent. Retour sur la sociologie des conversions religieuses ».
Information et inscription : https://iremam.cnrs.fr/fr/seminaire-de-recherche-islams-et-musulmans-de-francenouveaux-terrains-approches-et-paradigmes-0
11. ONLINE Lecture "(Un)Knowing Toxicity: Waste, Value, and Indeterminacy in Beirut’s Coastal
Landfills" by Hanna Baumann (UCL), Leibniz Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO), Berlin, 26
January 2023, 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Beirut’s coastline has become a dumping ground for unremediated waste. To examine the epistemological
and representational challenges of waste, the talk engages with the work of a number of Lebanese artists
who have produced work on waste along Beirut’s waterfront in recent years.
Information and registration:
12. ONLINE IDHN Conference on "Shīʿī Ḥadīth and Legal Studies: Digital Perspectives", Georgetown University, 26 January 2023, 9:00 am CT
Robert Gleave (University of Exeter) & Kumail Rajani (University of Exeter): "Twelver Usul Bibliography: Data
Analysis." – Edmund Hayes (Radboud University, Nijmegen): "Tracking Epistolary Formulae Over Time:
Comparing Digital Corpora and Physical Documents." – Mohammad Reza Mousavi (King’s College London)
& Kaveh Ariyanpoo (Independent Researcher): "Searching for the Tenets of Ghuluww in al-Kāfī: A DataAnalytic Approach."
Registration: https://georgetown.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAtceGvrz4oGtDwK8hLb4ncVTuats8xVRyV.
13. HYBRIDE Atelier-rencontre avec Christian Jambet autour de son ouvrage "Le Philosophe et
son guide. Mullâ Sadrâ et la religion philosophique", IISMM, Paris, 26 janvier 2023, 10h-12h
Mullâ Sadrâ pose la question de la guidance de la communauté des croyants : revient-elle au plus pieux qui
suit l’enseignement du Coran à la lettre ou au philosophe qui, à la suite des Grecs et de Platon en particulier,
vise au perfectionnement de l’âme humaine jusqu’à atteindre le bonheur par la connaissance de la vérité ?
L’ascension de l’âme savante vers l’lntellect débouche sur la vraie révélation coranique.
Information et inscription : https://iismm.hypotheses.org/72404
14. HYBRIDE Séminaire "Droit et développement historique de la charia en islam", Christian Müller (CNRS, IRHT), Paris, 9 février 2023, 10h-12 h
Christian Müller est Directeur de recherche au CNRS, Responsable de la section arabe de l’Institut de
recherche et d’histoire des textes (IRHT).
Inscription pour visioconférence : https://bbb.ehess.fr/b/fra-lzk-hvs-wue
15. HYBRIDE Séminaire "Les mobilités entre Venise et l'Empire ottoman dans la seconde moitié
du XVe siècle : des déplacements humains aux adaptations du cadre légal", Pauline Guena
(CNRS, UMR 7303 Telemme), Sorbonne, Paris, 13 février 2023, 17h-19h
Le séminaire « Méditerranée médiévale » réunit des chercheurs spécialistes des mondes grecs, latins et
musulmans du Moyen Âge, dans une perspective d’étude des relations en Méditerranée et de comparatisme.
À raison d’une séance par mois, il alterne des présentations de travaux en cours liés à l’actualité de la
recherche, et des séances consacrées à la question de la construction de normes partagées en Méditerranée.
Inscription : https://pantheonsorbonne.zoom.us/j/97713251308?pwd=ZDk5UkpyVWd5U1VqTjlVWWY2TEE
16. HYBRIDE Séminaire "Normes partagées ou infrastructures en conflit ? À la recherche d’une
bonne « formule » pour aborder les ambiguïtés dans les relations entre chrétiens et
musulmans dans l'espace méditerranéen médiéval", Daniel König (University Konstanz),
Sorbonne, Paris, 27 Mars 2023, 17h-19h
Le séminaire « Méditerranée médiévale » réunit des chercheurs spécialistes des mondes grecs, latins et
musulmans du Moyen Âge, dans une perspective d’étude des relations en Méditerranée et de comparatisme.
À raison d’une séance par mois, il alterne des présentations de travaux en cours liés à l’actualité de la
recherche, et des séances consacrées à la question de la construction de normes partagées en
Inscription : https://pantheonsorbonne.zoom.us/j/97713251308?pwd=ZDk5UkpyVWd5U1VqTjlVWWY2TEE
17. Workshop “British Legacy in Palestine”, Centre for Palestine Studies, SOAS, University of
London, 31 March 2023
The workshop will bring together emerging researchers to examine the question of British “legacy” in Palestine/Israel to better understand the relationship between the Mandate and today. We want to explore the
mindset of colonial officials, the imagination of their presence in the region, and their construction of a British
legacy in Palestine. We look at the reception of this legacy by all engaged parties.
Submission deadline: 20 January 2023.
Information: https://www.soas.ac.uk/about/news/call-papers-legacy-british-mandate-palestine
18. HYBRID International Conference “Transnational Solidarity Amongst (Settler) Colonised
People: Palestine and Beyond”, European Centre for Palestine Studies, University of Exeter,
Exeter, 3-4 April 2023
Contributions are invited that look at different experiences of colonisation and resistance in the context of
transnational solidarities. Papers can come from any disciplinary background, including non-academic ones.
There are a limited number of accommodation grants available for presenters.
Extended deadline for abstracts: 22 January 2023.
Information: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nDYcigt9OqNPM_YDWoivy3mR7r8v2vEPQHtd_64A1S
19. HYBRID "9th Annual Graduate Student Research Seminar", Centre for Palestine Studies,
SOAS University of London, 11-12 May 2023
This research seminar provides a critical platform for PhD students working on Palestine or Palestine-related
issues to present their projects and discuss theoretical and research questions. We welcome a broad range
of topics aiming at an inter-disciplinary dialogue across Palestine Studies. This is a unique opportunity to
present PhD or Postdoctoral research in a supportive environment and receive feedback from others engaged in the field.
Deadline for abstracts: 30 January 2023. Information: https://www.soas.ac.uk/about/news/call-papers-centr
20. AIMS Conference "Remade by War: New Perspectives on Postwar North Africa", Centre
d'Etudes Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT), Tunis, 11-12 May 2023
How were North Africa and its people transformed by World War II? How did the war shape the decolonization movements that intensified across North Africa after 1945? These are two of the questions this conference seeks to address.
Deadline for abstracts: 15 January 2023. Information: https://networks.h-net.org/node/25688/discussions/11
21. International Conference "ImagiNation.s: Reconfigurations of National Imaginaries in the
Cultural Production of Contemporary Maghreb", Université Internationale de Rabat, 18 May
What is the Maghreb today? How does it brand and “sell” itself in global cultural marketplaces? How are
national identities and imaginaries dealt with in today’s North Africa? Which image(s) of themselves do North
African countries explicitly sponsor or implicitly convey through cultural and artistic productions? How has the
idea of the nation in the Maghreb changed through time and by which mechanisms of inclusion, exclusion,
reconciliation, minoritization, racialization, etc.?
Deadline for abstracts: 30 January 2023. Information: https://networks.h-net.org/node/73374/announcemen
22. International Conference "Audio/Vision/Culture – New Perspectives on Turkish German
Cinema", Freie Universität Berlin, 25-27 May 2023
The conference will gather the current state of research on Turkish German cinema and bring the different
approaches into dialogue with each other. On the other hand, our aim is to look ahead and to test constructive
approaches beyond old oppositions.
Deadline for abstracts: 15 February 2023. Information:
23. International Workshop "Muslim Minorities and Questions of Secularity in China and Beyond",
Leipzig University, 9-10 June 2023
This interdisciplinary workshop investigates the role of secularity – that is, conceptual distinctions and
institutional differentiations between “religion” and its others – in the formation and normalization of Muslim
minorities, with a focus on China. Papers should be based on empirical work.
Deadline for abstracts: 16 January 2023. Information: https://www.multiple-secularities.de/events/event/callfor-papers-international-workshop-muslim-minorities-and-questions-of-secularity-in-china-and-beyond/
24. HYBRIDE Séminaire "Autour de la question de compétence : principes et pratiques des relations judiciaires entre Byzantins, Génois et Vénitiens (XIIIe-XVe siècle)", Romain Goudjil (UMR
8167 Orient & Méditerranée), Sorbonne, Paris, 19 juin 2023, 17h-19h
Le séminaire « Méditerranée médiévale » réunit des chercheurs spécialistes des mondes grecs, latins et
musulmans du Moyen Âge, dans une perspective d’étude des relations en Méditerranée et de comparatisme.
À raison d’une séance par mois, il alterne des présentations de travaux en cours liés à l’actualité de la
recherche, et des séances consacrées à la question de la construction de normes partagées en Méditerranée.
Inscription : https://pantheonsorbonne.zoom.us/j/97713251308?pwd=ZDk5UkpyVWd5U1VqTjlVWWY2TEE
25. “52nd-54th Conferences of the Aram Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies”, Oriental Institute, University of Oxford, 5-15 July 2023
- 52nd ARAM Conference: "The Aramaeans B.C.: History, Literature, and Archaeology", 5-7 July 2023
- 53rd ARAM Conference: "Syriac Christianity and the Archaeology of Syriac Monasteries and Churches in
the Levant", 10-12 July 2023
- 54th ARAM Conference: "Melkite Christianity and the Archaeology of Byzantine Monasteries and Churches
in the Levant", 13-15 July 2023
Information: https://www.aramsociety.org/conferences/forthcoming-conference/
26. Conference "Early Modern Ottoman Studies (EMOS)", Hacettepe University & Middle East
Technical University (METU), Ankara, 12-15 July 2023
The conference invites researchers studying the early modern Ottoman lands, their surroundings and the
Mediterranean world (between 1500 and 1800), including all fields of history and related fields of social sciences and humanities.
Deadline for abstracts: 15 January 2023. Information: https://networks.h-net.org/node/11419/discussions/1
27. Workshop "Trajectories of Slavery in Islamicate Societies", Bern, Switzerland, 30 August – 1
September 2023
The workshop convened jointly by the TraSIS project and the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery
Studies (BCDSS). What can one learn about slaveries and strong asymmetrical dependencies from legal
sources, and the extent to which legal sources can shed light on the relevant social practices? How can
intersectionality shed light on different forms of slavery?
Deadline for abstracts: 15 January 2023. Information: https://trasisblog.unibe.ch/?p=108
28. International Conference & Practice Workshop: "Memory as a Resource in Conflict Transformation: The Role of Media and Journalists in Peacebuilding", Bogotá, Colombia, 20-21 September 2023
How, and under what conditions, do which media and journalistic practices shape peacebuilding? Presentations are invited to compare different forms of journalistic practices and media-related peacebuilding efforts
in various cases around the globe, and to examine hypotheses relating to different patterns of dealing with
the past and their effects.
Deadline for abstracts: 31 January 2023. Information: https://www.zmo.de/fileadmin/Karriere/Ausschreibun
29. International Workshop “Positionality in the Study of Islamic Theology”, Berlin Institute for
Islamic Theology and Freie Universitaet Amsterdam, September 2023
The scope of the workshop encompasses both reflection upon the positionality of the researcher in their
specific field of study, the place of researchers within the wider fields of Islamic theology and Islamic studies,
as well as the wider discourse on disciplinary boundaries between Islamic theology and other fields of
research and study. It includes history, literature, and anthropology etc.
Deadline for abstracts: 15 February 2023. Information: https://networks.h-net.org/node/73374/announceme
30. “Annual Conference of Ibn Khaldon Center on Interdisciplinary Research”, Qatar University,
30 September 2023
Themes include "Islamis Sciences and Natural Science". This theme seeks to create connections between
natural knowledge and Islamic sciences, and to use Islamic text to frame related natural sciences’ topics.
Integrating Islamic sciences with natural sciences can offer significant intellectual gains in terms of getting
new perspectives and methodological insights. The Center will reimburse authors with accepted manuscripts
for their travel expenses and accommodation.
Deadline for abstracts: 15 January 2023. Information: conf-IbnKhaldon@qa.edu.qu
31. Symposium "The Western Mediterranean and the Global Middle Ages", The American Academy of Research Historians of Medieval Spain, UCLA, Los Angeles, 20-21 October 2023
What sorts of alternative frameworks can enhance scholarly assessment of the intertwined histories of the
individuals, groups, institutions, and political entities active within the Western Mediterranean and beyond?
How can global approaches help scholars resist the deep-seated, largely Euro- or Christo-centric legacies
that have long influenced work on the Iberian Peninsula, Maghreb, and broader Western-Mediterranean
Deadline for abstracts: 19 February 2023. Information: https://mailchi.mp/mediterraneanseminar/cfp-thewestern-mediterranean-and-the-global-middle-ages-20-21-october-los-angeles?e=82aeb6c61d
32. Workshop “Legacy of the British Mandate in Palestine”, SOAS, University of London, 28 November 2023
This workshop will bring together emerging researchers from a range of disciplinary backgrounds to examine
the question of British “legacy” in Palestine/Israel to better understand the relationship between the Mandate
and today. To do this, we will encapsulate “the British Mandate in Palestine” as a reified concept, a discursive
and/or material symbol, and focus on its creation, transit and reception today.
Deadline for abstracts: 20 January 2023.
Information: https://www.soas.ac.uk/about/news/call-papers-legacy-british-mandate-palestine
33. Cluster of Excellence for Doctoral Researchers: "Contestations of the Liberal Script"
(SCRIPTS), Berlin Graduate School for Global and Transregional Studies (BGTS)
The BGTS offers a rigorous and dynamic English-language PhD programme for exceptionally talented and
motivated graduate students in the field of global and transregional studies, bringing together a broad
spectrum of disciplines and methodological approaches.
Deadline for application: 28 February 2023. Information:
34. 12 PhD Positions in Islamic Studies, Stockholm University and other Swedish Universities
The doctoral students will be admitted within one of the following research subjects: Religious Studies, History
of Religions, Subject Didactics and Systematic Theology.
Information: https://lnu.se/en/research/PhD-studies/religion/graduate-school-in-islamic-studies/
35. Associate Professorship in Islamic Studies and Law, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies,
University of Oxford
We are seeking an outstanding scholar and teacher who studies Islamic thought, literature and/or practice in
the pre-modern period (up until c. 1800 CE), based on primary sources in Arabic and other languages if
appropriate. The successful applicant will have strong expertise in Islamic law. In addition, the postholder will
have further expertise in Sufism, the hadith literature or Shi'i Islam.
Deadline for applications: 20 January 2023.
Information: https://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=64756
36. Four Fellowships (2 Years) for Advanced Studies on "Slavery, Ethnicity and Race in the
Mediterranean. Ideas and Attitudes from Homer to Columbus," 2020 Fondazione 1563, Turin
Candidates holding a doctorate in History or in any discipline in the Humanities are invited to propose projects
dealing with any aspect of the cultural implications and consequences of enslavement for ideas and concepts
of otherness, seen in terms that may be more easily categorized as racial or as ethnic depending on the
discursive context.
Deadline for application: 30 January 2023.
Information: https://www.fondazione1563.it/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/THP-Call-for-applications-2022.pdf
37. Four Scholarships for Nationals of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE for International Master Programme in Urban Studies: 2 Year Study in Brussels, Vienna, Copenhagen and Madrid
The scholarships are supported by Erasmus Mundus. Qualification: BA degree in geography, planning,
architecture, history, criminology, political science, sociology, demography, media & communication studies,
cultural studies, or a similar discipline. Fluency in English is required.
Deadline for application: 16 January 2023. Information: www.4CITIES.eu
38. PhD Research Grants for 2023/2024, Orient-Institut Istanbul
The purpose of the grants is to provide support for research in Turkey to PhD candidates not living in Turkey.
If the fellowship is not, or only partially, spent in Istanbul, a close connection to the institute is required. Upon
consultation this may also be arranged through supervision by members of the Orient-Institut’s Scientific
Advisory Board or other scholars associated with the institute.
Deadline for applications: 22 January 2023. Information: https://www.oiist.org/en/scholarship/
39. Assistant/Associate Professor of History, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Doha
Institute for Graduate Studies (DI), Qatar
Candidates are expected to have: Doctoral degree in History; experience in graduate student supervision,
and with a good record of publications; be fluent in both Arabic and English.
Deadline for application: 16 January 2023.
Information: https://www.dohainstitute.edu.qa/EN/Careers/Pages/Apply.aspx?JobId=DIAC_2022_009
40. Lecturer, Non-Tenure Track, International Studies (Focus Middle East/North Africa), University
of Florida
Applicants should focus topically in the areas of global health, governance, civil society, data and public
policy, sustainable development, or related subjects. Candidates without a doctoral degree should possess
at least three years of experience in relevant employment, including international research groups, government agencies, and non-governmental organizations.
Deadline for applications: 5 February 2023. Information: https://networks.h-net.org/node/73374/announcem
41. ONLINE Virtual Winter School on “Islam and Armed Conflict Ethics”, Research Center for
Islamic Legislation and Ethics (CILE), Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar, 18-19 January 2023
The Winter School will enable participants to consider the results and consequences of armed conflicts,
including such topics as humane treatment, Islamic law and rules of engagement, child protection, detention
of combatants, and refugee crises, as well as social, individual, and governmental responsibility.
Deadline for registration: 15 January 2023.
Information: https://www.cilecenter.org/activities/teaching-training/012023-cile-virtual-winter-school
42. Spring School 2023 of the European Network for Islamic Studies (ENIS): "Shifting Boundaries
in Muslim Worlds", University of Catania, Sicily, 13-16 June 2023
The study of Islam is unthinkable without taken into consideration the dynamics of boundaries. Be it the study
of (historical or contemporary) state-formation, minority policies, discrimination or repression, the continuous
dynamics and the crossing and redefinition of existing boundaries. We welcome work that critically engages
with essentialist understandings of boundaries in a more conceptual sense.
Deadline for applications: 28 February 2023.
Information: https://www.ehess.fr/fr/appels-%C3%A9tudiants/enis-spring-school-2023
43. Award for a European Ph.D. Thesis in Iranian Studies
The Societas Iranologica Europea (SIE) invites applications and nominations for the Fifth Round of the
"European Award of Iranian Studies". With this Award the SIE recognizes outstanding theses in any field of
Iranian Studies defended at European universities. The award is given every four years and conferred during
the European Conference of Iranian Studies (ECIS).
Deadline for nominations/applications: 15 January 2023.
Information: https://www.societasiranologicaeu.org/ph-d-thesis-award/
44. Ibrahim Dakkak Award for Outstanding Essay on Jerusalem
It is awarded to an outstanding submission/nomination (in English or Arabic) that addresses either
contemporary or historical issues relating to Jerusalem. The author will be awarded a prize of U.S. $1,000,
and the essay will be published in the Jerusalem Quarterly.
Deadline for submissions: 15 January 2023.
Information: https://www.palestine-studies.org/en/journals/jq/Ibrahim-Dakkak-Award
45. 2nd Annual Khamseen Graduate Student Presentation Award for Islamic Art
We invite PhD candidates to submit a polished script of ca. 2,000 words and an accompanying PowerPoint
slide show for a 10-12 minute video presentation for the Award. The winning applicant will work with our team
to revise and then record their presentation; the awardee also will receive a $500 honorarium upon their
presentation’s launch on the Khamseen website.
Deadline for applications: 1 March 2023. Information: https://sites.lsa.umich.edu/khamseen/announcements
46. Chapters for the "The Palgrave Handbook of Arab Film and Media"
This anthology is a reference book that brings together a rigorous and expansive study of the developments
of roughly a century of cinema histories of this region including other media (radio, television musalsalat and
other programs, music and internet). It spans a wide geographic and cultural range across Asia and Africa
that includes immigrant, migrant and diasporic cultures, and bridges the 20th and 21st centuries.
Deadline for abstracts: 15 January 2023. Information:
47. Articles on "Child and Youth Migrants in Middle East and North African History" for Special
Issue of "Mashriq & Mahjar", Editors Dr. Ella Fratantuono and Dr. Lucia Carminati
Themes: Changing meanings of "childhood" and "youth"; Intra-regional mobility; Kinship and the family;
Migrant racialization; Border control and state-building; Child and youth activism; Methodologies in migration
studies; The making of social categories (e.g. citizen, migrant, refugee); Perspectives on agency, coercion,
decision-making, and mobility; Effects of migration for children and youth; etc.
Deadline for abstracts: 15 January 2023.
Information: https://lebanesestudies.ojs.chass.ncsu.edu/index.php/mashriq/announcement/view/34
48. Articles for "L’Année du Maghreb", New Section: “Issues and Debates”
The proposed themes, which are merely indicative, address current events and recent developments in the
Maghreb countries. Contributors may also propose articles on other themes insofar as they deal with issues
related to the socio-economic, political and cultural dynamics of the region.
Deadline for abstracts: 20 January 2023. Information: https://iismm.hypotheses.org/75968
49. Articles for New "Journal of Religious Minorities under Muslim Rule" (Brill)
The journal covers a large temporal period, spanning from 7th century Arabia to 1922 (the end of Ottoman
rule), in addition to a large geographic area from North Africa and al-Andalus in the West to Iran, etc. The
focus includes minority-minority, minority-majority, and minority-state relations. Disciplines include history,
religious studies, literature, legal studies, and archaeology.
Information: https://brill.com/view/journals/rmmr/rmmr-overview.xml?tab_body=container-135910-item-1359
50. Contributions sur « Occuper l’espace public autour de la Méditerranée. Perspectives croisées
sur les rapports de pouvoir et les espaces urbains » pour "Revue Genre, Sexualité et Société"
Qui peut occuper l’espace public ? Et sous quelles conditions ? Ces questions se trouvent au cœur de travaux
qui ont exploré, tant en Europe que dans la région que forment le nord de l’Afrique et le Proche Orient, la
dimension genrée des espaces publics urbains.
Propositions d’articles : 31 janvier 2023. Information : https://iismm.hypotheses.org/74681
51. New Series "Studies in Pre-Modern Arab History and East-West Encounters" Edited by Ahmed
M. A. Sheir and Amar S. Baadj, Published by TRIVENT Publishing
Proposals are invited on: - The Arabs in Antiquity and their Relations with Surrounding Peoples and Cultures.
- Arab and Muslim history from the Umayyad period up to the end of the Mamluk period. - Arab-Latin
Encounters. - The Crusades. - Encounters between the Western Islamic lands and the Mashriq. - Encounters
between Muslims and Christians in Al-Andalus and Sicily. - Modern Arab and Orientalist Scholarship on the
Pre-Modern History of the Middle East and North Africa, etc.
Information: https://trivent-publishing.eu/81-studies-in-pre-modern-arab-history
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