dimanche 7 novembre 2021

EURAMES Info Service 45/2021

EURAMES Info Service 45/2021




1.    HYBRID Book Presentation: “Shared Margins: An Ethnography with Writers in Alexandria after the Revolution” by Samuli Schielke (ZMO, Berlin) and Mukhtar Saad Shehata (Alexandria), Leibniz Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin, 8 November 2021, 5:00 pm CET


2.    HYBRID Book Talk: “Palestinian Refugees in International Law” with Francesca P. Albanese (Georgetown), Lex Takkenberg (UNRWA), etc., Department of Political and Social Sciences of Bologna University, Modena, 8 November 2021, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm CET


3.    ONLINE Book Launch: “Working in Greece and Turkey. A Comparative Labour History from Empires to Nation-States, 1840–1940“, Edited by Leda Papastefanaki and M. Erdem Kabadayı, Koç University etc., 8 November 2021, 6:00 pm TRT


4.    HYBRID Journée d’études : « Variation linguistique et diglossie dans les médias numériques arabophones », Faculté ALLSH Aix-en-Provence, 9 novembre 2021, 9h - 19h CET


5.    ONLINE Lecture: “The Documentary and Bookish Culture of Medieval Jerusalem“ by Prof. Konrad Hirschler, Department of Islamic Studies, Universität Hamburg, 9 November 2021, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm CET


6.    ONLINE Discussion: “From the Middle East to Afghanistan: The Evolution of the Islamic State in Khorasan Province”, Middle East Institute NUS, Singapore, 9 November 2021, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm SGT


7.    ONLINE Discussion: “Britain in the Middle East: Does it Still Have a Role?”, University of Hull, 9 November 2021, 5:00 - 7:00 pm GMT


8.    ONLINE Lecture: “Amazigh Politics in the Wake of the Arab Spring“ by Prof. Dr. Bruce Maddy-Weitzman (Tel Aviv University), Heidelberg Center for Transcultural Studies, 9 November 2021, 6:00 pm CET


9.    ONLINE Discussion: “Britain in the Middle East: Does It Still Have a Role?”, University of Hull, 9 November 2021, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm CET


10.  ONLINE Mathieu Terrier (CNRS, LEM) : « L’opposition au pouvoir dans le shi’isme imâmite à la période prémoderne : de la révolte armée au contre-pouvoir spirituel », IISMM, Paris, 9 novembre 2021, 18h30 - 20h CET


11.  HYBRID Colloque international: « Espagne-Maghreb : Migrations croisées, du Moyen Âge à nos jours », Université Grenoble Alpes, 9 et 10 novembre 2021


12.  ONLINE Webinar “COVID-19’s Socio-economic Impact on Migrants and Displaced Populations”, Economic Research Forum in the MENA Region (ERF), 9-11 November 2021, 4:00 pm EST


13.  ONLINE Webinar: “The Study of Pre-modern Hebrew Philosophical and Scientific Terminology as a new Chapter in the Intellectual History of Europe and the Islamicate World: PESHAT in Context”, 10 November 2021, 12:00 pm  ET


14.  ONLINE Launch for “Routledge Handbook on Contemporary Egypt (Part 5 - Media and Popular Culture)”, Simon Fraser University, Canada, 10 November 2021, 7:00 pm CET


15.  ONLINE Saif Ghobash Banipal Translation Prize Lecture: “Change and Continuity in Contemporary Arabic Fiction” by Jonathan Wrigth, British Library, London, 10 November 2021, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm GMT


16.  ONLINE “Hakluyt Society Symposium 2021 – Decolonising Travel Studies: Sources and Approaches”, Medieval and Early Modern Orients (MEMOs), University of Warwick, 10-12 November 2021


17.  Conference: “Narrating Exile in and between Europe and the Ottoman Empire/Modern Turkey”, University of Amsterdam, 11-12 November 2021


18.  ONLINE Webinar: “Decolonizing Palestine: Hamas between the Anticolonial and the Post-colonial” by Somdeep Sen (Roskilde Unversity Denmark), Center for Middle East Studies, Brown University, 12 November 2021, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EST


19.  ONLINE Webinar: “Reflections on Afghanistan” with Professor Noam Chomsky, SOAS, London, 12 November 2021, 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm GMT


20.  ONLINE Conference: “Ignaz Goldziher and His Correspondents: Islamic and Jewish Studies around the Turn of the Twentieth Century”, Five Partner Institutions,  12-13 November 2021


21.  ONLINE Film Forum: “Iran at the Crossways – Documentaries and Dialogues on a Changing Society”, Orient-Institute Istanbul, 12-13 November 2021, 6:00 pm CET


22.  HYBRID International Conference: “Islamophobia and/in Post-Secular States”, University of Alberta, 12-14 November 2021


23.  ONLINE Webinar: “Creative Radicalism in the Middle East: Culture and the Arab Left after the Uprisings” by Caroline Rooney (University of Kent), London Middle East Institute, SOAS, 16 November 2021, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm GMT


24.  ONLINE Lecture: “International, Local Norms and Ethiopian Migration to the Gulf Countries: Some Critical Reflections”, by Dr. Asnake Kefale (Addis Ababa University), Leibniz Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin, 17 November 2021, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm CET


25.  ONLINE Workshop: “Colonial Baggage: Global Tourism in the Age of Empires, 1840s – 1970s”, Munich Centre for Global History and German Historical Institute Washington, 18-19 November 2021


26.  ONLINE Conference: “Recovery of Aleppo – Law, Architecture and Geodata Management to Revive War-Torn Cities”, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, 19-20 November 2021


27.  ONLINE 7th Conference on Sustainable Tourism in Asia (COSTA 2021): “Tourism, COVID-19 and Recovery”, Tokyo, 6-7 December 2021


28.  ONLINE Fifth International Conference on Israel and Judaism Studies: “Israel and Judaism Studies in a Rapidly Changing Region and World”, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, 6-10 December 2021


29.  ONLINE Webinar: “New Media and Revolution: Resistance and Dissent in Pre-uprising Syria” by Billie Jeanne Brownlee (University of Exeter), London Middle East Institute, SOAS, 14 December 2021, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm GMT


30.  19th Media Workshop on “Aesthetics and Material Cultures: New Approaches within Islamic Studies” with Dr. Alina Kokoschka (Berlin/Lübeck), Institute of Near and Middle Eastern Studies, LMU Munich, 13-14 January 2022


31.  Conference: “Jews of the Arab World, Why Did They Leave?”, Museum of Jewish Art and History, Paris, 19-20 January 2022

32.  International Conference: “Media Aesthetics of Occidentalism”, Centre for Near and Middle East Studies, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany, 26-28 January 2022


33.  ONLINE 67th AWR International Migration Conference: “Global Migration: Trans-cultural, Trans-disciplinary and Intersectional Perspectives”, Friedensau Adventist University, 9-10 February 2022


34.  Workshop on “Sacred Space(s)”, Mediterranean Seminar, Fresno State University, 11-12 February 2022


35.  Conference: “Sensoria of al-Andalus & the Western Mediterranean”, Spain North-Africa Project, University of California, Santa Cruz, 18-19 February 2022


36.  15th Annual Conference of the Muslim Studies Program on “Belong Nowhere: States of Statelessness in the Muslim World”, Michigan State University, 24-25 February 2022


37.  Workshop on “Typologies in the Islamic Ethical Discourse”, Orient-Institut Beirut & American University of Beirut, 10-11 March 2022


38.  International Workshop and Edited Volume on “Practices of Preaching in the Islamic Context – Text, Performativity, and Materiality of Islamic Religious Speech” by the Junior Research Group “Islamic Theology in Context: Science and Society”, Berlin Institute for Islamic Theology, Humboldt University of Berlin, 17-18 March 2022


39.  International Conference: “Body, Medicine, and Feminism: The Life and Work of Nawal El Saadawi”, Duke University, 21-22 March 2022


40.  HYBRID “Western Jewish Studies Association Conference”, Schusterman Center for Judaic and Israel Studies, University of Oklahoma, 27-28 March 2022   


41.  Conference of the Maghreb Review and the Maghreb Studies Association: “Empire in the Middle East and the Maghreb: The Shaping of Hopes and Perspectives”, Oxford, 28-29 March 2022


42.  Colloque international : « La représentation en langues, littératures et arts : Quelles mutations à l’ère du digital ? », Université Mohammed V de Rabat, 30-31 mars 2022


43.  Workshop: “Travel, Mobility, and Cultural Conflict in the Middle East and North Africa”, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, 9-10 April 2022


44.  International Symposium Series: “From Sahn-ı Seman to Darülfünun – VI: The First Ottoman University (Darülfünun) and Reformation of Higher Education in Turkey”, Istanbul, 12-13 May 2022


45.  10th Islamic Legal Studies Conference, Aga Khan Centre, London, 19-21 May 2022


46.  Conference of the Society for Middle Eastern Studies (SeSaMO): “Explaining Crisis Beyond Chaos: The Middle East and North Africa in Global Change”, Naples, 22-24 June 2022





47.  Resident Fellowships (Post Doc, 1-12 Months in 2022) at the “RomanIslam Center for Comparative Empire and Transcultural Studies”, University of Hamburg


48.  PhD Student Position (36 Months) in the Project “Digital Edition of Sources on Habsburg-Ottoman Diplomacy (1500-1918)”, Institute for Habsburg and Balkan Studies, Vienna


49.  150 Fully-funded Scholarships for PhD Candidates in “Economics”, “History and Civilisation”, “Law” and “Political and Social Sciences”, European University Institute, Badia Fiesolana, Italy


50.  Assistant/Associate/Full Professor of Race and Colonialism in the Global South (Focus MENA), Northwestern University Qatar


51.  Assistant Professor in Digital Culture (Focus MENA), Northwestern University Qatar


52.  Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Global Journalism (Focus MENA), Northwestern University Qatar


53.  Assistant Professor in Strategic Communication (Focus MENA), Northwestern University Qatar


54.  Interdisciplinary Scholars of Places, Movement and Cultural Practices Professor (Tenure Track/Open Rank), New York University of Abu Dhabi


55.  Assistant Professor of Francophone Studies (Focus Maghreb), James Madison University, Québec


56.  Visiting Assistant Professor Middle East/Islamic History, Colby College, Waterville, ME


57.  American Druze Foundation Fellowship in Druze and Arab Studies, Georgetown University Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Washington DC


58.  Assistant Professor Dealing with the Hebrew Bible, Department of Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures, University of California, Berkeley


59.  Three Faculty Positions in Jewish Studies, University of North Carolina


60.  Director of Modern Language Programs (Focus Near Eastern Languages), Harvard University


61.  Assistant Professor of Modern Persian Literature and Culture, University of British Columbia, Vancouver





62.  Support for Cooperative Research Projects Conducted Jointly by German and Israeli Scientists, German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development


63.  New Master’s Degree Professional Program: “Contemporary Art in the Arab World, Iran and Turkey (MasCAIT)”, Ca' Foscari University of Venice in Cooperation with the University of Geneva, 2021/22


64.  ONLINE Course on “Gender in Muslim Contexts”, Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations, Aga Khan University, 17-25 January 2022


65.  Graduate Student Workshop: “New Directions in the Study of the Arab World", NYU Abu Dhabi Research Institute, 6-9 March 2022


66.  Call for Articles for the 10th Issue of the “Bulletin of Palestine Studies (BPS)”


67.  Articles : « Antisémitisme, islamisme, islamophobie et discriminations entre réalités et instrumentalisations politiques » pour «  Confluences Méditerranée »


68.  Articles on “Muslims and COVID-19: Everyday Impacts, Experiences and Responses” for Special Issue of the Journal “Religions”


69.  Articles on “100 Years of the Republic of Turkey and the Engineering of a Nation” for Special Issues of “GTOT/Diyâr: Journal of Ottoman, Turkish and Middle Eastern Studies”


70.  Articles on “Israel-Diaspora Relations” for Special Issue of “Journal of Jewish Identities”, Edited by Rachel Fish and Amy Weiss

71.  Articles on “Israel-Turkey Relations in a Changing Geopolitical Landscape” for Special Issue of “Israel Affairs”, Edited by Efrat Avic


72.  Articles on “Parenthood in the Ancient Near East” for a Special Issue of “Avar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Life and Society in the Ancient Near East”


73.  Articles on “Religion and Bioethics: A Sociological Perspective” (Including Islam) for Special Issue of the Journal “Frontiers in Sociology”


74.  Articles for “Diyâr 6: Journal of Ottoman, Turkish and Middle Eastern Studies”


75.  Manuscripts and Book Proposals for Book Series The Early Medieval and Islamic World (I.B. Tauris)


76.  Participation in the Hospitaller Sources Project of the National Library of Malta and the Routledge Series The Military Religious Orders


CONFERENCES / ONLINE EVENTS 1. HYBRID Book Presentation: “Shared Margins: An Ethnography with Writers in Alexandria after the Revolution” by Samuli Schielke (ZMO, Berlin) and Mukhtar Saad Shehata (Alexandria), Leibniz Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin, 8 November 2021, 5:00 pm CET This book tells of writers, writing, and literary milieus in Alexandria, Egypt’s second city. It de-centres cosmopolitan avant-gardes and secular-revolutionary aesthetics that have been intensively documented and studied since 2011. Instead, it offers a fieldwork-based account of various milieus and styles, and their common grounds and lines of division. To participate via zoom, register at https://tinyurl.com/dr8acarr. __________________________________ 2. HYBRID Book Talk: “Palestinian Refugees in International Law” with Francesca P. Albanese (Georgetown), Lex Takkenberg (UNRWA), etc., Department of Political and Social Sciences of Bologna University, Modena, 8 November 2021, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm CET Information and registration: https://dsps.unibo.it/it/eventi/palestinian-refugees-in-interantional-law __________________________________ 3. ONLINE Book Launch: “Working in Greece and Turkey. A Comparative Labour History from Empires to Nation-States, 1840–1940“, Edited by Leda Papastefanaki and M. Erdem Kabadayı, Koç University etc., 8 November 2021, 6:00 pm TRT Information and registration: https://networks.h-net.org/node/11419/discussions/8846516/online-booklaunch-working-greece-and-turkey%C2%A0-comparative-labour __________________________________ 4. HYBRID Journée d’études : « Variation linguistique et diglossie dans les médias numériques arabophones », Faculté ALLSH Aix-en-Provence, 9 novembre 2021, 9h - 19h CET Information, programme et inscription : https://www.iremam.cnrs.fr/fr/journee-detudes-variation-linguistiqueet-diglossie-dans-les-medias-numeriques-arabophones __________________________________ 5. ONLINE Lecture: “The Documentary and Bookish Culture of Medieval Jerusalem“ by Prof. Konrad Hirschler, Department of Islamic Studies, Universität Hamburg, 9 November 2021, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm CET Information and registration: https://www.aai.uni-hamburg.de/voror/aktuelles/21-11-lecture-series-forschung.html __________________________________ 6. ONLINE Discussion: “From the Middle East to Afghanistan: The Evolution of the Islamic State in Khorasan Province”, Middle East Institute NUS, Singapore, 9 November 2021, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm SGT Dr Antonio Giustozzi, author of the books "The Taliban at War" and "The Islamic State in Khorasan", will discuss the role of the Islamic State in Afghanistan, following the fall of Kabul. Alongside him will be Raffaello Pantucci, a researcher at RSIS whose work looks at security dynamics in the Eurasian heartland. Information and registration: https://mei.nus.edu.sg/event/from-the-middle-east-to-afghanistan-the-evolution-of-the-islamic-state-in-khorasan-province/ __________________________________ 7. ONLINE Discussion: “Britain in the Middle East: Does it Still Have a Role?”, University of Hull, 9 November 2021, 5:00 - 7:00 pm GMT What will the British diplomatic activity amount to when confronted with the big issues – regional security, climate change, Palestine, Saudi-Iranian rivalry, international terrorism, economic development, and governance and rights? What changes in policy could HMG consider to reduce the risks, benefit from the opportunities and promote its values? Information and registration: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/1598136170312728333

8. ONLINE Lecture: “Amazigh Politics in the Wake of the Arab Spring“ by Prof. Dr. Bruce MaddyWeitzman (Tel Aviv University), Heidelberg Center for Transcultural Studies, 9 November 2021, 6:00 pm CET While pan-Amazigh symbols (like the Amazigh flag and the neo-Tifinagh alphabet) are slowly spreading, Amazigh politics remain focused on local struggles for economic resources and political autonomy. Following the Arab Spring, the nation-states of the region have developed different strategies of dealing with the Amazigh movement, ranging from cooptation to repression. Information and registration: https://www.asia-europe.uni-heidelberg.de/fileadmin/Pictures/Events/2021/Jewish_Kurdish_and_Amazigh_Life__Lecture_series.pdf __________________________________ 9. ONLINE Discussion: “Britain in the Middle East: Does It Still Have a Role?”, University of Hull, 9 November 2021, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm CET Britain has some strengths in the Middle East – friendships, trade, investment, culture, military presence and aid programmes. But what will this amount to when confronted with the big issues – regional security, climate change, Palestine, Saudi-Iranian rivalry, international terrorism, economic development, and governance and rights? Information and registration: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/1598136170312728333 __________________________________ 10. ONLINE Mathieu Terrier (CNRS, LEM) : « L’opposition au pouvoir dans le shi’isme imâmite à la période prémoderne : de la révolte armée au contre-pouvoir spirituel », IISMM, Paris, 9 novembre 2021, 18h30 - 20h CET Ses recherches portent principalement sur les ouvrages de « vies et doctrines des sages » dans le monde arabo-musulman, l’évolution des idées théologiques et philosophiques en islam shî‘ite de l’origine à l’époque moderne et la formation de la « philosophie shî‘ite » entre le XIVe et le XVIIe siècle. Information et inscription : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3e5Lagn9jhY __________________________________ 11. HYBRID Colloque international: « Espagne-Maghreb : Migrations croisées, du Moyen Âge à nos jours », Université Grenoble Alpes, 9 et 10 novembre 2021 Dans ce contexte d’émergence de « frontières violentes » (R. Jones, 2016), ce colloque, ouvert aux spécialistes de différentes disciplines (arabisants, géographes, hispanistes, historiens, mais aussi sociologues, politistes ou anthropologues), réfléchira aux réalités, aux représentations et aux fruits de ces migrations et échanges croisés de populations à travers le temps. Information et inscription : https://esma.sciencesconf.org/ __________________________________ 12. ONLINE Webinar “COVID-19’s Socio-economic Impact on Migrants and Displaced Populations”, Economic Research Forum in the MENA Region (ERF), 9-11 November 2021, 4:00 pm EST The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was studied on (1) Health services and systems during the crisis; (2) Access to social protection and basic services; (3) Economic response and recovery; (4) Macroeconomic response and multilateral collaboration; (5) Social cohesion and community resilience; and (6) Mobility. Information and registration: https://erf.org.eg/events/covid-19s-socio-economic-impact-on-migrants-anddisplaced-populations/ __________________________________ 13. ONLINE Webinar: “The Study of Pre-modern Hebrew Philosophical and Scientific Terminology as a new Chapter in the Intellectual History of Europe and the Islamicate World: PESHAT in Context”, 10 November 2021, 12:00 pm ET PESHAT in Context is a long-term research at the University of Hamburg and the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. It investigates the formation and development of pre-modern philosophical and scientific terminology in the Hebrew language in its multi-cultural and multi-linguistic context(s). Information and registration: https://theias.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcpd-iqrzojGdAolz1_GeLryGA17lGwI07P __________________________________ 14. ONLINE Launch for “Routledge Handbook on Contemporary Egypt (Part 5 - Media and Popular Culture)”, Simon Fraser University, Canada, 10 November 2021, 7:00 pm CET The panel will feature Naomi Sakr, Ramy Aly, Tourya Guaaybess, Rasha Abdulla, Ehab Galal, Viola Shafik, and Nadine El Sayed. Information and registration: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/routledge-handbook-on-contemporary-egypt-media-and-popular-culture-tickets-177378693447 __________________________________ 15. ONLINE Saif Ghobash Banipal Translation Prize Lecture: “Change and Continuity in Contemporary Arabic Fiction” by Jonathan Wrigth, British Library, London, 10 November 2021, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm GMT Jonathan Wright draws on his own experience as a translator of contemporary Arabic fiction to examine and critique the assumptions that underpin a corpus of literature written in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), a language that no living person speaks as their mother tongue. Information and registration: https://www.bl.uk/events/jonathan-wright-change-and-continuity-in-contemporary-arabic-fiction __________________________________ 16. ONLINE “Hakluyt Society Symposium 2021 – Decolonising Travel Studies: Sources and Approaches”, Medieval and Early Modern Orients (MEMOs), University of Warwick, 10-12 November 2021 Program and registration: https://hakluytsociety.wordpress.com/2021/09/13/programme-hakluyt-societysymposium-2021-decolonising-travel-studies-sources-and-approaches/ __________________________________ 17. Conference: “Narrating Exile in and between Europe and the Ottoman Empire/Modern Turkey”, University of Amsterdam, 11-12 November 2021 The conference will present original contributions that unsettle traditional narratives on exilic experiences: how to narrate refugee flows, which stories do we tell, which voices remain unheard? Our focus is on exile between Europe and (in) the (post)Ottoman lands. Papers will be presented by historians, art historians, political scientists, ethno-musicologists, sociologists, anthropologists, archaeologists, and literary scholars. Information: https://www.turkeystudiesnetwork.org/events/exile __________________________________ 18. ONLINE Webinar: “Decolonizing Palestine: Hamas between the Anticolonial and the Post-colonial” by Somdeep Sen (Roskilde Unversity Denmark), Center for Middle East Studies, Brown University, 12 November 2021, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EST Information and registration: https://brown.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_OQVvGHAlTeCq726jbgmvjg __________________________________ 19. ONLINE Webinar: “Reflections on Afghanistan” with Professor Noam Chomsky, SOAS, London, 12 November 2021, 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm GMT Professor Chomsky will address some of the most pressing concerns surrounding the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan, including Taliban rule, US policy in Afghanistan post 9/11, drone warfare, the refugee crisis, and future solutions. He will also be taking questions from an online audience. Information and registration: https://www.soas.ac.uk/about/events/2021/12nov2021-soas-icop-presents-reflections-on-afghanistan-with-professor-noam-chomsky.html __________________________________ 20. ONLINE Conference: “Ignaz Goldziher and His Correspondents: Islamic and Jewish Studies around the Turn of the Twentieth Century”, Five Partner Institutions, 12-13 November 2021 This correspondence of over 13,000 letters constitutes the single most important source informing about the history of Arabic, Jewish, and Islamic studies and cognate fields during Goldziher‘s time. Information, program, paper abstracts and registration: https://www.ias.edu/hs/islamic-world/goldziher __________________________________ 21. ONLINE Film Forum: “Iran at the Crossways – Documentaries and Dialogues on a Changing Society”, Orient-Institute Istanbul, 12-13 November 2021, 6:00 pm CET The films are introduced by researchers of the Orient-Institute Istanbul and accompanied by dialogs with the filmmakers and experts from the relevant academic fields to bring these different perspectives into conversation. Films are subtitled and discussions live captioned (ger). Information, program and registration: https://en.filmforum-iran.org __________________________________ 22. HYBRID International Conference: “Islamophobia and/in Post-Secular States”, University of Alberta, 12-14 November 2021 This conference will develop a more comprehensive understanding and theorization of the pervasiveness of Islamophobia. Papers will explore any dimension of Islamophobia, that measure its effects, and that develop recommendations to address it. Information: https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/wa-jisc.exe?A2=ANTHROPOLOGY-MATTERS;2cec0ea0.2106 __________________________________ 23. ONLINE Webinar: “Creative Radicalism in the Middle East: Culture and the Arab Left after the Uprisings” by Caroline Rooney (University of Kent), London Middle East Institute, SOAS, 16 November 2021, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm GMT In her account of the Arab uprisings, Caroline Rooney outlines the importance of aesthetic strategies and creative expression in the left's critique of authoritarian and Islamic extremist discourse during the revolutions. Using a wide array of texts and sources she offered a way for the left to reclaim ethical and progressive 'radical' values co-opted by political leaders and extremists in the Middle East. Information and registration: https://www.soas.ac.uk/smei/events/cme/16nov2021-creative-radicalism-inthe-middle-east-culture-and-the-arab-left-after-the-uprisings.html __________________________________ 24. ONLINE Lecture: “International, Local Norms and Ethiopian Migration to the Gulf Countries: Some Critical Reflections”, by Dr. Asnake Kefale (Addis Ababa University), Leibniz Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin, 17 November 2021, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm CET The irregular migration of Ethiopians to the gulf countries challenges global norms of migration which emphasizes safe and orderly migration. At the local level, the migration of predominantly young girls and women to distant countries to raise money and support their families challenges local norms which are historically dominated by patriarchy. Information and registration: https://www.zmo.de/fileadmin/Inhalte/Veranstaltungen/2021/Red_Sea_Lectures/Red_Sea_Region_Series_POSTER__0_07.pdf __________________________________ 25. ONLINE Workshop: “Colonial Baggage: Global Tourism in the Age of Empires, 1840s–1970s”, Munich Centre for Global History and German Historical Institute Washington, 18-19 November 2021 Including the following papers: - Laith Shakir (New York University): “The Magic Carpet Up to Date: Imperial Aviation, Development, and Tourism in Interwar Iraq” - Semih Gökatalay (University of California, San Diego): “A “Fair” Tourism for all? Trade Fairs and Colonial Tourism in the interwar Middle East” Information and registration: https://networks.h-net.org/node/73374/announcements/8859007/colonial-baggage-global-tourism-age-empires-1840s%E2%80%931970s-zoom __________________________________ 26. ONLINE Conference: “Recovery of Aleppo – Law, Architecture and Geodata Management to Revive War-Torn Cities”, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, 19-20 November 2021 The conference would like to provide interdisciplinary interested architects, archaeologists, (urban) planners, lawyers and geospatial data managers with approaches for thinking and acting to what extent cooperation possibilities and fields of activity are possible for the recovery in Aleppo and other war-ravaged cities in Syria and beyond. Information: https://vgdh.geographie.de/veranstaltungen/2021/16063/ __________________________________ 27. ONLINE 7th Conference on Sustainable Tourism in Asia (COSTA 2021): “Tourism, COVID-19 and Recovery”, Tokyo, 6-7 December 2021 Themes are: Cultural, Heritage and Dark Tourism; Destination Branding and Marketing; Ecotourism, Geotourism and Sustainable Tourism; ICT & Social Media in Travel and Tourism; Smart Tourism, Resiliency and Sustainability; Sports and Recreational Tourism; Travel and Post-COVID-19 Tourism; etc. Deadline for abstracts: 12 November 2021. Information: https://intesda.org/international-peace-tourism-symposium/ __________________

28. ONLINE Fifth International Conference on Israel and Judaism Studies: “Israel and Judaism Studies in a Rapidly Changing Region and World”, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, 6-10 December 2021 The conference will analyze the dichotomies or similarities: Abraham Accords vs Oslo Accords, COVID 19 pandemic vs 2008-2009 financial crisis, post Netanyahu era vs change bloc, secularization vs religionization, Right-wing populism vs participatory democracy, night disturbance vs tunnel warfare, start-up nation vs occupying nation, evangelical Christianity vs Progressive Judaism, bipartisan support vs Israel criticism, etc. Deadline for abstracts: 15 November 2021. Information: https://sites.google.com/view/icijs/bildiri- %C3%A7a%C4%9Fr%C4%B1s%C4%B1/translations#h.yei11s6mvf2e __________________________________ 29. ONLINE Webinar: “New Media and Revolution: Resistance and Dissent in Pre-uprising Syria” by Billie Jeanne Brownlee (University of Exeter), London Middle East Institute, SOAS, 14 December 2021, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm GMT To refute the idea that the population of Syria was largely apathetic and apolitical prior to the uprising, Brownlee explains that social media and technology created camouflaged geographies and spaces where individuals could protest without being detected. Information and registration: https://www.soas.ac.uk/smei/events/cme/14dec2021-new-media-and-revolution-resistance-and-dissent-in-pre-uprising-syria.html __________________________________ 30. 19th Media Workshop on “Aesthetics and Material Cultures: New Approaches within Islamic Studies” with Dr. Alina Kokoschka (Berlin/Lübeck), Institute of Near and Middle Eastern Studies, LMU Munich, 13-14 January 2022 Up to ten participants will be chosen to discuss selected academic articles about aesthetics and material culture in the Middle East in an intense reading session of four hours. The texts will be distributed in advance. Deadline for application: 1 December 2021. Contact Dr. Bettina Gräf (b.graef@lmu.de). Information: https://www.naher-osten.uni-muenchen.de/wasistlosaminstitut/veranstaltungen/cfp-19mws/index.html __________________________________ 31. Conference: “Jews of the Arab World, Why Did They Leave?”, Museum of Jewish Art and History, Paris, 19-20 January 2022 This conference invites to readdress the departure of Jews from the Arab world, keeping its distance from political exploitations, in a comparative perspective opened up to international specialists, in order to present an up-to-date inventory of our knowledge about this history. Information: https://networks.h-net.org/node/73374/announcements/7844644/jews-arab-world-why-didthey-leave-paris-19-20-jan-2022 __________________________________ 32. International Conference: “Media Aesthetics of Occidentalism”, Centre for Near and Middle East Studies, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany, 26-28 January 2022 The conference pursues the central question “How do media aesthetic qualities contribute to the constitution of Occidentalist discourses?” Information: https://www.online.uni-marburg.de/okzidentalismus/index.php/2021/02/08/internationaleabschlusstagung-26-bis-28-januar-2022/ __________________________________ 33. ONLINE 67th AWR International Migration Conference: “Global Migration: Trans-cultural, Trans-disciplinary and Intersectional Perspectives”, Friedensau Adventist University, 9-10 February 2022 Contributions should cover one of the following topics: Methodology and new approaches in trans-cultural, trans-disciplinary and intersectional migration research; Rights, norms, ethics and migration; Gender/sexuality and migration; Religion and migration; Culture/origin/race/ethnicity/colour and migration; etc. Information: http://www.awr-int.de. Contact: simone.emmert@th-nuernberg.de __________________________________ 34. Workshop on “Sacred Space(s)”, Mediterranean Seminar, Fresno State University, 11-12 February 2022 Contributions are invited on any subject (historical, cultural, literary, artistic, or historiographical) relating to sacred spaces in the premodern or modern Mediterranean, including the Near East and North Africa. Information: https://mailchi.mp/mediterraneanseminar/cfp-sacred-spaces-winter-2022-mediterranean-seminar-workshop-11-12-february-fresno-924796?e=82aeb6c61d __________________________________ 35. Conference: “Sensoria of al-Andalus & the Western Mediterranean”, Spain North-Africa Project, University of California, Santa Cruz, 18-19 February 2022 The conference will explore the medieval, early modern, and modern legacy of al-Andalus and its afterlives across the world through historical, cultural, sociological, and aesthetic approaches toward human sensoria. We also invite sensory research on the Western Mediterranean from antiquity to the present. Information: https://networks.h-net.org/node/25688/discussions/7825701/cfp-conference-sensoria-al-andalus-and-western-mediterranean-ucsc __________________________________ 36. 15th Annual Conference of the Muslim Studies Program on “Belong Nowhere: States of Statelessness in the Muslim World”, Michigan State University, 24-25 February 2022 Papers will reflect a range of disciplinary and interdisciplinary backgrounds – including refugee studies, sociology, history, anthropology, psychology, political studies, law, and religious studies. Information: https://muslimstudies.isp.msu.edu/about/conference __________________________________ 37. Workshop on “Typologies in the Islamic Ethical Discourse”, Orient-Institut Beirut & American University of Beirut, 10-11 March 2022 Through discussions on how exemplary and stereotypical characters are used, modified and redefined in pre-modern Islamic texts, this workshop aims to investigate a range of typologies in the ethical discourse in light of its historical and intellectual developments across all relevant genres. Information: https://www.orient-institut.org/events/event-details/call-for-papers/ __________________________________ 38. International Workshop and Edited Volume on “Practices of Preaching in the Islamic Context – Text, Performativity, and Materiality of Islamic Religious Speech” by the Junior Research Group “Islamic Theology in Context: Science and Society”, Berlin Institute for Islamic Theology, Humboldt University of Berlin, 17-18 March 2022 Given the centrality of preaching in religious proceedings, this workshop seeks to bring together scholars who work on the performative, textual, spatial, and material aspects of Islamic religious speech in past and present. Information: Ihttps://www.islamische-theologie.hu-berlin.de/de/forschung/nachwuchsforschungsgruppe-islamische-theologie-im-kontext-wissenschaft-und-gesellschaft-1/arbeit-nwg2/cfp-practices-ofpreaching_bit.pdf. Contact: Dr. Ayşe Almıla Akca (almila.akca@hu-berlin.de) __________________________________ 39. International Conference: “Body, Medicine, and Feminism: The Life and Work of Nawal El Saadawi”, Duke University, 21-22 March 2022 Papers will consider the role of the body and medicine in Dr. El Saadawi’s oeuvre, but also the spirit of her work and thought. The conference will coincide with a special issue of the Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies devoted to medicine and feminist practice in the Middle East. Information: https://mesana.org/resources-and-opportunities/2021/07/12/body-medicine-and-feminism-thelife-and-work-of-nawal-el-saadawi __________________________________ 40. HYBRID “Western Jewish Studies Association Conference”, Schusterman Center for Judaic and Israel Studies, University of Oklahoma, 27-28 March 2022 Paper and panel proposals on all areas of Jewish Studies regardless of discipline, geographical focus, or time period are welcome. Deadline for abstracts: 15 November 2021. Information: http://www.wjsa.net/ __________________________________ 41. Conference of the Maghreb Review and the Maghreb Studies Association: “Empire in the Middle East and the Maghreb: The Shaping of Hopes and Perspectives”, Oxford, 28-29 March 2022 The aim of this conference is to examine how European colonialism and great power rivalry in the Middle East and North Africa have shaped the perspectives of the peoples in these countries and their hopes for their future. Special significance should be given to the means by which Muslims affirmed in this period their attachment to Islamic norms and pride in Islamic civilisation. Deadline for abstracts: 30 December 2021. Information: https://www.maghrebreview.com/en/home.html __________________________________ 42. Colloque international : « La représentation en langues, littératures et arts : Quelles mutations à l’ère du digital ? », Université Mohammed V de Rabat, 30-31 mars 2022 Date limite des soumissions : 30/10/2021. Information : https://iismm.hypotheses.org/files/2021/09/AppelAContributions_Representation-en-langues-litte%CC%81ratures-et-arts_3langues.pdf __________________________________ 43. Workshop: “Travel, Mobility, and Cultural Conflict in the Middle East and North Africa”, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, 9-10 April 2022 We invite paper proposals from any discipline in the humanities or social sciences that address topics relating to travel and mobility in, to, and from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region in any historical era. Deadline for abstracts: 31 December 2021. Information: https://sites.google.com/su.edu/sermeiss/meetings_1/spring-meetings?authuser=0 __________________________________ 44. International Symposium Series: “From Sahn-ı Seman to Darülfünun – VI: The First Ottoman University (Darülfünun) and Reformation of Higher Education in Turkey”, Istanbul, 12-13 May 2022 The main focus will be Darülfünun and its organization and departments. Thanks to this institution, many new disciplines were introduced to Ottoman and then Republican intellectual life. This symposium will scrutinize ways through which the institutional change from the medrese to the university in the late Ottoman period took place. Information: sahniseman20yy@istanbul.edu.tr __________________________________ 45. 10th Islamic Legal Studies Conference, Aga Khan Centre, London, 19-21 May 2022 The conference will be open topic – abstracts on all aspects of Islamic law, from earliest to most recent times, are welcome. Information: https://isils.net/isils/call-for-papers

46. Conference of the Society for Middle Eastern Studies (SeSaMO): “Explaining Crisis Beyond Chaos: The Middle East and North Africa in Global Change”, Naples, 22-24 June 2022 The conference intends to reflect on the several dimensions and interrelations of the crises of the modern and contemporary Middle East and North Africa, involving both collective and individual aspects, as well as all spheres of life, be they political, social, economic, cultural or environmental. Main working languages are Italian, English and French. Deadline for proposals of panels: 23 December 2021. Information: http://www.sesamoitalia.it/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/CFP_SeSaMO-Napoli-22_EN_FINAL-1.pdf ________________________________________ POSITIONS 47. Resident Fellowships (Post Doc, 1-12 Months in 2022) at the “RomanIslam Center for Comparative Empire and Transcultural Studies”, University of Hamburg Fellowships are available for scholars who have completed their doctoral degree and established an independent research profile. Applicants should be engaged in a research project related to the Center’s interests in Romanization and Islamication in the period and area in question. Deadline for applications: 30 November 2021. Information: https://www.romanislam.uni-hamburg.de/documents/cffellows-2022.pdf __________________________________ 48. PhD Student Position (36 Months) in the Project “Digital Edition of Sources on Habsburg-Ottoman Diplomacy (1500-1918)”, Institute for Habsburg and Balkan Studies, Vienna Your profile: Completed studies in history; Experience in archive work, especially with handwritten early modern sources; Working experience with TRANSKRIBUS, TEI and other editing tools are advantageous; Flexibility, communication skills, creativity, team spirit. Deadline for applications: 30 November 2021. Information: https://www.oeaw.ac.at/fileadmin/subsites/Jobs/I.H.B/IHB136DOC121_e.pdf __________________________________ 49. 150 Fully-funded Scholarships for PhD Candidates in “Economics”, “History and Civilisation”, “Law” and “Political and Social Sciences”, European University Institute, Badia Fiesolana, Italy Deadline for applications: 31 January 2022. Information: https://www.eui.eu/en/services/academicservice/doctoral-programme#msdynttrid=FmcSKoy3agDdKb5rdSnrey-U_mHAIoKs3NQ6y9WTjAs __________________________________ 50. Assistant/Associate/Full Professor of Race and Colonialism in the Global South (Focus MENA), Northwestern University Qatar Preference given to scholars whose research is comparative or transnational, who investigate questions of anti-blackness in the non-Western world (particularly in the geographic regions of Asia and Africa, particularly the West Asia and North Africa region), who include gender in their analysis. Deadline for applications: 11 November 2021. Information: https://careers.northwestern.edu/psc/hr857prd_er/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/HRS_HRAM_FL.HRS_CG_SEARCH_FL.GBL?Page=HRS_APP_JBPST_FL&Action=U&FOCUS=Applicant&SiteId=1&JobOpeningId=42219&PostingSeq=1& __________________________________ 51. Assistant Professor in Digital Culture (Focus MENA), Northwestern University Qatar We seek candidates with an active research program on digital culture in the West Asia and North Africa region, particularly Arab countries. Preference given to scholars whose research is comparative or transnational, who investigate questions of identity, values, aesthetics, affect, ethics, and who have linguistic competence and field experience in their research area. Deadline for applications: 11 November 2021. Information: https://careers.northwestern.edu/psc/hr857prd_er/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/HRS_HRAM_FL.HRS_CG_SEARCH_FL.GBL?Page=HRS_APP_JBPST_FL&Action=U&FOCUS=Applicant&SiteId=1&JobOpeningId=42217&PostingSeq=1 __________________________________ 52. Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Global Journalism (Focus MENA), Northwestern University Qatar Candidates should have an active research program that focuses on journalism in the West Asia and North Africa region, particularly Arab countries. Preference given to scholars whose research is comparative or transnational, who investigate questions of media work and journalistic authority in relationship to politics and society, who focus on digital journalism and/or misinformation, who include ethics, gender and/or race in their analysis. Deadline for applications: 11 November 2021. Information: https://careers.northwestern.edu/psc/hr857prd_er/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/HRS_HRAM_FL.HRS_CG_SEARCH_FL.GBL?Page=HRS_APP_JBPST_FL&Action=U&FOCUS=Applicant&SiteId=1&JobOpeningId=42222&PostingSeq=1 __________________________________ 53. Assistant Professor in Strategic Communication (Focus MENA), Northwestern University Qatar We seek candidates with an active research program in strategic communication in the West Asia and North Africa region (particularly Arab countries), South and Southeast Asia, or Sub-Saharan Africa. Preference will be given to scholars whose research is comparative or transnational, who investigate questions of influence, propaganda, or misinformation. Deadline for applications: 11 November 2021. Information: https://careers.northwestern.edu/psc/hr857prd_er/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/HRS_HRAM_FL.HRS_CG_SEARCH_FL.GBL?Page=HRS_APP_JBPST_FL&Action=U&FOCUS=Applicant&SiteId=1&JobOpeningId=42220&PostingSeq=1 __________________________________ 54. Interdisciplinary Scholars of Places, Movement and Cultural Practices Professor (Tenure Track/Open Rank), New York University of Abu Dhabi We seek a scholar and educator focused on the Middle East, North Africa, or Indian Ocean world whose work and research reflect an interdisciplinary approach. This position requires a PhD in either or a combination of the following fields: Cultural Theory, Anthropology and Ethnography, Migration and Human Geographies. Fluency in Arabic and other languages is strongly desired. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the position is filled. Information: https://apply.interfolio.com/91523 __________________________________ 55. Assistant Professor of Francophone Studies (Focus Maghreb), James Madison University, Québec We especially welcome applicants whose interdisciplinary scholarship and teaching agenda includes Black Francophone studies, transnational or Diaspora studies, post-colonialism, critical approaches to race and ethnicity, and/or immigration/refugee studies, and who can create dynamic new undergraduate courses in these fields for an increasingly diverse student body. Deadline for applications: 1 December 2021. Information: https://joblink.jmu.edu/postings/10359 __________________________________ 56. Visiting Assistant Professor Middle East/Islamic History, Colby College, Waterville, ME We are searching for candidates with great potential to be innovative, effective, and inclusive teachers of history who may be willing to make use of resources made available by the Colby Museum of Art, Special Collections, and the Mule Works Innovation Lab. Deadline for applications: 1 December 2021. Information: https://apply.interfolio.com/95988 __________________________________ 57. American Druze Foundation Fellowship in Druze and Arab Studies, Georgetown University Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Washington DC The purpose of the ADF Fellowship is to promote research on the Druze and Arab minorities with a concentration in the political, economic, and social history of the Druze. The ADF Fellowship supports academic research in the disciplines of history, political science, sociology, economics, anthropology, and archaeology. Deadline for applications: 1 December 2021. Information: https://apply.interfolio.com/95441 __________________________________ 58. Assistant Professor Dealing with the Hebrew Bible, Department of Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures, University of California, Berkeley Prospective candidates should have strong methodological and philological skills in biblical Hebrew and Aramaic, as well as a textual research focus and proven competence in dealing with the Bible's composite texts. A grounding in relevant languages and scripts of the ancient Near East and adjacent receptive cultures is desirable. Deadline for applications: 10 December 2021. Information: https://aprecruit.berkeley.edu/JPF03222 __________________________________ 59. Three Faculty Positions in Jewish Studies, University of North Carolina Assistant Professors in Medieval/Early Modern Jewish History, East European Jewish Studies, and Women’s and Gender Studies. Information: https://jewishstudies.unc.edu/2021/11/recruiting-three-faculty-positions-in-jewish-studies/

61. Assistant Professor of Modern Persian Literature and Culture, University of British Columbia, Vancouver Requirements: Ph.D. in modern Persian Literature; ability to teach courses in English about modern Persian Literature in English Translation, History of Modern Persian Literature, Modern Persian Society and Culture through Literature and Film, and/or Iranian Cinema. Applicants are expected to have native or near native proficiency in Persian, Deadline for applications: 3 December 2021. Information: https://asia.ubc.ca/job-opportunities/copy-2/ ________________________________________ OTHER INFORMATION 62. Support for Cooperative Research Projects Conducted Jointly by German and Israeli Scientists, German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development Each proposal should include at least one team from each country. GIF projects must involve active collaboration between the teams. Proposals can be submitted in the field of Social Sciences (2022), Life Sciences and Humanities (2023). Deadline for abstracts: 20 November each year. Information: http://www.gif.org.il/pages/gif-programs/regular-program.aspx __________________________________ 63. New Master’s Degree Professional Program: “Contemporary Art in the Arab World, Iran and Turkey (MasCAIT)”, Ca' Foscari University of Venice in Cooperation with the University of Geneva, 2021/22 The Program offers an educational program which balances theory and practice, starting from a global perspective and focusing on modern and contemporary artistic production in the Arab world, Iran and Turkey. Deadline for applications: 23 November 2021. Information: https://www.unive.it/pag/33862/ __________________________________ 64. ONLINE Course on “Gender in Muslim Contexts”, Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations, Aga Khan University, 17-25 January 2022 Run by leading experts on gender and Islam, the programme will bring together scholars and students from diverse backgrounds to discuss key issues in the study of gender in Muslim contexts. The programme is open to advanced undergraduate students, graduate students and those with prior interest in the subject or a record of study in a related topic Deadline for applications: 12 November 2021. Information: https://www.aku.edu/ismc/study/Pages/winterprogramme.aspx __________________________________ 65. Graduate Student Workshop: “New Directions in the Study of the Arab World", NYU Abu Dhabi Research Institute, 6-9 March 2022 The workshop provides the opportunity for current advanced doctoral candidates to present, discuss, and receive valuable feedback on their research. Participants will read and discuss each other’s work in addition to presenting their own. Travel costs to and from Abu Dhabi, accommodation, and meals during the threeday workshop will be covered. The event will be hosted online or in a hybrid format if necessary. Information: https://nyuad.nyu.edu/en/research/faculty-labs-and-projects/humanities-research-fellowshipprogram/application1.html __________________________________ 66. Call for Articles for the 10th Issue of the “Bulletin of Palestine Studies (BPS)” This issue is expected to be published on 31 December 2021 under the editorship of M Mustafa Kulu. Deadline for articles: 15 November 2021. Information: https://networks.h-net.org/node/11419/discussions/7921847/bulletin-palestine-studies-forthcoming-issue-be-published __________________________________ 67. Articles : « Antisémitisme, islamisme, islamophobie et discriminations entre réalités et instrumentalisations politiques » pour « Confluences Méditerranée » Les propositions d’articles devront être envoyées avant le 15 novembre 2021. Information : https://iremmo.org/contribuer-a-la-revue/antisemitisme-islamisme-islamophobie-et-discriminations-entre-realites-et-instrumentalisations-politiques-appel-a-contribution/ __________________________________ 68. Articles on “Muslims and COVID-19: Everyday Impacts, Experiences and Responses” for Special Issue of the Journal “Religions” This issue invites articles discussing the interplay of ethnicity, religion, and deprivation in negotiating the particular challenges of living through COVID-19. It will include a range of epistemological positions and disciplinary standpoints and will explore dimensions of Muslim identity/lived experiences in relation to the pandemic, lockdown, and subsequent socioeconomic implications of COVID-19. Deadline for manuscripts: 15 November 2021. Information: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/religions/special_issues/Muslims_Responses#editors __________________________________ 69. Articles on “100 Years of the Republic of Turkey and the Engineering of a Nation” for Special Issues of “GTOT/Diyâr: Journal of Ottoman, Turkish and Middle Eastern Studies” Potential topics include: Transnational / global impact / perception of Kemalist Turkey; Transnational Histories, Cultures, and Literatures; Gender and Sexuality in Turkey; The making of religious and ethnic minorities in Modern Turkey; Cultural Heritage and cultural policy; Environmental History; Political Islam, right-wing / left-wing politics; The role of the military; Turkey under the AKP; Migration, Deportation, and Exile in Turkey's history; etc. Deadline for abstracts: 15 November 2021. Information: https://networks.h-net.org/node/73374/announcements/7847143/gtot-call-special-issue-proposals-100-years-republic-turkey-and __________________________________ 70. Articles on “Israel-Diaspora Relations” for Special Issue of “Journal of Jewish Identities”, Edited by Rachel Fish and Amy Weiss This issue will explore the ways in which Jewish communities throughout diaspora think about the relationship with Israel. Areas of interest include: the state of Israel, the people of Israel (Jews and non-Jews), the land of Israel, Israeli societal challenges that impact Jewish communities in diaspora such as religion and state issues, and the narratives that frame the discourse about internal Jewish communal politics. Deadline for abstracts: 15 December 2021. Information: https://networks.h-net.org/node/73374/announcements/7848586/cfp-israel-diaspora-relations-special-issue-journal-jewish __________________________________ 71. Articles on “Israel-Turkey Relations in a Changing Geopolitical Landscape” for Special Issue of “Israel Affairs”, Edited by Efrat Avic This issue will explore the relations from different perspectives - economic, military, political, cultural, among others - as well as the relations between the Jews of Turkey and Israel and vice versa. Deadline for abstracts: 15 December 2021. Information: Efrat.aviv@biu.ac.il __________________________________ 72. Articles on “Parenthood in the Ancient Near East” for a Special Issue of “Avar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Life and Society in the Ancient Near East” We seek articles with interdisciplinary approaches that explicitly adopt, adapt, or integrate theories and methodologies from within the traditional fields of ancient Near Eastern studies (i.e., archaeology, Assyriology, biblical studies, Egyptology, Hittitology, etc.), as well as from socio-anthropological and scientific disciplines focused on the topic of parenthood. Deadline for manuscript: 15 December 2021. Information: https://journals.tplondon.com/avar/announcement/view/18 __________________________________ 73. Articles on “Religion and Bioethics: A Sociological Perspective” (Including Islam) for Special Issue of the Journal “Frontiers in Sociology” 'This issue wants to explore how and the understandings of 'religion' and 'bioethics' (in relation to cloning, abortion, organ transplantation and blood transfusion, sexual health and orientation, the value of life, death, killing and letting die) intersect each other in various social contexts of the so-called "Abrahamic" and other religions. Deadline for abstracts: 31 January 2022. Information: https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/25414/religion-and-bioethics-a-sociological-perspective __________________________________ 74. Articles for “Diyâr 6: Journal of Ottoman, Turkish and Middle Eastern Studies” We welcome original and as yet unpublished contributions in German, English, and French from all research areas of Ottoman, Turkish and Middle Eastern Studies. Reviews can also be submitted at any time. Deadline for articles: 15 February 2022. Information: https://networks.h-net.org/node/73374/announcements/7844858/cfp-diy%C3%A2r-journal-ottoman-turkish-and-middle-eastern-studies __________________________________ 75. Manuscripts and Book Proposals for Book Series “The Early Medieval and Islamic World” (I.B. Tauris) Key areas: Transition to the ‘medieval’ world, especially archaeological approaches; Trade and the economy; Travel and exploration; Government and warfare; Societies and communities; Material culture and art; History of ideas; Inter-religious contact, conflict and exchange; Prominent and influential figures. Information: https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/series/early-and-medieval-islamic-world; contact: Rory Gormley rgormley@ibtauris.com __________________________________ 76. Participation in the “Hospitaller Sources Project” of the National Library of Malta and the Routledge Series “The Military Religious Orders” This is an opportunity for scholars wishing to work on the Hospitallers’ archives held at the National Library of Malta. Participants will receive digital copies of archival manuscripts of their choosing from which they can then create critical editions and translations to be published in this series. The Hospitallers’ archives contain information on Mediterranean diplomacy, the built environment, maritime history, slavery, inter-faith relations, artwork, religious observance and spirituality, warfare etc. Information: https://mailchi.mp/mediterraneanseminar/participate-the-military-religious-orders-series-thehospitaller-sources-project?e=82aeb6c61d 


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