dimanche 15 novembre 2020

EURAMES Info Service 45/2020




1.    ONLINE Roundtable Discussion on “Hagia Sophia’s Conversions: Reflections on the Political, Temporal, and Aesthetic Dimensions of Heritage,” Max Planck Research Group, “Empires of Memory: The Cultural Politics of Historicity in Former Habsburg and Ottoman Cities”, 10 November 2020, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm, CET


2.    ONLINE Webinar: “The Impact of Covid-19 on Conflicts in the Middle East: a Comparative Perspective“, Istituto Affari Internazionali, Roma, 12 November 2020, 11.00 - 13.00 CET


3.    VISIOCONFÉRENCE "Journée d’étude internationale Sahara Occidental – Recherches en cours de doctorants et post-doctorants", L’Observatoire universitaire international OUISO, 12 novembre 2020, 14h à 19h30


4.    ONLINE Seminar "Posing Slaves for the Camera: Race and Memory in Khartoum, 1882", University of Arizona, 13 November 2020, 3 pm MST


5.    ONLINE Webinar: "Women, Writing and the Iraqi Ba'thist State: Contending Discourses of Resistance and Collaboration", SOAS, University of London, 17 November 2020, 5.30pm-7.00pm GMT


6.    ONLINE: "4th Annual Late Antique, Islamic, and Byzantine Studies Conference", University of Edinburgh, 19-21 November 2020


7.    ONLINE International Conference "The Green Mosque. Muslims in the Field of Tension between Fate and (Personal) Responsibility", Interdisciplinary Research Center on Islam and Muslims in Europe (IFIME), Sigmund Freud University, Vienna, 20-21 November 2020


8.    ONLINE: Discussion on "Protest Cycles and Repression in Iran", Kevorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies, NYU, 24 November 2020, 12:30 pm Eastern Time


9.    ONLINE: Annual Meeting of the “International Qur’anic Studies Association (IQSA 2020)“, Boston, MA, 30 November – 3 December and 7 – 10 December 2020


10.  ONLINE Conférence internationale « Islam et Pudeur », Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique, 3-4 décembre 2020


11.  ONLINE Lecture Series: "10 Years So-called Arab Spring - a Critical Perspective", Critical Students of Islamic and Arabic Studies (KIARA), University of Leipzig (Dates in 2021 to be Announced)


12.  ONLINE International Conference: "COVID-19 and ICT-Enabled Education", Ibn Zohr University, Morocco 3-4 February 2021


13.  ONLINE Conference: “The Tudeh Party of Iran at 80: A Critical Re-Appraisal and Re-Evaluation”, School of History and Institute for Iranian Studies, University of St Andrews, Week Commencing 29 March 2021


14.  Conference: “Rethinking Narratives of China and the Middle East – The Silk Roads and Beyond”, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 8-10 April 2021


15.  International Quṭb al-Dīn al-Shīrāzī Symposium, Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Sivas, 20-22 May 2021


16.  International Conference: "Musical Sources and Theories from Ancient Greece to the Ottoman Period", Ruhr-University Bochum, 10-12 June 2021


17.  Maghreb Review and Maghreb Studies Association Conference: "Empires in the Middle East and the Maghreb: The Shaping of Hopes and Perspectives", Oxford, 13-14 September 2021


18.  27th International Congress of the German Middle East Studies Association (DAVO), Institute for Islamic Theology, University of Osnabrück, 16-18 September 2021


19.  Third NEHT Workshop on "Environmental Histories of the Ottoman and post-Ottoman World: The Anthropocene: From Empire to Nation-States", University of Vienna, 16-18 September 2021


20.  Conference: "Islamic and Jewish Studies around the Turn of the Twentieth Century: Ignaz Goldziher and his Correspondents", University of Göttingen, 12-13 November 2021


21.  3rd ANU Religion Conference: “Religion and Migration: Culture and Policy”, Australian National University, Canberra, December 2021





22.  Researcher in Political Science, University of Oslo


23.  Fellowships for Emerging Scholars to Explore African Narratives in UAE, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco


24.  Fellowships and Travel Grants of the American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE) for American Scholars


25.  Assistant Professor of Sociology, Ozyegin University, Turkey


26.  Associate or Assistant Director, American Center of Research, Amman


27.  Assistant Professor of 20th-century Global History and Politics with a Focus on Africa and/or the Middle East (Tenure-Track), Suffolk University, Boston


28.  Part-Time Lecturer in Middle Eastern Studies with a Focus on the History of Israel’s Foreign Relations, University of California, Los Angeles


29.  Postdoctoral Research Associate (12 Months) for Iran and the Persian Gulf Studies (19th - 21st Century), Center for Iran and Persian Gulf Studies, Princeton University


30.  Research Fellow, Division of Sociology, School of Social Science, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore





31.  Scholarships for Visiting the German Bundestag for Highly Motivated Graduates from the Arab Region, Berlin, 1-30 September 2021


32.  Bourse d’aide à la mobilité doctorale au CEFAS (Koweit)


33.  Formation en ligne en philologie numérique pour master, doctorat et recherche : "Étudier et publier les textes arabes avec le numérique", 7-9 décembre 2020


34.  Spring School: “Spoken Images of/in Islam: Languages and Translations in Texts and Images” by the Innovative Training Network “Mediating Islam in the Digital Age” (MIDA) and the European Network for Islamic Studies (ENIS), Università degli Studi di Catania, Sicily, 1-6 March 2021


35.  New International Peer-reviewed Journal "Misriqiyā " on African-Egyptian Studies


36.  Articles on MENA Migrants and Diasporas in 21st-Century Media for Special Issue of “Mashriq wa Mahjar: Journal of Middle East and North African Migration Studies”

37.  Articles on “Feminist Political Economy in the Arab Region” for a Special Issue of the Journal “Al-Raida”


38.  Articles on "Governing and Living Amid COVID-19 in the MENA" for Special Issue of the Jounal "Middle East Law and Governance"


39.  Articles on "Revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa" for Special Issue of "Oxford Middle East Review"


40.  Articles on "Theoretical an Experimental Issues in Arabic Linguistics" for Special Issue of "Al-Karmil: Studies in Arabic Language and Literature", Department of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Haifa


41.  Articles on Islam in the Widest Sense for Journal “Waikato Islamic Studies Review“, University of Waikato, New Zealand


42.  Articles for Edited Volume on “Christianity in Iraq at the Turn of Islam: History and Archaeology”


43.  Articles for Edited Volume on "Warfare in the Twentieth Century Europe: The Balkan Wars from the Ottoman Turkish Perspective"


44.  Articles for Edited Volume on "The Canaanite Movement - the 'Young Hebrews'"


45.  Chapters for Edited Volume on “Islamic Radicalisation in the Balkans after the Fall of Communism,” Balkan History Association


46.  Book Proposals for a New Academic Book Series: "Armenians in the Modern and Early Modern World" (I.B.Tauris)


47.  Online Accessible Correspondence of Ignaz Goldziher at the Hungarian Academy of Science


If you want to distribute an announcement via DAVO-Info-Service (about 1300 recipients) and EURAMES Info Service (more than 6000 recipients, only English and French announcements), please apply the usual format of the text with no more than 50 words and no attachment. Please send only the most important in-formation to davo@geo.uni-mainz.de and refer to further details with a link to the respective website or an email address.


Best regards,


Guenter Meyer, Centre for Research on the Arab World (CERAW), University of Mainz, in cooperation with the University of Sharjah





1.    ONLINE Roundtable Discussion on “Hagia Sophia’s Conversions: Reflections on the Political, Temporal, and Aesthetic Dimensions of Heritage,” Max Planck Research Group, “Empires of Memory: The Cultural Politics of Historicity in Former Habsburg and Ottoman Cities”, 10 November 2020, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm, CET


Panelists include Karen Barkey (University of California Berkeley), Axel Çorlu (Independent Scholar), Emily Neumeier (Temple University), Bissera Pentcheva (Stanford University), M. Hakan Yavuz (University of Utah).


For registration contact Cziesielsky@mmg.mpg.de





2.    ONLINE Webinar: “The Impact of Covid-19 on Conflicts in the Middle East: a Comparative Perspective“, Istituto Affari Internazionali, Roma, 12 November 2020, 11.00 - 13.00 CET


The webinar will explore the historical, economic and political dimensions of the impact of COVID-19 in the Middle East and North Africa. 6 authors, from the Middle East and Europe, will present 6 research studies covering Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine and the Persian Gulf.


Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSecUhL4betWX2371GrMVP__h2kDkQFge3O1ir-CddmiUEkFZw/viewform





3.    VISIOCONFÉRENCE "Journée d’étude internationale Sahara Occidental – Recherches en cours de doctorants et post-doctorants", L’Observatoire universitaire international OUISO, 12 novembre 2020, 14h à 19h30


Information et inscription : http://ouiso.recherche.parisdescartes.fr/fr/2020/10/07/journee-detude-internationale-visioconference-12-novembre/





4.    ONLINE Seminar "Posing Slaves for the Camera: Race and Memory in Khartoum, 1882", University of Arizona, 13 November 2020, 3 pm MST


This talk explores a series of photographs taken by a French photographer in Sudan in 1882. The photographs explore racial types for the "enlightenment" of the French government, yet reveal so much more about Khartoum society at a critical time in the city's history.


Information and registration: https://mesana.org/resources-and-opportunities/2020/11/05/posing-slaves-for-the-camera-race-and-memory-in-khartoum-1882





5.    ONLINE Webinar: "Women, Writing and the Iraqi Ba'thist State: Contending Discourses of Resistance and Collaboration", SOAS, University of London, 17 November 2020, 5.30pm-7.00pm GMT


Speaker: Hawraa Al-Hassan (University of Cambridge). This new book traces the turbulent history of Ba'thist discourses on women and state patronage of the novel, and explores various literary responses from a wide spectrum of Iraqi women writers. It attempts to show the correlation between 'progressive' discourses on women and the rise of a nationalist novel, both of which were used as markers of culture and progress by the State.


Information and registration: https://www.soas.ac.uk/smei/events/cme/17nov2020-women-writing-and-the-iraqi-bathist-state-contending-discourses-of-resistance-and-collabor.html





6.    ONLINE: "4th Annual Late Antique, Islamic, and Byzantine Studies Conference", University of Edinburgh, 19-21 November 2020


The conference focuses on disasters (natural, "manmade" or “supernatural”) that shape historical memory and our understanding of the past, concentrating on the problematic relations between catastrophes and memory in Late Antique, Islamic and Byzantine societies.


Information, program and registration: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/4th-annual-edinburgh-late-antique-islamic-and-byzantine-conference-tickets-117904135443





7.    ONLINE International Conference "The Green Mosque. Muslims in the Field of Tension between Fate and (Personal) Responsibility", Interdisciplinary Research Center on Islam and Muslims in Europe (IFIME), Sigmund Freud University, Vienna, 20-21 November 2020


The conference presents concepts and discursive approaches of different (Islamic) perspectives on climate justice, which have been developed and evaluated in different contexts. Results of a regional study on sustainability in mosque communities and on fears for the future in the context of the environmental crisis will also be presented.


Information, program and registration: https://www.sfu.ac.at/de/event/tagung-die-gruene-moschee-muslim_innen-im-spannungsfeld-zwischen-schicksal-und-eigen-verantwortung/





8.    ONLINE: Discussion on "Protest Cycles and Repression in Iran", Kevorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies, NYU, 24 November 2020, 12:30 pm Eastern Time


Peyman Jafari will moderate this conversation with Narges Bajoghli, Manata Hashemi, and M. Ali Kadviar on recent protests in Iran. They will reflect on the social makeup of the protests, nature of the grievances, and the State’s harsh repression of the protest movements. The panelists will also reflect on Iran's protests in relation to global protests and the rise of social justice in the region.


Information and registration: https://mesana.org/resources-and-opportunities/2020/11/04/a-panel-discussion-on-protest-cycles-and-repression-in-iran





9.    ONLINE: Annual Meeting of the “International Qur’anic Studies Association (IQSA 2020)“, Boston, MA, 30 November – 3 December and 7 – 10 December 2020


Program Units include: The Qur’an: Manuscripts and Textual Criticism; Linguistic, Literary, and Thematic Perspectives on the Qur`anic Corpus; The Societal Qur`an; Qur`anic Studies: Methodology and Hermeneutics; etc.


Information: https://iqsaweb.wordpress.com/call-for-papers-iqsa-annual-meeting-2020/





10.  ONLINE Conférence internationale « Islam et Pudeur », Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique, 3-4 décembre 2020


La conférence se centrera sur le thème de la pudeur (hayâ’) dans l’Islam, ses conceptions, ses réceptions et ses perceptions dans le monde musulman et le monde occidental. Comment comprendre les tensions majeures qui surviennent aujourd’hui sans une compréhension plus précise et mieux ancrée de la tradition islamique et de ses contextes?


Information et inscription: https://uclouvain.be/fr/instituts-recherche/rscs/cito-colloque-islam-et-pudeur.html





11.  ONLINE Lecture Series: "10 Years So-called Arab Spring - a Critical Perspective", Critical Students of Islamic and Arabic Studies (KIARA), University of Leipzig (Dates in 2021 to be Announced)


The main questions are: What happened in West Asia and North Africa 10 years ago? Which critical perspectives should be included? Every lecture in English, German or Arabic will last for 45 minutes followed by Q&A. It will take place once a month on Wednesdays at 7pm CET.


Deadline for abstracts: 1 December 2020. Information: https://kiaradiekritischen.files.wordpress.com/2020/11/call-for-participation-kiara.pdf





12.  ONLINE International Conference: "COVID-19 and ICT-Enabled Education", Ibn Zohr University, Morocco 3-4 February 2021


The conference aims to promote a national, regional and a global reflection on the future orientations of Education and the implications of the considerable acceleration of the digitization of education, especially during and after COVID-19.


Deadline for application: 30 November 2020. Information: https://www.facebook.com/ICT-Enabled-Education-107404544492866





13.  ONLINE Conference: “The Tudeh Party of Iran at 80: A Critical Re-Appraisal and Re-Evaluation”, School of History and Institute for Iranian Studies, University of St Andrews, Week Commencing 29 March 2021


This conference seeks to explore the various dimensions of the Tudeh Party from its inception in 1941 to the present era. It aspires to focus on both the party’s political evolution through decades of upheaval in Iran and exile in Europe, as well as the impact of the Tudeh on the Iranian arts, literature and cultural scenes.


Deadline for abstracts: 4 December 2020. Information: bit.ly/3iD8idy; Submission form: https://bit.ly/36dBTry; Contact: tudehconference2021@gmail.com





14.  Conference: “Rethinking Narratives of China and the Middle East – The Silk Roads and Beyond”, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 8-10 April 2021


Papers will examine the relationship between China and the Middle East, both ancient and modern, and incorporate additional regions, such as Europe, Central Asia, or South/Southeast Asia.


Information: https://ceas.sas.upenn.edu/news/call-papers-rethinking-narratives-china-and-middle-east





15.  International Quṭb al-Dīn al-Shīrāzī Symposium, Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Sivas, 20-22 May 2021


Topics include: • Linguistics • Logic • Tafsīr • Astronomy • Mathematics • Medicine • Geography • Philosophy • Illuminationism • Sufism • Kalām • Music • Ethics and Political Theory • Shīrāzī in Manuscripts and Book Culture Studies • Commentaries (Shurūḥ, ḥawāshī, taʻlīqāt) • Scholarly Networks and Ijāzatnāmas • Urban Studies; etc.


Information: http://kutbuddinsirazi.cumhuriyet.edu.tr/en/index.php




16.  International Conference: "Musical Sources and Theories from Ancient Greece to the Ottoman Period", Ruhr-University Bochum, 10-12 June 2021


Papers will focus on Arabic, Persian and Byzantine music theory, instruments and ways of transmission, with their roots in Ancient Greece and an outlook onto Ottoman and Safavid music. Call for Papers closed. Guests are welcome!


Information: https://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/orient/aktuelles/index.html





17.  Maghreb Review and Maghreb Studies Association Conference: "Empires in the Middle East and the Maghreb: The Shaping of Hopes and Perspectives", Oxford, 13-14 September 2021


Besides the European powers that established their colonial hegemony in the MENA region, the conference will also deal with the influence of countries, such as the United States of America and Germany, which extended their influence through diplomacy, financial and military aid, and education.


Deadline for abstracts: 30 April 2021. Information: https://networks.h-net.org/node/73374/announcements/6160235/empire-middle-east-and-maghreb-shaping-hopes-and-perspectives





18.  27th International Congress of the German Middle East Studies Association (DAVO), Institute for Islamic Theology, University of Osnabrück, 16-18 September 2021


It was originally planned that this international congress should take place in September 2020 in the Institute for Islamic Theology at the University of Osnabrück, chaired by Prof. Dr. Bülent Uçar. This event had to be postponed by one year due to the Covid-19 pandemic.


Deadline for abstracts: 15 June 2021.

Information: https://www.irp-cms.uni-osnabrueck.de/en/events/27th_international_davo_congress.html





19.  Third NEHT Workshop on "Environmental Histories of the Ottoman and post-Ottoman World: The Anthropocene: From Empire to Nation-States", University of Vienna, 16-18 September 2021


The workshop will discuss the ways of integrating the concept of the Anthropocene into the field of Ottoman/post-Ottoman environmental history. It will open a space for analysing the role of human activities in transforming the Ottoman/post-Ottoman landscapes in the age of the Anthropocene.


Deadline for abstracts: 1 January 2021.

Information: https://orientalistik.univie.ac.at/en/disciplines/turkish-studies/events/neht-2021/





20.  Conference: "Islamic and Jewish Studies around the Turn of the Twentieth Century: Ignaz Goldziher and his Correspondents", University of Göttingen, 12-13 November 2021


The conference will focus on the correspondence between Ignaz Goldziher and preserved in the Oriental Collection of the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, addressing aspects of the history of the discipline as seen through the letters. Papers examining specific aspects of Goldziher’s contributions to Islamic and Jewish studies from a wider history of science point of view are also welcome.


Deadline for abstracts: 31 January 2021. Information: https://albert.ias.edu/handle/20.500.12111/7927 and https://albert.ias.edu/bitstream/handle/20.500.12111/7927/Goldziher%20at%20100%20CALL%20FOR%20ABSTRACTS.pdf?sequence=3&isAllowed=y





21.  3rd ANU Religion Conference: “Religion and Migration: Culture and Policy”, Australian National University, Canberra, December 2021


Forms of human movement including global immigration, asylum-seeking, climate migration, and the internal migration accompanying mass urbanisation, have radically altered religious cultures around the world, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. The aim of this conference is to explore the various phenomena related to religion and migration; the political and social transitions impacting upon the transnational religiosity of contemporary communities.


Deadline for abstracts: 21 May 2021.

Information: https://hrc.cass.anu.edu.au/events/religion-and-migration-culture-and-policy-0







22.  Researcher in Political Science, University of Oslo


Qualification requirements: completed MA degree in political science or related social science discipline or PhD degree in political science; familiarity with Arabic text analysis and web scrapping packages or cognate software and/or competence in survey data analysis and knowledge of relevant surveys fielded in the MENA region; research proficiency in Arabic; etc.


Deadline for applications: 24 November 2020. Information: https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/CCG414/researcher-in-political-science





23.  Fellowships for Emerging Scholars to Explore African Narratives in UAE, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco


How view Africans themselves and how are they viewed by others? The research will be conducted across mainstream media, social media, popular culture, etc. Each scholar will be awarded up to $7000 to conduct their research. They will also have access to training, networking opportunities, mentorship and other resources.


Deadline for applications: 13 November 2020. Information: https://africanofilter.org/africa-no-filter-launches-the-emerging-scholars-fellowship-program-to-explore-evidence-based-narratives-about-africa/





24.  Fellowships and Travel Grants of the American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE) for American Scholars


Doctoral candidates, postdoctoral scholars, independent scholars and faculty in humanities and social science disciplines are invited to apply. ARCE provides fellows with funding, administrative support and practical, sound advice to ease access to museums, monuments, archaeological sites, research libraries, archives and collections.


Deadline for applications: 18 January 2021. Information: https://www.arce.org/fellowships





25.  Assistant Professor of Sociology, Ozyegin University, Turkey


Requirements: Ph.D. in sociology or related disciplines; active research agenda, a record of international peer-reviewed publications, and demonstrated excellence in teaching. The areas of specialization are flexible, but qualitative research experience on Turkey is an advantage.


Deadline for applications: 10 December 2020. Information: https://socioloxy.com/assistant-professor-position-in-sociology,i7627.html





26.  Associate or Assistant Director, American Center of Research, Amman


Requirements: post-graduate degree focusing on the Near or Middle Eastern region: a wide range of specialties are welcome, such as cultural anthropology, geography, sociology, history, political science, archaeology, ancient or modern languages, etc. A demonstrated capacity for management of complex projects is desired. Conversational Arabic is desired and native fluency in English is required.


Review of applications will begin on 14 November 2020. Information: https://acorjordan.org/news-and-events/now-hiring-associate-or-assistant-director/





27.  Assistant Professor of 20th-century Global History and Politics with a Focus on Africa and/or the Middle East (Tenure-Track), Suffolk University, Boston


Requirements: Ph.D. in History. Outstanding candidates in the final stage of doctoral studies are eligible for consideration but must have the degree in hand by 1 July 2021. Preferred applicants will have proven college/university teaching excellence and engagement with Public History.


Deadline for applications: 15 November 2020. Information: https://jobs.jobvite.com/suffolkuniversity/job/opIIdfwM





28.  Part-Time Lecturer in Middle Eastern Studies with a Focus on the History of Israel’s Foreign Relations, University of California, Los Angeles


The ideal candidate should have knowledge of the history of Israel's foreign relations and, more generally, of Israeli history and foreign policy. Applicants must have experience teaching at a university level, and have their PhD in Near Eastern Studies or related fields, in hand by July 2020.


Deadline for applications: 18 November 2020. Information: https://socioloxy.com/lecturer-in-middle-eastern-studies,i7609.html




29.  Postdoctoral Research Associate (12 Months) for Iran and the Persian Gulf Studies (19th - 21st Century), Center for Iran and Persian Gulf Studies, Princeton University


The goal of the program is to support outstanding scholars of Iran and the wider Persianate world at an early stage of their careers and thus to strengthen the field of Iranian and Persian Gulf Studies in the United States and abroad.


Deadline for applications: 18 December 2020.





Information: https://puwebp.princeton.edu/AcadHire/apply/application.xhtml?listingId=17821

30.  Research Fellow (Focus Qatar), Division of Sociology, School of Social Science, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


This position is part of the project ‘Does Citizenship Matter? Interrogating second-generation immigrant incorporation in Singapore and Qatar’. Requirements: PhD in Sociology or any other related field in the social sciences; rich skills and experience in quantitative and qualitative research methods; the successful candidate will be expected to conduct field research, interviews and focus groups in one of the following languages: Arabic, Urdu, Hindi or Malayalam; etc.


Information: https://ntu.wd3.myworkdayjobs.com/Careers/job/NTU-Main-Campus-Singapore/Research-Fellow--Sociology-Anthropology-Cultural-Studies-Politics-Middle-East-Studies-Migration-Studies-Urban-Studies-_R00004087-1







31.  Scholarships for Visiting the German Bundestag for Highly Motivated Graduates from the Arab Region, Berlin, 1-30 September 2021


The scholarship program is aimed at highly-qualified, committed, capable and talented young women and men from the Arab region who are interested in politics and wish to play an active role in shaping the democratic future of their country. Qualification: University degree, under the age of 35, good knowledge of German.


Deadline for applications: 15 November 2020.

Information: https://www.bundestag.de/en/europe/international/exchange/ips/arabian-250618





32.  Bourse d’aide à la mobilité doctorale au CEFAS (Koweit)


Aide pour les étudiant(e)s doctorant(e)s inscrit(e)s en thèse dans une université française, et qui effectuent leur recherche doctorale sur la région de la péninsule Arabique dans le domaine de l’archéologie et des sciences humaines et sociales. L’obtention de la bourse est conditionnée à l’inscription en thèse.


Date limite d’envoi des dossiers de candidature : 1 décembre 2020. Information: https://cefas.cnrs.fr/spip.php?article809&lang=fr





33.  Formation en ligne en philologie numérique pour master, doctorat et recherche : "Étudier et publier les textes arabes avec le numérique", 7-9 décembre 2020


Cette formation s’insère dans les actions du Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique « Moyen Orient et mondes musulmans », à la suite des propositions formulées dans le Livre blanc « Vers la science ouverte ? La transition numérique et la recherche sur le Moyen-Orient et les mondes musulmans en France ». L’objectif est de sensibiliser la communauté à ce qu’il est désormais coutume d’appeler la philologie numérique. Cette formation réunit des chercheur.e.s français.e.s et internationaux.


Information et inscription: https://philaranum.hypotheses.org/





34.  Spring School: “Spoken Images of/in Islam: Languages and Translations in Texts and Images” by the Innovative Training Network “Mediating Islam in the Digital Age” (MIDA) and the European Network for Islamic Studies (ENIS), Università degli Studi di Catania, Sicily, 1-6 March 2021


This school is to investigate the image–text relations in Muslim traditions by applying to different genres of images and texts and by thinking about how they are affected by translation or interpretation. It will bring together advanced academics and lecturers from different disciplines with doctoral and MA students to explore how the transfer of texts and images move from one culture to another in Muslim societies and beyond.


Deadline for application: 5 January 2020. Information: http://iismm.ehess.fr/docannexe/file/2147/call_springschool2021.pdf





35.  New International Peer-reviewed Journal "Misriqiyā " on African-Egyptian Studies


This journal publishes articles in the fields of anthropology, history, sociology, politics, geography, linguistics, literary and cultural studies and Basic Sciences. Miṣriqiyā is published in both print and online versions. It is published quarterly by the Faculty of Women, Ain Shams University, Cairo.


Submissions are accepted throughout the year. Information: https://misj.journals.ekb.eg/





36.  Articles on MENA Migrants and Diasporas in 21st-Century Media for Special Issue of “Mashriq wa Mahjar: Journal of Middle East and North African Migration Studies”


This special issue seeks scholarly contributions that engage with questions related to the main theme through analyses of representations in local, national, or transnational contexts, both in the Global North and South. We welcome topics including but not limited to examinations of otherness, statelessness, self-representation, cultural citizenship, diasporic activism, and aesthetics of representation.


Deadline for articles: 15 March 2021.

Information: https://lebanesestudies.ojs.chass.ncsu.edu/index.php/mashriq/announcement/view/23





37.  Articles on “Feminist Political Economy in the Arab Region” for a Special Issue of the Journal “Al-Raida”


This issue of Al-Raida asks what feminist political economy, or FPE, can contribute as a critical framework for analyzing, understanding, and challenging dominant socioeconomic and political systems in the Arab Region. With an emphasis on process, FPE examines the lived realities of social difference, and the constraints and pressures of the everyday under global capitalism.


Deadline for full-length article: 27 November 2020. Information: http://alraidajournal.com/index.php/ALRJ/announcement/view/5





38.  Articles on "Governing and Living Amid COVID-19 in the MENA" for Special Issue of the Jounal "Middle East Law and Governance"


This special issue will take a broad look at how the MENA – the state, governments, and societies of the region -- are governing and/or living amid COVID-19. It encourages papers from a wide range of disciplines and methodological approaches in the social sciences and humanities.


Deadline for manuscripts: 1 December 2020. Information: https://brill.com/view/journals/melg/melg-overview.xml?contents=editorialContent-17621





39.  Articles on "Revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa" for Special Issue of "Oxford Middle East Review"


We invite shorter briefs or position papers up to 2,000 words aimed at influencing contemporary debate or policy-making and articles up to 10,000 words that present original material from any discipline that engages critically with the Middle East and North Africa.


Deadline for abstracts: 27 November 2020. Information: https://omerjournal.com/current-call-for-papers/





40.  Articles on "Theoretical an Experimental Issues in Arabic Linguistics" for Special Issue of "Al-Karmil: Studies in Arabic Language and Literature", Department of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Haifa


Articles are invited on: Phonology and morphology; Grammar of Classical and Modern Standard Arabic; Semantics and pragmatics; Sociolinguistics; Psycholinguistics; Discourse analysis; Syntax of the Qurʾān, written in English or Arabic.


Deadline for submissions: 10 April 2021.

Information: http://alkarmil.haifa.ac.il/index.php/en/instruction-for-authors





41.  Articles on Islam in the Widest Sense for Journal “Waikato Islamic Studies Review“, University of Waikato, New Zealand


Submissions are invited on any topic or theme, including religion, philosophy, history, politics, sociology, culture, and law, within the broad field of studies on Islam and Muslim societies.


Information and past journals: https://www.waikato.ac.nz/fass/UWISG/review.shtml





42.  Articles for Edited Volume on “Christianity in Iraq at the Turn of Islam: History and Archaeology”


An international round table organized on 4 and 5 May 2019 at the University of Salahaddin (Erbil, Iraq) highlighted the interest for a collective work that will address the question of Christianity in Iraq at the turn of Islam. Les Presses de l’Ifpo is now calling for papers related to this theme. Convenors: Kinga Dévényi (Budapest), Sebastian Günther (Göttingen), Sabine Schmidtke (Princeton).


Deadline for articles in French, English or Arabic: 28 February 2021.

Information: https://www.ifporient.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Christianity_in_Iraq_at_the_turn_of_Islam_Call_for_Papers.pdf




43.  Articles for Edited Volume on "Warfare in the Twentieth Century Europe: The Balkan Wars from the Ottoman Turkish Perspective"


Topics include: Before the War: Ottoman General Staff, Defense Plans, Military Intelligence, Preparation and Mobilization. During the War: Ottoman Strategy of War, Armies in the Field, Military Intelligence, Battles, German Officers in Ottoman Army. After the War: The Armistices, Treaties, Casualties, Prisoners, Experi-ence of Ottoman Officers, War Finance, Memories of Soldiers, German Reactions after the War, etc.


Deadline for abstracts: 15 November 2020. Information: https://www.balkan-history.com/the-balkan-wars-from-the-ottoman-turkish-perspective/





44.  Articles for Edited Volume on "The Canaanite Movement - the 'Young Hebrews'"


This edited volume seeks to examine Canaanism and its effect on Israeli society, as well as on thinkers in adjacent countries, in historical, ideological-political, and artistic contexts.


Deadline for abstracts: 15 November 2020. Information: https://networks.h-net.org/node/8378/discussions/6548468/cfp-edited-volume-focusing-canaanite-movement-young-hebrews





45.  Chapters for Edited Volume on “Islamic Radicalisation in the Balkans after the Fall of Communism,” Balkan History Association


Academics from the following fields of research are invited to contribute: intelligence, political science, history, cultural anthropology, social anthropology, and history of religions to submit original studies in English on the proposed topic.


Deadline for abstracts: 31 December 2020. Information: https://www.balkan-history.com/cfp-islamic-radicalisation-in-the-balkans/





46.  Book Proposals for a New Academic Book Series: "Armenians in the Modern and Early Modern World" (I.B.Tauris)


The series welcomes proposals from scholars in Ottoman/Turkish Studies, Iranian Studies, Slavic Studies, Middle Eastern Studies, Mediterranean Studies, and disciplines of History, Political Science, Anthropology, Literature and Sociology, among others.


Information: https://mesana.org/resources-and-opportunities/2020/10/07/call-for-book-proposals-armenians-in-the-modern-and-early-modern-world





47.  Online Accessible Correspondence of Ignaz Goldziher at the Hungarian Academy of Science

When Ignaz Goldziher died in 1921, he left behind a corpus of scientific correspondence of over 13,000 letters from about 1,650 persons, in ten languages. This corpus is freely accessible in its entirety in digital form at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. It constitutes the single most important source informing about the history of Arabic, Jewish, and Islamic studies and cognate fields during Goldziher‘s time.


See https://konyvtar.mta.hu/index_en.php?name=v_3_2_1_goldziher and https://amirmideast.blogspot.com/2018/06/ignaz-goldziher-correspondence-archive.html?m=1


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